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In a message dated 2/23/2008 3:27:01 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,

dirkfan2@... writes:


1.Swelling of the hands, ankles and feet is that part of the fibromyalgia?

2.Does the swelling ever go away?

3.Do you ever get to where you live a normal life?

4.Is anyone else taking that much lyrica?

5.Does anyone else experience the mucsle twitches?

1. The swelling to a certain extent can be normal with the fibro, but from

what I hear it is very common with the Lyrica.

2. If the swelling is due to water retention, you could ask the dr. to put

you on a diuretic to help it.

3. Normal for each of us with fibro is different and it can change from

time to time.

4. I am not on Lyrica, but am going to look into getting on it when I

finally get to see a dr. on the 5th.

5. I get the twitches, but for me, it is due to RLS, which I have in my

legs and arms and I'm on Xanax and Quinine for that.

I hope that for this time in the morning, I have been able to help you a

little bit. It's almost 5 am here.

Love and gentle hugs,

Debi/Central Cal.-55


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**************Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.



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In a message dated 2/23/2008 5:15:29 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,

dirkfan2@... writes:

These were highly toxic chemicals!! Sometimes odors would linger in our

community. I wonder if that may have caused this? Has there been any research


chemical exposure and this illness? And how common is it to have several

people from a community of just a couple of hundred have the same illness?

Is there a link here? Just a thought. I know I am rambling but I have been up

since 4am and it is now 7:15am Texas Time! I just wonder about that!!!

Thanks for your response!!!

Debra B

Gladewater, Texas

Right now there has not been enough research to be able to pinpoint what

does trigger fibro, but the toxic chemicals that you had to live with, sure

could be a key agent, especially since others in your community now have it.


I were you, I would contact someone from CDC and pose that question to them.

It's now 5:25 for me and I'm still hacking away. I wish the Nyquil would

hurry and kick in.

Love and gentle hugs,

Debi/Central Cal.-55


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Spam, unwanted mail, and even viruses.

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**************Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.



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Hey Guys! I haven't posted in several months and so many things have been going

on with me I don't even know where to begin.

I am still struggling with Fibromyalgia everyday and it seems to be getting

worse. My last appointment with my doctor didn't go well at all. My weight had

increased therefore he increased my lyrica. I now take 450mg in the morning and

450mg at night. Is anyone else taking that much during one day?

Since June of last year I have gained 85lbs. This was weight that I had worked

hard on losing and now it's back with a couple of extra pounds. I am so

depressed over this. There are more bad days than good now and I don't see any

light at the end of this dark tunnel. My feet, ankles and hands have begun to

swell no matter what I do or don't do. I don't have the energy to do anything

anymore. It scares me to death.

My husband has begun to write down and leave me only the bills that need to be

paid since my memory is so bad now. It's like I am a child and he has to tell me

what to do. It makes me sad! I can't remember words when I am talking and that

is so frustrating for me. I forget to do things, so before I go to bed at night

my husband helps me with a list of things that I need to get done the next day.

I stuggle each and everyday with so many things now...will this ever get better?

Do you have to get worse to get better? Am I over medicated? Does anyone have

any answers for me?

It's like my whole world has just stopped with this illness. Before this hit me

I was 1 1/2 years away from a teaching degree. That was my goal, that was my

passion! Now, I don't know if I will ever reach that goal. I think about all the

paperwork, grading, conference, being on your feet and preparing class work and

right now I know that my body could not handle that tall demand. So, why did

this happen to me? What causes this illness? Sometimes I get so angry, I am not

sure at who or what, but I am just angry! Angry that I can't go and do. Angry

because I was not able to keep my job. Angry because I was not able to continue

my education. Angry because I may never be able to help teach a child to think a

different way to see a different way to solve problems or to see the world as a

good place. Angry because I may not be able to do things that I want to do with

my precious 3 month old grand daughter.

I guess I sound bitter. I think maybe today I am!! I don't sleep well at night.

I have cramps in my legs. I have twitches all over my body. My feet, ankles and

handles are swollen. I hurt all over. My back hurts from a herniated disc. I

have pain in my neck from 2 herniated disc. I have headaches each day. And my

pain management doctor just seems to want to experiement with me. I am not a


So, here I sit drinking coffee and writing to thoughts hoping that will help

ease them from my mind. I have been up since 4am. Everyone is sleeping, even the

dogs! ha!! After my 12 weeks of FMLA ran out I was terminated from my job, but

before that happened I was able to get on my long term disability that luckily I

had signed up for. Once it went into long term they have a company that applies

for SS and I am awaiting notification from them regarding their decision. I

don't want the governments money! I want to be rid of this horrible illness and

back in school and working full time. I want my life back!!!

You know, you don't realize how many people depend on you until you get sick and

you don't really know who your true friends are until something like this

happens. I use to have a bunch of friends that I hung out with and just had girl

time. But now I have only 2 that call to check on me, come over to visit or call

to see if I want to ride to town with them. These 2 also on occassion will bring

over dinner for me. Those are true friends!!


1.Swelling of the hands, ankles and feet is that part of the fibromyalgia?

2.Does the swelling ever go away?

3.Do you ever get to where you live a normal life?

4.Is anyone else taking that much lyrica?

5.Does anyone else experience the mucsle twitches?

I guess that is all for now. For those who have read this I thank you!!!!

Debra Bunt

Gladewater, Texas



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know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.


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Yes it does help and thank you! I am on a fluid pill and have been way before I

was diagnoised with Fibro but the swelling seems to have gotten worse the past

few weeks. I have watched my intake of sodium and I don't drink cokes. It's

water or tea please! ha! I have really stuggled this week. I have been looking

at different websites this morning trying to find some answers on this illness.

I recently got back in touch with a class mate from 25 years ago and she also

has Fibro. Which brings me to this question. I know no one really knows what

triggers Fibro, but as we were growing up we lived just a few miles from a plant

that injected chemicals into the ground which was later shut down due to

enviromental hazzards and protest from our community. These were highly toxic

chemicals!! Sometimes odors would linger in our community. I wonder if that may

have caused this? Has there been any research on chemical exposure and this

illness? And how common is it to have several

people from a community of just a couple of hundred have the same illness? Is

there a link here? Just a thought. I know I am rambling but I have been up since

4am and it is now 7:15am Texas Time! I just wonder about that!!!

Thanks for your response!!!

Debra B

Gladewater, Texas

DebiAC012553@... wrote:

In a message dated 2/23/2008 3:27:01 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,

dirkfan2@... writes:


1.Swelling of the hands, ankles and feet is that part of the fibromyalgia?

