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Re: time to increase the exercise to day.

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Again, wise words from our unofficial motivational guru!

Thanks, Mark!


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time to increase the exercise to day.

been a month now that I been riding my no where bike for 90 per day. now going

to ride it 45 at seven a.m, 30 at 11 a.m and 45 again at 3 pm, for a total bike

ride of 2 hours in a day. do increase the peddle tension up and down. can't do

the tighter peddles for the whole time, so do the stronger one for maybe 5

minutes and then drop down for maybe 2 minutes. go back and forth this way. also

have dropped my dose of the flex pen down to 12 twice a day from 15 twice a day

where it was. did fax in my numbers for the pass 2 weeks and told the specialist

about my weight lost and increased exercise. haven't heard from them in 2 days

so far. I do wish to drop pounds and I will do so if I got to figure it out on

my own how to get it done. last night had a normal dinner as I always do, my

sugar before dinner was 107. took the 15 units and at bed time the sugar was 92.

didn't worry to much about it and went to bed. got up a few hours later because

I couldn't sleep, so I checked my sugar to see and it was 71. ate a piece of

hard butter scotch candy and this morning it was 117. just like some of you have

said, my insulin is taking the sugar down to low for no more carbs then I am

taking in. I have to lose weight and it is a thing I must do. so the dose of

insulin must come slowly down and of course I will check it plenty to know where

it is at all times. I will as well make a note of when I changed my dose with a

date so saw bones can see for him self. I bet not many of his patients have such

good control or loose the weight as they should. most wish to make there health

better, but most wish to continue on with the same old bad habits. doing the

same thing hoping for different results. I was there my self not long ago and I

can relate to how they feel about it all. my sister isn't a diabetic that we

know of yet, but yesterday she hadn't ate breakfast yet and actually it had been

about 13 hours since she last ate. she checked her sugar after I done mine and

her's was 140 and mine was 110. she has been complaining about after she eats

she gets real sleepy and feels kind of like she took a downer. she also pees a

lot. I know she needs to go be checked, but my sister is one of those people who

thinks if you don't know what is wrong, then you are much better off. she says

the doctor is in business to give you drugs because this is how he makes a

living. he has to find some kind of a reason why you need drugs, so they will

always find something wrong. I doubt she will ever have it checked out until she

has to, like when it is to late. O will! we do what we can to educate folks and

live a life by example hoping they will learn this way. but in the end it is a

personal thing each must do on our own. the life style change is a personal

thing we do on our own. it all falls under the heading of choices. you take in

all the information that you can gather up and then based on the information you

make a choice one way or the other. even not making the choice to go be checked

out for diabetes is still making a choice. it isn't the right one and it will

more then likely led to more bad choices. lots of folks run through life with

there head in the sand. they have the mind set that the bad stuff will only

happen to others and not little old them. well I can continue to do my best to

educate her and then Pray for her. this is the best I can do and God will handle

the rest. she is also the type of person who said if she worked her butt off for

2 weeks and only lost 2 pounds, she would say the hell with the diet and

exercise and do as she always done before. seems like every one wants it all

right now and no one wishes to work for anything any more. maybe this attitude

now folks have is do to the way the world is now? kids don't come out of school

and start at the bottom any more like there parents and grandparents did. they

now want it all in the first few years. the new car, the big house, the bass

boat, trips across the ocean every summer and the best of all the rest that

money can buy. has our way of life now caused such an attitude? my sister wants

to take a pill that will loose pounds for her while she sleeps and take weight

off as well. the only form of exercise she thinks of is walking to and from her

car. she really isn't that much over weight, but then you don't have to be way

over weight to be a diabetic. ok, I will stop the ramble and go play in my wood

shop rest of the day. I can't expect my sister to listen to me any more then I

wouldn't listen to those telling me. I suppose it actually comes right down to

how much you love life and wish to stay in the game? some folks think they got

to be led by the hand and spoon feed or they can't do any of it. well with a

attitude as this, then maybe it is better for them to live a shorter life or be

all messed up from ignoring there disease like diabetes so long that it tares

the bodies up, but doesn't kill them. this way they can lay around and hate them

self and life for treating them so mean. never would any of them admit the

choices where there's to make and they made the wrong choices. I guess it is

much easier to lay the blame at some one else's door step for all your bad

choices you have made in life? It is so true though that our choices to day,

good or bad, will touch the lives of many more then we realize. I can actually

see me in all this reflection not long ago, but instead of blaming every one

else, I excepted my own responsibility and took a personal control of my

choices. hard to look back and see that now for all most 3 months I have tied

lots of good choices together and I have a result now of 25 pounds lost and

still adding and my sugar is under grate control. I exercise every day and I

have never yet in 3 months allowed not one reason of any kind to keep me from my

exercise. it is all made possible by simply making smarter choices to day. now 3

months of yesterday's have resulted in success all because I made wise and

smarter choices in 3 months of to day's. it's really no different then crossing

over in to for ever when we stop breathing in this world. that is a trip you

will go on by your self and this making smarter choices to day is as well a trip

you got to make by your self.

