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National Survey on Medicaid Waiver Services

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Five Question National Survey Conducted by the Administration On Developmental Disabilities on Medicaid Waiver Services


Right now there is no entitlement to community services.

The Administration On Developmental Disabilities (ADD) which is a part of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) is conducting a National Survey. CMS directs the Federal Medicaid Waiver program which funds all waiver services for people with Intellectual Disabilities across the Country.

This is a tremendous opportunity to have your voices heard and potentially impact Federal Medicaid Waiver reform. We need to let ADD and CMS know your personal story and issues. We need to let them know how valuable community services and supports are to people and their families and that community supports and in home services must be available and offered to people when they need services.

We must bring to the attention of the Federal Government through this survey tragic consequences of people across the United States who are languishing on Waiting Lists without services and the important issue of the lack of portability of services which presently prohibits people and their families the opportunity to move their Medicaid Waiver funding from state to state if needed.

ADD is fielding a short 5 question survey now through the end of August. It should take less than 10 minutes to answer the questions. The Administration On Developmental Disabilities wants to use the ideas they collect from individuals with disabilities, their families, and the network of service providers and of the public in general to shape the direction of new services.

We are encouraging you to take the survey and send this message and the survey to your list serv and Twitter, post it on your Website

and Facebook and share with people on your social networking sites.

The more people who vote in the survey, the higher priority will be given by CMS/ADD to address the two critical issues of solving the Waiting List problem across the US and the Portability of Medicaid Services from state to state in addition to your personal issues.

We thank you for taking a few minutes of your time to fill out the survey and address the issues that are so critical to people and their families throughout the United States.


Nila Benito Florida Center for Inclusive Communities University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities University of South Florida 813/974-7875 www.flfcic.org

"Determine that the thing can and shall be done, and then we shall find the way." -Abraham Lincoln

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