2.Does the swelling ever go away?

3.Do you ever get to where you live a normal life?

4.Is anyone else taking that much lyrica?

5.Does anyone else experience the mucsle twitches?

1. The swelling to a certain extent can be normal with the fibro, but from

what I hear it is very common with the Lyrica.

2. If the swelling is due to water retention, you could ask the dr. to put

you on a diuretic to help it.

3. Normal for each of us with fibro is different and it can change from

time to time.

4. I am not on Lyrica, but am going to look into getting on it when I

finally get to see a dr. on the 5th.

5. I get the twitches, but for me, it is due to RLS, which I have in my

legs and arms and I'm on Xanax and Quinine for that.

I hope that for this time in the morning, I have been able to help you a

little bit. It's almost 5 am here.

Love and gentle hugs,

Debi/Central Cal.-55


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Spam, unwanted mail, and even viruses.

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**************Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.



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Hi Debra, I'm sorry you are going through so much right now. I

really believe that 900mg of Lyrica a day is too much, what was the

dose before your doc increased it? I think a couple of the side

effects are swelling and weight gain, also the increased brain fog

could be part of that too, maybe you should see about getting a

second opinion. You don't say what other meds you are on besides the

Lyrica, drugs do interact with each other and it could be a

combination of meds causing problems. I know that I'm a little

clearer since stopping anti-D's.

I think that swelling and muscle twitches are symptoms of fibro

but they both can be made worse by some meds we take, so you really

need another doc who can just focus on the meds you're taking and

decide if you are over-medicated. I think a lot of docs get

frustrated that they can't " cure " us and so start throwing meds at

us to take, not taking into account all of the possible interactions

that could mess up our bodies worse then we already are.

Can we ever live normal life's? Well first we would have to be

able to define normal and I don't think that is possible because

everyone has a different definition of normal, I've always said

there is no such think as normal and everyone who has ever met me

would say I'm far from normal, LoL!

Right now I'm in the process of getting a different life, I'm

leaving my husband and moving cross country to live with my mom. I

hate that I'm leaving my kids behind but they are grown and I have

build good relationships with them, I've been a good mom. On the

other hand, I didn't have a good relationship with my mom when I was

growing up but she has apologized for the wrongs she did to me and I

have forgiven her, she wants to build a good relationship with me

just as much as I do and we really can't do that with a thousand

miles between us. I think that this move is best for me because it

will get me away from the stress I have here at home and give me

access to better medical care, I really want to get away from mainly

drug treatment and try a more natural route of care. Will my life

become normal? I really don't know but I'm hoping I can find myself

again(fibro has taken so much away from me) and become a happier

person, I want to regain the energy and interest to do the things

that made me happy before fibro hit me.

I hope you are able to get it all straightened out, it's a hard

thing to do but you just have to keep at your docs about the meds

you take because it's your body and you have the right to tell them

when you think your treatment is doing you more harm then good(take

someone with you to appts so you have backup). It can be hard to

find the right combination but it can be done and let them know that

you don't want to be used as a guinea pig. It's also very important

that your different docs communicate with each other so they know

exactly what medications are being prescribed and if you have any

doubts about interactions ask your pharmacist(only use one pharmacy

for all your meds) they have more knowledge on this subject then

most docs do. Good luck to you and I hope you find a solution to

your ongoing problems. Sorry so long! Hugs, .


> Hey Guys! I haven't posted in several months and so many things

have been going on with me I don't even know where to begin.


> I am still struggling with Fibromyalgia everyday and it seems to

be getting worse. My last appointment with my doctor didn't go well

at all. My weight had increased therefore he increased my lyrica. I

now take 450mg in the morning and 450mg at night. Is anyone else

taking that much during one day?


> Since June of last year I have gained 85lbs. This was weight that

I had worked hard on losing and now it's back with a couple of extra

pounds. I am so depressed over this. There are more bad days than

good now and I don't see any light at the end of this dark tunnel.

My feet, ankles and hands have begun to swell no matter what I do or

don't do. I don't have the energy to do anything anymore. It scares

me to death.


> My husband has begun to write down and leave me only the bills

that need to be paid since my memory is so bad now. It's like I am a

child and he has to tell me what to do. It makes me sad! I can't

remember words when I am talking and that is so frustrating for me.

I forget to do things, so before I go to bed at night my husband

helps me with a list of things that I need to get done the next day.

I struggle each and everyday with so many things now...will this

ever get better? Do you have to get worse to get better? Am I over

medicated? Does anyone have any answers for me?


> It's like my whole world has just stopped with this illness.

Before this hit me I was 1 1/2 years away from a teaching degree.

That was my goal, that was my passion! Now, I don't know if I will

ever reach that goal. I think about all the paperwork, grading,

conference, being on your feet and preparing class work and right

now I know that my body could not handle that tall demand. So, why

did this happen to me? What causes this illness? Sometimes I get so

angry, I am not sure at who or what, but I am just angry! Angry that

I can't go and do. Angry because I was not able to keep my job.

Angry because I was not able to continue my education. Angry because

I may never be able to help teach a child to think a different way

to see a different way to solve problems or to see the world as a

good place. Angry because I may not be able to do things that I want

to do with my precious 3 month old grand daughter.


> I guess I sound bitter. I think maybe today I am!! I don't sleep

well at night. I have cramps in my legs. I have twitches all over my

body. My feet, ankles and handles are swollen. I hurt all over. My

back hurts from a herniated disc. I have pain in my neck from 2

herniated disc. I have headaches each day. And my pain management

doctor just seems to want to experiment with me. I am not a



> So, here I sit drinking coffee and writing to thoughts hoping that

will help ease them from my mind. I have been up since 4am. Everyone

is sleeping, even the dogs! ha!! After my 12 weeks of FMLA ran out I

was terminated from my job, but before that happened I was able to

get on my long term disability that luckily I had signed up for.

Once it went into long term they have a company that applies for SS

and I am awaiting notification from them regarding their decision. I

don't want the governments money! I want to be rid of this horrible

illness and back in school and working full time. I want my life



> You know, you don't realize how many people depend on you until

you get sick and you don't really know who your true friends are

until something like this happens. I use to have a bunch of friends

that I hung out with and just had girl time. But now I have only 2

that call to check on me, come over to visit or call to see if I

want to ride to town with them. These 2 also on occasion will bring

over dinner for me. Those are true friends!!


> Okay!!

> 1.Swelling of the hands, ankles and feet is that part of the


> 2.Does the swelling ever go away?

> 3.Do you ever get to where you live a normal life?

> 4.Is anyone else taking that much lyrica?

