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Re: New Question***~

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Well the red knuckles could be a symptom of the psoriasis. Not too sure, but I

think it is related.

The pain in your hand could be carpal tunnel or ulnar nerve problem, perhaps.

I had some of those symptoms with mine. Did they test you for that? I understand

your fear of not being able to work. I think I would take it a day at a time and

moment by moment. Otherwise you might become oevrwhelmed. Some of the other

symptoms sound fibro related to me.

Hope I have helped.


Wgboi71 wrote:

Hello all,

I was wondering if i can get some opinions on a few things. I have

many questions i need REAL answers to so i turn to those that may be

able to relate.....

1..... The Very First time I went to see my Dr about all that was

going on, she noticed my Knuckles were dry and very chapped. I told

her they have been that way for months.... She said it was Psoriases

and its caused by stress. I thought it was just Dry skin.. Period!!

She gave me HALOBETOSOL PROPIONATE ointment which seems to be

working. Now I know many people have woken up in the morning with

their hands very tight, sore and hardly able to move them. But has

anyone experienced that- along with bright RED knuckles when they

woke up? I ask cause I did and it was just 2 of them (same hand)

These were the same knuckles my Dr Noticed to be dry a few weeks

ago.. Now after a few hours of me waking up it did dissipate and has

not happened since... So has anyone experienced this or similar?

2..... When all this started and I first seen my Primary care DO

following the accident in Dec, My reason for going to see a DR was

about a stiff neck with numbness and tingling in my arms. I also let

her know that i was Feeling tired and i just ached everywhere and

just felt tired and just Blah....! (KEEP IN MIND THAT I ALSO HAVE


1995) I always blamed that on my back issues along with every other

little pain I felt in my legs and back. She sent me have an MRI of my

Lumbar, Thorax and Cervical areas. The only thing that came Back was

DDD in my L5 area which I Knew and also in my Neck C6-C7 but no

herniations etc.. She then Sent me to Have blood work done to rule

out RA and everything else under sun.. I suggested to test for Lyme

as well as this can cause some of the Pains in my joints that i was

feeling.. All came back NORMAL.. She mentioned the possibility of

Fibro..... But I suggested a Pinched nerve as the reason for the arms

and everything else could be just from the Back. so to she sent me to

a Neurologist for an EMG of both my Arms because of the Numbness and

the Legs as a precaution since i did have pains down both legs Which

again i simply blamed for Sciatica from the Back. I spoke to the

Neurologist and he reviewed my MRI' etc... and performed the

EMG's..... and they were text book normal.. I was shocked as not

only were they normal in my arms but also in my legs. He said it's

not Sciatica and not a pinched nerve... I Believe it to be Fibro..

Now both he and my DO believe it and My Partner who is an Instruction

of Massage Therapy and healing science does as well. However there

is a part of that does not think so...

The reason is because at times I feel so much everywhere and most

times its not PAIN so to speak.... Yes pain but to me it's

mostly annoyance pain. What gets me is the pin ball effect i get of

pain.. They hurt! because it's like a burst of pain that is not

predictable in location, intensity nor the type of pain. whether it's

a prick, a hot poker, a pull of hairs on my legs or arms and the list

can go on with the types.. Is this because i built up SO MUCH

tolerance to pain over the years with my back??

There are times where I am sitting Still on the couch with minor jabs

in the legs and say HEY... At this moment i feel i can tolerate this

and go back to work and live my life not worrying about not being

able to pay my bills and go into debt! Then i move just a little and

get a shooting ache in my shoulder & forearm the another in the wrist

or the joints of my hand or even in the palm of my hand and It's

mainly my Right hand.

You see, I am right handed and work in Customer Service for a

Corporate Credit Card Co. There is a lot of typing involved (of

course its different at home because your on your time and you can

take a break whenever you need to.) At work i am basically tied to

the chair and Phone 8 hrs a day with a 30 min Lunch and 2- 15 min

Breaks taken when they tell me to not when i need to.. I take call

after call with not a moment to breathe in between. Your measured by

the amount of calls, the speed of the calls along with documenting

each call and it's all tied in to monthly bonus. In this line of work

there is no such thing as pause button if you want to keep your job.

