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Re: Beth

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Hi MB, Put my name in your prayers too please. I have come up with a nasty cold. I think its from the humidity. I called my Dr and she called in  azithromycin 500mg I sure hope they do the trick. There are only three in the pack and I take the last one today. My throat is nasty sore.  I go to see her Wed. so we'll see what she says. I have had only a itty bitty bit of fever. My norm is 97.4 and it was 98.8 so doesn't sound to bad. We'll see. Any how remember me in your prayers. Love ya and am getting SOOOOO excited about Sept. Looking like Jane & Eddie will be here too. They are such sweethearts. I am glad we will get some porch time with them. I told to oil the fans cause we would be OUT.. lol Love and Prayers, Peggy   IPF  2004,  Florida"Worry looks around, Sorry looks back,  Faith looks up." ,Boy do you sound calm, cool and collected. I know you don't feel that way on the inside. I'll be thinking of you both and praying. Don't forget to take care of yourself too!Love, Beth Age 48 Fibrotic NSIP 06/06 UCTD 07/08 Change everything. Love and Forgive       Mike's in the hospitalGood morning!!! Actually it's the middle of the night!I just left Mike at the hospital.We had to call 911...he was having chest discomfort and hisblood pressure was very high ( 165/98) and his Heart rate was 160.  He wouldn't let me call right away but after 1 hour I did.Anyway he's staying the night at least..they have to rerun the EKG and blood work to check to see if the enzyme numbers go back to mormal..they were elevated,and may have to do a cath ( he had a nuclear stress test in April and it was fine!)It may or may not have been a heart attack...He went through this 2 years ago and it wasn't one.!!!!We're both scared Sh--less!!!I'm up because I  drove behind the ambulance and had to be able to drive home,so I drank a real Pepsi...sugar and caffeine!!! I'm probably not going to sleepbcause I have to be up at 8:00 to let theLiquid O2 guy in. I dare not take the Lunestabecause I'll never get up on time.I'll keep you posted.--  Z 64, fibriotic NSIP/o5/PAAnd “mild” PH/10/07 and Reynaud’s too!!No, NSIP was not self-inflicted…I never smoked!Potter, reader,carousel lover and MomMom to Darahand Sara      “I’m gonna be iron like a lion in Zion”  Bob MarleyVinca Minor-periwinkle is my flower  

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OK, go to bed! REST REST REST and call your doctor if you're through the antibiotic and you are still sick! Don't mess around!

Love you!


Age 48 Fibrotic NSIP 06/06 UCTD 07/08

Change everything. Love and Forgive

Mike's in the hospital

Good morning!!! Actually it's the middle of the night!I just left Mike at the hospital.We had to call 911...he was having chest discomfort and hisblood pressure was very high ( 165/98) and his Heart rate was 160. He wouldn't let me call right away but after 1 hour I did.Anyway he's staying the night at least..they have to rerun the EKG and blood work to check to see if the enzyme numbers go back to mormal..they were elevated,and may have to do a cath ( he had a nuclear stress test in April and it was fine!)It may or may not have been a heart attack...He went through this 2 years ago and it wasn't one.!!!!We're both scared Sh--less!!!I'm up because I drove behind the ambulance and had to be able to drive home,so I drank a real Pepsi...sugar and caffeine!!! I'm probably not going to sleepbcause I have to be up at 8:00 to let theLiquid O2 guy in. I dare not take the Lunestabecause I'll never get up on time.I'll keep you posted.


Z 64, fibriotic NSIP/o5/PA

And “mild” PH/10/07 and Reynaud’s too!!

No, NSIP was not self-inflicted… I never smoked!

Potter, reader,carousel lover and MomMom to Darah

and Sara

“I’m gonna be iron like a lion in Zion” Bob Marley

Vinca Minor-periwinkle is my flower

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If you aren't completely well, do not go from today until Wed without

antibiotics. GET MORE TODAY!

In our conditions and with today's antibiotic resistance, the odds of

one round of an antibiotic being enough are slimmer and slimmer. Every

day you miss between sets you back at least 2 or 3 in the process.

Do not wait for a Wed doctor appointment, plllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeease.



