Guest guest Posted July 15, 2006 Report Share Posted July 15, 2006 Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2006 3:17 PM Subject: The Rose Show July 15 developig IEP's > Attached is the flyer and the blank IEP that we are using on The Rose > > Show to work with parents in developng a sound, solid and comprehensive > Draft IEP's for their child before school starts in September. We are > going > line byline - page by page. > > While you are listening to the show and you feel we need to give certain > valuable infomation we may have missed, please write to me at > therosemooreshow@.... > > These next 4 or 5 shows are great for Support Groups as well. > > Please pass this onto everyone you know. > > God Bless.......and Remember....whatever we do, we do it for the kids. > > Rose > > Now is the time to start developing a " Draft " IEP for your child. It takes months to analyze, plan and develop the most solid, sound and comprehensive IEP you can for your child or teen. School Districts do not spend the quality time needed to review and analyze each IEP they have to have ready before the child or teen starts school in September. Remember that your child is not the only one an IEP has to be developed for before school starts by the school districts. Attached is a sample Blank IEP that we are using during this radio show that is basically like all IEP's across the nation. If you see something on your child's IEP that is not on this blank form, we are sending to you, please notify us right away. We are taking our time with this " Draft " IEP so all parents are aware of what goes into an IEP but also why and what will happen if it is NOT in the IEP. If you miss a show please go to the archives and listen to what we discussed to update and work on your child's IEP. If you have any questions at all, please send an e-mail to therosemooreshow@... c/o Mrs. Rose ; Subject IEP Development. The Rose Show The Rose Show is geared to finding, addressing and solving the " Unmet Needs " of the Learning Disabled kids (K-12) in the public schools. Her guests will include Psychologists, Parents, Students, Doctor's, District Administrators, Court Judges, Attorney's, and many Organizations and Clinics that help give knowledge and information on all disabilities that affect their child's learning ability, such as ADHD, Cerebral Palsy, TBI, Autism, Behavioral Problems, Blind, Deaf, Health Impaired, to name a few, as well as the " solutions " to obtaining special services from the public schools for the child or teen, that is mandated by law, no matter what state you live in. Saturdays at 6PM PST. Check for your own local times. Program Name: The Rose Show Website: E-mail: therosemooreshow@... Child Name:_______________________________ INDIVIDUALIZED EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM (IEP) INFORMATION STUDENT/PARENT INFORMATION Student Sex Birthdate Grade Student ID # Student Primary Language Student English Proficiency Code (optional) Address Student Phone Parent/Guardian/Surrogate Parent Phone (Home) (Work) Optional: Cell Email Primary Language Spoken at Home Interpreter or Other Accommodations Needed Emergency Contact/Phone Number Current School Zoned School ELIGIBILITY CATEGORY o Autism o Deaf/Blind o Developmental Delay o Emotional Disturbance o Health Impairment o Hearing Impairment/Deaf o Mental Retardation o Multiple Impairment o Orthopedic Impairment o Specific Learning Disability o Speech/Language Impairment o Traumatic Brain Injury o Visual Impairment/Blind ELIGIBILITY DATE ANTICIPATED 3-YR REEVALUATION MEETING INFORMATION DATE OF MEETING DATE OF LAST IEP MEETING PURPOSE OF MEETING o Interim IEP o Initial IEP o Annual IEP o IEP Following 3-Yr Reevaluation o Revision To IEP Dated o Exit/Graduation o IEP Revision Without A Meeting: At the request of : o Parent or o School District o Other IEP SERVICES WILL BEGIN ANTICIPATED DURATION OF SERVICES IEP REVIEW DATE COMMENTS IEP PARTICIPATION Parent/Guardian/Surrogate* Speech/Language Therapist/Pathologist/Specialist Student** School Nurse LEA Representative* Interpreter Special Education Teacher* Other (name and role) Regular Education Teacher*** Other (name and role) School Psychologist Other (name and role) *Required participant. ** Student must be invited when transition is discussed (beginning at age 14 or younger if appropriate). ***The IEP team must include at least one regular education teacher of the student (if the student is, or may be, participating in the regular education environment). PROCEDURAL SAFEGUARDS o I have received a statement of procedural safeguards under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and these rights have been explained to me in my primary language. Parent Signature AT LEAST ONE YEAR PRIOR TO REACHING AGE 18, STUDENTS MUST BE INFORMED OF THEIR RIGHTS UNDER IDEA AND ADVISED THAT THESE RIGHTS WILL TRANSFER TO THEM AT AGE 18. o Not applicable. Student will not be 18 within one year. o The student has been informed of his/her rights under IDEA and advised of the transfer of these rights at age 18. PRESENT