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YEAH , Big storm gotta shut own.. back in a bit... Love & Prayers, PeggyFlorida,  IPF/UIP 2004"I believe that friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet, when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly."  I'm so sorry to hear the sad news about . Shewas so good to keep us posted even during some ofher worst times. She was an inspiration to many of us,certainly to me. She seemed to strike a balance betweenfighting her disease and accepting her condition, all thewhile caring about us. I admired that she always kept it real,and there was a sweetness about her that made itimpossible not to love her. I knew this was coming, butI'm really sorry to lose her. God bless our newest angel.Brett,Hang in there. You are amazing and have a terrific attitude.That goes a LONG way. You're in my thoughts and prayers.,How is the HIPS program working out? Oh, I forgot - seemslike you might already be gone off to your island retreat,which sounds heavenly. Just yesterday I saw the photos frommy daughter and son-in-law's honeymoon to Fiji. It's reallya long trip to get from here to there, but MAN is it gorgeous!!They met quite a lot of folks from Australia at their resort,and were even in the wedding of one couple they met - fun!They thought the genuine kindness and gentleness of theFijian people was very touching.Shelia,I was just thinking of you and hoping you're having a goodday. Hopefully every day gets better over time. Grieving isso exhausting!To Kathy, Kerry, and all our brave ones waiting for the call,I pray it happens soon and that you have peace.Tina,I miss your posts. I'm sorry your current situation, not verysurprisingly, is so difficult, but hopefully it will improve soon.It's so unfair to have to deal with all that mess and yourillness too. I'm sending prayers for strength and courage.Judy,I'm hoping you're doing much better. How have the treatmentsbeen going and are you any stronger? How about the leg pain?I hope you're home. You're in my thoughts a lot.Bruce,I got on board too late to be included, but FYI, I'm on 16prescription medications and 4 OTCs. Some of those medsare taken in multiples several times a day, so it all adds up.In addition to my one bad lung with IPF, I have GERD,osteoporosis. chronic ear trouble for which I have tubesin both ears, a bum hand from a bad break several years ago,and year-round allergies. There are other lesser issues, butmostly stuff I can deal with. Post lung transplant patients aremore susceptible to lymphoma and skin cancer, so I amreligious about sunscreen. I have basically 9 main doctors,but the one I see by far the most often is my transplantpulmonologist. Some of the rest of them are once-a-yearor only-in-emergency specialists. I have weekly labs nowthat I'm on Coumadin, and monthly transplant clinic visitsat which they draw blood, do a chest x-ray, spirometry,and doctor follow-up.Did you ever get to the Kimbell or the zoo? If not, you'lljust have to come back. Call me when you do!Can you believe it's been 6 months since my transplant?,It's good to see you back and great news that you had sucha good time. I figured you would!!Jane,I got rid of my treadmill when I got too sick for mine. Butnow I need to get another one, so I'll be shopping for thatsoon. I see a lot of folks at pulmonary rehab using the"arm cycles". I'm following closely your updates on yourtrial. Hope you're having a good day.Sher and Peggy,Just thinking of both of you and hoping you're doing well.Sher, how's the pain? Peggy, you're completely rid of allsniffles, I trust. We're actually having porch weather hereright now. Evenings are around 56 degrees and the dailyhighs are around 82 - really lovely. We need MORE of thisin Texas, God bless our poor, hot little selves who get twoweeks of winter as a rule.Hugs and blessings,Gwynne 57 Single-lung transplant for IPF on 4-3-08at UTHSC San Fort Worth, TX

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Gwynnie...good to hear from you!

Thanks for asking...the pain is better and Dr (at my request) has cut back on the strength of the pain patch. I'm going to see if I can get off ALL pain meds. If I can't, I can't but I think it's time to try. The "cure" is almost as bad as the cause.

I AM feeling less tired with the cutback. That is sure worth something! I've been just on the edge of "non-functional".

Love ya girlfriend.

MamaSher, age 70. IPF 3-06, OR. NasturtiumsDon't fret about tomorrow, God is already there!


I'm so sorry to hear the sad news about . Shewas so good to keep us posted even during some ofher worst times. She was an inspiration to many of us,certainly to me. She seemed to strike a balance betweenfighting her disease and accepting her condition, all thewhile caring about us. I admired that she always kept it real,and there was a sweetness about her that made itimpossible not to love her. I knew this was coming, butI'm really sorry to lose her. God bless our newest angel.Brett,Hang in there. You are amazing and have a terrific attitude.That goes a LONG way. You're in my thoughts and prayers.,How is the HIPS program working out? Oh, I forgot - seemslike you might already be gone off to your island retreat,which sounds heavenly. Just yesterday I saw the photos frommy daughter and son-in-law's honeymoon to Fiji. It's reallya long trip to get from here to there, but MAN is it gorgeous!!They met quite a lot of folks from Australia at their resort,and were even in the wedding of one couple they met - fun!They thought the genuine kindness and gentleness of theFijian people was very touching.Shelia,I was just thinking of you and hoping you're having a goodday. Hopefully every day gets better over time. Grieving isso exhausting!To Kathy, Kerry, and all our brave ones waiting for the call,I pray it happens soon and that you have peace.Tina,I miss your posts. I'm sorry your current situation, not verysurprisingly, is so difficult, but hopefully it will improve soon.It's so unfair to have to deal with all that mess and yourillness too. I'm sending prayers for strength and courage.Judy,I'm hoping you're doing much better. How have the treatmentsbeen going and are you any stronger? How about the leg pain?I hope you're home. You're in my thoughts a lot.Bruce,I got on board too late to be included, but FYI, I'm on 16prescription medications and 4 OTCs. Some of those medsare taken in multiples several times a day, so it all adds up.In addition to my one bad lung with IPF, I have GERD,osteoporosis. chronic ear trouble for which I have tubesin both ears, a bum hand from a bad break several years ago,and year-round allergies. There are other lesser issues, butmostly stuff I can deal with. Post lung transplant patients aremore susceptible to lymphoma and skin cancer, so I amreligious about sunscreen. I have basically 9 main doctors,but the one I see by far the most often is my transplantpulmonologist. Some of the rest of them are once-a-yearor only-in-emergency specialists. I have weekly labs nowthat I'm on Coumadin, and monthly transplant clinic visitsat which they draw blood, do a chest x-ray, spirometry,and doctor follow-up.Did you ever get to the Kimbell or the zoo? If not, you'lljust have to come back. Call me when you do!Can you believe it's been 6 months since my transplant?,It's good to see you back and great news that you had sucha good time. I figured you would!!Jane,I got rid of my treadmill when I got too sick for mine. Butnow I need to get another one, so I'll be shopping for thatsoon. I see a lot of folks at pulmonary rehab using the"arm cycles". I'm following closely your updates on yourtrial. Hope you're having a good day.Sher and Peggy,Just thinking of both of you and hoping you're doing well.Sher, how's the pain? Peggy, you're completely rid of allsniffles, I trust. We're actually having porch weather hereright now. Evenings are around 56 degrees and the dailyhighs are around 82 - really lovely. We need MORE of thisin Texas, God bless our poor, hot little selves who get twoweeks of winter as a rule.Hugs and blessings,Gwynne 57 Single-lung transplant for IPF on 4-3-08at UTHSC San Fort Worth, TX

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