Guest guest Posted February 28, 2008 Report Share Posted February 28, 2008 Hey Marti- Well this is the thing. My husband has been stompled on his heart broken when this evil woman took his son away changed his last name, and did everything she could to prevent visitation. I met my husband, found she had a judgement to allow visits anytime my husband wanted with a 24 hr notice, she had been in contempt of this for 8yrs. when I got him to seek an atty. He is an offshore scalloper and had just gotten tired of getting the police called any time he contacted her to see him. She would be right at the dock when the boat came in though to get her support. She has gone through life poisioning this boy's mind. One time we were living in Ma. I had just had my knee operated on 2 days before, when she approved a 2 day visit up here in Me. my husband was so excited, we or should I say I drove us up 3 hrs, as my husband had not had a chance to renew his license being gone so much, expired, but I wanted so bad for him the chance to re-meet and have a relationship. We got to her house and were sitting out front, my knee in bandage galore and killing, when we get surrounded by cops!,she had called them once we called to let her know we had gotten in town, and told them we were there and she feared we were going to kidnap her son!, she had taken him to his g.mothers. The cops would not believe me that she had called and approved a visit. He was mean dispite my telling him I was in no condition to kidnap a ant let alone a 8yr old, and this has continued to be her pattern, she was married before has another son, and did this same thing to that man, he moved away to Fla with his wife as she continued to interupt his and her life same things. I and my husband tried and tried to keep contact, keep peace but it is impossible with her, she is a control freak and thinks she can tell me how, when, where, why, and her way. My husband started going back and forth on how he felt with this boy or suppose to be young man a couple yrs ago, as he visited hear and there when he fought with his mother, then he would go back and we would not hear and he would be angry because what his mother has fed him. I asked him to give his father a chance now that he is older showing him he is not the man she painted him to be. He hasn't, My husband feels bad now that he feels not really anything for this boy, but yet how can he, he new him 10 mo's and about 2wks out of a mo he was gone from home, at one time it was??? whether he was the father as he came home early one trip and she was caught, but recent test said yes. So now it stands it was last summer he was to stay here, and now we are here to today! The ? is how can my husband have feelings for someone he doesn't know, he has tried and tried and he was never given the chance to know him, love him, and help him grow. He lives with such an awful turn out. I say it is not his fault, he tried, he did not give up until now. And the mother paved the road for this and now she wants to revamp? reconstruct? And the drug and under age drinking, no job, sits around all day, I can't handle. I raised my childeren, and I can't take my energy anymore with this exspecially with someone who is 20yrs old. Is this wrong? No moves can be made without her in it. Please inlighten me if I am twisted in thinking this, and just distorted from all we have been through with this for 11yrs. This is a woman who took her son to Canada to drink with because it is legal his age up there. That son now is 25, can not live on his own, wets himself and all over the house when she let's them back home, because he is so intoxicated. Thanks for your concern because I do not like that I let myself get that upset over this. Sharon Marti Boguski wrote: Hi Sharon, It really sounds like you've been through the wringer on this one. Do you and your husband want to stay in touch with his son who is 20. You said he called today. Was that about not moving in? I admit I got a little confused - brain fog! It was really nice of you to fix up a room for him to come live with you. I hope all of this stuff gets worked out soon. Marti sharon studley wrote: - This is awful, for you, I am sure there is no sense to worry about why she is like this, it seems like she is finding you a threat, as my EX-sister-in-law felt I was the whole time they were married. I never understood it, and never knew why she was this way until after they divorced and my brother told me she was jealous of me. ???? She did not go that far as to prohibit visiting, I don't think my brother would go for that, but it sure was rough. I asked him why would she be jealous or threatened as I was his sister, and could certainly not date him. He said, she just had her own issues, and did not like that we were close, as I now know, and always summised she was not the person she portrayed to him, and I believe this was the threat she new I saw right through her and on a couple times only told him this and he sided with her, being his wife,, well now he knows, she tried to stab him before he gave up on his marriage! Now get this, today I get a call from my husband's grown 20 yr old son, who long story short was the one to fight for my husband's right to have his visitation awarded by the court's back in 87, well we have fought all the way with his mother, who commited fraud against the State,collecting a welfare check and getting her child support at the same time. We discovered this along time ago, but no one would listen there, until this yr., but it is past statue of limitation and nothing can be done to her!, I can not believe u can commit fraud and there is a time limit on the amt. of time to prosecute. Anyway he has basically been raised by her because we just stopped fighting