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question about high fevers but normal white blood count

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My husband has been on a high dose of antibiotics going on eight days.

He is still running a high fever fluxuating between 101-102.7 but never

going away. ( even after taking 1000 mg of acetaminophen). We did a

run to the emergency room over the weekend and were sent home. He had a

doctor appointment yesterday and they are not sure what is going on.

The fever was 102.2 at the office but his white blood count is normal so

they don't think he has an infection. He has a large stint that was put

in the first of October. We went in for a C T scan this morning. He

has no cold or any other illness but the fever is very bad at times, he

still has pain in his mid section and is very bloated and jandiced. The

doctors seem to be placing everything on his white blood count.

Has anyone else experienced this? Any ideas on a cause?

Also a thank you to Arne and Penny who answered our post Saturday.

We were sent to the ER by the office nurse after consulting with the on

call physican. We however incountered a ER physician unfamiliar with

PSC who said the fever was nothing to worry about and sent us home.

It's very frustrating at times.

Wife of Jerry PSC 2001, UC2004

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I have had many trips to ER for fevers (as have so many others here).

My white count is often high, but not always. Tylenol doesn't usually

impact my fevers in the least, although sometimes I will feel a

little better on it.

Many times I have apparently had cholangitis in the smaller bile

ducts that they have not been able to detect with any tests they have

done including ultrasounds, CT scans, MRIs, ERCPs (in the past) MRCPs

(now), white counts, blood cultures, etc. They have never been able

to say for sure that is was cholangitis, but by elimination decided

that is what it must have been.

Usually I am put on IV antibiotics for several days to several weeks.

I am post transplant, so now I am more susceptable to infections, but

I had cholangitis problems pre transplant also.

Hopefully others who are pretransplant can weigh in.

There have been a couple times they were thinking about sending me

home with a fever from ER. Those few times I had them call my liver

doctor and he set them straight.

Who ordered the antibiotics? If it was a family doctor and you

haven't seen a hepatologist on this, I would.

I would not take a persistent fever lightly.

Keep after them until they take this seriously or provide a clear and

plausible explanation of why it is not something do be concerned

about. Even so, they should want to keep close tabs on him. If they

won't do any of these things to your satisfaction, find someone who


Hope that helps... I am praying for you.


PSC/UC 96, Tx 02, rePSC 04

original message

> My husband has been on a high dose of antibiotics going on eight

days. He is still running a high fever fluxuating between 101-102.7

but never going away. ( even after taking 1000 mg of

acetaminophen). We did a run to the emergency room over the weekend

and were sent home. He had a doctor appointment yesterday and they

are not sure what is going on. The fever was 102.2 at the office but

his white blood count is normal so they don't think he has an

infection. He has a large stint that was put in the first of

October. We went in for a C T scan this morning. He has no cold or

any other illness but the fever is very bad at times, he still has

pain in his mid section and is very bloated and jandiced. The doctors

seem to be placing everything on his white blood count. Has anyone

else experienced this? Any ideas on a cause?

Also a thank you to Arne and Penny who answered our post Saturday.

We were sent to the ER by the office nurse after consulting with the

on call physican. We however incountered a ER physician unfamiliar

with PSC who said the fever was nothing to worry about and sent us

home. It's very frustrating at times.

> Wife of Jerry PSC 2001, UC2004


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i am wondering what your husbands nrmal level is with his white count?

my daughter usually has a white count of 1.2 which for a normal person

is very low.the last time she had cholangitis her white count went up

to 2.4 this was a significant increase for her.her hepatologist told me

not to be concerned about the white count , but to watch the

neutrophils. these are more indicative of an infection in some one with

advanced liver disease.hope your hubby feels better soon chris

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