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Kim T., Welcome. Well, I am the 55 year old adoptive mother of four, grandmother of two, and

was dx'd with SLE, RA, Sjogren's, Chronic Lyme's, Chronic Acute Fibromyalgia (Myofibrositis), Anemia, and non-insulin dependent Diabetes...all between the ages of 30 and 45, although I started

having weird symptoms when I was ten. So, it's not true that Lupus is always fatal...to the disappointment of some of my opponents across the bargaining table when in union negotations. LOL

I was forced into disability retirement about seven years ago due to my health issues, but up until

this year, I was still functioning pretty well. Right now, I am not doing so great, but certainly not as

bad off as some. I still have two young sons at home to raise, one 15 and one 12. They are a real

challenge, so I have to stay alert. Not easy with this disease bundle, that's for sure.

I live in No. California, about 50 miles from San Francisco. We are a half hour from the Pacific Ocean

and right in the middle of wine country. Nice area, but expensive to live in. Where do you hail from,

again? Anyway, welcome, and feel free to join in any conversation, ask questions, whine, vent, etc.

Hugs, MM aka: Mike, one of the moderators

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  • 1 year later...

At 01:21 PM 8/23/05, Sharlot wrote:

>I believe I have confused people with the carb thing....it's 2

>allotments...15 carbs each...I thought it was high, but have no

>idea....I'm so confused now...all I know is that I was eating 2 slices of

>gluten free bread that equaled to the 2 allotments I was allowed with

>veges (vege sandwich) that I had not had for years thinking I was doing

>great....enjoying every bite, I might add...now I have gained weight from

>this and it has been less than a week I found this bread...before this my

>carbs came from 2% milk, bananas and blueberries...a carb is not

>carb...I'm in the middle of a forest with a map that is outdated and it's


Yeah, to me, 30 carbs in a meal would be high. Sometimes I don't eat that

much in a day. I tend more towards 50-70 carbs a day, however. Just depends.

Still, you need to try to find low-glycemic carbs. Bananas aren't, as far

as my thinking goes. Milk is also high in carbs. Cream isn't. Go figure.

Berries are better, and I'm sure someone will list all of the carbs for the

different sorts of berries...but you still need to limit the amount of

berries you have with your whole cream. Did you see the newbie letter that

Vicki posts? It has some good information.


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At 01:21 PM 8/23/05, Sharlot wrote:

>I believe I have confused people with the carb thing....it's 2

>allotments...15 carbs each...I thought it was high, but have no

>idea....I'm so confused now...all I know is that I was eating 2 slices of

>gluten free bread that equaled to the 2 allotments I was allowed with

>veges (vege sandwich) that I had not had for years thinking I was doing

>great....enjoying every bite, I might add...now I have gained weight from

>this and it has been less than a week I found this bread...before this my

>carbs came from 2% milk, bananas and blueberries...a carb is not

>carb...I'm in the middle of a forest with a map that is outdated and it's


Yeah, to me, 30 carbs in a meal would be high. Sometimes I don't eat that

much in a day. I tend more towards 50-70 carbs a day, however. Just depends.

Still, you need to try to find low-glycemic carbs. Bananas aren't, as far

as my thinking goes. Milk is also high in carbs. Cream isn't. Go figure.

Berries are better, and I'm sure someone will list all of the carbs for the

different sorts of berries...but you still need to limit the amount of

berries you have with your whole cream. Did you see the newbie letter that

Vicki posts? It has some good information.


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Yes, I am going over all the mail I have recieved...on my way to work now so

will digest it more tomorrow. So many questions are being answered...you

guys...hope is welling up inside me...I will leave this world in one

piece...what a goal ;-).


