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Re: Felling very low today

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HANG IN THERE! I know how tough it is, especially when nothing seems to help. Dont know if you are a spiritual or religious person, but praying helped me. I spent many sleepless nights doing just that.

You are not alone and we are all here to help.


Subject: Felling very low todayTo: VulvarDisorders Date: Sunday, November 23, 2008, 10:28 PM

Today I am feeling pretty low about myself. I was given Amitriptyline to try for my vulvodynia but it made me light headed and dizzy even on a small dose of 5mg. The doctor has just given me Nortriptyline to try as it has lower side effects the same thing has happened i spent all day in bed yesterday feeling very dizzy and sick. I had only taken 1 tablet of 10mg. Has anyone else had these problems? and what did you do ? I am currently starting biofeedback therapy as well. At the momment i feel like I am never going to be fixed and feel like wanting to crawl into a corner and just give up. I know that i cannot give up but i feel my relationship is very strained and not sure how much longer it will last. I have found that this group is really my only support at the momment. Thanks for lettting me vent my feelings.

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Thanks very much reading all these posts makes me feel a lot better


> From: raggiecleo

> Subject: Felling very low today

> To: VulvarDisorders

> Date: Sunday, November 23, 2008, 10:28 PM








> Today I am feeling pretty low about myself. I was given


> to try for my vulvodynia but it made me light headed and dizzy even


> a small dose of 5mg. The doctor has just given me Nortriptyline to


> as it has lower side effects the same thing has happened i spent


> day in bed yesterday feeling very dizzy and sick. I had only taken


> tablet of 10mg. Has anyone else had these problems? and what did


> do ? I am currently starting biofeedback therapy as well. At the

> momment i feel like I am never going to be fixed and feel like


> to crawl into a corner and just give up. I know that i cannot give


> but i feel my relationship is very strained and not sure how much

> longer it will last. I have found that this group is really my only

> support at the momment. Thanks for lettting me vent my feelings.


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Sweetie: Give the meds some time. I actually started mine on a friday so it wouldn't mess with my work week. After 3 days, I felt better. The nortriyptpline didn't work for me, but I know alot f women who had success with this drug. I'm still trying to find the right medication. I know it can get very frustrating and scary, but I am sure we will eventually find something that will work.


Subject: Felling very low todayTo: VulvarDisorders Date: Monday, November 24, 2008, 3:28 AM

Today I am feeling pretty low about myself. I was given Amitriptyline to try for my vulvodynia but it made me light headed and dizzy even on a small dose of 5mg. The doctor has just given me Nortriptyline to try as it has lower side effects the same thing has happened i spent all day in bed yesterday feeling very dizzy and sick. I had only taken 1 tablet of 10mg. Has anyone else had these problems? and what did you do ? I am currently starting biofeedback therapy as well. At the momment i feel like I am never going to be fixed and feel like wanting to crawl into a corner and just give up. I know that i cannot give up but i feel my relationship is very strained and not sure how much longer it will last. I have found that this group is really my only support at the momment. Thanks for lettting me vent my feelings.

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Hi There, I'm also feeling really lonely today. My boyfriend of two years broke up with me a few months ago. He used to be my main support system but now he doesn't want to stay in contact at all. I am having a difficult time trying to find ways to fill in that gap, I don't have very many friends. I actually went on a date with a man over the weekend. But I told him that I am only interested in friendship, partly because I'm afraid of being rejected by him when he finds out that I can't really have sex and partly because he is into recreational drugs, which I'm not really ok with. But now I am second guessing my decision not to go out with him again, I keep thinking what if he is the only guy who might accept me the way I am? He is really sweet and I got the feeling that he

would treat me good, but I don't really know that cause I barely know him. Anyways, I don't even know if this made any sense. I have been crying for like an hour, and I already went through one box of tissues. Sorry, I am not usually like this, I am just having a rotten day. Sorry for the long vent.....Thanks for listening!!!!

