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Re: HI penny

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Hi !

Jacqui's good....She's " almost 8 " ya know....*I* know because she tells me

all the time.. :-)

I'm good. I've been spending the last 6 weeks trying to spend time doing

things that don't involve the computer,and I think I've been pretty

successful. ellen and I have been walking, I've been watching what I

eat, and generally figuring out what's going on in my life.... So, for now,

life is good...

How about you??? How's the clan?


Hi Penny

Nice to see you again. How's Jacquie? How are you? What's been

happening at your place?

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So, for now,

> life is good...


That sounds good Penny. I'm happy for you.

> How about you??? How's the clan?

You want the details, the RD Condensed version or the book jacket


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What do YOU think?

Details please.... ;-)


Re: Hi Penny

So, for now,

> life is good...


That sounds good Penny. I'm happy for you.

> How about you??? How's the clan?

You want the details, the RD Condensed version or the book jacket


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> What do YOU think?

> Details please.... ;-)


Hmm..where to start.

has a chronic thyroid condition that has become more severe

lately. Add that to stress and he spent the weekend in the hospital

a couple weeks ago with atrial fibrilation. He is doing well now and

we are waiting for the rest of some blood work to come back from the

Mayo clinic to see if we might be able to irradiate his thyroid and

be done with this, or if we are going to have to endure more of the

thyroid crashes and highs while his body is kills of the thyroid.

Sorta like uncontrolled diabetes. It's a mess.

is PDD-NOS and is now getting 1:1 DTT, OT and speech and

classtime in an ECE Special Ed skills class. I'm very happy with

his teachers and we are seeing some progress, despite the autie type

things that seem to be more prevalent almost daily, so it's a good

thing we are in the system now.

is getting OT and social skills training through private

agencies and with some luck we will have a placement in a small

charter school in the district for kindergarton. It is based largly

on a waldorf model and their curriculum and teaching styles seem to

be much more compatible than the regular kindergarton classes.

is taking wrestleing now and this has turned out to be a very

good thing. We are also using some more physical activities to

manage the mania and rage behaviors with some good success. He is

doing pretty well overall, although he is still behaviorally


Gail is doing well with her swimming and in school, but she is

driving us nuts when she isn't doing that. We are having a very hard

time with her anxiety and lack of attention. Sigh. Add to that the

plain fact she is a very tall thirteen year old hormonal girl, and

well, you can figure the rest out.

is doing well up at my folks but has been going through a life

searching mode lately. She's pretty moody too but at least not here

in the house at the moment.

I'm still hanging on by the skin of my teeth some days. and I

are taking turns doing the dishes, laundry, cooking and watching

children. We take turns sleeping while one stays up with the

sleepless wonder. It's crazy most of the time but we'll survive.

's job survived the last round of budget cuts again at the

college, and it's looking like we are good for next year most likely

but we are getting quite tired of the job thing too. Mostly I am

surviving, and growing a lush crop of gray hairs.

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A teenager? Yuck...blech...eeeew....LOL

Jacqui's birthday is Thursday..... :-D


Re: Hi Penny

Hi Penny!

Sounds like you enjoyed your hiatus! When is Jacqui's birthday?

will be......OMG.......a teenager!!!! on April 4th.


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Hi Penny!! It's good to see your name on the lists again!!


> Hey Salli!!!!


> Glad to be back...


> Thanks!

> Penny


> Re: Hi Penny





> Welcome back!


> We missed ya!


> Salli

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  • 5 years later...
Guest guest

Sorry to hear you have been injured, be careful, I was injured yrs ago now

at work also by a patient, who decided to get comabtive in the middle of my

transfer, it was a bigger pt also, who started to sock at me, and I jerked my

neck back just hard enough to cause damage. I did the report, few days off,

neck brace, PT, and back to work, Stupid move, I have had problems with it still

ever since as I did not take the time I needed nor anything else. One of the

RN's there encourged me to do something to get me the longer time off I needed,

and take care of getting more medical help, which would of meant filing a law

suit, but I did not want to hear anything like that! I was young thought Oh, I

will heal, I will be alright I am strong, she lifted up her hair and showed me a

scar down the back of her neck and said look, this was done by working at a

facility, and if I had not had them pay for it, and continue to get payments

while I was recovering, I would of been in

traction the rest of my life and unable to return to any work, and just said

YOU need to do whatever it takes to get fixed properly, you have a hard job, and

injury rate is high as a CNA, and they have insurance for these things, if you

don't fix yourself now, you will have yrs of trouble with that neck, which is

what my PT was telling me,as they said I needed to quit this job. Long story

short, I did nothing, I Do still suffer awful, get terrible headaches from the

disc, and continued working in the healthfield pushing through causing more

damage to it, and other body parts, I tried going to office work, but my neck

still will not stand that, looking down, phone itis, get tingling,burning

shooting pain. Anyway here I am now diagnoised with Fibro on top of it, and

yes this is part of it the fibro has reintroduced me to this injury and the

others I have had since, and won't shut off. I was you did not touch RX meds,

ate I don't know how many OTC and pushed through the

pain, this is NOT a good idea, most Dr. agree now a day. I have long term

stomach issues now because not of the RX I had to give in to, as I developed a

dueodnial ulcer, way back from to many OTC, and now what I believe the internal

stress I put myself through with fighting this pain so long over 20yrs, as I

have just been taking prescribed meds appx 5 yrs which is a long time also, but

could not handle this pain without, and body would not cooperate with moving for

me most of the time without. I hope you lighter days. Please be carefull with

your neck, and think about your work re-lated injury as what might be the future

results, as I did not think it would be. In the work feild no one there really

cares what we feel as long as we show up. Take Care Sharon

" Penny S. " wrote: Hi ,

It's nice to meet you all too. So glad there are such nice people here that know

what is going on!! Now everything is coming together why I am having such flair

ups lately. I was injured at work by one of our residents. She head butted me in

the mouth and now I have 2 herniated disks in my neck. ( I need a new job, can't

physically do it anymore) PT has been VERY painful for me. The Dr does not want

to do surgery. He says there are plenty of people walking around like me that do

just fine and I have no nerve damage so he will not fix it. I don't DARE tell

the Dr I have Fibro as I know they will try to blame everything on that!! Then

they will try and send me back to work like I am or make me go on disability. I

can not afford that. This has been much worse since my neck injury. I have been

taking ibuprohen for the neck pain the last month. Before I was taking some

other stuff but trying not to take it regular. I HATE taking MEDS and will go

along time

with pain before I take anything. The injury was 7 mo. ago but as time goes on

my neck symptoms lessen but my fibro symptoms seem to flare up more. Thank You

for your reply and your insight.


Penny In Illinois

vh wrote:

Welcome to our fibro family Penny. That is my Mom's name. :-) the group is

awesome. a great deal of support, love and kindness. I hope you find that

also. I am sorry you are going through so much pain. I hope things improve

soon. i think flexeril at night sounds like a plan. I also recommend taking

the a.d. at night too, to avoid any side effects. tha tis what works for me.

Nice to meet you.



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