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Hey there

Tigger, I just can't get over the fact that you have gone through

all you have and first of all are still breathing!,but second that you don't

have a better Dr. team that belives in your trouble's and the need to keep you

comfortable. I mean this is barbonic. What is wrong that they would even

question you needing med's to keep you comfortable. If I had all those issues,

I think my Dr. would be giving way more then the # 65 for pain, and my Rhumie

gives the Soma of 100 at a time but pharmacy's only will fill 90, something to

do with insurance, dose, blah blah blah., but I take them x3 a day., and if some

of this pain does not let up soon I will have to do some more changing, as the

body has gotten use to this cocktail of med's and just take the edge off. I

think or hope though that spring air, and then summer may release me from some

of this 24/7 pain! I was out at my daughers last yr Nov-end of March, winter

was over when I got back, did not suffer near

as much as I am now, did make one visit to Dr. out there for corisone shot in

hip area. Now the ER well I think I have been in everyone from Maine to Ca. as

we drove out there last Nov.. No just kidding but we did drive out to Ca last

Nov., and stupid me has taken a fall on our wood floors just 2 wks prior, and

was stuck on the floor for 3hrs, always carry phone but hadn't, I could not get

on my feet, for about a week, had to crawl {boy did that hurt the knees!}, even

my husband trying to assit to get my up of the floor I couldn't, but anyway got

smart and put a blanket under my knees and scooted until I could stand to get up

without pain, B.R was interesting getting onto needed seat! I was told I could

not make the trip, but I was not going to be stopped, I wanted to see my

daughter, g.son and was going to be there for birth of g.daughter! It was a

painfull trip. and Rhumie had given me extra vicodin to get there, but as

mentioned they do not put me where I need to be

at a tolerable pain level like even a 4 would be nice. I can't stand shuffling

around from just couch, to bed, and BR much longer! But anyway I have been a

frequent flyer at the Hospital in my hometown of Gloucester Ma. and also when

here in Maine Miles Memorial may know me by name now? lol I get anxious having

to go though, as I am not one who waits well, anywhere, and pain on top or that,

anyway once in the back I just tell them I have this problem, the pain is

intolerable I don't have an injury so forgo the exray, and I have had to come to

ER before and it is Shot time for relief. Usually when I get this bad, by that

time the pain is so unmanagable that I am shaking from the pain and no position

is comftable, my face must show it as my hubby will say your going to the

Hosp.before I even move. Well I must of blinded you with this long story, Oh,

so you are going to be moving also? Are you staying in that area? House

selling. Few of you are in for sale

situations. Oh and the ex, your probably right on your thoughts, hope though

the friend is just fueding, as I think I know what else your talking about could

be wrong, hate to see anyone go there. Take Care Sharon

Tigger wrote:

I used to get horrible sinus infections and even had two surgeries.


last one was horrific. they had to scrape the sinus cavity in my cheek

because it was loaded with polyps and to do that they had to go up inside my

mouth and cut up into the cheek. Boy did that hurt after. I find now that

if I can keep my allergies under control I'm better off.

I guess a lot of people have been getting this flu and it's a nasty one. I

figure I must have picked it up at the health center because they've seen a

lot of it through there and even the staff has been sick.

I cannot thank the pharmacy people at Walmart enough for being so kind to

me. I know I looked bad because they saw me when I could just about move

when I got out of the hospital last year. (the pharmacist), took

one look at me and went, " Uh-oh. " They got me in and out and the worst part

is it is just before Easter so the place was packed. Chocolate was

everywhere and the smell was making me feel worse. I was also sweating like

crazy. I couldn't wait to get back out into the fresh air of course, I had

to pass by the hyacinths that they were selling and I'm very allergic to

them. lilacs too.

Anyway, about the house. I couldn't care less what it looks like, except

that it's for sale and you never know when you are going to get that call

that someone wants to see it. I at least have to get it to the point that I

could get it together within a couple of hours. Right now it has that

" sick " smell to it. It might just be me, but I wish it would warm up a bit

so I could open a window or two and air it out. Even the kitties have been

good. Of course I just went to grab my blanket and one's on top of it and

one's underneath it. he sure likes to burrow under those blankets. LOL

You asked me in an earlier post about the ex-boyfriend. I got a hold of one

of his friends and according to him, " he doesn't give a 'f' what he is

doing. Try calling the bar. " That told me everything I needed to know. I

won't make anymore of an effort to call, I will, however, take a trip up

that way this summer and hope it's just sour grapes between the two of them.

It's time for me to let go, I don't have the energy to waste on him anymore.

I will go there to see other friends and of course, sack out on this couch

if necessary, but I just can't deal with it anymore. I have my own

problems. Sorry that was so long and probably confusing.