I really need to get back to work but i am afraid........... Afraid

that i will not be able to do my job. This means i will not get my

bonus each month, i will never be able to get a promotion and get off

the damn phones.. I am on STD but that was just cut to 66% for pay

and soon will be LTD and thats 60% of pay.. I dont know if it will

be a mistake to return at this moment. Will these feelings i have

going on in my hands ever go away..?

I know there are many....so many that are far worse then I But I am

So frustrated it's not helping matters.....

Lordy.... I can go on and on with all my frustrations and concerns

because i have many more concerns with my job and also the MANY

HORRIBLE FAILED attempts to find a Rhuematologist to se me and

officially DX with Fibro but i will save that for another email/

rant...... see told you i can go on..

Sorry to bore you all

(Lansdale Pa)

I have a lot of things going on

( certainly not more then others from what i Read.. God Bless you!

> Christi, please remember I'm not that far from you. I don't go out

> much

> during the week as my car is illegal at the moment (needs inspection,

> can't afford it yet) but I'll risk it just say the word. I go to

> Waxahachie several times a week anyway mostly on weekends with the

> hubby

> but if I can afford it I'll be heading that way this week to visit my

> chiro. Most likely on Thursday but I'll go tomorrow if my pain is bad

> enough. They are on Water and Gibson, not sure how far you are from

> there.

> If you need some company just let me know and I'll swing by for a

> visit. Email me privately if you want my phone number.

> You are not alone!!!!


> Hugs,

> Melody


> Christi Randall wrote:

> > Been here.done that. and DO NOT WANT TO GO THERE AGAIN!

> >

> > Since I went into the hospital for back surgery on Feb I have slowly

> > been sliding into depression. My church has been wonderful in

> helping

> > with food, but NO and I mean NO ONE has come to visit me since I got

> > home. I feel like I have been cut off from civilization and am

> slowing

> > going down hill. I have not gotten out of bed today and was crying

> > earlier due to being lonely and depressed. I go back to the doctor

> > tomorrow for a check up and I am so hoping that he will release

> me to

> > go back to work as I do not know how much more of being trapped

> inside

> > all the time and alone. I am losing my mind. All I do is lay in bed

> > and watch tv. I really have no idea what or why I am writing here,

> > guess I am just trying to connect and figure out why I am so

> alone. I

> > need to go back to work so that I at least have people connection.

> > Thanks for listening/reading my ramblings.

> >

> > Christi in Waxahachie TX

> >



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I didn't have the swollen knuckles but I have every other symptom that

you do and it IS fibromyalgia. The trauma from your accident and

surgery could start this illness off. It could also be RSD (Reflex

Sympathetic Dystrophy) where the blood pools in your limbs. Do they

change colors like purple, blue,grey? I have a friend that has that.

She also has full body osteoporosis, MS, and Fibro. We have a radio

show that I would like to personally invite you to. I can't put the

link in here but you can email me at sanangelogirl@... for the

details. We have done two shows and have gotten some awesome feedback.

It's the best two hours you'd spend with two ladies who know it firsthand.

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, Jodi

- (No Nerve issues)

I Have already head the EMG " S that would test for any nerve related

issue like like carpel and they were all negative.

Jodi- Yes i am on Med's (lyrica, ultracet, provigil)

I was also in the EMS field do Kudos to you. Actually thats when the

back issue started is when a car ran a red light and Hit my Ambulance

almost flipping me over. Now today.. Another recent accident (minor,

just being rear-ended) brought on all the " Fibro " related issues..

Yes a Rhumotologit would be great but None would see me and i have

been refused by so many Dr's its SAD.. my issue is Motor Vehicle

accident related and because of that they all refuse to se me. I

suggested they put in under my personal insurance and was told that

my ins has record and the claim will be denied. Besides how do i not

mention that a MVA occured when its all tied so closely into my


> Well the red knuckles could be a symptom of the psoriasis. Not too

> sure, but I think it is related.

