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Re: Fwd: FW: Lori Love your story

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Lori- Thanks for sharing, you really seem to have a neat family, and I am

sure things with your daughter, or hope that your concerns will work out, 5

children and another expected WOW, I say she is doing well to be able to

tolerate them all now and being pregnant, How hard that is in itself, and as

most of us want to love children whether ours biologically or not, it can be

hard when we are not that parent. I can see some of your concerns, as when then

you have your own and there are step, trouble can naturally for some reason

happen, people change, child jealousy, feel more attention to the newbie etc. My

children are step to my husband, and there is a step brother who for long sad

maddening reasons have never had the chance to know his wonderfull father. My

children after getting over the anger, denial of my divorce and that the boys

were 10,11, now love my husband to death. That is so weird about your husband

from neird to harley! I grew up around them, brothers,

boyfriends, and my husband becuase I don't look or fit the Harley girl, every

so often teases I was a biker Chick! LOL I just love to ride, or did, have not

since teen. So do you and or your husband go to the Harley week?,isn't it there

in your state, is it Sturgeon? SP I always wanted to do that now, as the last

couple yrs I remet some of the guys/wives and so that still ride and do Daytona,

and Go to either S.Dakota or North, I always get mixed up, but it on t.v always

looks fun, and I love Orange County Choppers I watch them all the time and

would love to see there bikes in person. I don't know about Daytona, that gets

to wild. Anyway, I hope your son will find employment in art that is such a

talent, my husband use to draw, but grew up in Maine, poor and had no

oppurtunity to pursue it,sad. He is an offshore scallop fisherman, and his

season runs April-Nov so I am home alone most of that time except a few days a

mo. Last summer I got myself a little friend

Taco my happy,.loving Chia. He brings me a smile every day, and I think he

understands my horrifying disease as he sits by my side, and when I holler out

with pain of movement at times he comes to my rescue. LOL Well will let you

go. I believe your sons will also find someone who appreciates them, for who

they are, and tell them not to settle, and watch out for the ones looking for a

easy ride, they seem deserving of not being with someone who really cares. I

have been lucky also to have no real trouble with my 3 getting through the

teens, and believe like you and always told them I understand mistakes will be

made but I expect your to learn from it, and not repeat it. You mess up real

bad be ready to take the consequences and pay them on your on, and don't fall

for the scapegoat, or follower to fit in. So my daughter was no problem my

biggest thing with her was she would have a melt down if a hair would not sit

right, the socks did not match the pants exactly and

girly stuff, and it was a major problem with her, on these issues, I once told

her next time she decided to change hair styles move in with her second family

while having the fit it didn't come out like she wanted etc! Geez. So do you

agree if we could have our kids home we would feel better as far as forgetting

about our pains, when is it going to end stuff with the FM? Take Care Hope

lighter days Sharon

Lori Hammer wrote: Thank you Sharon. It just

seems like you said some women have it made if they would just look at what they

have with the man they are with. Your son sounds like a wonderful man and it

sounds like he is a man now and she sees it but it is too late. Too bad, so sad

for her she blew it! AS far as the house goes he should fight for that for when

he finds the right person to share it with and who appreciates it. And I have no

doubt he will find her as Sorry and not to offend anyone God has the right

person for him and for mine. They just have to all be patient.

I remember when I saw my husband for the first time! Man what a nerd horn rimmed

glasses (black) plaid shirt and striped pants. I was working at the bakery in

town and he and his mom and little brother walked in at first I thought wow what

a geeky family. But something about him made me keep thinking about him. School

started and he ended up hanging with my crowd. One of my friends even ran off

with his older brother so we had started talking on the phone. I just knew in my

heart that he was for me. The more I saw him the more I knew he as to be a part

of my life I even tried setting up with my other friends but my jealousy got to

be too much.I tried pushing him away but he kept coming back.

Somehow I just knew! I try and tell the kids that story and how I felt at the

time. That you will know! I did anyway. My hubby is far from nerdy now he is a

Harley man and works very hard. When we first got married we lived in a very

small trailer. He did not have a job but I was still decorating cakes at the

bakery. Then all of the sudden one day he just grew up he would have 3-4 jobs at

one time.