Hey, we'd make a good pair. my right shoulder is acting up. The one that

was frozen. I had gone without sleep for so long and was so nauseas and

well let's just say running to the bathroom so much that it was actually

worse than the pain. We've got that wind today too and I wonder if that's

why I hurt so much more. I can't believe that in three days I got about a

total of 5 hours sleep and that was about a half hour at a time. Never

again. I hope. It's bad enough, that like everyone else, I have trouble

with my bed. It's not that comfortable and I move around a lot.

You take care. What hospital ER do you end up going to when you have to go?

Tigger (Ruth) in Rhode Island


From: Fibromyalgia_Support_Group

[mailto:Fibromyalgia_Support_Group ] On Behalf Of sharon


Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 10:31 AM

To: Fibromyalgia_Support_Group

Subject: RE: To Tigger from Sharon

Hey- So glad to hear your getting better. It really gotta stink to be sick

with sickness on top of the Fibro, I don't know how but I have excaped all

the cruddy's out there the last I recall several yrs. Before the diagnoises,

I was always ill, caught everything, had a severe sinus infection I could

count on 2x a yr. Always was down with the flu. But I want to say since I

have started back with the enormuous pain, and now diagnoised with the

Fibro, somehow I have avoided major illness, except for some allergy

troubles, a smaller cough, and a bought of I can't think of the name now,

but sever dizziness that kept me in bed for 2 days! I can feel for you on

your trip to Walmart, as I have been there, tunnel vision right to the area

you need to get to, as quick as you can and out again. Glad you got your

med's to that I am sure being without them did not help. As when I do get

sick, all I want is to sleep. like this headache I was up through the night,

the med's not

cutting it, and this wind I belive is kicking it up full force again! I

think it is time to try another pain med. Take Care of yourself, and the

housework, I know how you feel I am a fanatic, but have had to give in and

learn it will be there later and if nothing else, sweep it under the rug, as

they use to say, only I even have a hard time doing that as my mind won't

shut off that I know it is under that rug! LOL Hubby is home still, so he is

a big help. laundry, cooking, vacumning. Oh one last c/o my left shoulder

has been acting up again for no reason, as I sure have not over worked it!

Take Care, Sharon

Tigger <tigger.pinkraincoat <mailto:tigger.pinkraincoat%40gmail.com>

@gmail.com> wrote: Yeah, I'm doing a bit better. I went to Walmart yesterday

and they rushed

me right through because no one was sure if I was going to be sick or not. I

wasn't sure either. My pharmacist, (he's such a cute kid and so

good), got me motion sickness medicine and I stopped on the basics. ginger

ale, Gatorade, saltines, etc.

I also got my meds and got my sleep. I took a short nap yesterday afternoon

and then went to bed around 10 last night and got up at 4:30 (to go to the

bathroom, of course), had a couple saltines and went back to bed until 7:30.

I fully intend to still lay low today, although I have to try and clean up

the house. it looks like a pig sty. I've just left things where they've

dropped. I haven't been that kind of sick in a very long time and I was

determined I was NOT going to the ER. The last time I was there they made

me so angry I almost drop kicked the doctor. He was the one who didn't even

look at the shoulder I was having trouble with.

Anyway, I see a little light at the end of the tunnel. I'm not all better

yet, but I am a little better.

I'm sorry you're having the problem with the headaches. The weather has

been so out of control all across the country.

Tigger (Ruth) in Rhode Island


From: Fibromyalgia_ <mailto:Fibromyalgia_Support_Group%40yahoogroups.com>


[mailto:Fibromyalgia_ <mailto:Fibromyalgia_Support_Group%40yahoogroups.com>

Support_Group ] On Behalf Of sharon


Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2008 8:40 PM

To: Fibromyalgia_ <mailto:Fibromyalgia_Support_Group%40yahoogroups.com>


Subject: RE: To Sharon... about Vicodin Debra V. Tigger

Hey are you feeling any better? I am suffering 4 days now with consuming

cluster headache only getting worse, meds around the clock, not sleeping

with Ambien so no rest from it, it has only increased with each stormy day,

have not had one like this in yrs, one more day and I think the ER will be

seeing me again for a shot! Hope your getting well. Good to see you on. I

called Marti today. she sounds good but Chemo bad! Take Care, Hope you

lighter days. We have another big storm coming Tomm. Hubby never going to

get back to work!, and funds have run out.. Well hope you had and have

brighter days. Take Care Sharon

Tigger <tigger.pinkraincoat <mailto:tigger.pinkraincoat%40gmail.com>

@gmail.com> wrote: Wow! Sounds like me. Give me Vicoden and I'm Chatty

Cathy. Does almost

nothing for the pain. I'm so very resistant to most meds.

