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---------- Forwarded message ----------Date: Sun, Jan 2, 2011 at 4:34 PMSubject: [neuroguide] Neuropyschiatric illness, immune function and vaccinesTo: neuroguide

http://www.schres-journal.com/article/S0920-9964(09)00621-5/abstractSchizophr Res. 2010 May;118(1-3):240-7. Epub 2010 Jan 13.Subunit and whole molecule specificity of the anti-bovine casein immune responsein recent onset psychosis and schizophrenia.Severance EG, Dickerson FB, Halling M, Krivogorsky B, Haile L, Yang S, StallingsCR, Origoni AE, Bossis I, Xiao J, Dupont D, Haasnoot W, Yolken RH.Stanley Division of Developmental Neurovirology, Department of Pediatrics, sHopkins University School of Medicine, 600 N Wolfe Street, Blalock 1105,Baltimore, MD 21287-4933, United States. eseverance@...AbstractPrevious studies show increased antibody levels to bovine casein in someindividuals with schizophrenia. The immunogenicity of specific domains of bovinecasein varies among people with milk sensitivities and thus could vary amongdifferent neuropsychiatric disorders. Using ELISAs and immunoblotting, wecharacterized IgG class antibody specificity to whole bovine casein and to thealpha(s), beta, and kappa subunits in individuals with recent onset psychosis(n=95), long-term schizophrenia (n=103), and non-psychiatric controls (n=65). Inboth patient groups, we found elevated IgG to casein proteins, particularly towhole casein and the alpha(s) subunit (p<or=0.0001). Odds ratios of caseinseroprevalence for recent onset psychosis (age-, gender-, race-,smoking-adjusted) were significant for whole casein (8.13, p<or=0.0001), and thealpha(s) (7.89, p<or=0.0001), beta (5.23, p<or=0.001) and kappa (5.70,p<or=0.0001) subunits. Odds ratios for long-term schizophrenia were significantfor whole casein (7.85, p<or=0.0001), and the alpha(s) (4.78, p<or=0.003) andkappa (4.92, p<or=0.004) subunits. Within the recent onset group, odds ratioswere particularly significant for a subgroup of people with psychotic disordersthat included major depressive disorders (8.22-16.48, p<or=0.0001). In adifferent recent onset subgroup (schizophrenia-spectrum disorders), PANSS scoresfor negative symptoms were correlated with casein antibody levels for thealpha(s) and kappa subunits (p<or=0.001-0.01). Immunoblotting patterns alsoexhibited group specificity, with kappa predominant in recent onset and alpha(s)in schizophrenia (Fisher's Exact Test, p<or=0.001). The elevated IgG and uniquepatterns of antibody specificity to bovine casein among diagnostic groupsprovide a rationale for clinical trials to evaluate efficacies of dietarymodifications in individuals with neuropsychiatric diseases.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21176030Bipolar Disord. 2010 Dec;12(8):834-42. doi: 10.1111/j.1399-5618.2010.00879.x.Immune activation by casein dietary antigens in bipolar disorder.Severance EG, Dupont D, Dickerson FB, Stallings CR, Origoni AE, Krivogorsky B,Yang S, Haasnoot W, Yolken RH.Stanley Division of Developmental Neurovirology, Department of Pediatrics, sHopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA INRA-Agrocampus Ouest, Science etTechnologie du Lait et de l'Oeuf, Rennes, France Stanley Research Program,Sheppard Pratt Health System, Baltimore, MD, USA Biomolecular Detection (BD),RIKILT-Institute of Food Safety, Wageningen UR, The Netherlands.AbstractSeverance EG, Dupont D, Dickerson FB, Stallings CR, Origoni AE, Krivogorsky B,Yang S, Haasnoot W, Yolken RH. Immune activation by casein dietary antigens inbipolar disorder. Bipolar Disord 2010: 12: 834-842. © 2010 The Authors. Journalcompilation © 2010 Wiley & Sons A/S. Objectives: & #8194; Inflammation andother immune processes are increasingly linked to psychiatric diseases.Antigenic triggers specific to bipolar disorder are not yet defined. We testedwhether antibodies to bovine milk caseins were associated with bipolar disorder,and whether patients recognized different epitopes of the casein protein thancontrol individuals. Methods: & #8194; Anti-bovine casein immunoglobulin G (IgG)levels were measured with solid-phase immunoassays in 75 individuals withbipolar disorder and 65 controls. Epitope recognition was evaluated inimmunoassays by cross neutralization with anti-bovine casein polyclonalantibodies of defined reactivity. Group-specific reactivity and associationswith symptom severity scores were detected with age-, gender-, andrace-controlled regression models. Results: & #8194; Individuals with bipolardisorder had significantly elevated anti-casein IgG (t-test,p & #8195; & #8804; & #8195;0.001) compared to controls. Casein IgG seropositivityconferred odds ratios of 3.97 for bipolar disorder [n & #8195;= & #8195;75, 95%confidence interval (CI): 1.31-12.08, p & #8195; & #8804; & #8195;0.015], 5.26 for thebipolar I subtype (n & #8195;= & #8195;56, 95% CI: 1.66-16.64,p & #8195; & #8804; & #8195;0.005), and 3.98 for bipolar disorder with psychosis(n & #8195;= & #8195;54, 95% CI: 1.32-12.00, p & #8195; & #8804; & #8195;0.014). Lithiumand/or antipsychotic medication did not significantly affect anti-casein IgGlevels. Casein IgG measures correlated with