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Help!!! So frustrated i'm ready to go bolistic on the whole doctors office!

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I called today to get a refill on my vicodin perscription. They told

me the doctor wasn't going to fill the perscription because I am

supposed to be cutting back to 3-4 a day. I take 1 every 5 hours, just

like the script says unless i'm not in pain or asleep which happens

maybe 5 out of the 18-22 days each time, which when she scribes 90

lasts me about 18-22 days. 22 days is up Saturday. When I called back

they put me directly on the phone with her, nice for a change. She

tells me I shouldnt be taking all these pills. 3 weeks ago we switched

from 5mg oxycodone to to 5/500 of hydrocodone instead. Just about the

same dosage just different pain med. I had told her that vicodin has

worked before the only reason the previous guy put me on that was it

was cheaper for me since i didnt have insurance. It was still a higher

dose than what she had changed me to though. I also told her, if it

worked better I wouldnt take as much. It hasnt, its been almost no

change, and the humidity here in PA lately is like a yoyo on my body.

When I repeated this conversation to her today she says that if they

aren't working which they don't take all the pain away nor are they

working for 5 hours, more like 3-4 but i still wait to take them, we

should consider a different course of treatment when I go to see her

next Thursday. Until then, she is calling me in 10 pills, which is

ridiculous that she's cutting it back now instead of until I see her.

The back story is, this is not the first time she's done this, its not

even the 2nd. I've been seeing her since August of 07. Every month she

wants me to do something i've already done with different doctors.

Physical therapy, water therapy, stimulation, test, test, test. She

needs to see the results now she says, not less than a year ago. I

started working again at Thanksgiving because we can't live without me

working, at this point it may even be to late to catch up and we may

loose our house. Her cuting back my meds effects this greatly. She

knows i've been in more pain ALOT more since i've started working. And

there is no way I can do retail and cut back to 2 pain meds a day. I'm

also on Neurontin 300mg 3x a day. I also take a flexirol around 11pm

to try and not have backspasms that actually lift my shoulders/arms

and sleep. The spasms it helps, the sleep it does not.

I'm trying to get a desk job, and go back to what I used to do before

my surgeries, before the fibro but its hard to find something when you

tell them why you've been out of work all these years. I know my body

also can't handle 40hrs a week of the stressful... jump how high I say

now supporting I used to do as an Executive admin. Senior exec's,

company partners and CEO's dont give a rats behind if i'm in any pain.

I am so frustrated with going through this when you have to switch

doctors. I mean she is a pain MANAGEMENT doctor, how is saying i

should be on less pills managing my pain? Its increasing it, but it

sure as hell isnt managing it.

I'm sorry to vent, but i've been crying and stressed and my boyfriend

is at work and he's the kind of guy that while he's supportive just

never says the right thing lol... thanks for listening!



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I am so sorry you have to go through this! I agree this is not managing your

pain; If she does not want you taking these pills like this than I feel she

should be trying to find another way to " manage your pain " I am no Dr. but that

is what I think

Try and be strong dear and keep onto them to find something or try an d find

another Dr.

I know that is hard also. wish I could do or say something to help

I guess I am just send " hugs " of support to you.



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YAHOO.Shortcuts.overlaySpaceId = " 97546169 " ; YAHOO.Shortcuts.hostSpaceId =

" 97546168 " ; I called today to get a refill on my vicodin

perscription. They told

me the doctor wasn't going to fill the perscription because I am

supposed to be cutting back to 3-4 a day. I take 1 every 5 hours, just

like the script says unless i'm not in pain or asleep which happens

maybe 5 out of the 18-22 days each time, which when she scribes 90

lasts me about 18-22 days. 22 days is up Saturday. When I called back

they put me directly on the phone with her, nice for a change. She

tells me I shouldnt be taking all these pills. 3 weeks ago we switched

from 5mg oxycodone to to 5/500 of hydrocodone instead. Just about the

same dosage just different pain med. I had told her that vicodin has

worked before the only reason the previous guy put me on that was it

was cheaper for me since i didnt have insurance. It was still a higher

dose than what she had changed me to though. I also told her, if it

worked better I wouldnt take as much. It hasnt, its been almost no

change, and the humidity here in PA lately is like a yoyo on my body.