Sky wrote:

At 01:21 PM 8/23/05, Sharlot wrote:

>I believe I have confused people with the carb thing....it's 2

>allotments...15 carbs each...I thought it was high, but have no

>idea....I'm so confused now...all I know is that I was eating 2 slices of

>gluten free bread that equaled to the 2 allotments I was allowed with

>veges (vege sandwich) that I had not had for years thinking I was doing

>great....enjoying every bite, I might add...now I have gained weight from

>this and it has been less than a week I found this bread...before this my

>carbs came from 2% milk, bananas and blueberries...a carb is not

>carb...I'm in the middle of a forest with a map that is outdated and it's


Yeah, to me, 30 carbs in a meal would be high. Sometimes I don't eat that

much in a day. I tend more towards 50-70 carbs a day, however. Just depends.

Still, you need to try to find low-glycemic carbs. Bananas aren't, as far

as my thinking goes. Milk is also high in carbs. Cream isn't. Go figure.

Berries are better, and I'm sure someone will list all of the carbs for the

different sorts of berries...but you still need to limit the amount of

berries you have with your whole cream. Did you see the newbie letter that

Vicki posts? It has some good information.


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Yes, I am going over all the mail I have recieved...on my way to work now so

will digest it more tomorrow. So many questions are being answered...you

guys...hope is welling up inside me...I will leave this world in one

piece...what a goal ;-).


Sky wrote:

At 01:21 PM 8/23/05, Sharlot wrote:

>I believe I have confused people with the carb thing....it's 2

>allotments...15 carbs each...I thought it was high, but have no

>idea....I'm so confused now...all I know is that I was eating 2 slices of

>gluten free bread that equaled to the 2 allotments I was allowed with

>veges (vege sandwich) that I had not had for years thinking I was doing

>great....enjoying every bite, I might add...now I have gained weight from

>this and it has been less than a week I found this bread...before this my

>carbs came from 2% milk, bananas and blueberries...a carb is not

>carb...I'm in the middle of a forest with a map that is outdated and it's


Yeah, to me, 30 carbs in a meal would be high. Sometimes I don't eat that

much in a day. I tend more towards 50-70 carbs a day, however. Just depends.

Still, you need to try to find low-glycemic carbs. Bananas aren't, as far

as my thinking goes. Milk is also high in carbs. Cream isn't. Go figure.

Berries are better, and I'm sure someone will list all of the carbs for the

different sorts of berries...but you still need to limit the amount of

berries you have with your whole cream. Did you see the newbie letter that

Vicki posts? It has some good information.


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Yes, I am going over all the mail I have recieved...on my way to work now so

will digest it more tomorrow. So many questions are being answered...you

guys...hope is welling up inside me...I will leave this world in one

piece...what a goal ;-).


Sky wrote:

At 01:21 PM 8/23/05, Sharlot wrote:

>I believe I have confused people with the carb thing....it's 2

>allotments...15 carbs each...I thought it was high, but have no

>idea....I'm so confused now...all I know is that I was eating 2 slices of

>gluten free bread that equaled to the 2 allotments I was allowed with

>veges (vege sandwich) that I had not had for years thinking I was doing

>great....enjoying every bite, I might add...now I have gained weight from

>this and it has been less than a week I found this bread...before this my

>carbs came from 2% milk, bananas and blueberries...a carb is not

>carb...I'm in the middle of a forest with a map that is outdated and it's


Yeah, to me, 30 carbs in a meal would be high. Sometimes I don't eat that

much in a day. I tend more towards 50-70 carbs a day, however. Just depends.

Still, you need to try to find low-glycemic carbs. Bananas aren't, as far

as my thinking goes. Milk is also high in carbs. Cream isn't. Go figure.

Berries are better, and I'm sure someone will list all of the carbs for the

different sorts of berries...but you still need to limit the amount of

berries you have with your whole cream. Did you see the newbie letter that

Vicki posts? It has some good information.


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  • 5 months later...

In many studies magnesium is being found to lower insulin resistance, improve

blood glucose levels, and even is being found to delay and/or prevent the onset

of type 2 diabetes.

You might try magnesium, which is being found to be lacking in dietary intake

for over 68% of the population, and is even more lacking in diabetes.

