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Re: MB

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MB, Have you seen this IKE ?? I am not happy but we're ready. You probably need to look into a generator. They can be hooked into your electric box It will be a blessing if you need power. We have three of them for the ACin my bedroom, the freezer and a few lights. Might pay to look into it.. Love & Prayers, PeggyFlorida,  IPF/UIP"I believe that friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet, when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly."  Beth,Don't beat yourself up over it....We have all probably been there and done that. It is our valient attempt to retaind a bit of "normalcy" in our lives.I remember crawling back into the house after attempting to dig out a hige bush from the side yard........I swore it was either it or me. Luckily I won, but it very easliy could have gone the other way.Be careful, OK?Tom from PAAOSD start 01/4 DX 5/05 PF 05/08 Sjogrens 07/08One of our "DUH!" moments.>> OK I admit it, I over did it today. I ran a couple of small errands (library to return two books and the post office to mail a package) and then went to my sisters. I toughed my way through a full hour on the treadmill and then stopped at the supermarket on my way home. Tonight I feel half dead. Everything hurts and I am more tired than I can remember being in a long time. > I found out belatedly that we were in a "code orange" air quality alert today so I should have been more careful about what I did. Idiot, idiot, idiot. > So lesson learned....again. Will I ever 'get it'? Not too bright am I?>   >  Beth  > Age 48 Fibrotic NSIP 06/06 UCTD 07/08>  > Change everything. Love and Forgive    >

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  • 2 weeks later...


You hit the nail squarely on the head. Dealing with someone with dementia is completely and totally exhausting. It's only in taking a break this week that I see what a toll it's taken on me. As you say it's all the tiny little things you have to help them with in addition to taking care of myself and my O2 needs at the same time that add up to just a huge energy drain.

It does look like she's probably going to be entering the Spring Arbor assisted living facility in Durham very soon. I may have a couple of days with her next week but that will likely be about it. I will of course visit her but that won't be the same thing as having responsibility for her well being 3 days a week. I love her dearly and I'm happy that I've been able to help during this difficult time but I'm also glad for my own sake that it's almost over.

Thanks for caring!!



Age 48 Fibrotic NSIP 06/06 UCTD 07/08

Change everything. Love and Forgive


I am so sorry you got sick, I know how disappointed you are . I was so angry when I couldn't go to Chattanooga. Take care of yourself. ipf 2/07IL

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God is surely watching over you. You do such good things for the world. Rest and get your strength. There will still be things for you to do and people to respond to. I appreciated your comment about methotrexate. I went to a medical website, and the things I read...whew!!! I don't want to take it or remicade. These decisions are so hard. I pray to get an answer. Until that happens, I'm using tylenol, yoga, pulmonary rehab, exercise bike at home, and eating lots of veggies.

Love to all.


IPF 10/05 RA 2/06

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  • 4 weeks later...


I was planning to leave Tuesday morning if that's ok with you. I can leave Monday if you're sick of me!


Fibrotic NSIP 06/06 UCTD 06/08

MBOK I've been really calm... NOT... IF YOU WANNA you can leave tomorrow.. (*b*)PLEASE Please please.....

Love & Prayers, Peggy

Florida, IPF/UIP 2004

"I believe that friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet,

when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly."


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Yes, I need to get on the road some soon. I've let MB pass me by and

leave me in her dust. I would say to anyone to find a way to go visit

the people you want to. I'd be all around, seeing you all, if I had the

money. The higher your flow the more difficult it becomes but its still

worth it and just insist your provider provide you what is needed for

the trips.

While most of my equipment is through my provider, I have purchased some

to supplement it and provide myself even more protection and

flexibility. Also, my oxygen provider is local and not national so I do

have to pay when I get my reservoir filled while traveling. But, on long

trips I take a 50 pound reservoir with me so not too many refills.

Actually there is a way that I could get some of the medicare money

going to the refill instead of my regular provider and not pay or pay

less but I don't know the details of how and do know its way too

complicated for me to deal with. Travelling is the reason I considered

switching to Lincare, but I haven't done so.

> From: Beth mbmurtha@...

> Subject: Re: MB

> To: Breathe-Support

> Date: Tuesday, October 14, 2008, 8:10 PM


> Peggy,

> You are a wackadoodle! I can't leave tomorrow cause I'm taking my

> mom to the doctor. I am packing however and I will leave Thursday

> morning and will arrive at your home sweet home early Friday

> afternoon. How's that???

> Love you!

> MB







> MB


> OK I've been really calm... NOT... IF YOU WANNA you can leave

> tomorrow.. (*b*)

> PLEASE Please please.....


> Love & Prayers, Peggy

> Florida, IPF/UIP 2004


> " I believe that friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet,

> when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly. "



> <1.2064017188>


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Hi Joyce,

Yup, I'm driving by myself. Have O2 will travel has been my motto. I know the day will likely come when I won't be able to do trips by myself like this so I want to do them while I can.