> The pain in your hand could be carpal tunnel or ulnar nerve

> problem, perhaps. I had some of those symptoms with mine. Did they

> test you for that? I understand your fear of not being able to

> work. I think I would take it a day at a time and moment by moment.

> Otherwise you might become oevrwhelmed. Some of the other symptoms

> sound fibro related to me.

> Hope I have helped.

> Hugs,



> Wgboi71 wrote:

> Hello all,


> I was wondering if i can get some opinions on a few things. I have

> many questions i need REAL answers to so i turn to those that may be

> able to relate.....


> 1..... The Very First time I went to see my Dr about all that was

> going on, she noticed my Knuckles were dry and very chapped. I told

> her they have been that way for months.... She said it was Psoriases

> and its caused by stress. I thought it was just Dry skin.. Period!!

> She gave me HALOBETOSOL PROPIONATE ointment which seems to be

> working. Now I know many people have woken up in the morning with

> their hands very tight, sore and hardly able to move them. But has

> anyone experienced that- along with bright RED knuckles when they

> woke up? I ask cause I did and it was just 2 of them (same hand)

> These were the same knuckles my Dr Noticed to be dry a few weeks

> ago.. Now after a few hours of me waking up it did dissipate and has

> not happened since... So has anyone experienced this or similar?


> 2..... When all this started and I first seen my Primary care DO

> following the accident in Dec, My reason for going to see a DR was

> about a stiff neck with numbness and tingling in my arms. I also let

> her know that i was Feeling tired and i just ached everywhere and

> just felt tired and just Blah....! (KEEP IN MIND THAT I ALSO HAVE


> 1995) I always blamed that on my back issues along with every other

> little pain I felt in my legs and back. She sent me have an MRI of my

> Lumbar, Thorax and Cervical areas. The only thing that came Back was

> DDD in my L5 area which I Knew and also in my Neck C6-C7 but no

> herniations etc.. She then Sent me to Have blood work done to rule

> out RA and everything else under sun.. I suggested to test for Lyme

> as well as this can cause some of the Pains in my joints that i was

> feeling.. All came back NORMAL.. She mentioned the possibility of

> Fibro..... But I suggested a Pinched nerve as the reason for the arms

> and everything else could be just from the Back. so to she sent me to

> a Neurologist for an EMG of both my Arms because of the Numbness and

> the Legs as a precaution since i did have pains down both legs Which

> again i simply blamed for Sciatica from the Back. I spoke to the

> Neurologist and he reviewed my MRI' etc... and performed the

> EMG's..... and they were text book normal.. I was shocked as not

> only were they normal in my arms but also in my legs. He said it's

> not Sciatica and not a pinched nerve... I Believe it to be Fibro..

> Now both he and my DO believe it and My Partner who is an Instruction

> of Massage Therapy and healing science does as well. However there

> is a part of that does not think so...


> The reason is because at times I feel so much everywhere and most

> times its not PAIN so to speak.... Yes pain but to me it's

> mostly annoyance pain. What gets me is the pin ball effect i get of

> pain.. They hurt! because it's like a burst of pain that is not

> predictable in location, intensity nor the type of pain. whether it's

> a prick, a hot poker, a pull of hairs on my legs or arms and the list

> can go on with the types.. Is this because i built up SO MUCH

> tolerance to pain over the years with my back??


> There are times where I am sitting Still on the couch with minor jabs

> in the legs and say HEY... At this moment i feel i can tolerate this

> and go back to work and live my life not worrying about not being

> able to pay my bills and go into debt! Then i move just a little and

> get a shooting ache in my shoulder & forearm the another in the wrist

> or the joints of my hand or even in the palm of my hand and It's

> mainly my Right hand.