> ,


> Boy do you sound calm, cool and collected. I know you don't feel that

> way on the inside. I'll be thinking of you both and praying. Don't

> forget to take care of yourself too!


> Love,




> Beth

> Age 48 Fibrotic NSIP 06/06 UCTD 07/08


> Change everything. Love and Forgive





> Mike's in the hospital


> Good morning!!! Actually it's the middle of the night!

> I just left Mike at the hospital.We had to call 911...he was having

> chest discomfort and his

> blood pressure was very high ( 165/98) and his Heart rate was 160.

> He wouldn't let me call right away but after 1 hour I did.

> Anyway he's staying the night at least..they have to rerun the EKG

> and blood work to

> check to see if the enzyme numbers go back to mormal..they were

> elevated,

> and may have to do a cath ( he had a nuclear stress test in April and

> it was fine!)

> It may or may not have been a heart attack...

> He went through this 2 years ago and it wasn't one.!!!!We're both

> scared Sh--less!!!

> I'm up because I drove behind the ambulance and had to be able to

> drive home,

> so I drank a real Pepsi...sugar and caffeine!!! I'm probably not

> going to sleep

> bcause I have to be up at 8:00 to let theLiquid O2 guy in. I dare not

> take the Lunesta

> because I'll never get up on time.

> I'll keep you posted.


> --

> Z 64, fibriotic NSIP/o5/PA


> And “mild†PH/10/07 and Reynaud’s too!!


> No, NSIP was not self-inflicted…I never smoked!


> Potter, reader,carousel lover and MomMom to Darah


> and Sara


> “I’m gonna be iron like a lion in Zion†Bob



> Vinca Minor-periwinkle is my flower


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  • 3 weeks later...

Jane ... well please yak about me and then I can be a part of all of you! Peggy knows how much I love her porch...just through the pictures!

MamaSher, age 70. IPF 3-06, OR. NasturtiumsDon't fret about tomorrow, God is already there!


Hi Beth!

I am so looking forward to our weekend together. And it is just around the corner. (Peggy, now don't you go to too much trouble for us.)

I am going to be thnking of all the subjects we can yak about on THE PORCH!

See ya soon!


Jane UIP/IPF 12/1998 Dalton, Georgia aka pianolady_musicgirl

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Sher & Group, Do NOT worry we WILL hit everybody on this board.. LOL  We are women after all.So if you hear something has been said about you----probably has..   ;)Love  & Prayers, PeggyFlorida,  IPF/UIP 2004"I believe that friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet, when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly."  Jane ...  well please yak about me and then I can be a part of all of you!  Peggy knows how much I love her porch...just through the pictures!   MamaSher, age 70. IPF 3-06, OR.   NasturtiumsDon't fret about tomorrow, God is already there!  BethHi Beth!I am so looking forward to our weekend together.  And it is just around the corner.  (Peggy, now don't you go to too much trouble for us.)I am going to be thnking of all the subjects we can yak about on THE PORCH!See ya soon!Toodles!Jane UIP/IPF 12/1998 Dalton, Georgia aka pianolady_musicgirl 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, Beth, you do need to somehow get out of that caretaking situation. When do you find out about the assisted living? They've been lucky to have you with you being an RN. I'm sure in a way it's been good for you, being able to help someone and earn extra income. As a person that tends to run myself ragged, I understand the need to force myself to slow down. I'm not used to being sickly, but need to do a serious turnaround, even when I'm feeling good.

We also have a Nasher Museum in Dallas and some fantastic museums in Fort Worth. King Tut is coming to Dallas October 1st, and I plan to see him! I'm such a nerd!

Thanks, Beth, for all you do here!

