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About.com: What (Besides Vaccines) May Cause Autism?

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Autism / Spectrum Disorders

Autism / Spectrum Disorders

Is It Autism?

Life With Autism


From Jo Rudy, your Guide to Autism / Spectrum Disorders

Setting vaccines aside - just for a moment, please! - there are many other theories about what may cause autism spectrum disorders. Here are just a few.

Autism, Genetics and Spontaneous Mutation

Research finds that new, "spontaneous" mutations in genes are associated with many cases of autism. How can this finding help you and your children?

Can Wheat or Dairy Cause Autism?

Can wheat (gluten) or dairy (casein), or a combination of both, actually cause autism? Review the evidence.

Causes of Autism: Recent Findings

Recent research has turned up new information about genetics, brain structure, environmental issues and more. As scientists build consensus, they are closing in on possible causes and cures for autism.

Don't Worry - These Things Do NOT Cause Autism!

As parents hear more and more about autism in the news, they worry that anything they do (or don't do) could cause the disorder. In fact, while there is debate about what causes autism, it's clear that many things cannot cause autism.

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This newsletter is written by: Jo Rudy Autism / Spectrum Disorders Guide Email Me | My Blog | My Forum

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