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I am in so much pain right now. My 8 month old was hospitalized for a

MRSA boil on his lip which caused his whole left side of his face to

swell as well as redness that was around his eye socket but thank god

it was not in his eye. I saw the doctor about it on wednesday last

week. And by thursday it quadrupled in size. It was so painful for

him. I also had one starting under my arm and I knew once it got big

enough that I would have to have an I & D and have it cut open and

drained. Well I went in on Sat and had that done. Well the doctor said

" Its not that big right now it will probably be taken care of by

antibiotics " But I asked her to lance it anyways so it will heal

faster which is what usually happens. She gave me a shot of Lidocaine

(which burns real bad) And she did. Well I started the antibiotics

that day when I left and needless to say. I was back at the doctor

yesterday for an urgent after hours appointment, It got alot bigger

and was not getting better, So the doctor told me when I asked her to

please give me a shot of Lidocaine " Well I never usually use lidocaine

for something like this " . Well she cut me alright. Without a shot of

lidocaine. She cut my underarm. And boy it hurt so bad I was in tears.

Heck she did not even want to give me a shot of pain meds. But I told

her if she doesn't I was going to flip out because it hurt so bad. She

said she will order it and have a nurse come in and pack it. And when

the nurse packed it, it hurt so bad. Burned real bad. So she gave me a

shot of demerol and vistaril. Which let me tell you did not help at

all. I was in pain all night and my hubby was being a butthead. You

know what I mean.

Anyways my point is if you get one of these boils get it taken care of

as soon as possible as it gets worse and more painful please look

online and see what one looks like. Please. I have had this 2x this

year and for some reason in the same spot. Dr's say it is because that

is where your sweat glands are. I hurt so bad right now. And if you do

not want to go through what I have gone through get it taken care of.



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O My what a frightening infection this is, my husband has had this several

times, once in very difficult to eradicate totally, and this is a terrible thing

for him since he has 2 knee replacements. The first time he had this horrible

infection was many years ago in a VA hospital after knee surgery to remove torn

cartelige. Several more surgeries later and too many years he finally gets a

total knee replacement, also from the VA and just a few weeks later, after

constant complaints about pain and oozing, he lost the knee to a flareup of the

infection, of course the VA would not claim responcibility and wanted to wait a

few days to ship him from Alaska back to Portland where he had the surgery. He

would not have survived that trip and the VA finally approved him to be treated

by a local, private, surgeon. He went 4 months with an IV attached and no knee

in his leg (olny a piece of concrete to keep the cut ends of the bone apart)

Did I mention that he was in pain at the time??? I dare not complain too much

about pain, because he knows all about it for sure! When he got the next knee

in he did ok, but then a couple years after that one healed and he went thru a

bout of chemo type treatment for -of all things- they discovered that he also

had Hep-C from way back in the Viet Nam war! then he got the third knee. He

healed up nicely from that, but got the infection in his foot! He was once

again attached to the IV and got a different type of antibiotic treatment.

After that he seems to have lost the feeling in his feet and has some trouble

keeping his balance on uneven ground because of it. Some of the meds he has had

includes Vancomycin (IV therapy) Levaquin, tablets, and another IV drug that I

have forgotton.

Well that was one story and a bit long I fear, but I also got a case of the same

thing in my foot, they called both infections celulitis, a form of MRSA that

does not go so deeply and does not go septic, thank the lord for that! I only

had to take 3 weeks of antibiotic pills, but I have forgotten what the name of

them was. I could take the pills since I had not had any infection before.

Next time a bigger dose of something stronger! Now days we are very careful

about any sort of injuries and more careful of cleanliness!

My prayer is that anyone who has it or is carrying it gets better soon, this is

a terrible thing that is able to end your life if let go.


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Thank you all. So far this week I have been cut open not once but 2x.

And I have seen the doctor everyday for the last 3days so they can

pack my arm. The doctor cut my arm open with no numbing meds. I am not

a very happy camper. Of course who could blame me. Plus I got this

head cold allergy thing going on. I am afraid to see the doctor. I

was supposed to go back and see her today but I refused to and when I

asked they told me the only apt was with that same lady that cut me

open where i had to feel all the pain. I would rather give birth to

another 10lb baby before I ever see her or go through this again. So

today I am having my husband take out the gauze and cover the wound

for me. I am afraid to be seen by another doctor again. Except my

doctor. Hope everyones week is much better than mine. Sorry to be so down.

Hugs your fibro friend,


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