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Re: pain meds and explainations

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> I just wanted to say it looks like alot of us here are trying

to explain why, when, and how we take our pain meds. I feel that

somehow some of us have got caught up in feeling guilty for having to

use a pain med no matter which one we are on. There are so many

people out there who DO abuse these meds, and take them for the high

not for the pain management, but I think all or most will agree that

the pain that comes with this disease and others like it are

unbearable and at times we would rather be put out to pasture like an

injured horse then go thru 1 more min, let alone day of pain. This

is when these meds help. Think of it, people who have been

diagnoised with cancer, tumors, and other terminal illnesses, are

using pain meds and much more than we are given and I don't blame

them, NO ONE should be in pain. Now if we were put on Hospice the

thought and theary is treat with comfort and care, and use whatever

it takes to make the person comfortable, not anxious, and

> without as much pain as possible. So just because we are not on

Hospice does not mean we do not need to take meds to alleveate our

pain, anxiety, and help to just function thru a day. And to those of

you who have small childeren and face these trials daily I have been

you only I was not diagnoised back then and had no medication to

help. Don't feel guilty when you have to lay down and rest when they

want to run you around in all different directions, I lived with so

much guilt because I looked back for so long and said I was a bad mom

as I could not do anything much with my kids, oh we did disneyland, I

got sick, 10.mins into it and hospitalized, and that seemed to be the

pattern, anytime I made a day trip deal I ended up sick, and with

some bizzare thing that put me in the hosp. We ended up joking when

traveling check out where the Hosp is here for mom! To all I

wish the best Sharon


Well, I for one do NOT feel one bit guilty or feel that I have to

justify to anyone why, what or when I take any type of medicine. And

from my perspective, most people are attempting to share information

about what helps them and what doesn't! As I was not fortunate

enough to be blessed with children, I seldom had to worry about

whether I would be able to do something with my niece. I have said

this before and I guess I will continue to say it, but when she was

about 5 or 6, I picked her up at her babysitter's, she reached up for

me to pick her up and suddenly realized " Oh, Aunt , you can't

hold me anymore! " Fortunately with her 3 daughters, I have seldom be

in a flare such as I might have when I saw her -- partly because I

could time my visits so that trips might be made at the last minute.

I have held all three of those girls and the oldest one gives me the

biggest hugs --- one time I couldn't even let my own mother do that

as my father had triggered a flare 15 minutes before. On the other

hand, I don't have to spend day in and day out with those girls, so I

don't know what it might be like on a full time basis. But I know

that I can hardly wait until we move back " home " at the end of June

and I can see the girls more often -- not sure how much time I will

have with the older two who used to fight over " she got to talk

longer, you can't hang-up yet! " The oldest is 16 and driving, the

middle one who fought for more time is 13 going on 14 so I am not

sure about how much time we will have together. And because for

years I could NOT understand the 8 year old, that relationship isn't

quite as close, although she surprises me when I am home visiting and

will go to her room and come back with something I might have given

her the previous year. Or as she told me last week, she knew the

package she got in the mail was from me because " You are the only one

who sends me things from High Lights! "

What seems to me to be happening is that more people are revealing

that they have fibro or are learning they have fibro because of the

change in the views of the medical community. Now if the DEA would

just back off on " over prescribing pain meds " we might finally get

the recogniziation we need.

And when I think of the things that people used to get when I was a

child that very seldom if ever occur, I am astound at what doctors,

pharma companies and others have done in just the 62 years I have

been living. Do you ever hear of anyone getting polio??? I don't

think you see many children with the scars from the measles, what

happened to whooping cough?

So in just my life time, science has come a long way and much faster

than it has ever moved in the past!!! My grandmother's heart attacks

would not have mean that she was housebound today as they did in the

1960's. Stroke patients get therapy and many recover almost

completely, so I have to believe the more people are aware of the

extent of those with fibromyalgia effect, the more work will be done

to find safe ways to treat us, if they can't cure the condition.

I know that some of you are close to me in age if not older and have

seen the amazing changes in medicine today. Some of the younger ones

perhaps don't realize the extent of what were death sentences up

until the last few decades of the 20th century. And we have more

ways to get the message out than ever before.

Ok! That's my soap box speech for the day!!!

I can't remember the name of the square in London where you used to

be able to go and stand on a box and talk and talk or preach, etc.

So if you wonder why I sign of about the soap box, that's where that

comes from.

And now I am off to bed!

Hopefully tomorrow, I will find one of my tiny blood pressure pills

that fell out of my hand as I was walking down the stairs; I heard it

hit step after step, but do not know where it stopped! Fortunately,

those can be refilled with out the whole mess of getting a sign

script from the doc, she can call them in and I think I have 10

months left on this script!

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