When I repeated this conversation to her today she says that if they

aren't working which they don't take all the pain away nor are they

working for 5 hours, more like 3-4 but i still wait to take them, we

should consider a different course of treatment when I go to see her

next Thursday. Until then, she is calling me in 10 pills, which is

ridiculous that she's cutting it back now instead of until I see her.

The back story is, this is not the first time she's done this, its not

even the 2nd. I've been seeing her since August of 07. Every month she

wants me to do something i've already done with different doctors.

Physical therapy, water therapy, stimulation, test, test, test. She

needs to see the results now she says, not less than a year ago. I

started working again at Thanksgiving because we can't live without me

working, at this point it may even be to late to catch up and we may

loose our house. Her cuting back my meds effects this greatly. She

knows i've been in more pain ALOT more since i've started working. And

there is no way I can do retail and cut back to 2 pain meds a day. I'm

also on Neurontin 300mg 3x a day. I also take a flexirol around 11pm

to try and not have backspasms that actually lift my shoulders/arms

and sleep. The spasms it helps, the sleep it does not.

I'm trying to get a desk job, and go back to what I used to do before

my surgeries, before the fibro but its hard to find something when you

tell them why you've been out of work all these years. I know my body

also can't handle 40hrs a week of the stressful... jump how high I say

now supporting I used to do as an Executive admin. Senior exec's,

company partners and CEO's dont give a rats behind if i'm in any pain.

I am so frustrated with going through this when you have to switch

doctors. I mean she is a pain MANAGEMENT doctor, how is saying i

should be on less pills managing my pain? Its increasing it, but it

sure as hell isnt managing it.

I'm sorry to vent, but i've been crying and stressed and my boyfriend

is at work and he's the kind of guy that while he's supportive just

never says the right thing lol... thanks for listening!




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> I called today to get a refill on my vicodin perscription. They told

> me the doctor wasn't going to fill the perscription because I am

> supposed to be cutting back to 3-4 a day. I take 1 every 5 hours, just

> like the script says unless i'm not in pain or asleep which happens

> maybe 5 out of the 18-22 days each time, which when she scribes 90

> lasts me about 18-22 days. 22 days is up Saturday. When I called back

> they put me directly on the phone with her, nice for a change. She

> tells me I shouldnt be taking all these pills. 3 weeks ago we switched

> from 5mg oxycodone to to 5/500 of hydrocodone instead. Just about the

> same dosage just different pain med. I had told her that vicodin has

> worked before the only reason the previous guy put me on that was it

> was cheaper for me since i didnt have insurance. It was still a higher

> dose than what she had changed me to though. I also told her, if it

> worked better I wouldnt take as much. It hasnt, its been almost no

> change, and the humidity here in PA lately is like a yoyo on my body.


> When I repeated this conversation to her today she says that if they

> aren't working which they don't take all the pain away nor are they

> working for 5 hours, more like 3-4 but i still wait to take them, we

> should consider a different course of treatment when I go to see her

> next Thursday. Until then, she is calling me in 10 pills, which is

> ridiculous that she's cutting it back now instead of until I see her.


> The back story is, this is not the first time she's done this, its not

> even the 2nd. I've been seeing her since August of 07. Every month she

> wants me to do something i've already done with different doctors.

> Physical therapy, water therapy, stimulation, test, test, test. She

> needs to see the results now she says, not less than a year ago. I

> started working again at Thanksgiving because we can't live without me

> working, at this point it may even be to late to catch up and we may

> loose our house. Her cuting back my meds effects this greatly. She

> knows i've been in more pain ALOT more since i've started working. And

> there is no way I can do retail and cut back to 2 pain meds a day. I'm

> also on Neurontin 300mg 3x a day. I also take a flexirol around 11pm

> to try and not have backspasms that actually lift my shoulders/arms

> and sleep. The spasms it helps, the sleep it does not.


> I'm trying to get a desk job, and go back to what I used to do before

> my surgeries, before the fibro but its hard to find something when you

> tell them why you've been out of work all these years. I know my body

> also can't handle 40hrs a week of the stressful... jump how high I say

> now supporting I used to do as an Executive admin. Senior exec's,

> company partners and CEO's dont give a rats behind if i'm in any pain.


> I am so frustrated with going through this when you have to switch

> doctors. I mean she is a pain MANAGEMENT doctor, how is saying i

> should be on less pills managing my pain? Its increasing it, but it

> sure as hell isnt managing it.