Some dietary sources are green leafy vegetables, brazil nuts, various seeds,

even chocolate has the highest amount of magnesium by some reports. But our

foods are becoming deficient, through processing, poor soil conditions , use of

pesticides etc. so even the food cannot always be relied upon to provide

adequate magnesium.

The director of the Magnesium Research Lab, himself a renowned MD and a

diabetic recommends that magnesium supplements be used by all diabetics, that

levels be watched carefully in diabetics and anyone else showing any signs at

all of peripheral neuropathy from any cause. New research on magnesium and

diabetes is beginning to be looked at more seriously and the findings are


Dr. Herbert Mannsman Jr., the director of Magnesium Research Lab states: " The

current " party line " on this subject is not universally accepted, but many of us

believe the establishment is too conservative and will some day change. While

admitting its importance, for some unknown reason they remain reluctant to

recommend magnesium supplements. They just do not know how poor the American

diet is in Mg and the frequency of magnesium deficiency " " I have had diabetic

neuropathy (DN) for over 10 years. The most significant symptom is my

neuropathic pain of burning feet, called erythromelalgia (EM). With the aid of

Mg I can completely suppress the symptom, but if my blood glucose level is

acutely elevated, because of a dietary indiscretion, the pain flares in spite of

an apparent adequate dose of Mg. It goes away with extra Mg gluconate (Magonate)

in an hour or so in either case. Without the Mg it will last for six plus hours,

even though the blood glucose level is normal in about two hours. " " It is my

belief that every one with diabetes should be taking Mg supplementation to the

point of one's Maximum Tolerated Dose, which is until one has soft-semi, formed

stools. In addition, anyone with neuropathy, without a known cause, must be

adequately evaluated for diabetes and especially those with poorly, slowly,

healing foot sores of any kind. Since the use of Mg is safe I see no reason that

this should not be " the standard of care " http://www.magnesiumresearchlab.com/

Poorly controlled diabetes leads to excessive excretion of magnesium in the

urine, and because of frequent urination. It sets off a vicious cycle.

There are many ways to increase magnesium levels,and many supplements available

to choose from. Some are better than others, some cause intestinal problems,

like diarrhea, and some take up to a year to raise magnesium levels in our

bodies. Some have long term effects, like cardiac arrythmias.....and magnesium

can cause problems if severe renal insufficiency is present. So you have to

know and investigate fully what's best.

Insulin and oral diabetic medications also have their drawbacks, and new

insulins are unproven in their long term effects, some studies are looking at

cancers, more rapidly progressing retinopathy with Lantus, for example,

increased incidences of hypoglycemia. (even though they claim otherwise) Oral

medications are now being found to be associated with increased incidences of

macular edema.....etc.

French RN, LPHA


International Medical Veritas Association


Diabetics International Foundation


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Lynn, you realize that starting insulin does *not* mean failure. It means

you are taking the appropriate steps to correct your current, immediate

problem. Delaying and perhaps preventing more serious complications of

diabetes that *can't* be corrected.

If your doctor wants you to start taking insulin, do so without hesitation.

You can *always* work on other things that have been suggested to get your

blood sugars under control, and possibly reduce the amount of insulin you

take or eventually eliminate the need at all.

Remember, you can always quit insulin if you improve your diabetic control.

You can't reverse the damage that uncontrolled blood sugars can do to your




> Hi~

> I am brand new to the group, and find your post quite interesting.... I

> was wondering what types of things you all do when your running high

> levels....what if anything do you find that brings the levels down? I am

> taking glucophage and glynase and nothing seems to be helping. The dr. wants

> me to start insulin, but I am putting that off as long as I can. Any advice

> would be greatly appreciated.


> Thanks!

> Lynn






> Diabetes homepage: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/diabetes/


> To unsubscribe to this group, send an email to:

> diabetes-unsubscribe

> Hope you come back soon!


