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FW: Endorsement for Chief Financial Officer in Florida

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Date October 15, 2010

To Left Behind in Florida Network and our Friends

From Mike Coonan

RE For the future for our kids....... Endorsement for Chief Financial Officer Loranne Ausley

The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is the Treasurer for Florida. It is a vital job for managing Florida's money as well as being one of three members of the Florida State Cabinet.

There is no better qualified candidate for CFO than Loranne Ausley. As a legislator and a mother of a special needs child she has lead the fight for all children with disabilities. She has been a lone voice in our fight to eliminate the Medicaid Waiver waiting list.

Ms Ausley has fought to ensure that every child in Florida has access to health insurance and a medical home. She has fought to bring quality child care options to children and their families, and she has fought to shorten waiting lists for essential services. As the mother of a special needs child, Loranne has been a particularly strong advocate for the disability community, and will be a voice for all Floridians in the Florida Cabinet.

Ms Ausley understands that investing in early childhood development is critical not only to the well being of the child but also to families and our communities. As Chief Financial Officer she will bring a much needed voice for children to Florida’s Cabinet.

FLORIDA’S CHILDREN & YOUTH CABINETMs Ausley was responsible for legislation that created Florida’s Children & Youth Cabinet. Florida’s CFO serves as a member of the Cabinet and Loranne will work with the new Governor to ensure that the Cabinet becomes a stronger voice for Florida’s children and youth. (CS/HB 509, passed in 2007)

WHOLE CHILD LEONChair of community based initiative to support families with young children, which has become a model for the state. www.wholechildleon.com

EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATIONQuality Child Care: passed legislation to increase child care standards and advocated for Quality Rating System – to give parents guidance in selecting childcare centers. CS/HB 1141: Child Care; (passed in 2003 as SB2446)

DISABILITY ISSUESEarly Steps Funding – one time increase in funding for Early Steps program that enabled more children to get screening and treatment.

FCAT AccommodationsAdvocated for FCAT Accommodations pursuant to federal requirement – accommodation in classroom and assessment (2003B – HB 23B/passed with some of Loranne’s language; 2002 – CS/HB 659; 2003 – HB 253)

Assistive TechnologyPassed legislation to require that Assistive technology move with children through transitions. CS/HB 735 (Passed in 2005 as CS/CS/SB 2550):

Transportation Disadvantaged/Medicaid WaiversAdvocated for transportation disadvantaged program, as well as expanded state support for waivers that allow disabled children and adults to stay at home rather than in costly residential programs. In spite of the cost efficiencies realized by in home care, Florida continues to ignore the estimated 20,000 Floridians on the wait list for these critical services.

CALL TO ACTIONThese are just a few of Ms Ausley's accomplishments as a legislator and community leader, but as you can see she has been fighting for the things that matter and we need her on Florida’s Cabinet.

Can you be a member of “Advocates for Ausley” – a grassroots group of children’s advocates, disability advocates and mental health advocates who want to see Loranne in the Florida Cabinet?

Go to http://ausleyforcfo.com/advocates-for-ausley/ to sign up to help our children by helping Loranne Ausley become Florida's next Chief Financial Officer.

Mike Coonan Volunteer parent

Left Behind in Florida

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