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yes it is true! I seen the need for a pig like me who would put it out

straight. it's mainly motivation for me or a pep talk for my self. now if it

helps some one else to get motivated, then this is grate! mostly I dig the

ramble nonsense the best and some say it is because of the BS that I'm pretty

full of. however I have figured out that the letters BS can stand for many more

words that best tell my story. I won't let any one in on them though. this is

for you when you are simply bored. I know as well as any one else should know if

you are being honest with your self, that you start out at any type of exercise

in a small way, but the key is to continue it on the schedule you setup for your

self. it must start slow and you got to make certain the plan you set forth for

you is one you can achieve. lots of folks and this at one time included me as

well, will jump in to exercise full tilt and it never last more then a poop in a

strong wind. we would all loose interest because we bit off way more then we

could chew. so it is like anything else in life that if you start slow and stick

with it, then you will see success and a increase in time spent as well. I

started out with riding my no where bike for 15 minutes 3 times a day for a

total of 45 rode. I done this for 2 weeks. then I went up to 3 times a day at 20

each time for one hour total. did this for one week. then went to 30 twice a day

and later on 45 twice a day. now increasing to 45 morning, 30 mid day another 45

in the afternoon. always increasing the tension and holding it as long as I can.

then back off to a easier tension until you can up it again. this going up with

the tension will as well build muscle in your legs and muscle burns more

calories. none of us can start out at a certain time of exercise and not

increase it over time if we desire to achieve maximum weight lost. of course you

also must eat less calories and carbs in order for the exercise to do you any

good as far as losing unwanted pounds. also you have to no matter what stick to

it! it's really not much different then working at a 8 to 5 job for 40 hours a

week and do it for many years. you may not be making the kind of money you think

you are worth, but as you turn around after 20 years and look back, you can see

the progress you have made and where your life is now because of the steady

plugging along like a turtle. loosing weight with diet and exercise is the same

way. if you weigh every day and skip what you know you should be doing you will

never see any worth wild results. well we all know that nothing gets done in

life until you start, so sitting around talking about what you plan to do to

morrow or next week is only a way to put it off. we all have at one time done it

before. I put it off for more years then I hate to think of and I just about

checked out of this life because of putting it off. I never thought I would

actually run out of to morrows, but I all most did. more then likely we know

those right now in our life who is living in denial and they are putting off to

morrow what needs to be done to day. some of them may run out of to morrows and

half of those will flat run out of any time of any kind in this world. I can

only do what I do best and that is ramble on about how I motivate my self in to

making smarter choices then I did for many years. I got only me to blame for

putting it off and I'm a very blessed man God seen it fit to let me continue on

living so I could finally pull my head out of my back side and get my stuff

together. could be God will only give us so many chances to change our silly

stupid ways and figure out how important making better choices are? I don't

think I had many more chances left to me if I had of continued putting off the

life style changes I made 3 months ago. I will never know if this is true or

not, at least not in this life, but some day I will know. a buddy of mine said

he didn't have the money for a exercise bike or treadmill. well we all can walk

in our house some where with out killing our self even if we can't see. when

there is a will, there is always a way. find you a area to walk and do it for

ten or 15 minutes each hour during the day or when ever you can. no need to walk

fast when first starting out. just start walking and over time you will with out

planning to speed up your pace. count your steps from point A back to point A.

then multiply this by the number of times you walk in a day. now you know how

many steps you walked that day and you done it right there in your house and it

cost free! once you get on a roll and stick to a schedule, you will be amazed at

how easy it happens and how easy it is to make it a very important part of your

day that must happen and you will always find a way to make it happen just like

the pig does! now as you all know? this information I give you is totally free

for you and nothing is what it cost you. however, I'm living proof if you need

some proof that this free advice does work. Don Hansen is on the list and I see

him twice a month for Saturday morning breakfast. he can tell you if I'm truly a

man of my word or if I'm blowing smoke up your back side!

time to increase the exercise to day.