with her every step, she lied, desieved, and cheated my husband, and the state all her life, but this kid, who is now grown to be like her selfish, doesn't work, expect's to be catered to or no effort put forth, smokes pot, and bums around, calls me and chews me out for his relationship gone bad between his father he and the mother! I as sick as I have been climbed up the stairs here last summer changed my femine looking spare room to a male room because he called up and told us he was sick of his mother, and she had thrown him and his brother out because she had a new boyfriend she wanted in.!!!!!! He never came wanted us to take his brother who is not ours in also. He has stomped on my husband's heart and feelings for the last time, I have watched this for too too many yrs. this woman is a cold cold hearted hatefull woman, and I don't hae time for her anymore, nor him, if he wants to keep listening to her, he is grown now, and we both have asked him to give my husband a chance at being his father that the mother always prevented, now she is pushing. How do you let go of things like this when we feel like we feel, mind our own businness, and people keep pushing these issues on a person, well I blasted him 10yrs in the making! I hope I can let go of it, now but I don't think it is over. I am not usually that aggressive in less pushed and, end up feeling it for letting myself get that mad, but it is done, and as you say sometimes it is not in our control whether we can let go of something. I hope you get your brother back soon as only a evil person would be that cruel to keep family members apart .. Take Care Sun is out here but it is freezing. Better days ahead??????? Let's help Sharon wrote: I agree with you to some extent . I am going thru some bad family stuff right now and was going to just let it go but she gets away with too much so I have decided to confront her on it all. I shall write it down first so I can cover it all as you tend to forget some things when you are so hurt and angry. Mine is that my sister-in-law does not want my brother and I to see each other. I moved here to be close to him as he requested. I am not allowed in the house or him in mine. No phone contact. I don't even know what I did. Yesterday she said she couldn't control my brother when I was around. do I tell him what is going on. I hate to cause trouble between them but he has told me the marriage is dead. He keeps telling me to hang on as I want to move back home. What to do? Little LINDA --------------------------------- Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 28, 2008 Report Share Posted February 28, 2008 Absolutely NOT. You are not wrong. Enough is Enough. I have the same sore of position with the X girlfriend....have been living with it for 8 years. I have had all I can handle.....but there is no way out but for me to leave my husband. I can't stand the lies, manipulation, deception.....but at least you and your husband have a good relationship. I wish you all well, and I hope you would be fee of that situation. she sounds very immature. Re: Re: - LINK CONTAINS SENSITIVE STUFF. Marti Hey Marti- Well this is the thing. My husband has been stompled on his heart broken when this evil woman took his son away changed his last name, and did everything she could to prevent visitation. I met my husband, found she had a judgement to allow visits anytime my husband wanted with a 24 hr notice, she had been in contempt of this for 8yrs. when I got him to seek an atty. He is an offshore scalloper and had just gotten tired of getting the police called any time he contacted her to see him. She would be right at the dock when the boat came in though to get her support. She has gone through life poisioning this boy's mind. One time we were living in Ma. I had just had my knee operated on 2 days before, when she approved a 2 day visit up here in Me. my husband was so excited, we or should I say I drove us up 3 hrs, as my husband had not had a chance to renew his license being gone so much, expired, but I wanted so bad for him the chance to re-meet and have a relationship. We got to her house and were sitting out front, my knee in bandage galore and killing, when we get surrounded by cops!,she had called them once we called to let her know we had gotten in town, and told them we were there and she feared we were going to kidnap her son!, she had taken him to his g.mothers. The cops would not believe me that she had called and approved a visit. He was mean dispite my telling him I was in no condition to kidnap a ant let alone a 8yr old, and this has continued to be her pattern, she was married before has another son, and did this same thing to that man, he moved away to Fla with his wife as she continued to interupt his and her life same things. I and my husband tried and tried to keep contact, keep peace but it is impossible with her, she is a control freak and thinks she can tell me how, when, where, why, and her way. My husband started going back and forth on how he felt with this boy or suppose to be young man a couple yrs ago, as he visited hear and there when he fought with his mother, then he would go back and we would not hear and he would be angry because what his mother has fed him. I asked him to give his father a chance now that he is older showing him he is not the man she painted him to be. He hasn't, My husband feels bad now that he feels not really anything for this boy, but yet how can he, he new him 10 mo's and about 2wks out of a mo he was gone from home, at one time it was??? whether he was the father as he came home early one trip and she was caught, but recent test said yes. So now it stands it was last summer he was to stay here, and now we are here to today! The ? is how can my husband have