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Re: To Judy/Sharon -humor Judy

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Judy that is funny, I wonder what your neighbors think, rolling around

outside, maybe practicing drop, and roll for a fire. LOL you could always say

that tell them your out of practice. Or the grass felt so good you could not

help but do what you see on old movies roll around in the meadow. I do think it

is best to laugh about it. I to have been in situations where I get myself into

thinking oh I can do that and no one around i know to help me get back. One time

crossing the street on my walk got a knee lock and could not move, there I was

in the middle of the road waiting to get unlocked to continue on a car started

coming so I tried to gracefully act like I was looking for something on the

ground and they were stopped waving me on, instead of going around which they

could of. So we were at a wave by stand-off until they finally went by looking

at me weird. Last wk my husband wheeled me out into the liv.rm from bed, with

the p.c chair and realized we had marked

up the newly redone the wood floors, all we could do was laugh after thinking

OH CRAP, he said he was going to have to get me a w/c. I said NO WAY, I have

crawled or slid myself around on a blanket on the floor her for a few days when

I could not walk. Oh the toture, and the ways we need to comprimise, with this

disease. I read last night on this site I found a woman who is using Rolfing as

a TX try in attempt to get her body out of pain. I googled it and read about it

had never heard of it have you? Take Care and I believe you will

have better days for all you do and deal with, God will give back. Let go and

let God is what my mom is always reminding me of, it has helped her since she

has practiced that as she has been dealt a plate full of health problems and

tradgedy. She keeps on going, I don't know how sometimes, her mother was that

way though. She gives in and rests when she needs to though I have not quite

gotten that yet.


Judy Thurow wrote: Thank you Sharon. I have alot on

my plate, but I still do ok. If things get to tough I let go and let God. I also

got a laugh about your tanning bed story. We have to be able to laugh at

ourselves, I know it helps me to find some humor in a situation. Like the time

last summer, I was flaring so bad from the humidity, but I love flower

gardening. So there I was on the ground with my hands in the dirt, so

theraputic, but when I finished and wanted to get up, I couldn't. I had nothing

to hang on to, so I started rolling on the grass to get to the nearest tree to

hang on. I'm in a condo association. So I was hoping know one saw this crazy

women rolling in the grass. When I think how I must of looked, I laugh.

I'm blessed also to have a best friend with many disabilities. So she

understands.............we can laugh til our whole bodies hurt.

No one gets through this life without their own story, their own pain. So I

won't feel sorry for myself. But instead, deal with the hand I've been dealt the

best I can. Take care Sharon and thank you. Hugs, Judy/Wi

sharon studley wrote:

Judy I am sure to hear that things have been so hard. I feel for u watching your

mom, I had my g.father I cared for with the disease, it was so sad as he was

always so loving, fun, and the life of the gatherings. I also worked alot with

private duty cases, when I could work, and I loved it, though it is so sad to

watch them go deeper and deeper inside that unknown place. I wish you did not

have to watch this. I hope you don't take offense to this, but I chuckled when

you told the whirlpool strory, and the neighbor sign being up. Believe it or not

it brought me back to when I was more able to get out and because I get so pale

I don't know why as I darken quickly in sun, but went to a tanning booth I know

it's a no no to alot of people but I sometimes take the chance on things like

dying my hair a new color, when I am feeling real low, anyway I a little

skeptical to begin with got all undressed got in the tanning bed, and few mins.

I thought I saw flames at the

bottom of the bed, well I thought no just my flashes I get of seeing things once

in awhile, waited a min, and sure enough the bed was on fire! Well I could not

get my clothes on and wasn't go out in my underclothes no matter what, I did get

out and the girl would not believe me, Scarey, but went into another room, and

low and behold got in that bed and it would not start!, had to dress again go

out and tell her. I look back now and laugh. I hope you continue to find good

times with your mother in law, and DH I wish he would let up, and your son, I

don't know what to say, but if he won't get help as hard as it be try and not

think about it, I have a bro with temp custody of 2 sm. children and he is an

alcoholic, and has gotten so bad he has not worked in over a yr and my other bro

has been paying his rent. but can't continue for ever and it is causing alot of

anguish, worry, stress, between the rest of us. I get sick to my stomach

thinking about it, as in worry, but I

have gotten to were, I can't help anymore he won't help himself, and can't even

go see him anymore, and if I get caught up thinking of him to much and how he is

heading for homelessness. I have to do everything I can at this time to try and

ward of this illness, and these things only feed it, sometimes we have to be

selfish I guess people would look at it as, to try and feel better, we are

important to. Take Care of yourself and glad to see your post. Shaorn

Judy Thurow wrote: Hello My Friends,

I try so hard to keep up reading posts, and I just can't. I feel awful when I

get so far behind that I have to delete. And posting, that's another story. If I

respond to one, I make myself feel like I should respond to all. Therefore, I

don't post very often. I don't want anyone to feel left out. You all deserve a

reply. I guess I have issues. lol

This pass week, we had a whirlpool put in. I was so excited to finally use it. I

filled it, put some nice dead sea salts in with a lavendar scent. Got undressed

and slid into the nice warm water. Turned it on and NOTHING!! Got out, most of

you know how hard that is, got dried and put on my robe. I went down to the

circuit breaker box and tried to reset. Went back up, crawled back into the tub,

turned it on and NOTHING!!! Our condo is a side by side and our neighbors now

have a for sale sign out in front. I wonder if it had anything to do with my

whirlpool not working and my screaming??? lol

Other than that, my life is always the same and always a struggle. It gets

harder everyday caring for my 85/alzheimers mother. More in a emotional way.

Sometime I look at her and her face is so empty. My insides just sob. She was my

best friend. Her old self does pop out now and then. I hope none of you have to

lose a parent in this manner.

My dh is still being is normal 95% a@@. My son is still drinking and drugging.

My Mother-in-law is a complete sweetheart!!! And even tho' she also needs my

help now and then it's a pleasure to be with her. How in the world did she have

such an a@@ as a son. Hmmm! Must be the window God opened when the door was

slammed shut on having a wonderful marriage.

Marti, I hope you read this. You have been in my thoughts so much, hon.

I hope you're not feeling too bad with the chemo. I read some of the posts when

the Storm was passing through the posts. Hon, I can't believe anyone could say

things like that to you. You're so sweet and caring, and I'm glad that the mod.

have put an end to it. Please take care Marti.

To everyone else, I'm sorry I have not posted, I have a hard time sitting so

long. Another thing I have noticed is I have been transposing letters so much

when I type. Is that something any of you have noticed with this disease.

Espescially when the fatique hits hard. My mind and my fingers don't seem to

work hand and hand the way they use to.

My hugs to all of you feeling badly.



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