> 5.Does anyone else experience the muscle twitches?


> I guess that is all for now. For those who have read this I thank



> Debra Bunt

> Gladewater, Texas






> Be a better friend, newshound, and

> know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.





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I think I will do that! It could be something that may help others as well.

Girl!! If I took Nyquil I would be passed out in the floor by now! I know how

you feel. I am in Texas and have been up since 4am and it's now

7:30am....keeping on typing girl...I'm listening!

Debra B

Gladewater, Texas

DebiAC012553@... wrote:

In a message dated 2/23/2008 5:15:29 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,

dirkfan2@... writes:

These were highly toxic chemicals!! Sometimes odors would linger in our

community. I wonder if that may have caused this? Has there been any research on

chemical exposure and this illness? And how common is it to have several

people from a community of just a couple of hundred have the same illness?

Is there a link here? Just a thought. I know I am rambling but I have been up

since 4am and it is now 7:15am Texas Time! I just wonder about that!!!

Thanks for your response!!!

Debra B

Gladewater, Texas

Right now there has not been enough research to be able to pinpoint what

does trigger fibro, but the toxic chemicals that you had to live with, sure

could be a key agent, especially since others in your community now have it. If

I were you, I would contact someone from CDC and pose that question to them.

It's now 5:25 for me and I'm still hacking away. I wish the Nyquil would

hurry and kick in.

Love and gentle hugs,

Debi/Central Cal.-55


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protect your friends from email address harvesters which can lead to more

Spam, unwanted mail, and even viruses.

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**************Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.



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My Rheumy has let me know that swelling is NOT part of fibro. You

really need to tell your doc that the Lyrica is not working. I was

allergic to it. 900 mg of any drug is a lot. I'm definately not a doc.

I have been where you are today and got stuck there for 4 1/2 years

before we found a combo that works for me. I had to quit my job as a

CNA because I was so wobbly and could not lift the heavy patients. It

was also a very stressful job. I don't see any reason why you should

give up your dreams!!!! There ARE people with fibro that are living

amazing and productive lives. I'm still in the health and wellness

field. I'm a health consultant and home based business owners. This

summer, I am taking an online course at nights to get a Marketing

certification. In the near future, I am also determined to be a

personal and business life coach. I've learned the hard way that:

1. Thoughts turn into Actions

2. Actions turn into Habits

3. Habits create your life.

It all starts in the mind. Lyrica made me to where I couldn't remember

anything either. It was very scary. It also made my chest spasm while

driving, sleeping, etc. My muscles started jerking more violently. The

muscle twinges, spasms are part of Fibro. I'm taking 100 mg of Elavil

(at bedtime for depression, anxiety, and the spasms)and 750 mg of

Robaxin (muscle relaxant, thank God for generics) every 6 hours. I am

a new woman inside and out today. Do you take any kind of dietary

supplements? I have found that drinking 3 tsp. of Aloe Vera juice in

my OJ, apple juice, mixed berry, any kind of flavored water or juice

every morning has reduced my symptoms too. Aloe Vera is a natural

healing agent and has been scientifically proven to reduce

inflammation in your body. I also take a woman's multivitamin, Calcium

with Vitamin D, Fish Oil, vitamin C, Potassium, Magnesium (in my

multivitamin. I also drink lots of water, there are some awesome

inexpensive flavored mix you can add to the water so you get flavor. I

eat way more fruits and veggies. I eat fish at least once a week. I

also have switched my house hold cleaning products over to

Melaleuca's. That made a HUGE difference. My body is actually getting

better. I still need the meds but I'm active. I coach others with

business, and babysit. I am a very active woman. I am also a

international radio talk show co-host. There isn't anything you CAN'T

do. It might take us longer than others and that IS OKAY. You've got

to live. Some other things that have helped me is, meditation, yoga,

pilates, stretching, walking, music and prayer. I really do hope you

find what works for YOU. : )

May God shine his face upon you,


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I am sorry you are going though so much with this illness right now. The

swelling could be from the Lyrica, as this is a side effect. I only take 75 mg 3

x day. that is a high dosage. maybe why your memory is bad too, not just the

fibro.. Hope things improve for you soon.


debra bunt wrote:

Hey Guys! I haven't posted in several months and so many things have been

going on with me I don't even know where to begin.

I am still struggling with Fibromyalgia everyday and it seems to be getting

worse. My last appointment with my doctor didn't go well at all. My weight had

increased therefore he increased my lyrica. I now take 450mg in the morning and

450mg at night. Is anyone else taking that much during one day?

Since June of last year I have gained 85lbs. This was weight that I had worked

hard on losing and now it's back with a couple of extra pounds. I am so

depressed over this. There are more bad days than good now and I don't see any

light at the end of this dark tunnel. My feet, ankles and hands have begun to

swell no matter what I do or don't do. I don't have the energy to do anything

anymore. It scares me to death.

My husband has begun to write down and leave me only the bills that need to be

paid since my memory is so bad now. It's like I am a child and he has to tell me

what to do. It makes me sad! I can't remember words when I am talking and that

is so frustrating for me. I forget to do things, so before I go to bed at night

my husband helps me with a list of things that I need to get done the next day.

I stuggle each and everyday with so many things now...will this ever get better?

Do you have to get worse to get better? Am I over medicated? Does anyone have

any answers for me?

It's like my whole world has just stopped with this illness. Before this hit me

I was 1 1/2 years away from a teaching degree. That was my goal, that was my

passion! Now, I don't know if I will ever reach that goal. I think about all the

paperwork, grading, conference, being on your feet and preparing class work and

right now I know that my body could not handle that tall demand. So, why did

this happen to me? What causes this illness? Sometimes I get so angry, I am not

sure at who or what, but I am just angry! Angry that I can't go and do. Angry

because I was not able to keep my job. Angry because I was not able to continue

my education. Angry because I may never be able to help teach a child to think a

different way to see a different way to solve problems or to see the world as a

good place. Angry because I may not be able to do things that I want to do with

my precious 3 month old grand daughter.

I guess I sound bitter. I think maybe today I am!! I don't sleep well at night.

I have cramps in my legs. I have twitches all over my body. My feet, ankles and

handles are swollen. I hurt all over. My back hurts from a herniated disc. I

have pain in my neck from 2 herniated disc. I have headaches each day. And my

pain management doctor just seems to want to experiement with me. I am not a


So, here I sit drinking coffee and writing to thoughts hoping that will help

ease them from my mind. I have been up since 4am. Everyone is sleeping, even the

dogs! ha!! After my 12 weeks of FMLA ran out I was terminated from my job, but

before that happened I was able to get on my long term disability that luckily I

had signed up for. Once it went into long term they have a company that applies

for SS and I am awaiting notification from them regarding their decision. I

don't want the governments money! I want to be rid of this horrible illness and

back in school and working full time. I want my life back!!!