It is interesting how life works itself out but unfortunately these days

anything goes anybody will sleep with anybody and its considered OK.

It scares me and when my daughters child comes into this world what is in store

for that baby. We love her fiance' but there are issues there that I cannot talk

about. He is African American and loves my daughter very much. But he already

has 5 children, which she has taken under her wing and loves them all. But what

happens when this baby comes? Scary. But we have always instilled in our

children that color does not matter. And to have respect for all nationalities.

Jonah is a good man and does take responsibility for all those children. They

have them every other weekend. Even my husband and I made sure we included all

those I guess they are grandchildren too and bought them gifts at Christmas

time. Actually it was kind of fun. I just really worry about Kalli and what is

going on in her life. We have already bought her wedding dress. Hopefully it

will fit when they decide to get married. Your right you never get out of the

parenting, I remember Saying

what you were talking about that i couldn't wait till they were grown and gone.

But when that time came it was the hardest time for me and the loneliest. Empty

Nest Syndrome. About the time my daughter and i were becoming friends she grew

up. They all 3 did. We use to go camping and have a 28ft fifth wheel camper it

was our family time. Now its over and it hurts. I still love to go camping do

not get me wrong but it is just not the same. I keep finding things they left in

the camper when they were little. Wonderful memories. And my kids never fail to

say I love you even in front of their friends and my boys are in bands but they

don't care if they hear or not it is always said not implied. They were never in

any real trouble when they hit their teens They were not perfect either, I am

not that kind of mother at all if they got in trouble they were made to pay the

price. Kalli was a cheerleader which made me proud as she was heavy but stuck

with it no matter

what for the 4 years Of High School, but even in her last year she never got to

be a varsity cheerleader. the middle one was all football and continued to

help coach after High School and the oldest is an awesome artist I hope he finds

some where in his life to do that for a living. I may post some of his work in

my album. He started drawing when he was 4. I was an artist also, and so was my

father The boys started rock bands and have awesome skills with guitars drums

whatever. singing. My husband was a singer in high school. But when the boys had

their first band practice in the basement I called my father and held the phone

so he could hear them and then thanked him for giving them that talent and the

noise. he laughed. On my parents 50th wedding anniversary there were 3

generations on stage playing different things. It was awesome.

Well I have to get going I have 2 schnauzer that need their baths and then hair

cuts which I taught my self to do. I had many a litter of them to learn on. That

was my thing for a while there is nothing like a baby schnauzer and they were

all home raised and pretty much potty trained before they were sold. I loved

everyone of them. At one point I had 2 females both have puppies at the same

time that was a blast , we took them all camping all 20 of them . of course they

were the hit of the campground. I miss it as this last female is the last of the

line and when she is gone the line that gave me so much happiness is over. Oh

well I probably couldn't keep up with anyway.

Well i am off to get started. i have 2 to get groomed.

