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RE: Introduction/long sorry~~long,that's OK~Welcome !

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Hi and welcome to the group. I sometimes have TMJ & tinnitis, tinnitis

often here lately.

Prior to my DX I had been DISmissed by a couple of enept Drs. and resentment

followed so I avoided Drs. for another 18 mos. then my symptoms became so severe

that I could no longer ignor them. Carpal tunnel-both wrist,TMJ to the extreme

of having the feeling of electricity running thru my face & neck. Neck &

shoulder pain w/the outsides of my arms hurting. thoratic spasms humn? Pain in

myshoulders and between my shoulder blades all the way down my spine, my lower

back, hips, thighs and ham strings. It was a living nightmare and I was

terrified so I tried a new dr. and described all my 10,036 symtoms and he

pressed around on my neck,shoulders and back then leaned back and said he

thought it was Fibromyalgia but he was an internal medicine Dr so he sent me to

a Rheumatologist who confirmed the FM diagnosis then later he DIScharged me

stating he was not comfortable treating someone w/my high level of pain. Well

I'll stop w/this much due to the FOG rolling in. lol

I HOPE that YOU find the same Love, Encouragement and Support that I have

found since I joined back

in april 07 ! ! ! This is a GREAT group full of wonderfull people amd me. ?

GOD Bless YOU ! ! ! . . . ....................................... . .


S. E. Arkansas GOD grant me the serenityto accept the

things I cannot change the courage to change the things I canand the wisdom to

know the difference. Amen

! ! !

To: Fibromyalgia_Support_Group@...: kfonseca@...:

Tue, 4 Mar 2008 15:51:03 -0700Subject: Introduction/long sorry

Good afternoon all,My name is . I am 56 and in 2003, was diagnosed with

RheumatoidArthritis and severe Osteoarthritis. Had my left knee replaced in

2006.I also Hypoparathyroidism (due to a botched Thyroidectomy at age 13),and

Hypothyroidism (all my life). I am 5'7 " tall and weigh 256 lbs. Iam in the

process of obtaining insurance approval for Lap-Band surgeryfor weight loss. I

should have my surgery around mid-April.In 1999, I had a very bad case of

flu/cold/fever. At that time, myright ears started hurting very badly, turned

very red, and behind myear hurt terribly. I developed TMJ on the right side of

my jaw. I alsodeveloped Tinnitus at that time. I had back shoulder and neck

pain. Isaw numerous specialists and no one could figure out what was wrong.One

internist said it could be FMS, but did not do anything for it. Ihad no clue

what it was and was so sick I did not really digest what hewas talking

about.Until last year, it would just come and go. However, about a year ago,it

went to both sides. The pain traveled to my knees, muscles around myknees and

near my hips. My shoulders hurt all the time (on the side ofmy upper arms). I

have a lump on my right collar bone that when Islightly press on it, it causes

pain all the way to my right ear.(Doctors have looked at it). I am tired and

stiff all the time, yet myRA is supposedly under control.I am a legal assistant

and get so stiff when I go to stand up aftersitting for 5-10 min or more. I have

looked at the various sites (MayoClinic, etc) and I appear to have most/many of

the symptoms ofFibromyalgia. I saw the PA for my Rheumatologist yesterday and

franklyshe was little help. She insists I have RA of the neck and took 10x-rays.

Of course I may have it, but it is not the back of my neck thathurts, it is the

sides of my neck and upper shoulder blades, lower backtoo. I also get cramps in

my knees when I sleep. I am in the processof changing doctors, but that will

take a bit of time since the new oneis so booked. I do not know if the new

Rheumatologist will understandor even think I may have Fibromyalgia, but I hope

she will listen.I have found that prescription strength Ibuprofen does no good.

I havea call into my doctor to ask her if I can take Lyrica with the othermeds I

am taking. I took a sample of it last night that I was given byher when I had

Shingles. It helped the TMJ and neck, shoulder, leg paina lot. I am guessing if

I were to stay on it, it will help greatly. Ijust need my doctor's approval due

to the other meds I am on.Anyway, I am very glad to be here. I know I have so

very much to learn.Thanks for having me, [Non-text portions of this message

have been removed]


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