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Broward: Bakugan Game Day Survey from the Autism Society

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----- Forwarded Message ----From: "Shhoaglund@..." Shhoaglund@...

If you have a child between the ages of 6 and 16 perhaps you have heard of the Bakugan TV Show, Card - Action Figure Game.

The Autism Society of Broward is trying to determine if there is interest in having a Bakugan Free Play Event on a weekend morning.

This will not be a tournament, rather an opportunity for the kids to share a common interest, socialize, improve social skills, and have some fun.

It will be free and held a public meeting room in a location in Broward.

So please take the 1 question, 1 minute survey and let us know if you might be interested.

Please click on the link to take the survey.

No passwords, no sign ups.

http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/RC5DKD9Autism Society Broward

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