Love, Elisa

From: Bruce Moreland <brucemoreland@ gmail.com>Subject: Re: Autoimmune Markers & ILDTo: Breathe-Support@ yahoogroups. comDate: Sunday, September 21, 2008, 12:11 PM

ElisaOh the common thread of all of us who had something more wrong and thedoctors didn't believe it. You mention over 100 autoimmune diseases andwe hear over 200 ILD's. Truth is they are still figuring both out andmay end up with thousands. Then ultimately they'll come back and reduceinto groups that have similarities. There is so much they don't knowyet. Meanwhile, you're right. We just try to use the knowledge we dohave and take care of ourselves. I hope they never figure out myautoimmune because that will mean it hasn't come full blown. I've beento some of the autoimmune boards and some are really suffering.Meanwhile, I'm happy, I'm enjoying life. And, I'm not letting bloodtests or doctors or "possible but who knows" diseases or a known diseasethat I can't do anything about change that. If I go through all mytests, list all my conditions, I'm suppose to be a whole lots worse

thanI feel I am. My pulmonologist is able to converse and laugh with me anddeal with the disease. I don't think my rheumatologist can deal wellwith it. I honestly think it all scares him more than it does me, allthe thoughts of death or of conditions that might be in the future. Now,I'm sure thats based on things he's seen, but if he transfers that fearand attitude to his patients he's doing them a real disservice just asone would be doing if they said "it's nothing to worry about."> >> > ,> > Well here's something we have in common, a positive Ro52. I was toldmuch of the same that you just posted that it's associated withautoimmune connective tissue disease in general but they haven't beenable to nail down much that's alot more definitive than that.> > My pulmo sent me to a rheumotologist based on the weird "mechanichand' rash on my hands. The rheumotologist explained to me about theRo52 and what it might or might not mean. He agrees with my pulmo thatthe diagnosis of "undifferentiated connective tissue disease" isappropriate for me. It may or may not develop into something betterdefined or it

could stay the way it is for a very long time.> >> > Don't you love Dr. Google? He's always available, makes housecallsand doesn't complain if you need a consult in the middle of the night!!> > Beth> > Age 48 Fibrotic NSIP 06/06 UCTD 07/08> >> > Change everything. Love and Forgive> >> >> >> >> >> > Autoimmune Markers & ILD> >> >> >> > Morning Air Family,> > I have been puzzling about variousAutoimmune Markers that get searched for in blood tests. My Skin-CancerSpecialist told me to get my blood checked

for these annually even ifI'd had a previous negative result. So just had them done again via myGP & when I rang for my results the Nurse said they were all marked bymy GP as `No Action'. I had a consultation with same GP & he didn'tmention anything either. I got copies of all the tests that had beendone & after I got home & read them carefully, noticed that lo & beholdI had returned a Positive Result for Ro52 (ENA Marker) …so I thenhad a follow –up consultation with Dr Google (the one bloke we allhave in common to help us out!)> > This Ro52 seems to be an odd Marker when it occursalone, the significance of which is still being researched & discussed…it is known to be a problem for babies whose mothers'return this result in their pre-natal tests. Babies can get a neo-natalform of Lupus. It also seems to be associated with myosotis,scleroderma, sjogrens'…..with

connective tissue diseases in general.Research dated 2002 came to the conclusion that returning a positive forRo52 alone SHOULD be considered an indicator for Autoimmune, CTD but thedifficulty is that there is no absolute specificity for which one!> > Because I have Reynaud's', a known companion toScleroderma & occasionally some of the other CTD's I've always beenhighly suspicious that I do have an underlying CTD. The Reynaud's' isgetting progressively worse but there's no other real definitive skinchanges to point to Scleroderma. My cheeks have been bright shiny redwith lots of broken capillaries, for a few years now but it's not whatI'd call a RASH…there's the odd thickening on my finger joints butmostly on the index finger that gets hammered in the garden…..I dohave allots of arthritic aches n' pains but they could well be just wearn' tear….I know there is a form of Scleroderma that

doesn't affectthe skin but internal organs only….nice thought that one… NOT!> > My middle name is `Detective'. .I HATE not knowingwhat is what! I have a strong feeling that there is more to my ILD thanis immediately apparent!> > Are any of you aware of whether you have had apositive result for this Ro52 ENA Marker???? Do you also haveReynaud's' or a known CTD?????> > Cheers,> > in Oz> >> > IPF: Fibrotic NSIP/UIP ??> > Reynauds'> > May 2007> >> >>

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  • 1 month later...


How are you doing today?

