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New Member Intro - Sassy

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Hi Everyone :)

I joined over the week-end and had a chance to read some of the posts

and figured I should take a few minutes to say 'Hi' and introduce


Well, I have had fibro since the 1990's - it started with a very bad

bout of mono and I have never been the same since. :P Of course like

it is for everyone, it took many years to find out just what was

wrong and get a diagnosis

Some background about me... I grew up on a farm in eastern North

Dakota and in 2004 moved back 'home' to where my parents retired in

out hometown of around 800 or so people. I had not been able to work

since Dec 2001, Dad was sick and Mother had a lot on her plate to

take care of everything - so we talked it over and they asked if I

would like to come back and we could all help take care of each other

so in August I moved back. In December Dad passed away and now it

has been me and Mother. While I wish I did not and never had the

fibro, if I didn't, I wouldn't have had the precious time I did with

both of them before Dad passed away and now all of this time with

Mother - so in that aspect I feel fully and truly blessed.

Mother will be 87 in May and quite frankly, she acts 67 - and on some

days perhaps 57! lol Aside from major hearing loss (she has digital

hearing aids) and a blood disorder (which has no physical affects on

her at all and she will likely outlive it), she is in excellent shape

and health. I have a stability/balance ball for exercise and every

day she spends at least 30 mins on it while watching CNN - and most

recently started using my 7 lb dumb bells while on it too! She even

does sit-ups while on the ball - she is really something! Although

she still has a current driver's license, she prefers not to drive

anymore unless it is just here around town - but prefers to walk for

the exercise - so I am the chauffeur when we go places and because of

her hearing loss take care of phone calls for her whenever I can.

Needless to say, I apparently didn't get Mother's genes when it comes

to health! lol Dad had and both of my sister's have fibro -

although one sister's has gone into remission. I also have Type II

diabetes, sleep apnea (sleep with cpap and oxygen), pulmonary

hypertention, and along with the fibro, myofascial pain syndrome. I

have also been overweight since I was a pre-schooler. When I was 4

yrs old, I got a terrible infection in my mouth and was only able to

drink milk through a straw for quite a long time - at least 2 weeks -

and once I was able to eat overate and have struggled with that issue

ever since. After many hours of reading and research, just over a

year ago I was able to fully realize that my 'relationship' with food

is that of addiction - it is my 'drug' of choice. So I ordered the

Celebrate Recovery program (started at Saddleback Church pastored by

Rick Warren 'Purpose Driven Life') and bought a recovery bible. This

bible has sooooo much excellent and helpful commentary - it has and

continues to help me - it really is a one day at a time process.

In Sept 2005, I began my journey toward healthy living and that has

been really good for me. I belong to a couple of weight loss groups

on-line and they are tremendously helpful. Last year was mostly a

maintain year for me so in December I 'restarted' so my main focus

for this year has been taking off more weight, getting back to

exercising, and connecting with other fibromites and be part of a

good support system. While getting good support from others in the

same boat is so good for a person, sometimes being able to give

support to someone else can be even better. Thank goodness for the

internet! Before I moved back to ND, there were times I would

literally not see another person for 2-3 weeks at a time so I truly

know the value of having virtual friendships.

This past summer, I was so happy as I was offered and able to work a

part-time job at our county historical museum here in town. For such

a small rural area, it is a very impressive place and one I am

terribly proud of and to be a part of. In May, we did tours for

elementary and middle school children along with some social and

church groups through the summer. My regular hours were on Sunday

afternoons from 1-4pm. It worked out so well for me because even on

a really 'bad' fibro day, I was still able to make it through - and

of course pain meds are my friend! lol Aside from it being nice to

have made a little extra income, just being able to get out of the

house and do something I enjoyed and felt was so worthwhile was

really a good boost to my morale and sense of worth and sense of

purpose. I am hoping that I will be offered the position again this

year. Since last winter, I have also been a volunteer on our local

fire department - one of my sisters and I are both dispatchers.

Being a part of the department has also been very good for my morale

and of course its a wonderful feeling to be able to contribute toward

my community.

Prior to the fibro, I was always on the go and life was full and

busy. After college I spent almost 10 yrs as a 911 operator and then

in 1996 moved to Minneapolis to attend grad school in

counseling/psych. I am a one credit elective and my internship away

from graduating - 'so close and yet so far' really takes on a new

meaning for me! lol Over the years I also worked with battered

women, folks with mental illness and/or developmental disabilities,

did referrals and crisis intervention for an insurance company, was a

bartender, and my absolute all time favorite job - was driving a

potato truck one fall! I actually cried all the way back to the farm

with my last load of spuds. lol

So that is me in a nutshell - yeah, I know - that's a pretty big

nutshell! lol I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone and

being an active member in the group. :)

GBU All...Hugs,

Sassy :)

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Welcome to our FaMily, Sassy. I like your name. You sound like a gal with lots

of knowledge and support to share with us.

I'm Jeanne in WI, 44, married, with 2 teen daughters. I've been diagnosed for

10 years and am on disability. I believe I've had FM symptoms since childhood.

Food is my drug of choice as well. I commend you on your efforts to lose

weight. Well, guess that's enough for now. Take care.

Jeanne in WI

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