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I think everyone would benefit from them.

Just last night, was saying she had chest pain, and couldn't breath

right. I knew this was anxiety. So, I put in a tape, and we lay side by side

under blankets and listened to the tape. We both fell asleep, and when we woke

up an hour later, her symptoms were gone.

It also worked the other night to help her get to sleep. She tossed and turned

for hours, then told me. I got the tape out, and in 10 minutes she was asleep.

Anyway, one tape I have is " Guided Relaxation Excercises " By Herbert Benson, MD

- with the staff of the Mind/Body Medical Institute and the Division of

Behavoiral Medicine. I got this from my Mind/Body class. There are many

different tapes available. You can go online to www.mbmi.org

Or their address is

Mind Body Medical Institute (mbmi)

CMG 83 Chapel St.

Newton, MA 02458

Phone 1-

I'm almost positive that this institute is connected with Harvard medical school

I also have some cd's of relaxing music. One called " Peaceful Morning " which

just says " Hallmark Music " on it. My sister in law gave it to me. She may have

gotten it at the Hallmark store. I also got some tapes from a friend. Don't

know the names, but it has music and sounds of the ocean.

I play the peaceful music during the day when I'm doing stuff. It makes a HUGE

difference. Just so peaceful. Not all that usual background noise. Not tv, no

loud music with lyrics. Just peaceful.

My husband got a 3 cd set called " Classics for Relaxation and Meditation " . It's

classical music, if you like that. I haven't listened much to that one. Just

one day when Mike was here working on me. I sure did get relaxed that day.

My dad recommended some tapes by " Change Works " out of Bend Oregon. I think the

person who does them is the daughter of kson, the guy who pioneered self

hypnosis. They have many different ones.

They are guided relaxation. It's where there is light music or soothing sounds

in the background, and a calming voice guiding through the excercise. Guided

imagery, I think it's called.

It's hard to do at first. Hard to get all the crap (so to say) out of your

head. But, it gets easier every time.

I think you could look them up on the web. I haven't done it yet.

I think you should try some. You can probably get them anywhere. Some are

probably not as good as others. It's one of those things where you have to find

the right ones. And, you always have to be aware of phoney's out to make a


The tapes from the MBMI are a sure bet. As well as the Change Works tapes.


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I had the same response.

All I can think of is that maybe those who are not experts in the feilds often

get them confused. Maybe -?

has dyslexia. She went to a special school in England for 2 years for


does not have dyslexia, although I thought she should be tested, because

I'm not an expert.

She just has trouble remembering, concentrating, and paying attention.

Although, I must say, those are some problems that some people with dyslexia can

have. Along with organizational skills. But, those problems may be due more to

frustration than anything else.

So, I can see how some may confuse the 2. But a psychiatrist shouldn't.

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I had the same response.

All I can think of is that maybe those who are not experts in the feilds often

get them confused. Maybe -?

has dyslexia. She went to a special school in England for 2 years for


does not have dyslexia, although I thought she should be tested, because

I'm not an expert.

She just has trouble remembering, concentrating, and paying attention.

Although, I must say, those are some problems that some people with dyslexia can

have. Along with organizational skills. But, those problems may be due more to

frustration than anything else.

So, I can see how some may confuse the 2. But a psychiatrist shouldn't.

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I had the same response.

All I can think of is that maybe those who are not experts in the feilds often

get them confused. Maybe -?

has dyslexia. She went to a special school in England for 2 years for


does not have dyslexia, although I thought she should be tested, because

I'm not an expert.

She just has trouble remembering, concentrating, and paying attention.

Although, I must say, those are some problems that some people with dyslexia can

have. Along with organizational skills. But, those problems may be due more to

frustration than anything else.

So, I can see how some may confuse the 2. But a psychiatrist shouldn't.

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