Tigger (Ruth) in Rhode Island


From: Fibromyalgia_ <mailto:Fibromyalgia_Support_Group%40yahoogroups.com>

Support_Group@ <mailto:Support_Group%40yahoogroups.com> yahoogroups.com

[mailto:Fibromyalgia_ <mailto:Fibromyalgia_Support_Group%40yahoogroups.com>

Support_Group@ <mailto:Support_Group%40yahoogroups.com> yahoogroups.com] On

Behalf Of sharon


Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2008 12:57 PM

To: Fibromyalgia_ <mailto:Fibromyalgia_Support_Group%40yahoogroups.com>

Support_Group@ <mailto:Support_Group%40yahoogroups.com> yahoogroups.com

Subject: Re: To Sharon... about Vicodin Debra V.

Debra- Now we really are thinking alike! I to do not get anywhere near full

relief from pain with this drug, actually when I first started taking it I

was so hyped up from it that I could not sit still, now it does it job of

only taking the edge of and keeping me from nodding off any given time from

exhaustion. I just was asked last tues. by my PCP if I was getting relief

from this med anymore. I have been on it a long long time, and as you which

the Dr. and I both new going on, if I was in this disease with my symtoms

for the long haul, eventually it would stop working. By NO means have I ever

gotten high on it, and hate the ones who do think because of the daily use

we are DRUGGIES, I only wish I could take something that would put me in

that painless fog, call it high, I don't know, but just full relief of the

pain. I have also been on oxcycodone, for night time pain, as if I wake in

HS in the pain I get in, and take the vicodin it only keeps me awake. I

stopped myself from getting these. I also have thought of D/Cing the

vicodin, I worry sometime of my long term use, liver stuff, as my family has

my mom says generic livers to begin with, my g.mom, bro.cousin, uncle all

have died with liver cancer, I will say the cousin/uncle did use daily

alcohol, I don't touch it, but maybe a time when use to get out for dinner!

I also know the withdrawels will come with getting off, as I have done this

before, alone, and once went through it all the Fibro did kick in, and this

is when it took over other areas of my body, and has been screaming ever

since! I don't know the answer. I know, I admit I am dependent on this or

need to be on some pain med now, my Dr.nows and believes in my real pain,

and does not want me to be in it. I use to fight through it without

anything, and like you worked, and I fought 12hr shifts, sometimes 24hrs

plus, tensed up with pain the whole time, going into the bathroom to cry out

in the pain for relief,

and right back to the job. Shoot I even got stuck in a patient's room one

morning, I was frozen in pain, and he could not figure out what was wrong he

kept asking if I was alright, and I could not answer, just trying to think

how was I going to get out of there and worried something real bad was going

on, he had a phone in his room and was ready to call 911!, I was able to get

out not too. So Debra what is the next thing, I don't want to keep damaging

my liver with the high doses of vicodin I am taking, as now sometime they

make me feel sick, never did before. I have had liver enzymes tested alot,

but pancriitis worry etc. you know what I am talking about. My Dr. belives

it is time I go to a Pain clinic and except this is probably my life and go

on a stronger narcotic. I am scared of oxycontin, though I think yrs ago

when I broke my ankle and vicodin did not work they may of given, small

white, but could of been oxcycodone just in itself, did not pay that much


I just know the Pharmicist said it was the strongest drug out there then,

and I would be mush on the couch with No pain, well I was neither.??? Hope

we can figure this out. But I know now what it is like to go off the vicodin

now, and do not look forward to the withdrawel or possible pain ravicing my

body after off the mo. again, I could not even walk at all!! But part of me

says maybe I will feel better in other areas if I stop. How come they don't

use dilauded anymore, would that not be less trauma to the liver? I was

given the 5mg oxcycodone last time instead of 5/325 as usually given?? If

you come up with replacement idea let me know. I hope you lighter days, and

I have been thinking I miss going to work and seeing my patient's and

co-workers, as though pain was there, my mind was filled with laughter most

days from the things that would arise in a shift. Take Care


debra van ness <ladybug75901@ <mailto:ladybug75901%40yahoo.com> yahoo.com>


I so agree with your letter. You took the words right out of my mouth. How

much you wanna bet that the junkies on the street abusing this drug don't

have fibromyalgia or any other chronic pain condition? They don't .... they

pop it for kicks. So therefore I realize I am not any where near the

definition of a junkie. I know there are many people out there that would

call me " a prescription drug addict " . I hate that term because I am not an

addict. These are the people that do not understand what kind of pain we go

through because if they were in our shoes, they would think twice.

I will say that hydrocodone does not do the job for me it use to. My body is

too accustomed to it. I am considering weaning myself away from it slowly.

(I am not an addict just because I would have withdrawals coming off it...

addiction is partly psychological also).

On the other side of the coin, maybe it is doing me alot more good than I

realize. I might find that if I do drop the dosage I might go into a fibro

flare from hell.

love and hugs,

Debra V.


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