Is the i=cough and cold better?

I hope you have a good time with your bosom pal!


> , I do have a neti pot. It dies help. I think when I


> the Leviquin I'll be better.

> My house will be buzzing this week-end. Bill is bringing his


> load to move in across the way.

> My girlfriend of 40 years will be here. TT & Kenny.. Then there


> always the unexpected..

> Just love it. Everyone knows what ya see is what ya get.. lol

> My cough is much better. my ribs and back are very sore.


> Love & Prayers, Peggy

> Florida, IPF/UIP 2004


> " I believe that friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet,

> when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly. "





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Thanks for asking Geeta, I am much better today. Not coughing nearly as much or as hard. We are having a wonderful time. I know you are. Kisses on that sweet face.  Love & Prayers, PeggyFlorida,  IPF/UIP 2004"I believe that friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet, when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly." 

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Thanks Beth.Pink Joyce IPF 3/06 Pennsylvania

Subject: Re: BethTo: Breathe-Support Date: Thursday, November 6, 2008, 6:16 AM


Boy that was ugly wasn't it? That individual had requested membership yesterday afternoon. He claimed he was a 63 year old male diagnosed with IPF 3 years ago. He claimed he wanted to find out how others were coping with this disease.

Obviously I have no way to verify his claims or anyone elses so I approved him. I had fallen asleep in my recliner last night and was checking my email one last time before dragging myself off to my bed when I saw that vile post. Needless to say I deleted his post and his membership immediately.

Fortunately things like this don't happen often but in a forum like this they are bound to happen once in awhile. I am as vigilant as it's possible for me to be and I'm just glad that I was awake to see it so that it did not sit out on the board all night.


Fibrotic NSIP 06/06 UCTD 06/08

"Take chances, make mistakes and get messy!"

Miss Frizzle

From: Zion <ljz741 (AT) verizon (DOT) net>To: Breathe-Support@ yahoogroups. comSent: Thursday, November 6, 2008 12:54:58 AMSubject: Beth

Thank you for your prompt removal of that very hatefilled person!!How in the world did he get on here?


Z 64, fibriotic NSIP/o5/PA

And “mild” PH/10/07 and Reynaud’s too!!

No, NSIP was not self-inflicted… I never smoked!

Potter, reader,carousel lover and MomMom to Darah

and Sara

“I’m gonna be iron like a lion in Zion” Bob Marley

Vinca Minor-periwinkle is my flower

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Peggy, I just checked out the Photo page.

What am I missing? Haven't photos always been in "row".

Wish I could get All my pictures in ONE album, then go in and clean it out (delete some) I still have pictures to load but it seems like I get myself in a bind trying to post them to the album...................

MamaSher, age 70. IPF 3-06, OR. NasturtiumsDon't fret about tomorrow, God is already there!


Hi, did you do the photo in a row thingie ?? much easier.. U so smt.. �;)

Love & Prayers, Peggy

Florida, �IPF/UIP 2004

"I believe that friends are quiet angels�who lift us to our feet,�

when our wings�have trouble remembering how to fly."�

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What photo in a row thingie? What are you talking about girlfriend? I'm confused enough! LOL


Fibrotic NSIP 06/06 UCTD 06/08

"Take chances, make mistakes and get messy!"

Miss Frizzle

To: Breathe-Support Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2008 12:18:24 PMSubject: BethHi, did you do the photo in a row thingie ?? much easier.. U so smt.. ;)

Love & Prayers, Peggy

Florida, IPF/UIP 2004

"I believe that friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet,

when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly."

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Why in the world are you reading such things? lol


> Have you read the latest google alert ?? Makes me nuts.


> Pulmonary compliance

> By Bill

> fibrosis is associated with a decrease in pulmonary compliance.

> emphysema/COPD may be associated with an increase in pulmonary

> compliance due to the loss of alveolar and elastic tissue. Pulmonary

> surfactant increases compliance by ...

> gisskystudio.com - http://gisskystudio.com/

> Pulmonary Fibrosis Patient

> By Just(Just)

> Testimonials of patients who have benefitted from the amazing effects

> of Immunocal. Author: DrImmunocal. http://youtube.com/?v=5Yp5Uy8m9SU.

