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Re: Hip Rotator, physical therapy

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Hi ,

The rotator you speak of is the obturator internous, dispite it's name

it is actually an external rotator of the hip.

There are very likely several muscles that are triggered as the longer

they are present, the more they cause other muscles to get triggered.

This muscle attatches to the transverse ligament of the pelvis which

attatches to not only the pubic bone but also to the ischeal spine, so

it can really set of a host of other painful responses when it is disturbed.

I am teaching the M3 seminar in Willoughby Ohio the last weekend of

SEptember. This course is the all external evaluation and treatment of

CPPS Cronic Plevic Pain Syndrome.

All done externally so no inter vaginal or interrectal work. So, it can

be done by both male and female therapists.

If you have any therapsist in your area that might be interested they

can call us at for information or to register.

K. Ockler P.T.

www.tomockler pt.com

Mace wrote:

>Hi, I just talked to my Physical Therapist, Pinneo. She is in

>Raleigh at CAWH Physical Therapy. She is great, btw if anyone in

>central NC needs someone.


>I told her that there is a muscle inside me that is extremely

>sensitive. I have found this by doing physical therapy on myself as

>well as having my husband do Partner Therapy.


>If this muscle is touched or disturbed it sets off a pain flareup as

>well as muscle spasms of the pelvic floor.


>Does this mean that this muscle is the Trigger Point? (I didn't think

>to ask that question)


>This muscle is the Hip Rotator. I am trying to learn about it on the

>internet now. I am thinking that there may be some way to make this

>muscle healthy with Pilates or Yoga.










>Thanks for your cooperation! **



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