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Right now we just have one cat. Used to have 3 but two passed away late

last year. Pepper a tortoise cat got sick and died when she was 14.

Nicky lived to be over 17 till we had to put him to sleep Dec 26. Now

just have Taffy, a tabby who is 12 now. She is lovable and loves to be

petted, like now. Her only real problem is she tends to pee out of the

3 boxes we have. We keep a plastic drop cloth where she pees so it's

easier to clean up. I put dry soap in the puddles then later sweep it

all up.

Debbie L

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have you taken her to the doctor? the number 1 reason that a kitty pees

outside of the box is a UTI. other than that, have you tried changing your




> Right now we just have one cat. Used to have 3 but two passed away late

> last year. Pepper a tortoise cat got sick and died when she was 14.

> Nicky lived to be over 17 till we had to put him to sleep Dec 26. Now

> just have Taffy, a tabby who is 12 now. She is lovable and loves to be

> petted, like now. Her only real problem is she tends to pee out of the

> 3 boxes we have. We keep a plastic drop cloth where she pees so it's

> easier to clean up. I put dry soap in the puddles then later sweep it

> all up.


> Debbie L



> ------------------------------------


> 1. While it is wonderful to share our experiences with everyone on the

> list as to what treatments do and don't work for us, pls always check with

> your dr. Some treatments are dangerous when given along with other meds

> as well as to certain health conditions or just dangerous in general.


> 2. If you are in a difficult situation (doesn't matter what it is) pls

> don't be afraid to ask for help. It is the first step to trying to make

> that situation better.


> 3. To unsubscribe the e-mail is:

> Fibromyalgia_Support_Group-unsubscribe


> 4. Also, it is not uncommon for more than one member to be feeling bad at

> the same time when it comes to flares and b/c of that potentially take

> something another member says the wrong way. And that includes the things

> that one member may find funny (even if it's laughing at fibro itself)

> even though we who deal with illness whether one such as fibro or multiple

> illnesses try to keep a sense of humor.


> 5. Pls let's be gentle with each other, and if you are having a bad day

> pls let us know so that we can do our best to offer our support.


> Have a nice day everyone.


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We did get Taffy checked out in the past but she is ok right now.

Last year we switched to the scoopable litter and she still does

that. Changes scoopable brands, too. Also do use cat food for

urinary tract health.

Debbie L


> have you taken her to the doctor? the number 1 reason that a kitty


> outside of the box is a UTI. other than that, have you tried

changing your

> litter?


> -ang


> >

> Life isn't like a box of chocolates; it's more like a jar of

> jalapenos. What you do today, might burn your ass tomorrow


> a show I saw recently that said time and space are one in the same.

I fit

> into that theory.... the older I get the more space I take up


> Do not follow where the path may lead. Go, instead, where there is

no path

> and hide.


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LOL - remember doggies can't tell time so to them you've been gone

forever! LOL

I still keep in touch with the gal I got Dayzee from. I send her pictures and

let her know that Dayzee was meant for me. She loves hearing about her and she

said I am one of the reasons she rescues - whatever that means! LOL I just

figure Dayzee was meant to be mine :)


angela wrote:

oh, ! thank you for adopting this sweet baby! so many animals are given

up for something as simple as deafness. i have a silly deaf pug. i call her

snuggle puggy and pugsley and i sing to her silly songs i make up for her

(sung to the rubber ducky theme-snuggle puggy, you're the one! you make

cuddles lots of fun! snuggle puggy, I'm awfully fond of you! -there are like

12 verses of it)...and she can't even hear me! she is a true dork....her

tongue is too long so it hangs out of her mouth constantly and she runs in

little circles until she gets too tired to run any more. but she is a big

squishy love girl.

as for letting them go....i love them all. truly. but when you have this

many, mostly untrained, dogs in one house...it's easy to lighten the load as

long as you feel confident in whomever you adopt to. i am quite nosey and

ask a lot of questions etc. and i always say i will take them back.


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Well, I'm down to 9 pets. I have 2 retired show mares that are turned out to

pasture and are fat and happy. Then I have 2 cats. Sela, a 12 yr old cat I

adopted from the pound and a 1 yr old calico that was born to a stray that some

people had taken in. I also have a Caique (bird) who is a handful! I also have

4 dogs. & Cash are 2 yr old Cavalier King that I can not

housebreak for anything. Jasmine is a 8 yr old Aussie mix that I adopted from

the SPCA after her first owner beat her and broke her leg in several places.

She is one of the sweetest dogs, I can't imagine how someone could hurt her.

And, my baby is Piper, a ian Ridgeback. She is almost 9 and has a

terminal illness. I only have about a month left with her. I am absolutely

devastated! I honestly don't know how I'm going to get thru losing her........