You know, you don't realize how many people depend on you until you get sick and

you don't really know who your true friends are until something like this

happens. I use to have a bunch of friends that I hung out with and just had girl

time. But now I have only 2 that call to check on me, come over to visit or call

to see if I want to ride to town with them. These 2 also on occassion will bring

over dinner for me. Those are true friends!!


1.Swelling of the hands, ankles and feet is that part of the fibromyalgia?

2.Does the swelling ever go away?

3.Do you ever get to where you live a normal life?

4.Is anyone else taking that much lyrica?

5.Does anyone else experience the mucsle twitches?

I guess that is all for now. For those who have read this I thank you!!!!

Debra Bunt

Gladewater, Texas



Be a better friend, newshound, and

know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.


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That sounds like an awful lot of lyrica!!!! My rh told me when he started me on

a low dose of 75mg that if needed we could go all the way up to 450mg a day. On

my dosing and info sheet, you should call your doc immediately if you have

swelling of hands and feet. And if you try to go off of lyrica it should be

done gradually. You need to call your doc or get a second opinion. Sounds like

this med could be making you a complete zombie. Please call your dr.



I am sorry you are going though so much with this illness right now. The

swelling could be from the Lyrica, as this is a side effect. I only take 75 mg 3

x day. that is a high dosage. maybe why your memory is bad too, not just the

fibro.. Hope things improve for you soon.


debra bunt wrote:

Hey Guys! I haven't posted in several months and so many things have been going

on with me I don't even know where to begin.

I am still struggling with Fibromyalgia everyday and it seems to be getting

worse. My last appointment with my doctor didn't go well at all. My weight had

increased therefore he increased my lyrica. I now take 450mg in the morning and

450mg at night. Is anyone else taking that much during one day?

Since June of last year I have gained 85lbs. This was weight that I had worked

hard on losing and now it's back with a couple of extra pounds. I am so

depressed over this. There are more bad days than good now and I don't see any

light at the end of this dark tunnel. My feet, ankles and hands have begun to

swell no matter what I do or don't do. I don't have the energy to do anything

anymore. It scares me to death.

My husband has begun to write down and leave me only the bills that need to be

paid since my memory is so bad now. It's like I am a child and he has to tell me

what to do. It makes me sad! I can't remember words when I am talking and that

is so frustrating for me. I forget to do things, so before I go to bed at night

my husband helps me with a list of things that I need to get done the next day.

I stuggle each and everyday with so many things now...will this ever get better?

Do you have to get worse to get better? Am I over medicated? Does anyone have

any answers for me?

It's like my whole world has just stopped with this illness. Before this hit me

I was 1 1/2 years away from a teaching degree. That was my goal, that was my

passion! Now, I don't know if I will ever reach that goal. I think about all the

paperwork, grading, conference, being on your feet and preparing class work and

right now I know that my body could not handle that tall demand. So, why did

this happen to me? What causes this illness? Sometimes I get so angry, I am not

sure at who or what, but I am just angry! Angry that I can't go and do. Angry

because I was not able to keep my job. Angry because I was not able to continue

my education. Angry because I may never be able to help teach a child to think a

different way to see a different way to solve problems or to see the world as a

good place. Angry because I may not be able to do things that I want to do with

my precious 3 month old grand daughter.

I guess I sound bitter. I think maybe today I am!! I don't sleep well at night.

I have cramps in my legs. I have twitches all over my body. My feet, ankles and

handles are swollen. I hurt all over. My back hurts from a herniated disc. I

have pain in my neck from 2 herniated disc. I have headaches each day. And my

pain management doctor just seems to want to experiement with me. I am not a


So, here I sit drinking coffee and writing to thoughts hoping that will help

ease them from my mind. I have been up since 4am. Everyone is sleeping, even the

dogs! ha!! After my 12 weeks of FMLA ran out I was terminated from my job, but

before that happened I was able to get on my long term disability that luckily I

had signed up for. Once it went into long term they have a company that applies

for SS and I am awaiting notification from them regarding their decision. I

don't want the governments money! I want to be rid of this horrible illness and

back in school and working full time. I want my life back!!!

You know, you don't realize how many people depend on you until you get sick and

you don't really know who your true friends are until something like this

happens. I use to have a bunch of friends that I hung out with and just had girl

time. But now I have only 2 that call to check on me, come over to visit or call

to see if I want to ride to town with them. These 2 also on occassion will bring

over dinner for me. Those are true friends!!


1.Swelling of the hands, ankles and feet is that part of the fibromyalgia?

2.Does the swelling ever go away?

3.Do you ever get to where you live a normal life?

4.Is anyone else taking that much lyrica?

5.Does anyone else experience the mucsle twitches?

I guess that is all for now. For those who have read this I thank you!!!!

Debra Bunt

Gladewater, Texas



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know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.


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Hi Debra,

Nice to see your name here.

I'm sorry you've been having such a rough time.


haven't taken Lyrica so I'm no help there.

I have gained some weight since my dx with Fibromyalgia, but nothing to

compare to what you've gone through. I've gained some water weight from taking

Prednisone, which I hope to lose when I stop it in the middle of March, but

we'll see. I can see how discouraging loosing all of that weight and then

gaining it back must be. I gained some weight slowly over the years I've had it

and I chalk it up to the amount of exercise I get being drastically reduced over


I have swollen ankles and shins and it drives me crazy. I believe a lot of

people do, but I'm not sure. Mine are so swollen that the socks I've always

worn leave marks on my shins. My hands are swollen too. Within the last year

my rings have become tighter. But also sometimes my hands get hot and feel like

they are swollen, but when I check thery are not.

With Fibromyalgia your energy will decrease. It's a terrible symptom along

with the brain fog and pain. I fight fatigue everyday, whether my pain is

really bad or not. I think at this point in my life with fibro, which has been

going on a long time, my pain is under better control than the fatigue and brain

fog and lack of energy and motivation. Those things drive me crazy.

I forget words and even say the wrong ones in the middle of a sentence and not

realize they are wrong until the sentence is over. So I can't catch myself, I

just look foolish. My word probelms are even funny at times, because I will get

the correct first letter and maybe even the right number of syllables, but say

the wrong word entirely. Getting the first letter right is really funny when

I'm talking to someone. At least it's better than nothing right - right?