Take care


Lori- That is so sad!, and don't worry I am glad I was able to hear your sorrow,

and wish it were better. I don't understand how some can be so cruel, and it

hardens me to think there are woman out there so heartless to the good men they

have, that they walk all over them! My oldest son 24, who was 18 yrs and works a

hard hard job pouring foundations, dropped at work one day, with pain, after

several scans, and hospitalization, liver bioposy, was diagnoised with Chron's,

except for this stay he has not missed a day of work ever, does not take his

vacations, works them, OT. He had been with his g.friend from that age up until

past Oct. He had bought land, built a 3bd, 3ba walk out basement Cape home, well

last July she woke and let him now he had passed in her mind what she thought

was the time limit of getting married! Now she had been this sweet, quiet,

lovable girl, we all thought the world of her. She WAS insecure that my son did

not want to marry her, I kept

telling her they had been together 5yrs, just had this big home which by the way

she wanted this style he wanted to start smaller, and a little less, he loved

her and they needed to get comfortable with getting some of it pd, before

rushing for a big wedding which she would of settled for non less. If she would

of comprimised he may have done it sooner, but kept telling her it would happen

they were still young. Oh and by the way the appliances that SHE wanted and got

are top of the line, stainless steel kitch. marble counters, whirlpool tub, Big

front load W/D. So as of Oct. she first moved out and found comfort on the couch

of his and her friends brother who is 34 divorced and lives in mobile home with

parents paying child support to two girls 9,7. This went on against all's

advice, he begged her to come home stay and talk things through, her sisters

told her to come to there house, I told her come here, this was not right, did

not look good, no matter what she

claimed, she said he was her friend and talking to her, he also was my son's

friend first! Anyway she came in and out of the house, never staying, broke his

heart, my son is a really mature, lovable guy, and it tore me apart, as he is

very sensitive, he lost more weight which he can't afford with that stupid

disease, she would not come home. Oh, then in Dec. she says she is moving back

and he has to decide he is going to go back with her, or he has to leave!, this

is because he finally broke out of his low point and started visiting his other

friends he had put on hold because he was with her. Long story short, I find out

she through all this time, had been choosing to spend her time with shopping,

g.friends, etc. when he did have some time off even though he wanted to hang out

with her. She was getting upset because coming home nights from work he was

falling asleep at the table, watching t.v without telling her he loved her! He

works 12-14 hr shifts. 50hrs a week.

Now he has moved out she was suppose to buy him out has not happened, she chases

him around, wants him back, and wants to forget that she found solace on the

couch of another man! My son is in a good place right now, I think, at least he

is smiling again. And when he is ready there are alot of mature young woman here

who would love to have him, though I still know he loves her. What is wrong with

these girls I am hearing more females then men doing this type of thing. So I

hope your sons will find, that somewhere out there is someone waiting to run

across the few guys young and just wanting to work hard, have a family life, and

have a home, this is what my oldest son has wanted from H.S, his brother is the

schooler, he is in college taking engineering as he likes money, and doesn't

want a g.friend steady as he has always had his mind on earning a living as

something that pays well, and he is very very smart and I am glad he is putting

it to good use. He is not ready to

share his money with a female. LOL. As for disability I am doing that now, I

started it but believe I have to start over! I filed it from the house here in

Me., and because we also live in Mass., but have been in Me all winter I filed

from here, but was reminded by Dr. yesterday I need to file from my residence

State which is Ma., See someone always has to check on what I am doing. I put

off filing, as I don't want believe I can not work, I have worked all my life,

but it was reassured yesterday by the Dr. after i had even tried cutting back,

and I even tried changing, jobs. Lori, I agree once your children are grown you

think your worries, concerns etc lighten. I don't find that either, and

truthfully as many people that I have heard say they are glad there's are gone,

I would love to have mine home again. My daughter and only 2 g children live in

Ca. and I wish so bad they were close as I know this would ease my days, of

pain, and frustration, I so love them

around. I hope things get better for you. Tell your son's they in the long run

as I told my son who went through the girl thing, some day he will look back and

know it was for the best, though I have told him he should get what he deserves

out of that house, but he won't fight for it. They had not even been it the

house 4mo's when she pulled this, you passed the date, we need to take a break!

She now realizes though what she lost, and your sons I think are better off

without woman like them to drag them down. Take Care Sharon

Lori Hammer wrote:


I am in South Dakota and it is 5:30 am central time. My hubby just left for

work. I still feel so bad I can't be going to work like I use to. It makes me

feel guilty. I need to get started on Disability. He gets mad at me he says I

haven't started yet because I still do not accept I have a disease. He is right

even after 17 years of it. I do not want to give up my life and right now my

children all grown and gone. Sorry I had to take my meds! I just lost my second

grandchild and the wedding for my daughter was put on hold for awhile and then

she calls me the other night and tells me she is pregnant . She had just found

out. My oldest is the one who was going to have a child with his girlfriend of 5

years when all of the sudden she calls him and tells him she miscarried and that

he needed to get a life and grow up. He is heart broken. He thinks she may have

gotten an abortion as her brother and her mother said she should not have the

baby as she already has

one. Buster he is so cute and loved him just like his own. He took care of

her as he was the only one with a job and was running her everywhere.

unbelievable! My oldest was born on my birthday and he is so much like me he

wears his heart on his sleeve! He called this week also and just needed to talk

and is still having a hard hard time. The other grandchild we lost my middle son

knew nothing about this girl being pregnant until she miscarried. They had lived

together for a while and I tell you what that girl scared me she was a psycho.