From: raggiecleo <jessica120585@ hotmail.com>Subject: Felling very low todayTo: VulvarDisorders@ yahoogroups. comDate: Monday, November 24, 2008, 3:28 AM

Today I am feeling pretty low about myself. I was given Amitriptyline to try for my vulvodynia but it made me light headed and dizzy even on a small dose of 5mg. The doctor has just given me Nortriptyline to try as it has lower side effects the same thing has happened i spent all day in bed yesterday feeling very dizzy and sick. I had only taken 1 tablet of 10mg. Has anyone else had these problems? and what did you do ? I am currently starting biofeedback therapy as well. At the momment i feel like I am never going to be fixed and feel like wanting to crawl into a corner and just give up. I know that i cannot give up but i feel my relationship is very strained and not sure how much longer it will last. I have found that this group is really my only support at the momment. Thanks for lettting me vent my feelings.

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Meg: go on the date with this man. you are honest and upfront. When I started dating my husband, he told me he was not interested in ever being married again. That was just fine with me. Well, we are married it will be nineteen years in July! Friendship is the best way to begin a relationship. If that is all it is, well everyone NEEDS friends! God Bless! let God be your main support system HE is always there ready and available and the SOURCE of every good thing! love, ML

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I'm so sorry that your boyfriend broke up with you. I had that happen a time or two and I remember how much it hurt. But hang in there.... good things can and do happen. I know this because I have vulvodynia and yeast issues, and I met wonderful man who looks past those. He loves me.... for better or worse. And we are being married this April.

BTW, I'm 53.... he's 11 years younger. See.... good things can happen at any time.

From: raggiecleo <jessica120585@ hotmail.com>Subject: Felling very low todayTo: VulvarDisorders@ yahoogroups. comDate: Monday, November 24, 2008, 3:28 AM

Today I am feeling pretty low about myself. I was given Amitriptyline to try for my vulvodynia but it made me light headed and dizzy even on a small dose of 5mg. The doctor has just given me Nortriptyline to try as it has lower side effects the same thing has happened i spent all day in bed yesterday feeling very dizzy and sick. I had only taken 1 tablet of 10mg. Has anyone else had these problems? and what did you do ? I am currently starting biofeedback therapy as well. At the momment i feel like I am never going to be fixed and feel like wanting to crawl into a corner and just give up. I know that i cannot give up but i feel my relationship is very strained and not sure how much longer it will last. I have found that this group is really my only support at the momment. Thanks for lettting me vent my


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Don't give up, it just takes time. I tried nortriptyline, I used the

liquid and started at a 2mg dose. I couldn't hack it. My doc put me

on an older school drug called doxepin. It also comes in a liquid so I

was able to microdose my way up to a decent dose. I did have some

weird side effects while upping the med but they went away.

Ask your doc for the liquid form. Starting out at 10mgs is a hell of a

dose if you are reacting to it.




> Today I am feeling pretty low about myself. I was given Amitriptyline

> to try for my vulvodynia but it made me light headed and dizzy even on

> a small dose of 5mg. The doctor has just given me Nortriptyline to try

> as it has lower side effects the same thing has happened i spent all

> day in bed yesterday feeling very dizzy and sick. I had only taken 1

> tablet of 10mg. Has anyone else had these problems? and what did you

> do ? I am currently starting biofeedback therapy as well. At the

> momment i feel like I am never going to be fixed and feel like wanting

> to crawl into a corner and just give up. I know that i cannot give up

> but i feel my relationship is very strained and not sure how much

> longer it will last. I have found that this group is really my only

> support at the momment. Thanks for lettting me vent my feelings.


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> From: raggiecleo jessica120585@...

> Subject: Felling very low today

> To: VulvarDisorders

> Date: Monday, November 24, 2008, 3:28 AM








> Today I am feeling pretty low about myself. I was given Amitriptyline

> to try for my vulvodynia but it made me light headed and dizzy even on

> a small dose of 5mg. The doctor has just given me Nortriptyline to try

> as it has lower side effects the same thing has happened i spent all

> day in bed yesterday feeling very dizzy and sick. I had only taken 1

> tablet of 10mg. Has anyone else had these problems? and what did you

> do ? I am currently starting biofeedback therapy as well. At the

> momment i feel like I am never going to be fixed and feel like wanting

> to crawl into a corner and just give up. I know that i cannot give up

> but i feel my relationship is very strained and not sure how much

> longer it will last. I have found that this group is really my only

> support at the momment. Thanks for lettting me vent my feelings.

Don''t give up. Those meds do take time to get into your system. i am

trying Amitiptyline again.. the first time the doc gave me too high a

dose and I was groggy, dry mouthed and just plain out of it all day.