It's OK to be ANGRY! This disease has taken away our hopes and dreams, in

some cases - certainly in mine. We all wish we knew why we got it or how we got

it. Hopefully if researchers figure those out they will be able to find a cure

and even maybe a preventitive.

I wish I could tell you it will get better. But in my situation it has not.

One thing that has made me better though is moving through the stages of grief

over having this disease and reaching acceptance. I now use my energy to try to

do more of what I want to do instead of just fighting against it. It is here,

probably to stay, and once I could say that I changed entirely. My perception

changed not my reality of having the disease. If I have a particularly bad day

I may be angry, but basically I'm over being angry and just concentrate on the

things that I can do.

I don't expect that I can do more than I can do. I do what I can and then if

I have to rest I do.

I chose what I want to do, say have my grandchildren come over, and plan to

rest before they get here and know I will rebound afterward. It's a choice and

a trade off. Sort of like when we were young and we knew our parents would

punish us if we did this thing we shouldn't do, but we would contemplate and

decide whether the consequences were worth it or not. That's what I do every


I would love to be able to work. I loved my job. I try to think of solutions

to making money everday too.

I'm so sorry you have had to give up on your teaching degree.

I wish you much luck at tackling this beast,


debra bunt wrote:

Hey Guys! I haven't posted in several months and so many things have

been going on with me I don't even know where to begin.

I am still struggling with Fibromyalgia everyday and it seems to be getting

worse. My last appointment with my doctor didn't go well at all. My weight had

increased therefore he increased my lyrica. I now take 450mg in the morning and

450mg at night. Is anyone else taking that much during one day?

Since June of last year I have gained 85lbs. This was weight that I had worked

hard on losing and now it's back with a couple of extra pounds. I am so

depressed over this. There are more bad days than good now and I don't see any

light at the end of this dark tunnel. My feet, ankles and hands have begun to

swell no matter what I do or don't do. I don't have the energy to do anything

anymore. It scares me to death.

My husband has begun to write down and leave me only the bills that need to be

paid since my memory is so bad now. It's like I am a child and he has to tell me

what to do. It makes me sad! I can't remember words when I am talking and that

is so frustrating for me. I forget to do things, so before I go to bed at night

my husband helps me with a list of things that I need to get done the next day.

I stuggle each and everyday with so many things now...will this ever get better?

Do you have to get worse to get better? Am I over medicated? Does anyone have

any answers for me?

It's like my whole world has just stopped with this illness. Before this hit me

I was 1 1/2 years away from a teaching degree. That was my goal, that was my

passion! Now, I don't know if I will ever reach that goal. I think about all the

paperwork, grading, conference, being on your feet and preparing class work and

right now I know that my body could not handle that tall demand. So, why did

this happen to me? What causes this illness? Sometimes I get so angry, I am not

sure at who or what, but I am just angry! Angry that I can't go and do. Angry

because I was not able to keep my job. Angry because I was not able to continue

my education. Angry because I may never be able to help teach a child to think a

different way to see a different way to solve problems or to see the world as a

good place. Angry because I may not be able to do things that I want to do with

my precious 3 month old grand daughter.

I guess I sound bitter. I think maybe today I am!! I don't sleep well at night.

I have cramps in my legs. I have twitches all over my body. My feet, ankles and

handles are swollen. I hurt all over. My back hurts from a herniated disc. I

have pain in my neck from 2 herniated disc. I have headaches each day. And my

pain management doctor just seems to want to experiement with me. I am not a


So, here I sit drinking coffee and writing to thoughts hoping that will help

ease them from my mind. I have been up since 4am. Everyone is sleeping, even the

dogs! ha!! After my 12 weeks of FMLA ran out I was terminated from my job, but

before that happened I was able to get on my long term disability that luckily I

had signed up for. Once it went into long term they have a company that applies

for SS and I am awaiting notification from them regarding their decision. I

don't want the governments money! I want to be rid of this horrible illness and

back in school and working full time. I want my life back!!!

You know, you don't realize how many people depend on you until you get sick and

you don't really know who your true friends are until something like this

happens. I use to have a bunch of friends that I hung out with and just had girl

time. But now I have only 2 that call to check on me, come over to visit or call

to see if I want to ride to town with them. These 2 also on occassion will bring

over dinner for me. Those are true friends!!


1.Swelling of the hands, ankles and feet is that part of the fibromyalgia?

2.Does the swelling ever go away?

3.Do you ever get to where you live a normal life?

4.Is anyone else taking that much lyrica?

5.Does anyone else experience the mucsle twitches?

I guess that is all for now. For those who have read this I thank you!!!!

Debra Bunt

Gladewater, Texas


Be a better friend, newshound, and

know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.


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Oh no Now I am really afraid of this! I have to deside by Tuesday, I knoew there

is no magical drug for thid monster.


debra bunt wrote:

Hey Guys! I haven't posted in several months and so many things have

been going on with me I don't even know where to begin.

I am still struggling with Fibromyalgia everyday and it seems to be getting

worse. My last appointment with my doctor didn't go well at all. My weight had

increased therefore he increased my lyrica. I now take 450mg in the morning and

450mg at night. Is anyone else taking that much during one day?

Since June of last year I have gained 85lbs. This was weight that I had worked

hard on losing and now it's back with a couple of extra pounds. I am so

depressed over this. There are more bad days than good now and I don't see any

light at the end of this dark tunnel. My feet, ankles and hands have begun to

swell no matter what I do or don't do. I don't have the energy to do anything

anymore. It scares me to death.

My husband has begun to write down and leave me only the bills that need to be

paid since my memory is so bad now. It's like I am a child and he has to tell me

what to do. It makes me sad! I can't remember words when I am talking and that

is so frustrating for me. I forget to do things, so before I go to bed at night

my husband helps me with a list of things that I need to get done the next day.

I stuggle each and everyday with so many things now...will this ever get better?

Do you have to get worse to get better? Am I over medicated? Does anyone have

any answers for me?

It's like my whole world has just stopped with this illness. Before this hit me

I was 1 1/2 years away from a teaching degree. That was my goal, that was my

passion! Now, I don't know if I will ever reach that goal. I think about all the

paperwork, grading, conference, being on your feet and preparing class work and

right now I know that my body could not handle that tall demand. So, why did

this happen to me? What causes this illness? Sometimes I get so angry, I am not

sure at who or what, but I am just angry! Angry that I can't go and do. Angry

because I was not able to keep my job. Angry because I was not able to continue

my education. Angry because I may never be able to help teach a child to think a

different way to see a different way to solve problems or to see the world as a

good place. Angry because I may not be able to do things that I want to do with

my precious 3 month old grand daughter.