Well I am sorry i laid all this on you I don't mean too. I just thought after

they left it would be easier! LOL Guess not huh? My pain doesn't wake me up very

often I just end up getting up. If you ever need anything while I am still here

let me know. hasn't said she doesn't need me since she has gotten back,

so I am still here for now. Take care!

Thanks for listening to my issues, sorry,

Lori J

sharon studley wrote:

Hey don't apoligize as I never know when I may forget something and get caught

and would of possible opened when schrolling onto e-mails one after another.

plus you refreshed me to pass it on to family members. Sooooo Thank you better a

million times then not at all Take Care hope your having a light day, night? not

sure where you are I woke with screaming pain in lower back right hip etc.

waiting for meds to kick in...Sharon

Lori Hammer wrote: Sorry, I just got it a little bit

ago and just wanted to make sure everyone got it. I apologize. Have a great day.

And nice to hear from you,

Gentle Hugs,

Lori J

sharon studley wrote:

Thanks and I did get this forwarded to me by my sis-in law from Hawaii she is

right up on sending me these alerts.

Lori Hammer wrote:


It's very important that you check this out on snopes.com and type

" Postcard Virus " in the Search. There are a LOT of variations to this



>> Subject: Fwd: Fw: New PC Virus


>This is real. The FBI is even involved.

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> > Hi All,I checked with Norton Anti-Virus, and they are

>> > gearing up for this

>> > virus! I checked snopes.com, and it is for real!! Get

>> > this E-mail message sent around to your contacts



>> >

>> >

>You should be alert during the next few days. Do not

>> > open any message with an attachment entitled

>> > " POSTCARD, " regardless of who sent it to you

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> > It is a virus which opens A POSTCARD IMAGE, which

>> > 'burns' the whole hard disc C of

>> > your computer. This virus will be received from

>> > someone who has your e-mail address in his/her contact

>> > list.

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> > This is the reason why you need to send this e-mailto

>> > all your contacts. It is better to receive this

>> > message 25 times than to receive the virus and open

>> > it. If you receive a mail called " POSTCARD, " even

>> > though sent to you by a friend, do not open it.!

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> > Shut down your computer immediately. This is the worst

>> > virus announced by CNN. It has been classified by

>> > Microsoft as the most destructive virus ever. This

>> > virus was discovered by McAfee yesterday, and there is

>> > no repair yet for this kind of virus.

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> > This virus simply destroys the Zero Sector of the Hard

>> > Disc, where the vital information is kept. COPY THIS







God's Blessings To You and Yours, JoyBird and Dennis


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I guess I am a Honda chick my bike is a Honda shadow 1100 but the Harley people

accept me. People get the wrong impression of bikers granted there are some bad

ones. Most of them are nicest people you will ever meet. We do go to Sturgis

every year. Naturally I cannot ride my bike that far so mine is hauled on our

trailer behind our camper and I drive all that out to sturgis. Its a big load I

have a one ton Dodge turbo cummins Diesel then the 28 ft camper and then the

smaller trailer with my bike behind that. One year when I was pulling out the

bumper on the camper apparently decided the small trailer with my bike was too

much for it to handle I didn't have any idea. But something told me to stop at

the one scenic overlook of the badlands I hadn't stopped there in years. so i

am checking everything and this nice couple asked me if I was a truck driver .

I laughed and said nope. they said you do a great job driving your load. So

as I was walking back I noticed that

the spare tire on the camper that is attached to the bumper on the camper was

leaning away from the trailer.

I looked even further and the darn bumper on the trailer was breaking off I

could have killed my self and someone else. I was just shaking. I had to call

my hubby who was already in Rapid City that I did not dare try and go anywhere,

so he had to come and find me in the dark in the Badlands and there was no exit

on the other side of I-90 so he was totally lost. i was a Little scared as the

place is not well lit and Truckers are pulling in for the night to sleep. One

biker pulled in grabbed a sleeping bag and went out in the dark to sleep on the

ground in the badlands. I was a little freaked and my husband was having a

tough time finding me. Finally he found me he hooked up the bike trailer on his

little pick up he had borrowed from our friends out there. We made it as far as

Wall, SD the best tourist town on the way to the hills found a place to park

both vehicles and slept for a couple of hours. the next day as we are finally

on our way again we are climbing the

biggest hill there is on I-90 just before Rapid City and my foot pedal linkage

decided to break half way up. So here i am stuck on a dangerous hill and my

husband Had to go to Rapid and try and find a part to fix the truck. So I am

stuck in the camper trying to lay down but there is so much traffic as everyone

is headed out there and they would just make the camper move back and forth.