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Lynn, you realize that starting insulin does *not* mean failure. It means

you are taking the appropriate steps to correct your current, immediate

problem. Delaying and perhaps preventing more serious complications of

diabetes that *can't* be corrected.

If your doctor wants you to start taking insulin, do so without hesitation.

You can *always* work on other things that have been suggested to get your

blood sugars under control, and possibly reduce the amount of insulin you

take or eventually eliminate the need at all.

Remember, you can always quit insulin if you improve your diabetic control.

You can't reverse the damage that uncontrolled blood sugars can do to your




> Hi~

> I am brand new to the group, and find your post quite interesting.... I

> was wondering what types of things you all do when your running high

> levels....what if anything do you find that brings the levels down? I am

> taking glucophage and glynase and nothing seems to be helping. The dr. wants

> me to start insulin, but I am putting that off as long as I can. Any advice

> would be greatly appreciated.


> Thanks!

> Lynn






> Diabetes homepage: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/diabetes/


> To unsubscribe to this group, send an email to:

> diabetes-unsubscribe

> Hope you come back soon!


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Lynn, you realize that starting insulin does *not* mean failure. It means

you are taking the appropriate steps to correct your current, immediate

problem. Delaying and perhaps preventing more serious complications of

diabetes that *can't* be corrected.

If your doctor wants you to start taking insulin, do so without hesitation.

You can *always* work on other things that have been suggested to get your

blood sugars under control, and possibly reduce the amount of insulin you

take or eventually eliminate the need at all.

Remember, you can always quit insulin if you improve your diabetic control.

You can't reverse the damage that uncontrolled blood sugars can do to your




> Hi~

> I am brand new to the group, and find your post quite interesting.... I

> was wondering what types of things you all do when your running high

> levels....what if anything do you find that brings the levels down? I am

> taking glucophage and glynase and nothing seems to be helping. The dr. wants

> me to start insulin, but I am putting that off as long as I can. Any advice

> would be greatly appreciated.


> Thanks!

> Lynn






> Diabetes homepage: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/diabetes/


> To unsubscribe to this group, send an email to:

> diabetes-unsubscribe

> Hope you come back soon!


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  • 4 weeks later...



>Hi, I'm Kris. I'm 27 & live in Nebraska. I have 2 bio-children who

>are 8.5 & 4.5. I am engaged to a WONDERFUL man who has 3 bio-kids & a

>step-son. So, together we have 6 kids, 3 girls & 3 boys. I just

>suffered my 1st miscarriage of a child we wanted together. I

>discovered my A1c was VERY high at 10.9 & blame myself terribly. I am

>now working on bringing down my A1c while working with my endo & a new

>peri to acheive a sucessful pregnancy. I'm a type 1 for 11 years now

> & have been pumping for 4 years. I'm a TERRIBLE eater & that's where

>I need most of my help. If I could just eat right I'd be so much

>better off. Look forward to sharing & learning with all of you.





Sorry to hear about the miscarriage. My heart goes out to you. I'm

glad though you have a dr you can work with.

As far as eating not sure what your usual pattern is but it is a good

thing in a way that you can change now and teach all those wonderful

kids great healthy eating patterns for life. Let that be your

motivation that is it not just for you but your whole family. I think

we have to ask ourselves do we love the food more or the children? Do

we want to be around for them or not. Keep your eyes focused on the

future. Have a vision for yourself and family. Make it a family

thing. If you all eat the same things it will be so much easier. Have

a family meeting and make it a family project. That's what I would do.

I ended up telling my family I just can't do this with all these

different foods in the house. So the entire family changed their way of

eating and lifestyle. AFter all if they don't, they will end up with

the same risks as we have for diabetes. I know with a house full of

kids it's sometimes hard to focus on eating right or even on time. But

I know that you can do this and turn it all around.

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Thank you , I have high hopes!!! I'm commited to making this work.