I guess I sound bitter. I think maybe today I am!! I don't sleep well at night.

I have cramps in my legs. I have twitches all over my body. My feet, ankles and

handles are swollen. I hurt all over. My back hurts from a herniated disc. I

have pain in my neck from 2 herniated disc. I have headaches each day. And my

pain management doctor just seems to want to experiement with me. I am not a


So, here I sit drinking coffee and writing to thoughts hoping that will help

ease them from my mind. I have been up since 4am. Everyone is sleeping, even the

dogs! ha!! After my 12 weeks of FMLA ran out I was terminated from my job, but

before that happened I was able to get on my long term disability that luckily I

had signed up for. Once it went into long term they have a company that applies

for SS and I am awaiting notification from them regarding their decision. I

don't want the governments money! I want to be rid of this horrible illness and

back in school and working full time. I want my life back!!!

You know, you don't realize how many people depend on you until you get sick and

you don't really know who your true friends are until something like this

happens. I use to have a bunch of friends that I hung out with and just had girl

time. But now I have only 2 that call to check on me, come over to visit or call

to see if I want to ride to town with them. These 2 also on occassion will bring

over dinner for me. Those are true friends!!


1.Swelling of the hands, ankles and feet is that part of the fibromyalgia?

2.Does the swelling ever go away?

3.Do you ever get to where you live a normal life?

4.Is anyone else taking that much lyrica?

5.Does anyone else experience the mucsle twitches?

I guess that is all for now. For those who have read this I thank you!!!!

Debra Bunt

Gladewater, Texas


Be a better friend, newshound, and

know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.


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Thanks! I just haven't heard of anyone taking this much and it scares me to

death! It seems to have made things worse! I will check with my Primary Care

Doctor on Monday and my Pain Management Doctor. The doctor that has me on this

is my Neurologist! It just seems that I am fighting a losing battle. It's just a

circle I keep going round and round in.


Jeanne and Dave wrote:

Hi Debra - Nice to hear from you. In my opinion, this is too high a

dosage of Lyrica. I think you should see another doctor for his/her opinion.

Take care.

Jeanne in WI

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All I can really say right now is WOW!! You nailed everything just right! I

sit here crying as I read your email and I am like how could I be so stupid?

Don't fight it! Don't concentrate on what is wrong, concentrate on what is


I know I need to make many changes in my life and I guess it's just a matter

of making myself get up and do it. I guess I keep thinking I will wake up one

day and this monster will be gone and everything will be right with the world


I was forced to leave a job that I loved! I worked as a security guard at our

local hospital and I also doubled as a police dispatcher for the same hospital.

I dispatched for 3 years before changing over to a guard. I did all this while

working hard for my teaching degree.

You have given me my inspiration Marti! Things are going to get better and I

am the only person that can make that happen!!! I am the only person that can

make me happy!!!! I need to do the things I want to do and live the day to the

fullest. I know there will be days that I may not be able to get out of bed.

Marti, Thank You So Much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Debra B

Gladewater, Texas

Marti Boguski wrote:

Hi Debra,

Nice to see your name here.

I'm sorry you've been having such a rough time.


haven't taken Lyrica so I'm no help there.

I have gained some weight since my dx with Fibromyalgia, but nothing to compare

to what you've gone through. I've gained some water weight from taking

Prednisone, which I hope to lose when I stop it in the middle of March, but

we'll see. I can see how discouraging loosing all of that weight and then

gaining it back must be. I gained some weight slowly over the years I've had it

and I chalk it up to the amount of exercise I get being drastically reduced over


I have swollen ankles and shins and it drives me crazy. I believe a lot of

people do, but I'm not sure. Mine are so swollen that the socks I've always worn

leave marks on my shins. My hands are swollen too. Within the last year my rings

have become tighter. But also sometimes my hands get hot and feel like they are

swollen, but when I check thery are not.

With Fibromyalgia your energy will decrease. It's a terrible symptom along with

the brain fog and pain. I fight fatigue everyday, whether my pain is really bad

or not. I think at this point in my life with fibro, which has been going on a

long time, my pain is under better control than the fatigue and brain fog and

lack of energy and motivation. Those things drive me crazy.

I forget words and even say the wrong ones in the middle of a sentence and not

realize they are wrong until the sentence is over. So I can't catch myself, I

just look foolish. My word probelms are even funny at times, because I will get

the correct first letter and maybe even the right number of syllables, but say

the wrong word entirely. Getting the first letter right is really funny when I'm

talking to someone. At least it's better than nothing right - right?

It's OK to be ANGRY! This disease has taken away our hopes and dreams, in some

cases - certainly in mine. We all wish we knew why we got it or how we got it.

Hopefully if researchers figure those out they will be able to find a cure and

even maybe a preventitive.

I wish I could tell you it will get better. But in my situation it has not.

One thing that has made me better though is moving through the stages of grief

over having this disease and reaching acceptance. I now use my energy to try to

do more of what I want to do instead of just fighting against it. It is here,

probably to stay, and once I could say that I changed entirely. My perception

changed not my reality of having the disease. If I have a particularly bad day I

may be angry, but basically I'm over being angry and just concentrate on the

things that I can do.

I don't expect that I can do more than I can do. I do what I can and then if I

have to rest I do.

I chose what I want to do, say have my grandchildren come over, and plan to rest

before they get here and know I will rebound afterward. It's a choice and a

trade off. Sort of like when we were young and we knew our parents would punish

us if we did this thing we shouldn't do, but we would contemplate and decide

whether the consequences were worth it or not. That's what I do every day.

I would love to be able to work. I loved my job. I try to think of solutions to

making money everday too.

I'm so sorry you have had to give up on your teaching degree.

I wish you much luck at tackling this beast,


debra bunt wrote:

Hey Guys! I haven't posted in several months and so many things have been going

on with me I don't even know where to begin.

I am still struggling with Fibromyalgia everyday and it seems to be getting

worse. My last appointment with my doctor didn't go well at all. My weight had

increased therefore he increased my lyrica. I now take 450mg in the morning and

450mg at night. Is anyone else taking that much during one day?

Since June of last year I have gained 85lbs. This was weight that I had worked

hard on losing and now it's back with a couple of extra pounds. I am so

depressed over this. There are more bad days than good now and I don't see any

light at the end of this dark tunnel. My feet, ankles and hands have begun to

swell no matter what I do or don't do. I don't have the energy to do anything

anymore. It scares me to death.