Re: Pets...

O I have so enjoyed this thread on pets. I have always believed in the value

of pets, actually all of mine have always had to work for a living until just

reciently, but that does not diminish their value in love, or their devotion to

me. Years ago when I lived in Texas, way out in the country in the middle of a

150 acre cow pasture I had a dog that was a Golden Retriever cross. She lived

outside, but she stayed in a nice little nest under my bedroom window, she never

set a paw in her nice clean doghouse! She always alerted me when there was a

prowler and I never had any problems (my husband-at-the- time worked out of town

and there were lots of transients along that hiway) So one night she did not

bark or even growl, but she snarled so ferociously that it made the hair on the

back of my head come straight up. She kept up a constant snarl and stayed right

at the back door until I arived with the riffle! Then she walked right beside me

leading me toward a part of the fence that faced the cow pasture. It was dark

that night and I could not see anything, the flashlight did not show anything,

but she was telling me that something horrible was out there. I finally fired

the riffle into the ground a few yards into the pasture, I sure did nto want to

hit a cow, I waited a few seconds and I fired again. The cattle had been a bit

restless you could hear them, some of them moved into a different area of the

pasture. After the second shot the dog stopped snarling and sniffed the air for

a bit, then she was happy. I have never known what it was that alerted her, but

the gunshots did the trick for her! Some folks thought it was a big cat, lion or

something that was after the calves, it may have been cattle thieves. They never

came back thanks to my dog!

I have had lots of great dogs over the years, cried when they went on to their

rest, but I am fast loosing my heart to the latest dog we have. She is part lab

and part shepherd, one of a litter that was being given away in front of my

store. She bonded with the dog we had at the time and was a great puppy, but the

other dog got out in the road and got hit (that hurt me worse than loosing any

dog in history) Now you cannot get Penny to leave the yard and she just hates to

see cars moving! But her crowning achievement is that any time I have a headache

or am having a flareup she is right beside me. She helps me get out of the

chair, she sleeps beside my side of the bed, and a week ago when this blood

pressure started to kick up, she really started to act funny, licking me fast

and furious, barking at me for no reason and did not want to go outside! She was

nudging me all the time, and if I was having a headache she was really upset. I

have been on medication for the past 3 days and the BP is finally starting to

come down a bit, she is not pestering me so much! Now that is different for me

for sure! She is still just a puppy, only about 6 months old, and I just think

that is great instinct for care! I cannot wait to see how she turns out as a

dog! She is also the quietest dog I have ever had and she seems to be easy to

train so far!

Connie in Alaska

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Thank You Dodie and all the other pet lovers in the group.

I was the Assistant Director of Gibson Obion Co Tn Humane

Society/SPCA since the beginning 2 yrs ago, I loved being with

the animals, it gave me a purpose in life. I am actually still on

paper the Assistant but due to being 900 miles from there I can't be

the part that I want to be. I had to move last August due to losing my

home and because of some health issues (imagine that). But I just

wanted you to know how much I love to hear the stories of adoption

and the picking up and taking home. Our humane society just sent

several on the pet railroad to New York. They have so many animals

at the shelter that they are just overwhelmed. They have something

like 37 Pits (grown and pups) and we are a no kill shelter so they (I

keep saying we...sorry) have a house full of them and from what I hear

no more room at the inn!!

I have a 140lb black lab and a 25 lb cat that were both throw aways.

But I think they both outgrew worrying about not being wanted...LOL

Thanks again


Dodie Tedesco wrote:

I am a huge animal lover, and if it weren't for my husband I'd have

more than I do! I have three cats, Monster,15, who is just a bowl of

jelly, Lupin, age unknown, who came to us with a torn up leg after

being bit by a dog, (yes, I'm a sucker for strays...), and QT, 2,

who, yet again, was a stray I brought in when she was just a kitten.

Then there are my dogs.....Ronin, age 6, a great dane. He's 137,

about 4 feet tall, and quite a puppy. He was going to go to the

pound if I didn't take him, so I did. Cocoa, age unknown, a

chocolate lab, who was a stray we picked up and my husband fell in

love with (which is quite surprising, he hates animals), Pup Pup, age

3, Shih Tzu, a gift from my brother and sister-in-law, and last but

not least, my new puppy, a Shiba Inu mix, about four months, just

adopted from a kill shelter in Georgia, sent through the doggie

railroad, and arrived in Iowa on Sunday. To tell all their quirks

and funny stuff would take hours, so I just lay all this on ya and

put the funny stuff in another post later!!!