Finally he made it back got it fixed and we were on our way again finally.

Come to find out there was a recall on the part that broke in the truck so it

went to the dodge dealer there and got it fixed the right way and it did not

cost anything. We had a heavy duty bumper made for the camper so that will not

be a problem again either. I can usually leave and be in Rapid in 6 hours and

that is clear across the state as I live in the southeastern corner of South

Dakota and Rapid City Mount Rushmore and Sturgis are all on the border of

Wyoming. Which we have ridden there to see

Devils tower. Our banker that we deal with goes every year as his wife's

mother owns the trading post at the base of the Devils tower. It is awesome.

Everything there is awesome . I have been going to the Black Hills since I was

a kid as we had relatives that lived there.They ran a place called robins roost

like a motel but it was cabins set back up in the hills. It was awesome. but i

sent you pictures. And it is South Dakota that has the motorcycle rally in

Sturgis. It really is something to see. Plus all the sight seeing you can do

like Mount Rushmore caves the needles the beautiful lakes. One lake called

Lake Pactola has a city in it . There is a whole town under the water as they

decided to put the lake there instead of the town.

Talk to you later,

Lori j

Lori- Thanks for sharing, you really seem to have a neat family, and I

am sure things with your daughter, or hope that your concerns will work out, 5

children and another expected WOW, I say she is doing well to be able to

tolerate them all now and being pregnant, How hard that is in itself, and as

most of us want to love children whether ours biologically or not, it can be

hard when we are not that parent. I can see some of your concerns, as when then

you have your own and there are step, trouble can naturally for some reason

happen, people change, child jealousy, feel more attention to the newbie etc. My

children are step to my husband, and there is a step brother who for long sad

maddening reasons have never had the chance to know his wonderful father. My

children after getting over the anger, denial of my divorce and that the boys

were 10,11, now love my husband to death. That is so weird about your husband

from neird to harley! I grew up around them, brothers,

boyfriends, and my husband becuase I don't look or fit the Harley girl, every so

often teases I was a biker Chick! LOL I just love to ride, or did, have not

since teen. So do you and or your husband go to the Harley week?,isn't it there

in your state, is it Sturgeon? SP I always wanted to do that now, as the last

couple yrs I remet some of the guys/wives and so that still ride and do Daytona,

and Go to either S.Dakota or North, I always get mixed up, but it on t.v always

looks fun, and I love Orange County Choppers I watch them all the time and would

love to see there bikes in person. I don't know about Daytona, that gets to

wild. Anyway, I hope your son will find employment in art that is such a talent,

my husband use to draw, but grew up in Maine, poor and had no oppurtunity to

pursue it,sad. He is an offshore scallop fisherman, and his season runs

April-Nov so I am home alone most of that time except a few days a mo. Last

summer I got myself a little friend

Taco my happy,.loving Chia. He brings me a smile every day, and I think he

understands my horrifying disease as he sits by my side, and when I holler out

with pain of movement at times he comes to my rescue. LOL Well will let you go.

