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Re: Hinky and Dianne

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Hey there and this may be a duplicate, as I remember starting to post about

this but don't remember if i hit submit??? I am in dersville here today. I

wanted to say though first to Dianne, I don't know if all of your post's have

come through, because I remember seeing you when I first joined back in Feb.

the paramedic stuck out to me as I also worked in the healthfield,but then

started noticing you didn't come on?, so if you have been on some may have been

lost in the shuffle, or I am as guilty as some of the others, because if I miss

One day I get over 100 posts and depending on my day, I sometimes don't catch

all or hardly any, because I am just to exhausted, have lately had this

continous pain on my right side each night I lay and attempt to sleep in bed I

wake unmovable,but yet need to to help the pain subside, it is really wearing me

out, as I as most don't sleep anyway and the few hrs that might come are taken

by this, as I need to change position, and this

just wakes me and I am up, trying to make the pain go away. I was given

oxcycodone for it this time 5.mg not much to me, and it isn't working! I just

want warm weather here as I am thinking this will end some of my pain, my knees,

neck, and hands. So I hope you get seen now, as I don't like to not respond if

someone I see is looking for response, just saying hey, I try and rotate at the

least in saying something.

Hincky- I hope you are able to stay with just the 2 meds you are on., and

your symptoms stay at bay. Again hope you find answers, friendship and chuckles

I have on this group since joining. If you feel ignored Just get shout and I

think one of us will notice then, and it is just as others said, so many

e-mails, we all get blown by at times, we space out, now I am speaking for

myself only members, and we all need a WAKE UP call once in awhile, so don't

take it personal. Hope you both lighter days. Take Care


Nd wrote:

Hi Hinky ,I'm Diane from GA, I have been on the group

just a little while so i am fairly new too.

hope you get this post as i am not sure mine are

going through either no one has answered anything i

have posted in the last few days.


--- Hinky wrote:

> --

> Hi Sharon,

> I have been on flexeril and still am I really think

> it helps me best

> at night to relax, I don't know that it helps my

> sleep much though.

> I wake up at least 2-4 times a night. I never get

> ream sleep, they

> have tried all kinds of meds but I told them I would

> just learn to

> live with that. I usually can get back to sleep, as

> long as I don't

> have anything to worry about in my life....LOL Ya

> right? Hope it

> continues to work for you too... Welcome to the

> group too. I think

> we will get some good info here. Wish I had known

> about Yahoo's

> groups before this!!! I could have been on here a

> long time ago...

> Well, were here now....Hinky









> - In Fibromyalgia_Support_Group ,

> sharon studley

> wrote:

> >

> > Welcome. I was given flexerall first to , all

> is it did was

> make me so light headed, dropping my b/p that I felt

> awfull all the

> time unless just layed flat. I also was put on

> cymbalta, which they

> gave me a whold big box of samples of thinking it

> would work, it

> didn't, so another one bites the dust! But if it is

> working for you,

> it should continue, though if your disease

> progresses, and along with

> it more pain you may need to add pain med. Your

> lucky it works for

> you as that and effexor are the 2 least to cause

> weight gain, and can

> even cause weight loss, like I did on effexor, I

> completley lost my

> appetitate, and dropped weight, and then started

> getting side

> effects! So now I am just on my originals Pain med,

> muscle relaxor,

> and sleeping RX. I wish you well with your

> continued relief of

> cymbalta. I also welcome you to the group I am

> newer but have found

> a lot of help and interesting peiople here, and just

> take the good

> with the bad, We all have the porential to

> > have bad days.

> >


> Sharon

> >

> >

> > Hi ya'll, I'm Hinky and I've had Fibro

> for about 15-17

> years. I had

> > been on Elavil & Flexrl for ever it seems. It

> really didn't do much

> for

> > me as I stayed in pain from morning till night.

> Well, I was just

> > diagnoised with Long QT syndrom ( you may or may

> not have heard of

> it)

> > anyway there are certain drugs I can't have well,

> elavil was one of

> > them!! The have put me on cymbalta and I've been

> taking it for

> about a

> > month now and I can't believe the difference it

> has made in my pain

> > level!!!! I really haven't had any side effects

> either. Has anyone

> in

> > this group taken this and does it keep working

> after you've been on

> it

> > for a long time??? I saw a Neroligist, and he's

> the one who put me

> on

> > it. Please give me any insight on this medicene

> that you can,

> thanks

> > so much ya'll Hinky

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]

> >




> ------------------------------------


> 1. While it is wonderful to share our experiences

> with everyone on the list as to what treatments do

> and don't work for us, pls always check with your

> dr. Some treatments are dangerous when given along

> with other meds as well as to certain health

> conditions or just dangerous in general.


> 2. If you are in a difficult situation (doesn't

> matter what it is) pls don't be afraid to ask for

> help. It is the first step to trying to make that

> situation better.


> 3. To unsubscribe the e-mail is:




> 4. Also, it is not uncommon for more than one member

> to be feeling bad at the same time when it comes to

> flares and b/c of that potentially take something

> another member says the wrong way. And that

> includes the things that one member may find funny

> (even if it's laughing at fibro itself) even though

> we who deal with illness whether one such as fibro

> or multiple illnesses try to keep a sense of humor.


> 5. Pls let's be gentle with each other, and if you

> are having a bad day pls let us know so that we can

> do our best to offer our support.


> Have a nice day everyone.


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