LEVELS OF ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AND FUNCTIONAL PERFORMANCE Consider results of the initial evaluation or most recent reevaluation, and the academic, developmental, and functional needs of the student, which may include the following areas: academic achievement, language/communication skills, social/emotional/behavior skills, cognitive abilities, health, motor skills, adaptive skills, pre-vocational skills, vocational skills, and other skills as appropriate. For students who are 16 or older, or will turn 16 when this IEP is in effect, also consider the results of age appropriate transition assessments related to training/education, employment, and independent living skills (as appropriate). ASSESSMENTS CONDUCTEDASSESSMENT RESULTSEFFECT ON STUDENT'S INVOLVEMENT AND PROGRESS IN GENERAL EDUCATION CURRICULUM OR, FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD STUDENTS, INVOLVEMENT IN DEVELOPMENTAL ACTIVITIES STRENGTHS, CONCERNS, INTERESTS AND PREFERENCES STATEMENT OF STUDENT STRENGTHS STATEMENT OF PARENT EDUCATIONAL CONCERNS STATEMENT OF STUDENT'S PREFERENCES AND INTERESTS (required if transition services will be discussed, beginning at age 14 or younger if appropriate) If student was not in attendance, describe the steps taken to ensure that the student's preferences and interests were considered: CONSIDERATION OF SPECIAL FACTORS 1. Does the student's behavior impede the student's learning or the learning of others? o No action needed. o Yes, addressed in IEP. If YES, team must consider the use of positive behavioral interventions and supports and other strategies to address that behavior. 2. Does the student have limited English proficiency? o No action needed. o Yes, addressed in IEP. If YES, team must consider language needs of the student as those needs relate to the student's IEP. 3. Is the student blind or visually impaired? o No action needed. o Yes, addressed in IEP. If YES, team must evaluate reading and writing needs and provide for instruction in Braille unless determined not appropriate for the student. 4. Is the student deaf or hard of hearing? o No action needed. o Yes, addressed in IEP. If YES, team must consider communication needs. 5. Does the student require assistive technology devices and services? o No action needed. o Yes, addressed in IEP. If YES, team must determine nature and extent of devices and services. TRANSITION DIPLOMA OPTION SELECTED FOR GRADUATION (Diploma option must be declared at age 14 and reviewed annually.) p Standard or Advanced High School Diploma. Must complete all applicable credit requirements and pass the High School Proficiency Examination (with permissible accommodations as needed).p Adjusted High School Diploma. Must complete IEP requirements. STUDENT'S VISION FOR THE FUTURE A short statement that directly quotes what the student wants for the future. STATEMENT OF TRANSITION SERVICES: COURSE OF STUDY Beginning at age 14 or younger if determined appropriate by the IEP team, describe the focus of the student's course of study. STATEMENT OF DESIRED POST-SCHOOL OUTCOMES Beginning not later than the first IEP to be in effect when the student is 16, describe desired post-school outcomes in the following areas. o Training/Education o Employment o Independent Living Skills (As Appropriate) o Other TRANSITION (continued) STATEMENT OF TRANSITION SERVICES: COORDINATED ACTIVITIES Beginning not later than the first IEP to be in effect when the student is 16, develop a statement of needed transition services, including strategies or activities, for the student. Instruction Any Other Agency Involvement (Optional): Related Services Any Other Agency Involvement (Optional): Community Experiences Any Other Agency Involvement (Optional): Employment and Other Post-School Adult Living Objectives Any Other Agency Involvement (Optional): Acquisition of Daily Living Skills and Functional Vocational Evaluation (if appropriate) Any Other Agency Involvement (Optional): Other Any Other Agency Involvement (Optional): IEP GOALS, INCLUDING ACADEMIC AND FUNCTIONAL GOALS, AND BENCHMARKS OR SHORT-TERM OBJECTIVES PROGRESS REPORT 1. Satisfactory Progress Being Made (continue) 2. Unsatisfactory Progress Being Made (need to review/revise) 3. Goal Met (note date) DateDateDateDate BENCHMARK OR SHORT-TERM OBJECTIVE # # # PROGRESS REPORT 1. Satisfactory Progress Being Made (continue) 2. Unsatisfactory Progress Being Made (need to review/revise) 3. Goal Met (note date) DateDateDateDate BENCHMARK OR SHORT-TERM OBJECTIVE # # # METHOD FOR REPORTING PROGRESS METHOD FOR REPORTING THE STUDENT'S PROGRESS TOWARD MEETING ANNUAL GOALS (check all methods that will be used) o IEP Goals Pages o District Report Card o Specialized Progress Report o Parent Conferences o Other PROJECTED FREQUENCY OF REPORTS o Quarterly o Semester o Trimester o Other SPECIAL EDUCATION SERVICES SPECIALLY DESIGNED INSTRUCTIONBEGINNING AND ENDING DATESFREQUENCY OF SERVICESLOCATION OF SERVICES SUPPLEMENTARY AIDS AND SERVICES Includes aids, services, and other supports provided in regular education classes or