I believe your sons will also find someone who appreciates them, for who they

are, and tell them not to settle, and watch out for the ones looking for a easy

ride, they seem deserving of not being with someone who really cares. I have

been lucky also to have no real trouble with my 3 getting through the teens, and

believe like you and always told them I understand mistakes will be made but I

expect your to learn from it, and not repeat it. You mess up real bad be ready

to take the consequences and pay them on your on, and don't fall for the

scapegoat, or follower to fit in. So my daughter was no problem my biggest thing

with her was she would have a melt down if a hair would not sit right, the socks

did not match the pants exactly and

girly stuff, and it was a major problem with her, on these issues, I once told

her next time she decided to change hair styles move in with her second family

while having the fit it didn't come out like she wanted etc! Geez. So do you

agree if we could have our kids home we would feel better as far as forgetting

about our pains, when is it going to end stuff with the FM? Take Care Hope

lighter days Sharon

Lori Hammer wrote: Thank you Sharon. It just seems like

you said some women have it made if they would just look at what they have with

the man they are with. Your son sounds like a wonderful man and it sounds like

he is a man now and she sees it but it is too late. Too bad, so sad for her she

blew it! AS far as the house goes he should fight for that for when he finds the

right person to share it with and who appreciates it. And I have no doubt he

will find her as Sorry and not to offend anyone God has the right person for him

and for mine. They just have to all be patient.

I remember when I saw my husband for the first time! Man what a nerd horn rimmed

glasses (black) plaid shirt and striped pants. I was working at the bakery in

town and he and his mom and little brother walked in at first I thought wow what

a geeky family. But something about him made me keep thinking about him. School

started and he ended up hanging with my crowd. One of my friends even ran off

with his older brother so we had started talking on the phone. I just knew in my

heart that he was for me. The more I saw him the more I knew he as to be a part

of my life I even tried setting up with my other friends but my jealousy got to

be too much.I tried pushing him away but he kept coming back.

Somehow I just knew! I try and tell the kids that story and how I felt at the

time. That you will know! I did anyway. My hubby is far from nerdy now he is a

Harley man and works very hard. When we first got married we lived in a very

small trailer. He did not have a job but I was still decorating cakes at the

bakery. Then all of the sudden one day he just grew up he would have 3-4 jobs at

one time.

It is interesting how life works itself out but unfortunately these days

anything goes anybody will sleep with anybody and its considered OK.

It scares me and when my daughters child comes into this world what is in store

for that baby. We love her fiance' but there are issues there that I cannot talk

about. He is African American and loves my daughter very much. But he already

has 5 children, which she has taken under her wing and loves them all. But what

happens when this baby comes? Scary. But we have always instilled in our

children that color does not matter. And to have respect for all nationalities.

Jonah is a good man and does take responsibility for all those children. They

have them every other weekend. Even my husband and I made sure we included all

those I guess they are grandchildren too and bought them gifts at Christmas

time. Actually it was kind of fun. I just really worry about Kalli and what is

going on in her life. We have already bought her wedding dress. Hopefully it

will fit when they decide to get married. Your right you never get out of the

parenting, I remember Saying

what you were talking about that i couldn't wait till they were grown and gone.

But when that time came it was the hardest time for me and the loneliest. Empty

Nest Syndrome. About the time my daughter and i were becoming friends she grew

up. They all 3 did. We use to go camping and have a 28ft fifth wheel camper it

was our family time. Now its over and it hurts. I still love to go camping do

not get me wrong but it is just not the same. I keep finding things they left in

the camper when they were little. Wonderful memories. And my kids never fail to

say I love you even in front of their friends and my boys are in bands but they

don't care if they hear or not it is always said not implied. They were never in

any real trouble when they hit their teens They were not perfect either, I am

not that kind of mother at all if they got in trouble they were made to pay the

price. Kalli was a cheerleader which made me proud as she was heavy but stuck

with it no matter

what for the 4 years Of High School, but even in her last year she never got to

be a varsity cheerleader. the middle one was all football and continued to

help coach after High School and the oldest is an awesome artist I hope he finds

some where in his life to do that for a living. I may post some of his work in

my album. He started drawing when he was 4. I was an artist also, and so was my

father The boys started rock bands and have awesome skills with guitars drums

whatever. singing. My husband was a singer in high school. But when the boys had

their first band practice in the basement I called my father and held the phone

so he could hear them and then thanked him for giving them that talent and the

noise. he laughed. On my parents 50th wedding anniversary there were 3

generations on stage playing different things. It was awesome.

Well I have to get going I have 2 schnauzer that need their baths and then hair

cuts which I taught my self to do. I had many a litter of them to learn on. That

was my thing for a while there is nothing like a baby schnauzer and they were

all home raised and pretty much potty trained before they were sold. I loved

everyone of them. At one point I had 2 females both have puppies at the same

time that was a blast , we took them all camping all 20 of them . of course they

were the hit of the campground. I miss it as this last female is the last of the

line and when she is gone the line that gave me so much happiness is over. Oh

well I probably couldn't keep up with anyway.