feelings for someone he doesn't know, he has tried and tried and he was never given the chance to know him, love him, and help him grow. He lives with such an awful turn out. I say it is not his fault, he tried, he did not give up until now. And the mother paved the road for this and now she wants to revamp? reconstruct? And the drug and under age drinking, no job, sits around all day, I can't handle. I raised my childeren, and I can't take my energy anymore with this exspecially with someone who is 20yrs old. Is this wrong? No moves can be made without her in it. Please inlighten me if I am twisted in thinking this, and just distorted from all we have been through with this for 11yrs. This is a woman who took her son to Canada to drink with because it is legal his age up there. That son now is 25, can not live on his own, wets himself and all over the house when she let's them back home, because he is so intoxicated. Thanks for your concern because I do not like that I let myself get that upset over this. Sharon Marti Boguski <martibowenboguski@> wrote: Hi Sharon, It really sounds like you've been through the wringer on this one. Do you and your husband want to stay in touch with his son who is 20. You said he called today. Was that about not moving in? I admit I got a little confused - brain fog! It was really nice of you to fix up a room for him to come live with you. I hope all of this stuff gets worked out soon. Marti sharon studley <seescallop (AT) yahoo (DOT) com> wrote: - This is awful, for you, I am sure there is no sense to worry about why she is like this, it seems like she is finding you a threat, as my EX-sister-in- law felt I was the whole time they were married. I never understood it, and never knew why she was this way until after they divorced and my brother told me she was jealous of me. ???? She did not go that far as to prohibit visiting, I don't think my brother would go for that, but it sure was rough. I asked him why would she be jealous or threatened as I was his sister, and could certainly not date him. He said, she just had her own issues, and did not like that we were close, as I now know, and always summised she was not the person she portrayed to him, and I believe this was the threat she new I saw right through her and on a couple times only told him this and he sided with her, being his wife,, well now he knows, she tried to stab him before he gave up on his marriage! Now get this, today I get a call from my husband's grown 20 yr old son, who long story short was the one to fight for my husband's right to have his visitation awarded by the court's back in 87, well we have fought all the way with his mother, who commited fraud against the State,collecting a welfare check and getting her child support at the same time. We discovered this along time ago, but no one would listen there, until this yr., but it is past statue of limitation and nothing can be done to her!, I can not believe u can commit fraud and there is a time limit on the amt. of time to prosecute. Anyway he has basically been raised by her because we just stopped fighting with her every step, she lied, desieved, and cheated my husband, and the state all her life, but this kid, who is now grown to be like her selfish, doesn't work, expect's to be catered to or no effort put forth, smokes pot, and bums around, calls me and chews me out for his relationship gone bad between his father he and the mother! I as sick as I have been climbed up the stairs here last summer changed my femine looking spare room to a male room because he called up and told us he was sick of his mother, and she had thrown him and his brother out because she had a new boyfriend she wanted in.!!!!!! He never came wanted us to take his brother who is not ours in also. He has stomped on my husband's heart and feelings for the last time, I have watched this for too too many yrs. this woman is a cold cold hearted hatefull woman, and I don't hae time for her anymore, nor him, if he wants to keep listening to her, he is grown now, and we both have asked him to give my husband a chance at being his father that the mother always prevented, now she is pushing. How do you let go of things like this when we feel like we feel, mind our own businness, and people keep pushing these issues on a person, well I blasted him 10yrs in the making! I hope I can let go of it, now but I don't think it is over. I am not usually that aggressive in less pushed and, end up feeling it for letting myself get that mad, but it is done, and as you say sometimes it is not in our control whether we can let go of something. I hope you get your brother back soon as only a evil person would be that cruel to keep family members apart .. Take Care Sun is out here but it is freezing. Better days ahead??????? Let's help Sharon <lilbit_sunnygirl@> wrote: I agree with you to some extent . I am going thru some bad family stuff right now and was going to just let it go but she gets away with too much so I have decided to confront her on it all. I shall write it down first so I can cover it all as you tend to forget some things when you are so hurt and angry. Mine is that my sister-in-law does not want my brother and I to see each other. I moved here to be close to him as he requested. I am not allowed in the house or him in mine. No phone contact. I don't even know what I did. Yesterday she said she couldn't control my brother when I was around. do I tell him what is going on. I hate to cause trouble between them but he has told me the marriage is dead. He keeps telling me to hang on as I want to move back home. What to do? Little LINDA ------------ --------- --------- --- Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage. 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