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thanks for the update hun. sounds like you have alot to deal with. I will keep

you in my thoughts and prayers.


Kristy Sokoloski wrote:

Hi all,

I just wanted to drop a note to give an update on me because

it's been a while since I've posted.

I've had a few issues with my fibro over the past few weeks as

far as intense flares because of the way the weather has been

acting up as far as the rain aspect although we need it.

My mom has also given me the go ahead to start tending to some

of my other health issues now that she's doing better from her

surgery and also doing well with the treatment choice that she

feels is best for her.

So, with that said I got the results of an MRI ordered by my

Pain Management doctor that I had done in Jan. The results

showed that I have some mild scoliosis and also some bulging

discs. My Pain Management doctor also noticed that my right leg

is shorter than my left leg and mentioned about putting a lift

on my right foot (in my shoe of course) and had a hard time

finding what she was talking about only to find out that what

she was trying to say is not in stores and done by podiatrists

and orthopedic surgeons (although I found something along the

line of a lift at a foot store in the other town). But I

decided that I needed to talk to a podiatrist because the man at

the foot store said to see about trying to get a measurement so

that then when I come back they can try and help me find what I


So went to talk to a podiatrist's office about this (the doctor

I asked about was one that I took my grandma too when she was

still alive) to see if they could measure my legs especially the

right one to see just how short it is.

The other thing is that my Pain Management doctor feels that the

pain I have on my left side around my hip area is related to the

right shortened leg but we'll see. The reason I say that is

because I made an appt with the podiatrist for last week. And

it turns out I have more problems with my right foot than I

thought. This ties in to issues that goes back to problems that

have occurred since childhood especially that of a tight

achilles tendon. He said that I will eventually need to have

the surgery again to release it because it is so tight but not

now. He's got me trying to stretch it and it has not been easy.

Also, told me about my right big toe going back a bit and that

they can fix that surgically. Also, that they can lengthen my

right leg.

So I go back for follow-up in 2 weeks because we are going to

talk about the issue of orthotics which he said my insurance

will cover so that's good (it's something for the shoes). I've

made a decision on the issue of the toe and the leg surgery

possibilities. I made a decision about that within a few days

after the visit and the answer is no. The reason is because

neither hurt. He did tell me that eventually I will have pain

(when I told him about that I have no pain from this shortened

leg), but based on something I read the other day he may be

right if this pain I'm having around my female area that I think

is due to my other gyn issues are not related to that so will

ask the podiatrist about that too when I see him in 2 weeks.

I have an appt set up with the ear, nose, and throat doctor to

check up on my sinus issues to see if anything needs to be done

surgically to the nasal area because I have what they call a

deviated septum (a part of the nose that when it goes crooked

can create problems with the sinuses for example) so that I

don't keep having a lot of issues with my sinuses.

And also get all this tended to before Spring really starts

because I have such a horrible time with Spring when it comes to

my allergies.

I also need to start working on getting in to see a specialist

about my bladder to make sure I don't have a condition called

Interstitial Cystitis, a specialist about my bowel including to

get rid of a hemorrhoid I have, and finally if necessary

(depending on if I can get my gyn to do the test instead) an

endocrinologist to see if I have something more going on with my

pituitary gland because of issues with my thyroid tests but we

need to check a hormone that relates to the pituitary gland

called prolactin.

On the 25th I see the ENT, then on the 26th my rheumatologist

for follow-up and I'm going to see if I can get him to agree to

do another bone scan (not the same as a density scan which came

back normal, had it done again because of a screen of my bone

that I did at the Women's show that was held here in Oct)

because it's been over 10 years since the last one so that we

can see just what is going on with my arthritis since I'm

noticing issues still in my left arm (and no it doesn't have to

do with the typing because I've kept an eye on this for a while)

in addition to my other issues.

Then on the 29th I have an appt with one of my other doctors.

I also had an ultrasound done a couple weeks ago because I told

my gyn office I felt something new as far as a mass and the

result came back showing I have a cyst on my right ovary. This

thing is called a simple cyst. I have a follow-up ultrasound on

April 3rd to see if this thing dissolves on its own. If not

then we'll go from there. I may have to see my doctor before

then because I'm noticing symptoms that may indicate an

infection because of the smell of the discharge when it occurs.

We'll see about that next week if that's necessary.

Other than all this I'm hanging in there as I continue to try

and put myself together as far as all the pieces of my puzzle

together as far as my silly body.

I will keep you all posted as to how this all turns out.

Have a good day everyone,

Kristy :)




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1. While it is wonderful to share our experiences with everyone on the list as

to what treatments do and don't work for us, pls always check with your dr. Some

treatments are dangerous when given along with other meds as well as to certain

health conditions or just dangerous in general.

2. If you are in a difficult situation (doesn't matter what it is) pls don't be

afraid to ask for help. It is the first step to trying to make that situation


3. To unsubscribe the e-mail is:


4. Also, it is not uncommon for more than one member to be feeling bad at the

same time when it comes to flares and b/c of that potentially take something

another member says the wrong way. And that includes the things that one member

may find funny (even if it's laughing at fibro itself) even though we who deal

with illness whether one such as fibro or multiple illnesses try to keep a sense

of humor.

5. Pls let's be gentle with each other, and if you are having a bad day pls let

us know so that we can do our best to offer our support.

Have a nice day everyone.

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Yes, Kristy, what said. I've gotten behind on my emails again.

Jeanne in WI

thanks for the update hun. sounds like you have alot to deal with. I will keep

you in my thoughts and prayers.


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