Well i am off to get started. i have 2 to get groomed.

Take care


Lori- That is so sad!, and don't worry I am glad I was able to hear your sorrow,

and wish it were better. I don't understand how some can be so cruel, and it

hardens me to think there are woman out there so heartless to the good men they

have, that they walk all over them! My oldest son 24, who was 18 yrs and works a

hard hard job pouring foundations, dropped at work one day, with pain, after

several scans, and hospitalization, liver bioposy, was diagnoised with Chron's,

except for this stay he has not missed a day of work ever, does not take his

vacations, works them, OT. He had been with his g.friend from that age up until

past Oct. He had bought land, built a 3bd, 3ba walk out basement Cape home, well

last July she woke and let him now he had passed in her mind what she thought

was the time limit of getting married! Now she had been this sweet, quiet,

lovable girl, we all thought the world of her. She WAS insecure that my son did

not want to marry her, I kept

telling her they had been together 5yrs, just had this big home which by the way

she wanted this style he wanted to start smaller, and a little less, he loved

her and they needed to get comfortable with getting some of it pd, before

rushing for a big wedding which she would of settled for non less. If she would

of comprimised he may have done it sooner, but kept telling her it would happen

they were still young. Oh and by the way the appliances that SHE wanted and got

are top of the line, stainless steel kitch. marble counters, whirlpool tub, Big

front load W/D. So as of Oct. she first moved out and found comfort on the couch

of his and her friends brother who is 34 divorced and lives in mobile home with

parents paying child support to two girls 9,7. This went on against all's

advice, he begged her to come home stay and talk things through, her sisters

told her to come to there house, I told her come here, this was not right, did

not look good, no matter what she

claimed, she said he was her friend and talking to her, he also was my son's

friend first! Anyway she came in and out of the house, never staying, broke his

heart, my son is a really mature, lovable guy, and it tore me apart, as he is

very sensitive, he lost more weight which he can't afford with that stupid

disease, she would not come home. Oh, then in Dec. she says she is moving back

and he has to decide he is going to go back with her, or he has to leave!, this

is because he finally broke out of his low point and started visiting his other

friends he had put on hold because he was with her. Long story short, I find out

she through all this time, had been choosing to spend her time with shopping,

g.friends, etc. when he did have some time off even though he wanted to hang out

with her. She was getting upset because coming home nights from work he was

falling asleep at the table, watching t.v without telling her he loved her! He

works 12-14 hr shifts. 50hrs a week.

Now he has moved out she was suppose to buy him out has not happened, she chases

him around, wants him back, and wants to forget that she found solace on the

couch of another man! My son is in a good place right now, I think, at least he

is smiling again. And when he is ready there are alot of mature young woman here

who would love to have him, though I still know he loves her. What is wrong with

these girls I am hearing more females then men doing this type of thing. So I

hope your sons will find, that somewhere out there is someone waiting to run

across the few guys young and just wanting to work hard, have a family life, and

have a home, this is what my oldest son has wanted from H.S, his brother is the

schooler, he is in college taking engineering as he likes money, and doesn't

want a g.friend steady as he has always had his mind on earning a living as

something that pays well, and he is very very smart and I am glad he is putting

it to good use. He is not ready to

share his money with a female. LOL. As for disability I am doing that now, I

started it but believe I have to start over! I filed it from the house here in

Me., and because we also live in Mass., but have been in Me all winter I filed

from here, but was reminded by Dr. yesterday I need to file from my residence

State which is Ma., See someone always has to check on what I am doing. I put

off filing, as I don't want believe I can not work, I have worked all my life,

but it was reassured yesterday by the Dr. after i had even tried cutting back,

and I even tried changing, jobs. Lori, I agree once your children are grown you

think your worries, concerns etc lighten. I don't find that either, and

truthfully as many people that I have heard say they are glad there's are gone,

I would love to have mine home again. My daughter and only 2 g children live in

Ca. and I wish so bad they were close as I know this would ease my days, of

pain, and frustration, I so love them

around. I hope things get better for you. Tell your son's they in the long run

as I told my son who went through the girl thing, some day he will look back and

know it was for the best, though I have told him he should get what he deserves

out of that house, but he won't fight for it. They had not even been it the

house 4mo's when she pulled this, you passed the date, we need to take a break!