My arrangements are very much do it myself. My current O2 supplier here in Durham delivered a dozen D tanks for me yesterday. They will get loaded into my car tonight by my very kind brother in law along with my concentrator. It will take two days of driving to get to Peggy's. It's about 575 miles from door to door which is too much for me to do in one day anymore. I will drive the 320 miles to Savannah, GA tomorrow and then the remaining 240 or so to Peggy's on Friday. In the two days of driving I will use only 2 tanks, that's because my O2 needs while I'm just sitting and driving are minimal. I can keep at at 2 liters and can also have it off completely for periods. I just have to mind my sats and turn it back up if I start to drop. I am completely capable of unloading my concentrator at the hotel though in my experience there is always someone around who offers to help.

I always bring my O2 prescription with me in the event that I need it for some reason. I also take copies of my medical info, my health care proxy forms etc. Those are in an envelope taped to the outside of my glove compartment. I have all that info and the forms saved on a key ring memory stick. I also wear a Medic Alert bracelet. It probably sounds like overkill but since I'm traveling alone I want to insure that any type of emergency personell can have the information they need to treat me properly.

It also allows me to just relax and enjoy the trip. I love to drive and enjoy the time on the road. Then at the end of the road comes the best part getting to visit with someone like Peggy (and and the rest of her family too!)


Fibrotic NSIP 06/06 UCTD 06/08

MBOK I've been really calm... NOT... IF YOU WANNA you can leave tomorrow.. (*b*)PLEASE Please please.....

Love & Prayers, Peggy

Florida, IPF/UIP 2004

"I believe that friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet,

when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly."

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I use to not like driving on trips at all, but I think it was because I

was in a hurry and my life so rushed. Making a trip like Beth is

describing I find can be enjoyable now. I've purchased lots of CD's at

Half Price Books and can listen to what strikes my mood. Comedy is great

when I need to be picked up.

Not only have I found people don't mind helping you at hotels, but they

seem to truly enjoy it. I think the oxygen equipment makes your needs

pretty obvious. Amazing how many you find who have had a relative on

oxygen. I know one girl in Illinois had had a grandfather who was on. I

honestly think helping me somehow was like she was doing something with

him in her thoughts.

While I have mapped a plan I allow enough time that I can travel

leisurely, or at least somewhat. At least I can grab something to eat

when I want or if I see something of interest stopped. I never eat a

large meal when travelling. Helps not get too full and gives me more

reasons to grab something small at another stop.

MB's first day is about 5 1/2 hours (probably less depending on how fast

she drives) and second about 4 hours. What that means to me is if you

don't get up and out when you meant, no big deal. If you decide to stop

and browse for an hour at some interesting store or other place along

the way, no big deal. On my long trip, I remember even one day after

lunch just reclining my seat, turning the music on, and taking a short

nap. Planned as she has done, not just the destination is enjoyable but,

also, the trip there and back. Obviously you can make that trip in one

day but then, at least to me, it becomes more like work, than pleasure.

I also do the overkill she does. In addition, and I don't actually know

if anyone looks, but I've been told they do, I've put two contacts on my

cell phone. One reads " Emergency " and one reads " ICE " (in case of

emergency). They both ring 's number (she is the one I've given

Medical Power of Attorney and other powers to).

While I don't really plan for it, somewhere in the back of my mind is

sort of the major cities and hospitals too. At least if I started with a

problem along the way, where would I most prefer to go. As an example,

had I started feeling an issue with my lungs in Eastern North Carolina,

I would have headed to Duke. I've made an ER trip (was weird very severe

pain in my elbow) on my travels (Memorial Day and no urgent care

facilities open). It was no big deal. Exactly what I would have done at

home. Took meds and rested that night. Continued my trip the next


Oh, MB, now you've made me so want to take the next trip. In some ways I

have a PF induced retirement (disability) I guess. Maybe the retirement

I never would have gotten around to otherwise. I've done more

travelling, visited more people, and in many ways enjoyed life more the

last year, since my diagnosis, than any other time of my life. All on



> From: Beth mbmurtha@...

> Subject: Re: MB

> To: Breathe-Support

> Date: Tuesday, October 14, 2008, 8:10 PM



> Peggy,

> You are a wackadoodle! I can't leave tomorrow cause I'm taking my mom

to the doctor. I am packing however and I will leave Thursday morning

and will arrive at your home sweet home early Friday afternoon. How's


> Love you!

> MB








> MB


> OK I've been really calm... NOT... IF YOU WANNA you can leave

tomorrow.. (*b*)

> PLEASE Please please.....



> Love & Prayers, Peggy

> Florida, IPF/UIP 2004


> " I believe that friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet,

> when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly. "


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YES, MB, now I printed out your post and gave it to Earl that you are

making this trip to " Peggy's Porch " WITHOUT me. Boo hoo

I gave it to him to read, but there is no way he would let me go even

to the store by myself. Why is that?



IPF - 02



> Subject: Re: MB

> To: Breathe-Support

> Date: Tuesday, October 14, 2008, 8:10 PM



> Peggy,

> You are a wackadoodle!  I can't leave tomorrow cause I'm taking my

mom to the doctor. I am packing however and I will leave Thursday

morning and will arrive at your home sweet home early Friday

afternoon. How's that???

> Love you!

> MB








> MB


> OK I've been really calm... NOT... IF YOU WANNA you can leave

tomorrow.. (*b*)

> PLEASE Please please.....



> Love & Prayers, Peggy

> Florida,  IPF/UIP 2004


> " I believe that friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet, 

> when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly. "  


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