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Feeling sexy: How?

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You are right .... it is all a state of mind... I have all those issues you

just detailed but, after taking the sage advice of my peers.... I look at my

sexy self through my loving husband's eyes.... he doesn't notice all those

little imperfections.


Feeling sexy: How?

> I think it's great that so many woman on this board feel sexy ... and I


> admit that since my surgery my sex drive has been in " extreme " overdrive

> (too bad there is no one to try it on ... well there is ... but we've

> decided to wait ... I do my best to drive him crazy within our parameters)

> BUT ... how can one feel this way with all the hanging skin and such. I

> can't wear short sleeved anything because of the batwings I sport. I have

> hanging skin between my legs ... not a pretty sight ... oh and the

" lovely "

> apron that hangs ... and my boobs hang down ...


> What's your secret ... is it ... if you feel sexy ... then you are!?? Is


> a state of mind??


> Guys ... pipe in here ...


> thanks!



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" J. M. Cady " wrote:

> BUT ... how can one feel this way with all the hanging skin and

such. I can't wear short sleeved anything because of the batwings I

sport. I have hanging skin between my legs ... not a pretty sight ...

oh and the " lovely " apron that hangs ... and my boobs hang down ...

J.M., part of this is that we are always far more critical of

ourselves and notice these things more intensely than does anyone

else around us. It has been my experience that most people pay

attention only to themselves, their bodies, and what is affecting

them and half the time don't notice anyone else.

We have to forgive our bodies their flaws and try to focus on what we

feel to be our assets. This applies a lot in relationships with the

opposite sex as we care for our partner and a lot of physical things

just don't bother us because we love them. Now if we could only learn

to love and forgive ourselves the way we do others we'd be in great

shape emotionally.

That said, I have batwings... shawls over sleeveless dresses in the

summer are a great fix and look sexy too, boleros or jackets can do

the trick in any season. I have Sharpei puppies for thighs... thigh

high stockings are an excellent fix here, lie on your back, lift your

leg in the air (causing the wrinkly skin to fall up) pull up stocking

and repeat with other leg. Laugh if you must, but combined with the

long leg panty girdle this makes for some acceptable appearing thighs

even if miniskirts are out of the question. I lean more towards the

long skirt... maybe with a 'just above the knee' slit as my 46 year

old legs (and the world) just aren't ready for me in minis. As to the

apron and excess abdominal skin... LYCRA SPANDEX is your friend! As a

gentleman of my acquaintance once commented, " Doll, you have more

underwear on at one time than most women own! " I asked him if that

was an issue and he said no, it was more like unwrapping a present.

Boobs deserve their own paragraph. Mine are in need of cosmetic help

as my goal is to have my rack restacked and packed. However, for the

time being... Frederick's of Hollywood and 's Secret are your

new bywords. I LOVE Frederick's bras, they lift, they enhance, they

make me feel like me again and I think they're better than VS, but

your mileage may vary.

> What's your secret ... is it ... if you feel sexy ... then you

are!?? Is it a state of mind??

Yes, and I don't just feel sexy, I am sexy! One of my guy friends

calls me the world's most unrepentant flirt and I like it. I flirt to

my heart's content, I'm sexy, happy, old enough to know better, and I

have a great guy with whom I curl up at night who loves me just the

way I am... scars, wrinkles, strange foundation garments and all. He

has let me know that none of us look like we used to in our youth but

that doesn't make us any less desirable or sexy.

It's a state of mind in many ways and one which you can acquire for

yourself but you have to want to feel that way. You'll get the hang

of it... and you'll love it!


Half the woman I used to be...

Then 311#/Now 155.5#!

Then 28W or 4X/Now 8-10 or S-M

Still 5'8 " with size 10 feet!

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Absolutely, sexy is most definitely a state of mind! I watched the s a

couple of years ago, when I was beginning to worry about batwings, and saw

raise her arm in the air, clutching her . When she shook

that triumphantly in the air, the batwings billowed. If she can have

them and be sexy, I reasoned, then so can I, dammit! And that's that. I

don't worry about it much. Oh, I try to " tuck " them a little for photos, if

I can, but other than that, I am so thrilled to be a " normal " person, I let

the inner woman take over, and I feel wonderful. Saggy thighs? You betcha!

Long gowns, leggings - these are wonderful!

If you want a real reflection of how you look, don't look in the mirror,

look in the eyes of someone who loves you!

