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vulvodynia just a dermatological not gynocological problem???

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I have extremely sensitive skin. I always have. I can not wear wool. If I get a tiny rock or piece of sand in my shoe I have to get it out of there! My mom used to call me "The Princess and the Pea" If you have read that fairytale you know that the princess could feel a small pea while sleeping on a pile of 10 matteresses! That would be me! I do think there is a connection...now what to do about it!

How do you detox the copper out of your body?

BlueeberriIt's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel deal here.

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I read recently an article by a gynecologist and dermatologist who work together on many cases of vulva problems in women. They said in this article that they found that 7 out of 10 cases of vulvodynia were simply dermatitis and that the others were more uncommon skin issues. They said that gynecologists do not know much about skin problems and on the vulva area the skin problems will look different then on the rest of the body so they can't always see that it is really a skin issue going on. They also said in this article that dermatitis on the vulva takes much longer to treat then on the rest of the body so longer treatment of the area must be maintained. I thought one thing they said in this article that really relates to me is how many women with this also have sensitive skin on the rest of their body and they used an example of how when they get

wool next to their skin they get really itchy...that's me. I noticed a long time ago when I was doing a lot of acupuncture and herbs when the rest of my skin was suddenly less sensitive my vulvodynia went away. I think personally that the skin being overly sensitive is just an outward sign that the body is imbalanced for some reason that is why many of us also get auto immune problems and other things inflammatory going on inside. That might be why things like the Ayurveda banyan botanical creme works alot for the vulva skin but at the same time I get uncomfortable aching in my lower abdomen, my doctor said that it is inflammation going on. Lately I have been looking at environmental reasons and I looked at some old hair testing for heavy metals that I had done years ago and all my tests always show high copper levels in the body. I have been reading alot about this high copper and one thing they said is that it antagonizes

the zinc in your body and that can cause skin problems like acne, dermatitis and psoriasis as well as sensitive skin and anxiety/depression. One really strange symptom they mention with high copper is a racing mind and tierd body and I remember years ago feeling terrible like that and lots of anxiety, many times I felt like I was going crazy and that is when I started really having skin problems also as well as the vulva itching. I read yesterday that many women with fibromyalgia have high copper tissue levels. I am trying to detox the copper and see if this helps my overall sensitivity. Just curious has anyone else been tested for heavy metals and tried detoxing heavy metals and did it help your health at all??? Baukti

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Hi Blueeberri, my skin is so sensitive that if I just brush my neck it looks like a bright red rash. I don't know why my skin is like this as it wasn't like this before. I did read in that article that they put you on 1%cortisonene creme long term and emphasis was long term as they said it takes much longer to heal there then other places on the body, they also gave some suggestions for keeping irritants away. I think I am going back to macupuncturistst and have a talk about this overall sensitivity thing because I think it is a whole body thing. When I told him about my vulvodynia he thought it might be a skin issue. What irritates me is years and years ago I asked my PCP if she would send me to a dermatologist and at the time she just asked the head of the vulvodynia clinic to come in and take a look and they just thought

it was inflammation and sent me on my way with nothing. Now I know after all the reading I have done that most dermatologists can't tell a skin problem there by looking and have to take a biopsy so gynecologistsdefinitelyey isn't going to be able to tell by looking either. As for copper I would have a hair test for heavy metals because you don't want to throw off your mineral balance as they all need to be balanced with one another. Right now I take NAC which you can get from the health food and vitamin stores and it is very safe. It helps your liver produce an amino acid glutathione which your liver needs to chelate heavy metals( mercury,lead, copper) and toxic chemicals out of the body. Also I take some vitamin C with bioflavanoids and spirulina as vitamin C is good for getting rid of heavy metals. Alot of people with excess copper take high amounts of zinc because it is an antagonist to copper but you should only do it if you really

know you have an excess of copper. I take a little zinc only because the NAC chelates out both copper and zinc. I hope I saved that article about vuvlodynia being a dermatological problem on file, I will post it when I find it. Baukti

Subject: Re: vulvodynia just a dermatological not gynocological problem???To: VulvarDisorders Date: Wednesday, September 3, 2008, 12:52 PM

I have extremely sensitive skin. I always have. I can not wear wool. If I get a tiny rock or piece of sand in my shoe I have to get it out of there! My mom used to call me "The Princess and the Pea" If you have read that fairytale you know that the princess could feel a small pea while sleeping on a pile of 10 matteresses! That would be me! I do think there is a connection.. .now what to do about it!

How do you detox the copper out of your body?


It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel deal here.

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