My husband has begun to write down and leave me only the bills that need to be

paid since my memory is so bad now. It's like I am a child and he has to tell me

what to do. It makes me sad! I can't remember words when I am talking and that

is so frustrating for me. I forget to do things, so before I go to bed at night

my husband helps me with a list of things that I need to get done the next day.

I stuggle each and everyday with so many things now...will this ever get better?

Do you have to get worse to get better? Am I over medicated? Does anyone have

any answers for me?

It's like my whole world has just stopped with this illness. Before this hit me

I was 1 1/2 years away from a teaching degree. That was my goal, that was my

passion! Now, I don't know if I will ever reach that goal. I think about all the

paperwork, grading, conference, being on your feet and preparing class work and

right now I know that my body could not handle that tall demand. So, why did

this happen to me? What causes this illness? Sometimes I get so angry, I am not

sure at who or what, but I am just angry! Angry that I can't go and do. Angry

because I was not able to keep my job. Angry because I was not able to continue

my education. Angry because I may never be able to help teach a child to think a

different way to see a different way to solve problems or to see the world as a

good place. Angry because I may not be able to do things that I want to do with

my precious 3 month old grand daughter.

I guess I sound bitter. I think maybe today I am!! I don't sleep well at night.

I have cramps in my legs. I have twitches all over my body. My feet, ankles and

handles are swollen. I hurt all over. My back hurts from a herniated disc. I

have pain in my neck from 2 herniated disc. I have headaches each day. And my

pain management doctor just seems to want to experiement with me. I am not a


So, here I sit drinking coffee and writing to thoughts hoping that will help

ease them from my mind. I have been up since 4am. Everyone is sleeping, even the

dogs! ha!! After my 12 weeks of FMLA ran out I was terminated from my job, but

before that happened I was able to get on my long term disability that luckily I

had signed up for. Once it went into long term they have a company that applies

for SS and I am awaiting notification from them regarding their decision. I

don't want the governments money! I want to be rid of this horrible illness and

back in school and working full time. I want my life back!!!

You know, you don't realize how many people depend on you until you get sick and

you don't really know who your true friends are until something like this

happens. I use to have a bunch of friends that I hung out with and just had girl

time. But now I have only 2 that call to check on me, come over to visit or call

to see if I want to ride to town with them. These 2 also on occassion will bring

over dinner for me. Those are true friends!!


1.Swelling of the hands, ankles and feet is that part of the fibromyalgia?

2.Does the swelling ever go away?

3.Do you ever get to where you live a normal life?

4.Is anyone else taking that much lyrica?

5.Does anyone else experience the mucsle twitches?

I guess that is all for now. For those who have read this I thank you!!!!

Debra Bunt

Gladewater, Texas


Be a better friend, newshound, and

know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.


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You are not the first person that has told me that and I am going to call first

thing on Monday! I was originally on 600mg of Lyrica a day and then my weight

increased so he increase my Lyrica to 900mg per day I take 3 150mg tablets in

the morning and 3 150mg tablets at night. He put me on topamax and said that

would help with my appetite it hasn't and I have had a headache since yesterday

and I am very prone to migraines. I am going to call him!! Thank you!!

Debra B

Gladewater, Texas

Judy Thurow wrote:

That sounds like an awful lot of lyrica!!!! My rh told me when he

started me on a low dose of 75mg that if needed we could go all the way up to

450mg a day. On my dosing and info sheet, you should call your doc immediately

if you have swelling of hands and feet. And if you try to go off of lyrica it

should be done gradually. You need to call your doc or get a second opinion.

Sounds like this med could be making you a complete zombie. Please call your dr.



I am sorry you are going though so much with this illness right now. The

swelling could be from the Lyrica, as this is a side effect. I only take 75 mg 3

x day. that is a high dosage. maybe why your memory is bad too, not just the

fibro.. Hope things improve for you soon.


debra bunt wrote:

Hey Guys! I haven't posted in several months and so many things have been going

on with me I don't even know where to begin.

I am still struggling with Fibromyalgia everyday and it seems to be getting

worse. My last appointment with my doctor didn't go well at all. My weight had

increased therefore he increased my lyrica. I now take 450mg in the morning and

450mg at night. Is anyone else taking that much during one day?

Since June of last year I have gained 85lbs. This was weight that I had worked

hard on losing and now it's back with a couple of extra pounds. I am so

depressed over this. There are more bad days than good now and I don't see any

light at the end of this dark tunnel. My feet, ankles and hands have begun to

swell no matter what I do or don't do. I don't have the energy to do anything

anymore. It scares me to death.

My husband has begun to write down and leave me only the bills that need to be

paid since my memory is so bad now. It's like I am a child and he has to tell me

what to do. It makes me sad! I can't remember words when I am talking and that

is so frustrating for me. I forget to do things, so before I go to bed at night

my husband helps me with a list of things that I need to get done the next day.

I stuggle each and everyday with so many things now...will this ever get better?

Do you have to get worse to get better? Am I over medicated? Does anyone have

any answers for me?

It's like my whole world has just stopped with this illness. Before this hit me

I was 1 1/2 years away from a teaching degree. That was my goal, that was my

passion! Now, I don't know if I will ever reach that goal. I think about all the

paperwork, grading, conference, being on your feet and preparing class work and

right now I know that my body could not handle that tall demand. So, why did

this happen to me? What causes this illness? Sometimes I get so angry, I am not

sure at who or what, but I am just angry! Angry that I can't go and do. Angry

because I was not able to keep my job. Angry because I was not able to continue

my education. Angry because I may never be able to help teach a child to think a

different way to see a different way to solve problems or to see the world as a

good place. Angry because I may not be able to do things that I want to do with

my precious 3 month old grand daughter.

I guess I sound bitter. I think maybe today I am!! I don't sleep well at night.

I have cramps in my legs. I have twitches all over my body. My feet, ankles and

handles are swollen. I hurt all over. My back hurts from a herniated disc. I

have pain in my neck from 2 herniated disc. I have headaches each day. And my

pain management doctor just seems to want to experiement with me. I am not a


So, here I sit drinking coffee and writing to thoughts hoping that will help

ease them from my mind. I have been up since 4am. Everyone is sleeping, even the

dogs! ha!! After my 12 weeks of FMLA ran out I was terminated from my job, but

before that happened I was able to get on my long term disability that luckily I

had signed up for. Once it went into long term they have a company that applies

for SS and I am awaiting notification from them regarding their decision. I

don't want the governments money! I want to be rid of this horrible illness and

back in school and working full time. I want my life back!!!