Alice in NY

> I think it's great that so many woman on this board feel sexy ... BUT

.... how can one feel this way with all the hanging skin and such. I can't

wear short sleeved anything because of the batwings I sport. I have hanging

skin between my legs ... not a pretty sight ... oh and the " lovely " apron

that hangs ... and my boobs hang down ... What's your secret ... is it ...

if you feel sexy ... then you are!?? Is it a state of mind??

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OK, here's mine: I ordered a tight black velvet evening dress from


It just clings to the body. I didn't need it, and really ordered it just to try

it on. But when I tried it on for my husband. he reacted like I've never seen

him before - he was ready to pounce, as they say. Needless to say, I kept the

dress. I feel like a million buck in it.


Grillo wrote:

> Absolutely, sexy is most definitely a state of mind! I watched the s a

> couple of years ago, when I was beginning to worry about batwings, and saw

> raise her arm in the air, clutching her . When she shook

> that triumphantly in the air, the batwings billowed. If she can have

> them and be sexy, I reasoned, then so can I, dammit! And that's that. I

> don't worry about it much. Oh, I try to " tuck " them a little for photos, if

> I can, but other than that, I am so thrilled to be a " normal " person, I let

> the inner woman take over, and I feel wonderful. Saggy thighs? You betcha!

> Long gowns, leggings - these are wonderful!


> If you want a real reflection of how you look, don't look in the mirror,

> look in the eyes of someone who loves you!

> Alice in NY


> > I think it's great that so many woman on this board feel sexy ... BUT

> ... how can one feel this way with all the hanging skin and such. I can't

> wear short sleeved anything because of the batwings I sport. I have hanging

> skin between my legs ... not a pretty sight ... oh and the " lovely " apron

> that hangs ... and my boobs hang down ... What's your secret ... is it ...

> if you feel sexy ... then you are!?? Is it a state of mind??


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My wife is just happy to have me even with the hanging skin. However she is

quick to point out that my " nekkid " look is something only a wife would love.

She is happy with how I am but is supportive if I want to have plastic surgery.

Boxer-Briefs are now my best friend as far as keeping my thighs from flapping.


Graduate-OSSG wrote: Message: 21

Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 19:20:09 -0500

From: " J. M. Cady "

Subject: Feeling sexy: How?

I think it's great that so many woman on this board feel sexy ... and I must

admit that since my surgery my sex drive has been in " extreme " overdrive

(too bad there is no one to try it on ... well there is ... but we've

decided to wait ... I do my best to drive him crazy within our parameters)

BUT ... how can one feel this way with all the hanging skin and such. I

can't wear short sleeved anything because of the batwings I sport. I have

hanging skin between my legs ... not a pretty sight ... oh and the " lovely "

apron that hangs ... and my boobs hang down ...

What's your secret ... is it ... if you feel sexy ... then you are!?? Is it

a state of mind??

Guys ... pipe in here ...



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***Hey, I shouldn't be wasting this on the list -- I'm gonna cc it to my

wife -- maybe I'll get lucky....

Dirty old man ********

, If you DON'T get lucky with that lovely post then there is

something WRONG! What a lovely post that was!

Debbie in Gig Harbor

original RNY Jan. 1999

70 cm by-passed and 1oz pouch

Dr. Weber, Seattle, WA

Revision and additional by-pass Feb. 2001

by Dr. Weber, Seattle, WA

170cm by-passed TRANSECTED pouch

Starting weight 320

lowest weight 200

current weight 215 (down from 267 before revision due to SLD)

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Sarabelle....you almost make me change my mind about my decision to

maintain my weight at a size 16/18. I dreaded the very thought of

having to deal with the hanging skin issue. I admit to being very

vain. Also, I'm not married or in a committed relationship at the

momement. Surely, any man viewing sharpei skin for the first time

would head for the hills! Surgery is not an option for me. So, I put

the skids on my weight loss figuring that a firm, relatively toned

size 16/18 is preferable to a droopy size 10 or 12. I admit I didn't

think about foundations and stuff. However....at some point, it all

has to come off, doesn't it? You did have me thinking...you have such

a positive attitude about this. But, I think I'll celebrate dropping

from a size 32w to a size 16. I like what I see in the mirror now.

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Dropping from a 32 to a 16 IS something to celebrate for sure! But

please don't stop there for no reason other than the hanging skin

issues. If you don't already have hanging skin by this point, I can't

imagine going down another couple of sizes is going to change you

into the " elephant man " . Some sag...maybe, but not that much! You may

be one of the fortunate ones who make the weight loss transition more

gracefully than others.