She now realizes though what she lost, and your sons I think are better off

without woman like them to drag them down. Take Care Sharon

Lori Hammer wrote:


I am in South Dakota and it is 5:30 am central time. My hubby just left for

work. I still feel so bad I can't be going to work like I use to. It makes me

feel guilty. I need to get started on Disability. He gets mad at me he says I

haven't started yet because I still do not accept I have a disease. He is right

even after 17 years of it. I do not want to give up my life and right now my

children all grown and gone. Sorry I had to take my meds! I just lost my second

grandchild and the wedding for my daughter was put on hold for awhile and then

she calls me the other night and tells me she is pregnant . She had just found

out. My oldest is the one who was going to have a child with his girlfriend of 5

years when all of the sudden she calls him and tells him she miscarried and that

he needed to get a life and grow up. He is heart broken. He thinks she may have

gotten an abortion as her brother and her mother said she should not have the

baby as she already has

one. Buster he is so cute and loved him just like his own. He took care of

her as he was the only one with a job and was running her everywhere.

unbelievable! My oldest was born on my birthday and he is so much like me he

wears his heart on his sleeve! He called this week also and just needed to talk

and is still having a hard hard time. The other grandchild we lost my middle son

knew nothing about this girl being pregnant until she miscarried. They had lived

together for a while and I tell you what that girl scared me she was a psycho.

Well I am sorry i laid all this on you I don't mean too. I just thought after

they left it would be easier! LOL Guess not huh? My pain doesn't wake me up very

often I just end up getting up. If you ever need anything while I am still here

let me know. hasn't said she doesn't need me since she has gotten back,

so I am still here for now. Take care!

Thanks for listening to my issues, sorry,

Lori J

sharon studley wrote:

Hey don't apoligize as I never know when I may forget something and get caught

and would of possible opened when schrolling onto e-mails one after another.

plus you refreshed me to pass it on to family members. Sooooo Thank you better a

million times then not at all Take Care hope your having a light day, night? not

sure where you are I woke with screaming pain in lower back right hip etc.

waiting for meds to kick in...Sharon

Lori Hammer wrote: Sorry, I just got it a little bit

ago and just wanted to make sure everyone got it. I apologize. Have a great day.

And nice to hear from you,

Gentle Hugs,

Lori J

sharon studley wrote:

Thanks and I did get this forwarded to me by my sis-in law from Hawaii she is

right up on sending me these alerts.

Lori Hammer wrote:


It's very important that you check this out on snopes.com and type

" Postcard Virus " in the Search. There are a LOT of variations to this



>> Subject: Fwd: Fw: New PC Virus


>This is real. The FBI is even involved.

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> > Hi All,I checked with Norton Anti-Virus, and they are

>> > gearing up for this

>> > virus! I checked snopes.com, and it is for real!! Get

>> > this E-mail message sent around to your contacts



>> >

>> >

>You should be alert during the next few days. Do not

>> > open any message with an attachment entitled

>> > " POSTCARD, " regardless of who sent it to you

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> > It is a virus which opens A POSTCARD IMAGE, which

>> > 'burns' the whole hard disc C of

>> > your computer. This virus will be received from

>> > someone who has your e-mail address in his/her contact

>> > list.

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> > This is the reason why you need to send this e-mailto

>> > all your contacts. It is better to receive this

>> > message 25 times than to receive the virus and open

>> > it. If you receive a mail called " POSTCARD, " even

>> > though sent to you by a friend, do not open it.!

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> > Shut down your computer immediately. This is the worst

>> > virus announced by CNN. It has been classified by

>> > Microsoft as the most destructive virus ever. This

>> > virus was discovered by McAfee yesterday, and there is

>> > no repair yet for this kind of virus.

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> > This virus simply destroys the Zero Sector of the Hard

>> > Disc, where the vital information is kept. COPY THIS







God's Blessings To You and Yours, JoyBird and Dennis


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