>Hi, I'm Kris. I'm 27 & live in Nebraska. I have 2 bio-children who

>are 8.5 & 4.5. I am engaged to a WONDERFUL man who has 3 bio-kids & a

>step-son. So, together we have 6 kids, 3 girls & 3 boys. I just

>suffered my 1st miscarriage of a child we wanted together. I

>discovered my A1c was VERY high at 10.9 & blame myself terribly. I am

>now working on bringing down my A1c while working with my endo & a new

>peri to acheive a sucessful pregnancy. I'm a type 1 for 11 years now

> & have been pumping for 4 years. I'm a TERRIBLE eater & that's where

>I need most of my help. If I could just eat right I'd be so much

>better off. Look forward to sharing & learning with all of you.





Sorry to hear about the miscarriage. My heart goes out to you. I'm

glad though you have a dr you can work with.

As far as eating not sure what your usual pattern is but it is a good

thing in a way that you can change now and teach all those wonderful

kids great healthy eating patterns for life. Let that be your

motivation that is it not just for you but your whole family. I think

we have to ask ourselves do we love the food more or the children? Do

we want to be around for them or not. Keep your eyes focused on the

future. Have a vision for yourself and family. Make it a family

thing. If you all eat the same things it will be so much easier. Have

a family meeting and make it a family project. That's what I would do.

I ended up telling my family I just can't do this with all these

different foods in the house. So the entire family changed their way of

eating and lifestyle. AFter all if they don't, they will end up with

the same risks as we have for diabetes. I know with a house full of

kids it's sometimes hard to focus on eating right or even on time. But

I know that you can do this and turn it all around.

Diabetes homepage: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/diabetes/

To unsubscribe to this group, send an email to:


Hope you come back soon!

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Thank you , I have high hopes!!! I'm commited to making this work.





>Hi, I'm Kris. I'm 27 & live in Nebraska. I have 2 bio-children who

>are 8.5 & 4.5. I am engaged to a WONDERFUL man who has 3 bio-kids & a

>step-son. So, together we have 6 kids, 3 girls & 3 boys. I just

>suffered my 1st miscarriage of a child we wanted together. I

>discovered my A1c was VERY high at 10.9 & blame myself terribly. I am

>now working on bringing down my A1c while working with my endo & a new

>peri to acheive a sucessful pregnancy. I'm a type 1 for 11 years now

> & have been pumping for 4 years. I'm a TERRIBLE eater & that's where

>I need most of my help. If I could just eat right I'd be so much

>better off. Look forward to sharing & learning with all of you.





Sorry to hear about the miscarriage. My heart goes out to you. I'm

glad though you have a dr you can work with.

As far as eating not sure what your usual pattern is but it is a good

thing in a way that you can change now and teach all those wonderful

kids great healthy eating patterns for life. Let that be your

motivation that is it not just for you but your whole family. I think

we have to ask ourselves do we love the food more or the children? Do

we want to be around for them or not. Keep your eyes focused on the

future. Have a vision for yourself and family. Make it a family

thing. If you all eat the same things it will be so much easier. Have

a family meeting and make it a family project. That's what I would do.

I ended up telling my family I just can't do this with all these

different foods in the house. So the entire family changed their way of

eating and lifestyle. AFter all if they don't, they will end up with

the same risks as we have for diabetes. I know with a house full of

kids it's sometimes hard to focus on eating right or even on time. But

I know that you can do this and turn it all around.

Diabetes homepage: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/diabetes/

To unsubscribe to this group, send an email to:


Hope you come back soon!

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Thank you , I have high hopes!!! I'm commited to making this work.





>Hi, I'm Kris. I'm 27 & live in Nebraska. I have 2 bio-children who

>are 8.5 & 4.5. I am engaged to a WONDERFUL man who has 3 bio-kids & a

>step-son. So, together we have 6 kids, 3 girls & 3 boys. I just

>suffered my 1st miscarriage of a child we wanted together. I

>discovered my A1c was VERY high at 10.9 & blame myself terribly. I am

>now working on bringing down my A1c while working with my endo & a new

>peri to acheive a sucessful pregnancy. I'm a type 1 for 11 years now

> & have been pumping for 4 years. I'm a TERRIBLE eater & that's where

>I need most of my help. If I could just eat right I'd be so much

>better off. Look forward to sharing & learning with all of you.