severity of manic (R(2) & #8195;= & #8195;0.15, 95% CI: 0.05-0.24, p & #8195; & #8804; & #8195;0.02) but notdepressive symptoms. Unlike controls, sera from individuals with bipolardisorder did not inhibit binding of casein-reactive animal sera(t-test/ & #967;(2) , p & #8195; & #8804; & #8195;0.0001). Conclusions: & #8194;Anti-casein IgG associations with bipolar I diagnoses, psychotic symptomhistory, and mania severity scores suggest that casein-related immune activationmay relate to the psychosis and mania components of this mood disorder.Case-control differences in epitope recognition implicate disease-relatedalterations in how the casein molecule is digested and/or how resultingcasein-derived structures are rendered immunogenic.Dr. Palevsky's comment:While the authors conclude one of these studies with the suggestion thatclinical trials of dietary modifications in individuals with neuropsychiatricdisorders could be helpful, based on their recognition of the presence ofelevated anti-bovine casein IgG immune responses in these patients, I don'tbelieve we need to look too far to understand a possible etiology of thesedisorders, and the implications for further research and policy changes. I agreeit is a top priority to develop good strategies to help treat these patients,but it's also a top priority to look at how we might be contributing to thedevelopment of these disorders in those yet-to-be identified vulnerablepatients, however uncomfortable it might be.Here is a verbatim quote from the Infanrix (DTaP) vaccine package insert underheading number 11 DESCRIPTION:The diphtheria toxin is produced by growing Corynebacterium diphtheriae inFenton medium containing a bovine extract. Tetanus toxin is produced by growingClostridium tetani in a modified Latham medium derived from bovine casein.Here is a verbatim quote from the Pediarix (DTaP, Hepatitis B, Polio) vaccinepackage insert under DESCRIPTION:The diphtheria toxoid, tetanus toxoid, and pertussis antigens are the same asthose in INFANRIX®Children are given a DTaP vaccine in 6 doses in the first 11 years of theirlives (2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 18-21 months, 4-6 years, 11 years).Here is a verbatim quote from the Tetanus Toxoid vaccine package insert underDESCRIPTION:Clostridium tetani culture is grown in a peptone-based medium containing anextract of bovine muscle tissue and detoxified with formaldehyde.(Bovine casein is a protein that can easily be part of bovine muscle tissuewhich gets incorporated into the final vaccine product. We just don't know).Here is a verbatim quote from the Diphtheria Toxoid vaccine package insert underDESCRIPTION:Clostridium tetani cultures are grown in a peptone-based medium containingbovine extract.(Again, it's possible that casein can be present as a protein in the bovineextract which makes its way into the final vaccine product. We just don't know).Standard medical policy recommends that adults receive a tetanus vaccine every10 years, and every 5 years if there has been an intercurrent laceration,injury, or burn to the skin.We learn early on in medical school immunology class that the injection ofproteins through the skin into the deeper parts of the body causes the body'simmune system to see these proteins as foreign. What happens next is thebeginning of a cascade of immune reactions that leads to an immune responseagainst these proteins, which is not just limited to the production ofantibodies. With our vaccine policies, we potentially inject the casein moleculeinto children and adults on a regular basis, along with vaccine adjuvants thatincite the body's immune system that creates an immune response against any orall vaccine contents. Yet, in the vaccine literature, we never see studies fromthe manufacturers measuring IgG antibodies against any of the residual materialsin the vaccines other than of the bacteria or viruses that we vaccinate against.We certainly don't see any studies measuring IgE levels either. It's importantto remember that IgE or IgG antibody production is not the only immune responsethat could be produced by the immune system once foreign proteins are injected.This thought leaves us completely ignorant to all the possible immune reactionsthat could occur in the body, beyond antibody production, after foreign proteinsare injected through vaccines. How many of these possible immune reactions couldbe detrimental to the integrity of our bodies, remains unknown.It's feasible to consider that the casein molecule is present in the finalpediatric and adult vaccines that come to market. It's also likely that oncecasein is injected into the body, it becomes identified by the immune system asan enemy. Should this happen in a subset of patients, their immune systems willbegin mounting a continuous immune response against any casein molecule that isincorporated into the cells of the body. With the bombardment of dairy productsin our diets, we are introducing a continuous infusion of casein molecules intothe blood stream, and into the cells of our bodies. The body's immune system hasno reason to reject the incorporated dietary casein molecule in our cells,unless it has been "taught" to