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found this in my note book of my journey on my change of life choices. have no

clue when I wrote it down. it has no date and I date everything. I call it my P

D R. which means Peace diet recipe. I made it so when I feel like giving up or

just having a weak moment to go look at again so I can refocus.

Ingredit's for recipe of life changing habits are as follows.

one hour of exercise each day.

3 meal plans based on smart choices for maintaining good health.

2 or 3 healthy choices of between meal snacks if needed.

add as much positive attitude as you have on hand.

lots of support from family and friends!

no less then 2 quiet times in Prayer.

sprinkle in a touch of, love, laughter and forgiveness of one self.

preparation instructions

have a daily schedule if possible, like get up, meals, exercise and bed time.

have exercise equipment of choice on hand and ready for action.

get rid of all bad food items that tempt you to over eat.

plan out your meals and snacks before the day starts.

set small achievable weekly goals.

only check your weight once a week and always use the same scales and dress the


never forget, each pound lost is a victory!

keep records of everything, so you can look back and see where you are having

success or trouble.

Now this has helped me a whole lot in the past 11 weeks. I look it over all

the time. I for one some times can't see the picture forming before my eyes

until I look back on the trail I have all ready traveled. I write everything

down good or bad. we will always repeat the same bad mistakes we have made

before. if you have those reasons wrote down some where, then you can look back

and find a pattern. it's hard to always recall from memory what you done on a

certain day when your sugar readings are up that day. if you had records, then

you will know what you ate that day and where you were. plus you will know if

you done your exercise that day and for how long. us who have been over eaters

and do have a lot of extra weight to lose must keep records of where we have all

ready been or we won't figure out and remember where the pit falls were. to some

this is nothing short of silly, but to me it has saved me many times from

turning back to destroying my self. I have no clue how many more days or weeks I

will still be with this world, but what I do know is there will be less of me to

carry out. we each need to have our own recipe as this one here that I got. you

must have a game plan or you will go off in ten different directions at the same

time getting nothing done right. it is just like me going out in my shop and

trying to build something with out a set of plans to go by. the project will

never come out right or get finished if I don't first sit down and put down on

paper what the game plan is. this issue of our health is about at the top of our

list of living or it should be. with out grate health, then what does the rest

really matter? we can't change none of the yesterdays that we screwed up by not

caring, but we can change to morrow by doing the job right to day. so? what is

your recipe plan that you go by? you have seen mine and now I need to see


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