Sorry to hear about the miscarriage. My heart goes out to you. I'm

glad though you have a dr you can work with.

As far as eating not sure what your usual pattern is but it is a good

thing in a way that you can change now and teach all those wonderful

kids great healthy eating patterns for life. Let that be your

motivation that is it not just for you but your whole family. I think

we have to ask ourselves do we love the food more or the children? Do

we want to be around for them or not. Keep your eyes focused on the

future. Have a vision for yourself and family. Make it a family

thing. If you all eat the same things it will be so much easier. Have

a family meeting and make it a family project. That's what I would do.

I ended up telling my family I just can't do this with all these

different foods in the house. So the entire family changed their way of

eating and lifestyle. AFter all if they don't, they will end up with

the same risks as we have for diabetes. I know with a house full of

kids it's sometimes hard to focus on eating right or even on time. But

I know that you can do this and turn it all around.

Diabetes homepage: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/diabetes/

To unsubscribe to this group, send an email to:


Hope you come back soon!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest


my drs all seem to be in agreement that my diabetes is because of

prednisone. I 'barely' have it. I am not on any meds. I am watching my

diet carefully and starting to loose weight.



> Hi! I was just diagnosed with type 2 medication induced diabetes about

> 2-3 weeks ago. Is there anyone else here with medication induced

> diabetes? My doctor caught this early because I really do not have any

> symptoms of diabetes yet. I will see an endocronolgist in about 2 1/2

> weeks and I will find out more then.


> ~Marisa



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Guest guest


my drs all seem to be in agreement that my diabetes is because of

prednisone. I 'barely' have it. I am not on any meds. I am watching my

diet carefully and starting to loose weight.



> Hi! I was just diagnosed with type 2 medication induced diabetes about

> 2-3 weeks ago. Is there anyone else here with medication induced

> diabetes? My doctor caught this early because I really do not have any

> symptoms of diabetes yet. I will see an endocronolgist in about 2 1/2

> weeks and I will find out more then.


> ~Marisa



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Guest guest


my drs all seem to be in agreement that my diabetes is because of

prednisone. I 'barely' have it. I am not on any meds. I am watching my

diet carefully and starting to loose weight.



> Hi! I was just diagnosed with type 2 medication induced diabetes about

> 2-3 weeks ago. Is there anyone else here with medication induced

> diabetes? My doctor caught this early because I really do not have any

> symptoms of diabetes yet. I will see an endocronolgist in about 2 1/2

> weeks and I will find out more then.


> ~Marisa



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Guest guest

Welcome to the group! hope to get to know more about you! my name is sarah, my

mom was just diagnosed and i joined the group to learn more info!

P.S. i have a great phone life coach www.enjoyyourpath.com

sisterpiranha wrote:

Hi! I was just diagnosed with type 2 medication induced diabetes about

2-3 weeks ago. Is there anyone else here with medication induced

diabetes? My doctor caught this early because I really do not have any

symptoms of diabetes yet. I will see an endocronolgist in about 2 1/2

weeks and I will find out more then.


Diabetes homepage: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/diabetes/

To unsubscribe to this group, send an email to:


Hope you come back soon!

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Guest guest

Welcome to the group! hope to get to know more about you! my name is sarah, my

mom was just diagnosed and i joined the group to learn more info!

P.S. i have a great phone life coach www.enjoyyourpath.com

sisterpiranha wrote:

Hi! I was just diagnosed with type 2 medication induced diabetes about

2-3 weeks ago. Is there anyone else here with medication induced

diabetes? My doctor caught this early because I really do not have any

symptoms of diabetes yet. I will see an endocronolgist in about 2 1/2

weeks and I will find out more then.