You know, you don't realize how many people depend on you until you get sick and

you don't really know who your true friends are until something like this

happens. I use to have a bunch of friends that I hung out with and just had girl

time. But now I have only 2 that call to check on me, come over to visit or call

to see if I want to ride to town with them. These 2 also on occassion will bring

over dinner for me. Those are true friends!!


1.Swelling of the hands, ankles and feet is that part of the fibromyalgia?

2.Does the swelling ever go away?

3.Do you ever get to where you live a normal life?

4.Is anyone else taking that much lyrica?

5.Does anyone else experience the mucsle twitches?

I guess that is all for now. For those who have read this I thank you!!!!

Debra Bunt

Gladewater, Texas


Be a better friend, newshound, and

know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.


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Hello all.. According to Pfizer.... the MFG Of Lyrica, 600 MG

" should " be the max to be prescribed daily..

Pretty sure i read this correctly.. http://www.pfizer.com/files/


- lansdale Pa

> You are not the first person that has told me that and I am going

> to call first thing on Monday! I was originally on 600mg of Lyrica

> a day and then my weight increased so he increase my Lyrica to

> 900mg per day I take 3 150mg tablets in the morning and 3 150mg

> tablets at night. He put me on topamax and said that would help

> with my appetite it hasn't and I have had a headache since

> yesterday and I am very prone to migraines. I am going to call

> him!! Thank you!!


> Debra B

> Gladewater, Texas


> Judy Thurow wrote:

> That sounds like an awful lot of lyrica!!!! My rh told me when he

> started me on a low dose of 75mg that if needed we could go all the

> way up to 450mg a day. On my dosing and info sheet, you should call

> your doc immediately if you have swelling of hands and feet. And if

> you try to go off of lyrica it should be done gradually. You need

> to call your doc or get a second opinion. Sounds like this med

> could be making you a complete zombie. Please call your dr.

> Judy/WI


> wrote:

> I am sorry you are going though so much with this illness right

> now. The swelling could be from the Lyrica, as this is a side

> effect. I only take 75 mg 3 x day. that is a high dosage. maybe why

> your memory is bad too, not just the fibro.. Hope things improve

> for you soon.

> Hugs,



> debra bunt wrote:

> Hey Guys! I haven't posted in several months and so many things

> have been going on with me I don't even know where to begin.


> I am still struggling with Fibromyalgia everyday and it seems to be

> getting worse. My last appointment with my doctor didn't go well at

> all. My weight had increased therefore he increased my lyrica. I

> now take 450mg in the morning and 450mg at night. Is anyone else

> taking that much during one day?


> Since June of last year I have gained 85lbs. This was weight that I

> had worked hard on losing and now it's back with a couple of extra

> pounds. I am so depressed over this. There are more bad days than

> good now and I don't see any light at the end of this dark tunnel.

> My feet, ankles and hands have begun to swell no matter what I do

> or don't do. I don't have the energy to do anything anymore. It

> scares me to death.


> My husband has begun to write down and leave me only the bills that

> need to be paid since my memory is so bad now. It's like I am a

> child and he has to tell me what to do. It makes me sad! I can't

> remember words when I am talking and that is so frustrating for me.

> I forget to do things, so before I go to bed at night my husband

> helps me with a list of things that I need to get done the next

> day. I stuggle each and everyday with so many things now...will

> this ever get better? Do you have to get worse to get better? Am I

> over medicated? Does anyone have any answers for me?


> It's like my whole world has just stopped with this illness. Before

> this hit me I was 1 1/2 years away from a teaching degree. That was

> my goal, that was my passion! Now, I don't know if I will ever

> reach that goal. I think about all the paperwork, grading,

> conference, being on your feet and preparing class work and right

> now I know that my body could not handle that tall demand. So, why

> did this happen to me? What causes this illness? Sometimes I get so

> angry, I am not sure at who or what, but I am just angry! Angry

> that I can't go and do. Angry because I was not able to keep my

> job. Angry because I was not able to continue my education. Angry

> because I may never be able to help teach a child to think a

> different way to see a different way to solve problems or to see

> the world as a good place. Angry because I may not be able to do

> things that I want to do with my precious 3 month old grand daughter.


> I guess I sound bitter. I think maybe today I am!! I don't sleep

> well at night. I have cramps in my legs. I have twitches all over

> my body. My feet, ankles and handles are swollen. I hurt all over.

> My back hurts from a herniated disc. I have pain in my neck from 2

> herniated disc. I have headaches each day. And my pain management

> doctor just seems to want to experiement with me. I am not a

> giunepig!!!


> So, here I sit drinking coffee and writing to thoughts hoping that

> will help ease them from my mind. I have been up since 4am.

> Everyone is sleeping, even the dogs! ha!! After my 12 weeks of FMLA

> ran out I was terminated from my job, but before that happened I

> was able to get on my long term disability that luckily I had

> signed up for. Once it went into long term they have a company that

> applies for SS and I am awaiting notification from them regarding

> their decision. I don't want the governments money! I want to be

> rid of this horrible illness and back in school and working full

> time. I want my life back!!!


> You know, you don't realize how many people depend on you until you

> get sick and you don't really know who your true friends are until

> something like this happens. I use to have a bunch of friends that

> I hung out with and just had girl time. But now I have only 2 that

> call to check on me, come over to visit or call to see if I want to

> ride to town with them. These 2 also on occassion will bring over

> dinner for me. Those are true friends!!


> Okay!!

> 1.Swelling of the hands, ankles and feet is that part of the

> fibromyalgia?

> 2.Does the swelling ever go away?

> 3.Do you ever get to where you live a normal life?

> 4.Is anyone else taking that much lyrica?

> 5.Does anyone else experience the mucsle twitches?


> I guess that is all for now. For those who have read this I thank

> you!!!!


> Debra Bunt

> Gladewater, Texas


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Debra - Call him or whoever is covering for him today! I would also recommend

going to www.drugs.com to check what that site has to say regarding your meds.

My non-medical opinion is that Topomax and Lyrica are both anti-seizure type

meds, and I'm not sure why you would/should be taking both. I'm concerned your

headache is a warning sign. Doctors are paid to be on call over the weekend.

Good luck.

Jeanne in WI

You are not the first person that has told me that and I am going to call

first thing on Monday! I was originally on 600mg of Lyrica a day and then my

weight increased so he increase my Lyrica to 900mg per day I take 3 150mg

tablets in the morning and 3 150mg tablets at night. He put me on topamax and

said that would help with my appetite it hasn't and I have had a headache since

yesterday and I am very prone to migraines. I am going to call him!! Thank you!!

Debra B

Gladewater, Texas

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