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Re: OMG Vicki

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Vicki- I feel for you. I to woke up today and my whole body inside is in

pain also, hurts to breathe also, I to feel sick or it, a bit worried why my

organs inside seem to be getting involved with the pain, or just is part of it,

for the first time, I think I have felt real depression, but since this morning

that part has subsided, but feel anxious for whatever unexplainable reasons. I

want u to know when my kid also have 3 I went through what you are, only I was

not diagnoised and it cost me thousands and thousands of dollars,as we had no

insurance and the days I felt really really bad, could not walk alone etc. I

would have to go to ER. Because they could never find anything, I use to think,

my poor kids, they have a mother that is nuts, in bed alot, and also had to help

themselves alot, play without me when they wanted me to, and where not able to

do school sports, as my husbands work kept him away and only home 1 overnight a

week, I was had no energy, felt awful,

and had so much pain most days it was all I could do to get meals, bathe them,

and the other necessities. I had no reason to explain to them as they got older

as to why I could not do much, you do, and you may not think they understand,

but don't feel bad, I think they know and just want you to feel better and as

long as they have you that I am sure that is good enough for them. Don't be so

hard on yourself, I was pretty much syptom free for 11yrs! and this just came

back starting with my back 4yrs.ago then full force within the last 11/2 yrs

when I was finally diagnoised, nothing I wanted to hear but new at least I was

not going insane. Keep your head up and on your bad days, just explain to the

children maybe each time you talk to them and explain to them though you may

look like your alright this illness hides, so people don't think your sick but

you really are and you need there help to help you feel better, I can remember

my son at about 6 bringing in a tray to my

bdrm with something he had put together for me to eat one day, and I can still

see his caring little face, telling me he thought I might be hungry. I use to

and still once in awhile look back and it breaks my heart that they had such a

sick mom growing up, but they were and still are awsome. Take Care and don't be

so hard on yourself on that. There will be days you can make up for the days you

could not do things for them.

Take Care

Try and hang in there, Vicki. It will pass.

Jeanne in WI

I just want to cry today, I haven't felt this bad in three years! I feel like it

is such an effort just to breathe today. I hurt so bad and I just want to cry I

am so frustrated! I have three girls to take care of. They are 11, 9, and 6. I

don't think that they really understand what is wrong with me and I feel like a

terrible mother on days like this because they have to pretty much fend for

themselves. I feel awful and just need a good cry but I think it will take too

much effort and energy. I hope everyone is feeling ok today. Gentle Hugs,


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Thank you so much for your kind words Jeanne. I am feeling a little

better today. I believe that the reason I flared up so bad in the

last few days is because my fiancee had a stroke on thursday and I

couldn't be with him and still haven't seen him. He lives about an

hour and a half from me (for now until we find a place together) and

I can't drive right now. He had some damage to the nerve connected

to his right eye and he doesn't see clearly so he has to get special

glasses before he can drive to come see me. A lot of stress in that

situation. Thanks again, Vicki

Take Care and don't be so hard on yourself on that. There will be

days you can make up for the days you could not do things for

them. Take Care



> Try and hang in there, Vicki. It will pass.

> Jeanne in WI


> I just want to cry today, I haven't felt this bad in three years!

I feel like it is such an effort just to breathe today. I hurt so

bad and I just want to cry I am so frustrated! I have three girls to

take care of. They are 11, 9, and 6. I don't think that they really

understand what is wrong with me and I feel like a terrible mother

on days like this because they have to pretty much fend for

themselves. I feel awful and just need a good cry but I think it

will take too much effort and energy. I hope everyone is feeling ok

today. Gentle Hugs,

> Vicki



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Well, Vicki, you poor thing. Of course your fiance having a stroke and you

can't be with him will make you feel worse than normal.

So, you're saying he only had some residual damage to his eye? That's a

blessing, I think, as many people suffer longer lasting and more traumatic side

effects from them. I'll pray that he gets his glasses soon and you can see him

in person. I'm sure it will help a lot to see with your own eyes that he is OK.

Jeanne in WI


Thank you so much for your kind words Jeanne. I am feeling a little better

today. I believe that the reason I flared up so bad in the last few days is

because my fiancee had a stroke on thursday and I couldn't be with him and still

haven't seen him. He lives about an

hour and a half from me (for now until we find a place together) and I can't

drive right now. He had some damage to the nerve connected to his right eye and

he doesn't see clearly so he has to get special glasses before he can drive to

come see me. A lot of stress in that situation. Thanks again, Vicki

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Hi Jeanne,

From what Dave(my fiancee) has told me the docs told him that the

problem with the nerve damage to his eye may clear up in 6 to 8

months. He told me that he has some drooping of his skin on the right

side also. He has been in between crying about it and sleeping a lot

since thursday. He is on an antidepressant that is knocking him out

everytime he takes it, which I think is really good right now. I am

very thankful that his mother is there to help him. The more I talk to

him the better he sounds. I just miss him so much and feel so bad that

we are apart when he needs me most. I haven't told him how terrible my

Fibro has been acting up in the last week because I don't want to give

him any reason to worry. I am so lucky to finally have someone in my

life that believes that there is something wrong with me and wants to

be there to help me when I am at my worst. If I told him how I'm

feeling he would definetely worry and he doesn't need that right now.

Thanks again for your kind words. Even though I haven't posted much in

a long while it is always comforting to know that I am not alone and I

can always vent to the most wonderful people, all my fibro friends in

this group. Gentle hugs to all, Vicki

> Well, Vicki, you poor thing. Of course your fiance having a stroke

and you can't be with him will make you feel worse than normal.

> So, you're saying he only had some residual damage to his eye?

That's a blessing, I think, as many people suffer longer lasting and

more traumatic side effects from them. I'll pray that he gets his

glasses soon and you can see him in person. I'm sure it will help a

lot to see with your own eyes that he is OK.

> Jeanne in WI



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