Diabetes homepage: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/diabetes/

To unsubscribe to this group, send an email to:


Hope you come back soon!

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Guest guest

Welcome to the group! hope to get to know more about you! my name is sarah, my

mom was just diagnosed and i joined the group to learn more info!

P.S. i have a great phone life coach www.enjoyyourpath.com

sisterpiranha wrote:

Hi! I was just diagnosed with type 2 medication induced diabetes about

2-3 weeks ago. Is there anyone else here with medication induced

diabetes? My doctor caught this early because I really do not have any

symptoms of diabetes yet. I will see an endocronolgist in about 2 1/2

weeks and I will find out more then.


Diabetes homepage: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/diabetes/

To unsubscribe to this group, send an email to:


Hope you come back soon!

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  • 7 months later...

Welcome to the group!!!!!!!!!!!! :)



> Hi Everyone,


> My name is and I had my RNY surgery 3 weeks ago on October

> 4th. So far I am below the average weight loss at this time but I


> almost 2 clothing sizes smaller. I have noticed that I have


> energy and a more positive outlook on life. I believe having this

> surgery was the best thing that I have done for my health!


> 8-)


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Welcome to the group!!!!!!!!!!!! :)



> Hi Everyone,


> My name is and I had my RNY surgery 3 weeks ago on October

> 4th. So far I am below the average weight loss at this time but I


> almost 2 clothing sizes smaller. I have noticed that I have


> energy and a more positive outlook on life. I believe having this

> surgery was the best thing that I have done for my health!


> 8-)


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Welcome to the group!!!!!!!!!!!! :)



> Hi Everyone,


> My name is and I had my RNY surgery 3 weeks ago on October

> 4th. So far I am below the average weight loss at this time but I


> almost 2 clothing sizes smaller. I have noticed that I have


> energy and a more positive outlook on life. I believe having this

> surgery was the best thing that I have done for my health!


> 8-)


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mcolowick wrote: Hi,

My name is Marilyn. I've been lurking until I got my date which is

December 19th. I'm so excited! I've been trying for this with Kaiser

for 4 years now but was turned down in the past. Once for using

Warafin. Had Aortic Stenosis so they had to put in an aortic valve in

1995 but I have no heart disease. They said I could bleed out on the

table. The next time my BMI was too high. I'm only 5 ft. and weighed

377. Am on Optifast and down to 327. Like everyone I can take it off

but keeping it off is something else. I need this tool to live a

normal life again. I can use all of the information I can get from

people who have had this surgery as to what clear fluids they had the

3 days before surgery. Someone told me they were allowed to eat dill

pickles but in class we were told only clear fluids you could see

through. After surgery we can have sugar free, calorie free clear

fruit flavored protein drinks. I can't find any like that. I would

love to know of any brand you know of and where you buy it. Guess

that's enough for now.

Thanks so much for any advice.



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mcolowick wrote: Hi,

My name is Marilyn. I've been lurking until I got my date which is

December 19th. I'm so excited! I've been trying for this with Kaiser

for 4 years now but was turned down in the past. Once for using

Warafin. Had Aortic Stenosis so they had to put in an aortic valve in

1995 but I have no heart disease. They said I could bleed out on the

table. The next time my BMI was too high. I'm only 5 ft. and weighed

377. Am on Optifast and down to 327. Like everyone I can take it off

but keeping it off is something else. I need this tool to live a

normal life again. I can use all of the information I can get from

people who have had this surgery as to what clear fluids they had the

3 days before surgery. Someone told me they were allowed to eat dill

pickles but in class we were told only clear fluids you could see

through. After surgery we can have sugar free, calorie free clear

fruit flavored protein drinks. I can't find any like that. I would

love to know of any brand you know of and where you buy it. Guess

that's enough for now.

Thanks so much for any advice.



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Low, Low, Low Rates! Check out Yahoo! Messenger's cheap PC-to-Phone call rates.

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