been a month now that I been riding my no where bike for 90 per day. now going

to ride it 45 at seven a.m, 30 at 11 a.m and 45 again at 3 pm, for a total bike

ride of 2 hours in a day. do increase the peddle tension up and down. can't do

the tighter peddles for the whole time, so do the stronger one for maybe 5

minutes and then drop down for maybe 2 minutes. go back and forth this way. also

have dropped my dose of the flex pen down to 12 twice a day from 15 twice a day

where it was. did fax in my numbers for the pass 2 weeks and told the specialist

about my weight lost and increased exercise. haven't heard from them in 2 days

so far. I do wish to drop pounds and I will do so if I got to figure it out on

my own how to get it done. last night had a normal dinner as I always do, my

sugar before dinner was 107. took the 15 units and at bed time the sugar was 92.

didn't worry to much about it and went to bed. got up a few hours later because

I couldn't sleep, so I checked my sugar to see and it was 71. ate a piece of

hard butter scotch candy and this morning it was 117. just like some of you have

said, my insulin is taking the sugar down to low for no more carbs then I am

taking in. I have to lose weight and it is a thing I must do. so the dose of

insulin must come slowly down and of course I will check it plenty to know where

it is at all times. I will as well make a note of when I changed my dose with a

date so saw bones can see for him self. I bet not many of his patients have such

good control or loose the weight as they should. most wish to make there health

better, but most wish to continue on with the same old bad habits. doing the

same thing hoping for different results. I was there my self not long ago and I

can relate to how they feel about it all. my sister isn't a diabetic that we

know of yet, but yesterday she hadn't ate breakfast yet and actually it had been

about 13 hours since she last ate. she checked her sugar after I done mine and

her's was 140 and mine was 110. she has been complaining about after she eats

she gets real sleepy and feels kind of like she took a downer. she also pees a

lot. I know she needs to go be checked, but my sister is one of those people who

thinks if you don't know what is wrong, then you are much better off. she says

the doctor is in business to give you drugs because this is how he makes a

living. he has to find some kind of a reason why you need drugs, so they will

always find something wrong. I doubt she will ever have it checked out until she

has to, like when it is to late. O will! we do what we can to educate folks and

live a life by example hoping they will learn this way. but in the end it is a

personal thing each must do on our own. the life style change is a personal

thing we do on our own. it all falls under the heading of choices. you take in

all the information that you can gather up and then based on the information you

make a choice one way or the other. even not making the choice to go be checked

out for diabetes is still making a choice. it isn't the right one and it will

more then likely led to more bad choices. lots of folks run through life with

there head in the sand. they have the mind set that the bad stuff will only

happen to others and not little old them. well I can continue to do my best to

educate her and then Pray for her. this is the best I can do and God will handle

the rest. she is also the type of person who said if she worked her butt off for

2 weeks and only lost 2 pounds, she would say the hell with the diet and

exercise and do as she always done before. seems like every one wants it all

right now and no one wishes to work for anything any more. maybe this attitude

now folks have is do to the way the world is now? kids don't come out of school

and start at the bottom any more like there parents and grandparents did. they

now want it all in the first few years. the new car, the big house, the bass

boat, trips across the ocean every summer and the best of all the rest that

money can buy. has our way of life now caused such an attitude? my sister wants

to take a pill that will loose pounds for her while she sleeps and take weight

off as well. the only form of exercise she thinks of is walking to and from her

car. she really isn't that much over weight, but then you don't have to be way

over weight to be a diabetic. ok, I will stop the ramble and go play in my wood

shop rest of the day. I can't expect my sister to listen to me any more then I

wouldn't listen to those telling me. I suppose it actually comes right down to

how much you love life and wish to stay in the game? some folks think they got

to be led by the hand and spoon feed or they can't do any of it. well with a

attitude as this, then maybe it is better for them to live a shorter life or be

all messed up from ignoring there disease like diabetes so long that it tares

the bodies up, but doesn't kill them. this way they can lay around and hate them

self and life for treating them so mean. never would any of them admit the

choices where there's to make and they made the wrong choices. I guess it is

much easier to lay the blame at some one else's door step for all your bad

choices you have made in life? It is so true though that our choices to day,

good or bad, will touch the lives of many more then we realize. I can actually

see me in all this reflection not long ago, but instead of blaming every one

else, I excepted my own responsibility and took a personal control of my

choices. hard to look back and see that now for all most 3 months I have tied

lots of good choices together and I have a result now of 25 pounds lost and

still adding and my sugar is under grate control. I exercise every day and I

have never yet in 3 months allowed not one reason of any kind to keep me from my

exercise. it is all made possible by simply making smarter choices to day. now 3

months of yesterday's have resulted in success all because I made wise and

smarter choices in 3 months of to day's. it's really no different then crossing

over in to for ever when we stop breathing in this world. that is a trip you

will go on by your self and this making smarter choices to day is as well a trip

you got to make by your self.

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