> I'm sorry to vent, but i've been crying and stressed and my boyfriend

> is at work and he's the kind of guy that while he's supportive just

> never says the right thing lol... thanks for listening!


> Hugs,

> Aly


Hi Aly, i'm going through the exact same thing! I lost my job back in

aug, we had to move into an apt,i seen a surgeon back in nov, and told

me to go home and do pain management for 3to 4 months, now i can't go

see none of the docs,because we can't afford to pay our medical bills

due to my husband having medical issues himself. except for my family

doc and he is a quack!!!!! and now he said the same thing filled my

last bottle of vocodine yesterday, I have an appt with a pain

management dr on the 27th, I hope my pills can last that long! I swear

if these drs had to feel half the pain we experience just 1 day they

would be talking anything they could to feel better.good luck and i

hope you find relief some how keep us posted, Leanne

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This is so frustrating for you I know. The Oxycodone is actually a stronger

narcotic than the hydrocodone. So... no wonder it does not work as well. And I

don't get these docs that are afraid to take care of pain for a person with a

diagnosis of a painful illness.

I take hydrocodone myself. It helps me. But I will say it does not do what it

use to. Our bodies do get use to the medication unfortunately. Now all the

stupid crap she suggests about physical therapy and water therapy.... it might

help some people but I say that with fibromyalgia we are talking about a

different ball game than someone with arthritis or something. More and more

exercise to us becomes more pain. (not less pain).

I hope something gives for you soon. I fear the day I am jerked off my

medication. I just hope that if they ever decide to do that, they will let me

wean from it. I fear the withdrawals. At the same time, I know I take this

medication because I need it for the fibro.....not for getting high.


Debra V.

alydoremus333 wrote: I

called today to get a refill on my vicodin perscription. They told

me the doctor wasn't going to fill the perscription because I am

supposed to be cutting back to 3-4 a day. I take 1 every 5 hours, just

like the script says unless i'm not in pain or asleep which happens

maybe 5 out of the 18-22 days each time, which when she scribes 90

lasts me about 18-22 days. 22 days is up Saturday. When I called back

they put me directly on the phone with her, nice for a change. She

tells me I shouldnt be taking all these pills. 3 weeks ago we switched

from 5mg oxycodone to to 5/500 of hydrocodone instead. Just about the

same dosage just different pain med. I had told her that vicodin has

worked before the only reason the previous guy put me on that was it

was cheaper for me since i didnt have insurance. It was still a higher

dose than what she had changed me to though. I also told her, if it

worked better I wouldnt take as much. It hasnt, its been almost no

change, and the humidity here in PA lately is like a yoyo on my body.

When I repeated this conversation to her today she says that if they

aren't working which they don't take all the pain away nor are they

working for 5 hours, more like 3-4 but i still wait to take them, we

should consider a different course of treatment when I go to see her

next Thursday. Until then, she is calling me in 10 pills, which is

ridiculous that she's cutting it back now instead of until I see her.

The back story is, this is not the first time she's done this, its not

even the 2nd. I've been seeing her since August of 07. Every month she

wants me to do something i've already done with different doctors.

Physical therapy, water therapy, stimulation, test, test, test. She

needs to see the results now she says, not less than a year ago. I

started working again at Thanksgiving because we can't live without me

working, at this point it may even be to late to catch up and we may

loose our house. Her cuting back my meds effects this greatly. She

knows i've been in more pain ALOT more since i've started working. And

there is no way I can do retail and cut back to 2 pain meds a day. I'm

also on Neurontin 300mg 3x a day. I also take a flexirol around 11pm

to try and not have backspasms that actually lift my shoulders/arms

and sleep. The spasms it helps, the sleep it does not.

I'm trying to get a desk job, and go back to what I used to do before

my surgeries, before the fibro but its hard to find something when you

tell them why you've been out of work all these years. I know my body

also can't handle 40hrs a week of the stressful... jump how high I say

now supporting I used to do as an Executive admin. Senior exec's,

company partners and CEO's dont give a rats behind if i'm in any pain.

I am so frustrated with going through this when you have to switch

doctors. I mean she is a pain MANAGEMENT doctor, how is saying i

should be on less pills managing my pain? Its increasing it, but it

sure as hell isnt managing it.

I'm sorry to vent, but i've been crying and stressed and my boyfriend

is at work and he's the kind of guy that while he's supportive just

never says the right thing lol... thanks for listening!




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