This time I started at 5mg and increase it by the same doseage each day.

Tonight I will be taking 80mg. I must say this time around I am not

groggy and have limited dry mouth. However, I am constipated and have

gained weight on this med.

It is supposed to dull my nerve pain in my clitoris. Right now I am not

sure if it is working since my pain there is due to flares of my LP.

But many have said this med works well for them. YOur doc could always

change it to something that may work better. The first time around it

didn't seem to help at all.

If I felt as dizzy and sick as you do from it, I would stop. What mg.

are you taking?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Meg, I know where your coming from. My boyfriend and I have been together for over two years and our relationship has been spiraling downhill for several months. He lives with me and we are totally opposites, which in my case opposites DO NOT attract. I like to think of myself as loving, nurturing, compassionate and loyal which he isn't. These are very important qualities in my book and he is lacking them in a big way. I'm very depressed and unhappy and have been for a long time, I try to stay positive but its hard at times. On a brighter note, I'm adopting a male yorkie puppy in two weeks, I can't wait I'm so estactic, he'll give me unconditional love and won't talk back...hehe! You have to do things that'll make you happy and put yourself first. If you ever need someone to talk to feel free to e-mail me off the list.


Felling very low today

To: VulvarDisorders@ yahoogroups. com

Date: Monday, November 24, 2008, 3:28 AM

Today I am feeling pretty low about myself. I was given Amitriptyline

to try for my vulvodynia but it made me light headed and dizzy even on

a small dose of 5mg. The doctor has just given me Nortriptyline to try

as it has lower side effects the same thing has happened i spent all

day in bed yesterday feeling very dizzy and sick. I had only taken 1

tablet of 10mg. Has anyone else had these problems? and what did you

do ? I am currently starting biofeedback therapy as well. At the

momment i feel like I am never going to be fixed and feel like wanting

to crawl into a corner and just give up. I know that i cannot give up

but i feel my relationship is very strained and not sure how much

longer it will last. I have found that this group is really my only

support at the momment. Thanks for lettting me vent my feelings.

The weather's getting colder, but the movies are getting hotter. See Moviefone's holiday movie guide and get the Moviefone Toolbar today.

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I'm doing good thanks for asking and how are you feeling these days? I'm catching up on reading posts from two weeks, so please bare with me. The last I remember was your doctor advising you that you should have a hysterectomy and you were undecided about keeping your ovaries, what did you decide to do? Good luck with what ever you decide to do and keep me updated on your progress.

I'm still currently taking Elavil 10mg 1x a day at night and its working very well with little side effects. I take my pill at 7:00 p.m. and if I'm relaxing in my bed or on the couch, I'll fall asleep within an hours time. Other than that, I haven't gained any weight, which I was a bit concerned about, being that I've read posts on here that women were gaining weight. My PT is a slow process and I need to give 110% of myself to my recovery and I've not been doing that, I need to get back on track.

Happy Holidays to you and your family


Re: Felling very low today

Hey ,

It's good to see you post, how you are doing now? Are you progressing with your meds and PT? I sure hope so...hang in there...


The weather's getting colder, but the movies are getting hotter. See Moviefone's holiday movie guide and get the Moviefone Toolbar today.

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: and a MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and yours. hugs, ML

Chelle,I'm doing good thanks for asking and how are you feeling these days? I'm catching up on reading posts from two weeks, so please bare with me. The last I remember was your doctor advising you that you should have a hysterectomy and you were undecided about keeping your ovaries, what did you decide to do? Good luck with what ever you decide to do and keep me updated on your progress.I'm still currently taking Elavil 10mg 1x a day at night and its working very well with little side effects. I take my pill at 7:00 p.m. and if I'm relaxing in my bed or on the couch, I'll fall asleep within an hours time. Other than that, I haven't gained any weight, which I was a bit concerned about, being that I've read posts on here that women were gaining weight. My PT is a slow process and I need to give 110% of myself to my recovery and I've not been doing that, I need to get back on track. Happy Holidays to you and your family~~ Re: Felling very low today

Hey , It's good to see you post, how you are doing now? Are you progressing with your meds and PT? I sure hope so...hang in there...Chelle

The weather's getting colder, but the movies are getting hotter. See Moviefone's holiday movie guide and get the Moviefone Toolbar today.

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