see this molecule as foreign. In those patientswhose immune systems have mounted an IgG immune response against the vaccinecasein protein, beyond a threshold by which their immune systems can containthis immune reaction, they are going to express this immune reaction through thedevelopment of clinical symptoms; clinical symptoms that mirror the onset ofwhat amounts to an autoimmune reaction. In these studies, these clinicalsymptoms have been categorized as part of the neuropsychiatric conditions. Inpatients who have elevated IgG immune responses against casein, and expresstheir clinical symptoms in body sites other than what the authors report,there's no telling what other types of neuro-developmental, or other organsystem chronic inflammatory conditions we are creating, as a result of theinjection of the foreign casein protein. After all, each person has a differentbody site susceptibility regarding where they might express their symptoms.There is increasing scientific evidence that suggests a relationship betweenelevated serum IgG antibodies to dietary proteins and the worsening of symptomsin patients with chronic inflammatory conditions. Previously, we were onlytaught that IgE antibody reactions were responsible for contributing toallergic/inflammatory symptoms in children and adults. More and more researchand clinical experience, however, are showing how patients with elevated IgGantibodies to many dietary proteins are clinically improving their chronicinflammatory symptoms associated with varying clinical conditions, with theremoval of these proteins from their diets. We should be considerably concernedwith the new AAP policy that states it is safe to give the chicken egg proteincontaining MMR and influenza vaccines to children with documented egg allergies,as long as their allergies are not known to be anaphylactic responses. As we arelearning, allergy/inflammatory reactions leading to clinical symptoms do notonly stem from IgE reactions.The hard part is looking at what might be creating these elevated IgG antibodiesin the first place. We know vaccines contain casein, as well as soy, corn,peanuts and egg proteins. How many children and adults develop all sorts ofchronic autoimmune or inflammatory conditions in response to the injection, andsubsequent ingestion, of these proteins? I wonder, with the number of people inthis country with celiac disease (1 in 100) and the many more with glutenintolerance who test negative for celiac disease, if gluten may be present inthe medias used in the vaccine manufacturing process, as well. Good questions toask, and important research to do. What are we to do about it? The HippocraticOath taught us in the medical profession to "first do no harm." Theprecautionary principle "states that if an action or a policy has a risk ofcausing harm to the public or the environment, in the absence of scientificconsensus that the action or policy is harmful, the burden of proof that it isNOT harmful falls on those taking the action." It is time to invoke theHippocratic Oath and the Precautionary Principle. We need to be making thevaccine manufacturers, and the authorities who claim that vaccine safety hasbeen fully evaluated, more accountable for the safety and efficacy of vaccines,and for the rationale of vaccine policies. These types of published studies makethe timeline for standing up much more imminent.In an article titled Vaccine Strategies in the 21st Century, in Immunology andCell Biology Journal, May/June/July 2009, the authors state, "vaccines are oneof the most effective methods of controlling infectious disease. Althoughvaccination has been used for centuries, the technologies are largely empiricalwith little understanding of the underlying immunological principles andphysiological mechanisms. As researchers gain knowledge of these principles andregulatory authorities become more stringent in their requirements, changes inempirical approaches have become necessary; rational vaccine design is nowessential. The articles in this special feature introduce research on a newgeneration of vaccines which are logically designed and evaluated. Of particularinterest is a new wave of vaccines that induce CD8+ T cell responses — incontrast to the traditional mechanism of eliciting a protective antibodyresponse — and how they may be used therapeutically.....http://www.nature.com/icb/focus/vaccine_web_focus/index.htmlIt is time we realized that we may be doing more harm than good with the use ofinjected materials in the name of building health and protection from disease.All we have to do is look at the studies showing the exponential rise inpediatric and adult allergies, and the increasing number of cases of chronicautoimmune and inflammatory conditions, to understand that we have a biggerproblem on our hands that needs more attention than just finding better ways totreat these patients who develop these illnesses.


Gerald Gluck,Ph.D., LMFT, PA

BCN, (Board Certified In Neurofeedback) Sr. Fellow

Center for Family Counseling and Biofeedback

2855 North University Drive, Ste. 210

Coral Springs, Florida 33065




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