> x's civic burnout.

> Health Videos - http://healthvideos2.blogspot.com/





> Love & Prayers, Peggy

> Florida, IPF/UIP 2004


> " I believe that friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet,

> when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly. "





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Subject: Re: Re: BethTo: Breathe-Support Date: Thursday, November 6, 2008, 7:26 AM


I've seen that kind of thing happen before and it just sucks the energy right out of a group. I was just happy that I happened to check the board before I went to bed. I'm not normally on at that time but something made me check.

There are people in the world with way too much time on their hands! I mean who just sits around looking for ways to stir up trouble on internet forums. I mean really!

Hope everyone has a good day!


Fibrotic NSIP 06/06 UCTD 06/08

"Take chances, make mistakes and get messy!"

Miss Frizzle

From: Tom <uncle_fuzzy@ verizon.net>To: Breathe-Support@ yahoogroups. comSent: Thursday, November 6, 2008 7:07:55 AMSubject: Re: Beth

MB,Shucks I miss all the fun by not doing the updates via email, but just going to the site on a regular basis.I must say, you are a fast worker keeping things under control. On another site, we had a gentleman (using the term very loosely) from Belgium who belonged, because of his disease, but just loved to hear himself talk. Very opinionated and used every opportunity to put down and flame others. We attempted to counsel him but he never got it.......so nothing else to do but ban him from the site. He caused much chaos....Keep up the good work.Tom from PA Stills Disease, Sjogrens, PF, Asthma>> ,> Boy that was ugly wasn't it? That individual had requested membership yesterday

afternoon. He claimed he was a 63 year old male diagnosed with IPF 3 years ago. He claimed he wanted to find out how others were coping with this disease.> Obviously I have no way to verify his claims or anyone elses so I approved him. I had fallen asleep in my recliner last night and was checking my email one last time before dragging myself off to my bed when I saw that vile post. Needless to say I deleted his post and his membership immediately.> > Fortunately things like this don't happen often but in a forum like this they are bound to happen once in awhile. I am as vigilant as it's possible for me to be and I'm just glad that I was awake to see it so that it did not sit out on the board all night.> > Beth-Moderator> Fibrotic NSIP 06/06 UCTD 06/08 > > "Take chances, make

mistakes and get messy!"> Miss Frizzle> > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __> > To: Breathe-Support@ yahoogroups. com> Sent: Thursday, November 6, 2008 12:54:58 AM> Subject: Beth> > > Thank you for your prompt removal of that very hatefilled person!!> How in the world did he get on here?> > -- > > Z 64, fibriotic NSIP/o5/PA > And "mild" PH/10/07 and Reynaud's too!!> No, NSIP was not self-inflicted… I never smoked!> Potter, reader,carousel lover and MomMom to Darah > and Sara > "I'm gonna be iron like a lion in Zion" Bob Marley> Vinca Minor-periwinkle is my flower> >


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  • 2 weeks later...

Peggy ... boy oh boy that looks good! It's about 8:20 here in Oregon...I can hardly wait to get to Lysa's!

MamaSher, age 70. IPF 3-06, OR. NasturtiumsDon't fret about tomorrow, God is already there!


Love & Prayers, Peggy

Florida, �IPF/UIP 2004

"I believe that friends are quiet angels�who lift us to our feet,�

when our wings�have trouble remembering how to fly."�

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Your dinner looks awesome! We're not eating until 4:00 pm. I am just sending to Kroger to buy some pies: pumpkin, applie, sweet potato, whatever!

Happy Thanksgiving!


Jane UIP/IPF Dalton, Georgia >> Peggy ... boy oh boy that looks good! It's about 8:20 here in Oregon...I can hardly wait to get to Lysa's!> > MamaSher, age 70. IPF 3-06, OR. > Nasturtiums> Don't fret about tomorrow, God is already there!> > Beth> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Love & Prayers, Peggy> Florida, �IPF/UIP 2004> > > "I believe that friends are quiet angels�who lift us to our feet,�> when our wings�have trouble remembering how to fly."�>

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