> Hi Guys,


> I noticed that pets have been mentioned. Animal dander can be

rough on me, but the good that pets do exceeds and outweighs

everything else. My wife and I have four cats (Zach, 14; Little Guy,

12; Tuffy Cat the only long hair, 4; and Peanut, 1). Each of the cats

is unique and different. Their personalities are incredible. Then, we

have two dogs (Bucky, 7; Indie, 7). Bucky is a Pembroke Welsh Corgi

with a nice fairy saddle on his back. Indie, real name is Indigo, is

7 and a fine pure bred chow -- all black body, black mouth, and black



> Little Guy has the heart of a cougar and looks like a miniature

version of one. He's my cat and no one dares to sit on my lap when he

shows up. Even if he doesn't want to lay on my lap, he will go to war

of my lap. It is funny. Zach, the oldest, is part Siamese and it

shows in his personality. He is the real talker among the cats. He

will come in at morning when I get up and talk to me. I think he is

giving me the morning report like a good lad.


> I could go on, and probably will because I have a theory. Those

of us with a chronic disorder such as fibro benefit from having

someone who loves you no matter what, who don't judge the why of

things, and isn't there to preach at you. I love it when the dogs

come into my study and just want to love and be loved. The cats will

come in when I'm off the PC and watching the news or some program

I've wanted to see. There is real love going on. Indie has a true

smile on her face when she comes in to see me, and her tail is going

Warp 5! I love it and I do feel good when they come in a visit with

me. The pain actually lifts some for me.


> All of you who have pets, why don't you write in about your pets.

Tell us how your pets help you.


> En agape tou Iesous,


> Gene






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I have to chime in here on my cats. I have 3 of them. They are all 3.5 years

old and siblings. I have two males and one female. Bo is the biggest of the

three and the most friendly of them all. He will jump up into anyones lap and

lay down and purr. He is also my talker, all the time he talks. He is a white

and black long haired ???. His brother is Mr. J, who is my " typical " cat, in

that he is a scardy cat of loud noises and strangers. He is MY cat, he follows

me everywhere I go. He does not like to be in my lap or held much, but he has

to be near me, even in the bathroom (he hates closed doors). Mr. J is a black

and white long hair. Then there is their sister Sno (or sister), she is my

lightweight compared to her brothers. She is solid white with one blue eye and

one green eye. She is also MY cat and she loves to sleep with me. Her favorite

place to sleep is either on or under my bed. She will follow me around when I

get home and wait until

I pick her up and love on her. She will snuggle with me and likes to sleep

under the covers on cold nights. The boys weigh around 10-12 lbs and Sno only

weighs in at 6. I love my cats, they keep me company and know when I am not

feeling well. Right now I am sitting in my recliner with BO at my feet, Sno on

the back of my chair and Mr J in the other recliner next to me. I got them when

they were 6wks old from my son's, then, girlfriends family. I don't know what I

would do without them. I even paid 600.00 to be able to have all 3 of them in

my apartment as there is just no way I could ever separate them.

Christi Randall


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Lol yep I always can tell when shes home if im home and shes just drove up,

cause they go nuts and everyone of them barks and cant wait till she comes

in.. maria

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I had a kitty who did that too whenever the spirit moved her to. She seemed to

do it more out of spite. She lived to the ripe old age of 16. I had to have

her put down due to cancer last April :(

deebs87 wrote: We did get Taffy checked out in the past

but she is ok right now.

Last year we switched to the scoopable litter and she still does

that. Changes scoopable brands, too. Also do use cat food for

urinary tract health.

Debbie L


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Oh Jill (((hugs))). I'm so sorry. The absolute best dog I ever had was Cleo who

was a boxer-ridgeback mix. She had the best personality, was sweet, loving and

loved to play with her hard plastic soccer balls. We got her from the pound and

I lost her when she was 9 to bone cancer. It was totally devistating for awhile.

Rainbow Bridges helps a lot. I have a site there for my kitty and it helps to

go visit her.



jill larion wrote:

Well, I'm down to 9 pets. I have 2 retired show mares that are turned out to

pasture and are fat and happy. Then I have 2 cats. Sela, a 12 yr old cat I

adopted from the pound and a 1 yr old calico that was born to a stray that some

people had taken in. I also have a Caique (bird) who is a handful! I also have 4

dogs. & Cash are 2 yr old Cavalier King that I can not housebreak

for anything. Jasmine is a 8 yr old Aussie mix that I adopted from the SPCA

after her first owner beat her and broke her leg in several places. She is one

of the sweetest dogs, I can't imagine how someone could hurt her. And, my baby

is Piper, a ian Ridgeback. She is almost 9 and has a terminal illness. I

only have about a month left with her. I am absolutely devastated! I honestly

don't know how I'm going to get thru losing her........


Re: Pets...


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