> You see, I am right handed and work in Customer Service for a

> Corporate Credit Card Co. There is a lot of typing involved (of

> course its different at home because your on your time and you can

> take a break whenever you need to.) At work i am basically tied to

> the chair and Phone 8 hrs a day with a 30 min Lunch and 2- 15 min

> Breaks taken when they tell me to not when i need to.. I take call

> after call with not a moment to breathe in between. Your measured by

> the amount of calls, the speed of the calls along with documenting

> each call and it's all tied in to monthly bonus. In this line of work

> there is no such thing as pause button if you want to keep your job.


> I really need to get back to work but i am afraid........... Afraid

> that i will not be able to do my job. This means i will not get my

> bonus each month, i will never be able to get a promotion and get off

> the damn phones.. I am on STD but that was just cut to 66% for pay

> and soon will be LTD and thats 60% of pay.. I dont know if it will

> be a mistake to return at this moment. Will these feelings i have

> going on in my hands ever go away..?


> I know there are many....so many that are far worse then I But I am

> So frustrated it's not helping matters.....


> Lordy.... I can go on and on with all my frustrations and concerns

> because i have many more concerns with my job and also the MANY

> HORRIBLE FAILED attempts to find a Rhuematologist to se me and

> officially DX with Fibro but i will save that for another email/

> rant...... see told you i can go on..


> Sorry to bore you all



> (Lansdale Pa)


> I have a lot of things going on


> ( certainly not more then others from what i Read.. God Bless you!




> > Christi, please remember I'm not that far from you. I don't go out

> > much

> > during the week as my car is illegal at the moment (needs

> inspection,

> > can't afford it yet) but I'll risk it just say the word. I go to

> > Waxahachie several times a week anyway mostly on weekends with the

> > hubby

> > but if I can afford it I'll be heading that way this week to

> visit my

> > chiro. Most likely on Thursday but I'll go tomorrow if my pain is

> bad

> > enough. They are on Water and Gibson, not sure how far you are from

> > there.

> > If you need some company just let me know and I'll swing by for a

> > visit. Email me privately if you want my phone number.

> > You are not alone!!!!

> >

> > Hugs,

> > Melody

> >

> > Christi Randall wrote:

> > > Been here.done that. and DO NOT WANT TO GO THERE AGAIN!

> > >

> > > Since I went into the hospital for back surgery on Feb I have

> slowly

> > > been sliding into depression. My church has been wonderful in

> > helping

> > > with food, but NO and I mean NO ONE has come to visit me since

> I got

> > > home. I feel like I have been cut off from civilization and am

> > slowing

> > > going down hill. I have not gotten out of bed today and was crying

> > > earlier due to being lonely and depressed. I go back to the doctor

> > > tomorrow for a check up and I am so hoping that he will release

> > me to

> > > go back to work as I do not know how much more of being trapped

> > inside

> > > all the time and alone. I am losing my mind. All I do is lay in

> bed

> > > and watch tv. I really have no idea what or why I am writing here,

> > > guess I am just trying to connect and figure out why I am so

> > alone. I

> > > need to go back to work so that I at least have people connection.

> > > Thanks for listening/reading my ramblings.

> > >

> > > Christi in Waxahachie TX

> > >

> >

> >

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No- they do not Change colors by any-means and there were not swollen

just VERY Red.. It only happened once and it was just 2 knuckles on

my right hand..

> ,

> I didn't have the swollen knuckles but I have every other symptom that

> you do and it IS fibromyalgia. The trauma from your accident and

> surgery could start this illness off. It could also be RSD (Reflex

> Sympathetic Dystrophy) where the blood pools in your limbs. Do they

> change colors like purple, blue,grey? I have a friend that has that.

> She also has full body osteoporosis, MS, and Fibro. We have a radio

> show that I would like to personally invite you to. I can't put the

> link in here but you can email me at sanangelogirl@... for the

> details. We have done two shows and have gotten some awesome feedback.

> It's the best two hours you'd spend with two ladies who know it

> firsthand.




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