other education-related settings to enable participation with nondisabled students. MODIFICATION, ACCOMMODATION, OR SUPPORT FOR STUDENT OR PERSONNEL Describe below, or select from supplemental " Modifications, Accommodations, and Supports " (and list number below).BEGINNING AND ENDING DATESFREQUENCY OF SERVICESLOCATION OF SERVICES RELATED SERVICES RELATED SERVICESERVICE TYPE AND/OR DESCRIPTION A - Assessment C - Consultative D - DirectBEGINNING AND ENDING DATESFREQUENCY OF SERVICESLOCATION OF SERVICES o Speech/Language o Physical Therapy o Occupational Therapy o Transportation o Counseling o Psychological Services o Orientation and Mobility o Audiology o School Nurse Services o Medical Services for Diagnostic or Evaluation Purposes o Recreation, including Therapeutic Recreation o Parent Counseling and Training o Interpreting Services o Social Work Services o Other o Other PARTICIPATION IN STATEWIDE AND/OR DISTRICT-WIDE ASSESSMENTS Indicate how the student will participate in statewide or district-wide assessments.If the student will participate in an alternate assessment, explain why the student cannot participate in the regular assessment, and why the particular alternate assessment selected is appropriateIf the student will participate in a regular assessment, does the student require accommodations? State Norm-Referenced Test (NRT) o Yes o N/A o Alternate o No o Yes If YES, list on " Accommodation(s) for the Nevada Proficiency Examination Program " (attach form). State Criterion-Referenced Test (CRT) o Yes o N/A o Alternateo No o Yes If YES, list on " Accommodation(s) for the Nevada Proficiency Examination Program " (attach form). High School Proficiency Exam o Yes o N/A o Alternate o No o Yes If YES, list on " Accommodation(s) for the Nevada Proficiency Examination Program " (attach form). Proficiency Examination in Writing o Yes o N/A o Alternate o No o Yes If YES, list on " Accommodation(s) for the Nevada Proficiency Examination Program " (attach form). Other (List): o Yes o N/A o Alternate o No o Yes List Accommodation(s): EXTENDED SCHOOL YEAR SERVICES Does the student require extended school year services? p No p Yes If YES, IEP goals and benchmarks/short-term objectives and/or related services to be implemented in ESY must be identified. If need for ESY is to be determined at a later date, indicate date by which IEP decision will be made: PLACEMENT PLACEMENT CONSIDERATIONS o Selected o Rejected Regular class with supplementary aids and services o Selected o Rejected Regular class and special education class (e.g., resource) combination o Selected o Rejected Self-contained program o Selected o Rejected Special school o Selected o Rejected Residential o Selected o Rejected Hospital o Selected o Rejected Home o Selected o Rejected Other PERCENTAGE OF TIME IN REGULAR EDUCATION ENVIRONMENT The student will spend % of his or her school day in the regular education environment. JUSTIFICATION FOR PLACEMENT INVOLVING REMOVAL FROM REGULAR EDUCATION ENVIRONMENTS* Explain why the IEP goals and objectives cannot be implemented in regular education environments, including the reasons why the team rejected a less restrictive placement. Include an explanation of any harmful effects on the learning of this or other students which affected the placement selection. *Regular education environments include academic classes (which might include field trips linked to the curriculum), nonacademic settings (such as recess), and extra-curricular activities (for example, sports, after-school clubs, band, etc.). IEP IMPLEMENTATION o As the parent, I agree with the components of this IEP. I understand that its provisions will be implemented as soon as possible after the IEP goes into effect. o As the parent, I disagree with all or part of this IEP. I understand that the school district must provide me with written notice of any intent to implement this IEP. If I wish to prevent the implementation of this IEP, I must submit a written request for a due process hearing to the local school district superintendent. Parent Signature o A copy of this IEP was provided to the student's parent on : _________________________ by ___________________________________________________________ (date) (name) (title) DATA ELEMENTS FEDERAL STUDENT ETHNICITY CODE (CHECK ONE) o American Indian or Alaska Native o Asian or Pacific Islander o Black or African American (not Hispanic) o Hispanic or Latino o White (not Hispanic) FEDERAL PLACEMENT CODE (CHECK ONE) Students ages 6-21: Students ages 3-5: o A 80-100% in Reg. Ed. o I Early Childhood (EC) Setting o B 40-79% in Reg. Ed. o J Early Child. Special Ed. (ECSE) o C 0-39% in Reg. Ed. o K Home o D Public Separate School o L EC + ECSE o E Private Separate School o M Public or Private Residential o F Public Residential o N Separate School o G Private Residential o O Itinerant Service Outside Home o H Homebound/Hospital o P Reverse Mainstreaming Also check if in: o P Private School o C Correctional Facility Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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