And besides which...when the foundations come off, there really isn't

any heading for the hills going on 9 times out of 10. And I'm not

just talking about those who are already blissfully attached to

someone. I'm talking about the men who have never seen such a sight

before! ASSUMING you have got that sexy attitude going on, they are

BLINDED by your passion. I know that's tough to comprehend but it's

the truth! I have access to a lot of men who have told me this about

their experiences in this exact situation. They have no reason to

tell me anything other than their true feelings on the matter.

Our own vanity can really bog us down girls! I'm not saying you

shouldn't care about how you look, but don't let it cloud what's

really going on. As long as you are getting positive reactions from

others, let THAT be your guide...rather than not believing it is

possible to be desired with a less than perfect body. You can be the

object of desire with hanging skin and all....BELIEVE!!!

A. in Indy

SRVG April 11 '00

from 278 to 152

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> " miamiglitter2002 " wrote:

> But, I think I'll celebrate dropping from a size 32w to a size 16.

I like what I see in the mirror now.

and celebrate you should! That is a dramatic drop and what really

matters is that YOU like what you see. On the other hand, men don't

seem to really care about the skin, scars or any of it. The first

time he ever saw that grand canyon scar of mine his only comment was

that it looked like it still hurt... did he have to be careful? Then

he pounced on me like a puma.

To each their own, your comfort level is what is going to be of

primary importance in this situation and if you're happy then I'm

happy for you too. We need to be as comfortable with ourselves as

possible and that is what really matters.


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In a message dated 2/1/2002 6:49:37 AM Pacific Standard Time,

philandersonwls@... writes:

> Boxer-Briefs are now my best friend as far as keeping my thighs from

> flapping.


Oh what a great idea and I am definitely pointing this post out to my

husband! I love those things (even like the regular boxers) but my husband

would never wear them. Now that he's getting self-conscious about his

flapping thighs, I may have to prey on his ego in order to get what I want. <



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I whole-heartily agree with this advice. I had all

the sharpei wrinkles, the apron, the saggy thighs, and

bony in some places, long legs and a big tummy when I

met my guy. He's six years younger, long hair (I am

after all a child of the sixties), gorgeous if I do

say so, and used to " trophy " women. Imaging my shock

when he asked me to dinner. When we met, I told him

about my weight loss and my personal goals. He told

me later, when we knew each other better, that he was

blown away by my accomplishment and the look of

confidence in my eyes. He said he saw in my eyes the

woman I was determined to become. At that point in

HIS life, he was tired of the " what have you done for

me lately " kind of women who had always only depended

on their looks to get the what they wanted. He was

looking for an intelligent, attractive woman with

substance. So you see, he fell in love with the best

part of me, not the already done, tummy-tucked part.

I'm really glad it happened that way. He has hung in

there through the plastic surgery, the scars, my own

search for identity and trying to learn how to be and

feel sexy for the first time in my life. In fact,

he's played a HUGE part in helping me see and find the

sexy me inside. It really does come from inside, you

know, that sexiness that men find attractive.

If you are happy and comfortable in your size, then

revel in it - wrinkles or no wrinkles. But don't let

the fear of wrinkles make you settle.

Just my opinion and experience, I could be wrong...


--- cherryontop3 auntyb123@...> wrote:

> <

that a firm,

> relatively toned size 16/18 is preferable to a

> droopy size 10 or 12.

> I admit I didn't think about foundations and stuff.

> However....at

> some point, it all has to come off, doesn't it? You

> did have me

> thinking...you have such a positive attitude about

> this. But, I think

> I'll celebrate dropping from a size 32w to a size

> 16. I like what I

> see in the mirror now. ?? >>


> Dropping from a 32 to a 16 IS something to celebrate

> for sure! But

> please don't stop there for no reason other than the

> hanging skin

> issues. If you don't already have hanging skin by

> this point, I can't

> imagine going down another couple of sizes is going

> to change you

> into the " elephant man " . Some sag...maybe, but not

> that much! You may

> be one of the fortunate ones who make the weight

> loss transition more

> gracefully than others.


> And besides which...when the foundations come off,

> there really isn't

> any heading for the hills going on 9 times out of

> 10. And I'm not

> just talking about those who are already blissfully

> attached to

> someone. I'm talking about the men who have never

> seen such a sight

> before! ASSUMING you have got that sexy attitude

> going on, they are

> BLINDED by your passion. I know that's tough to

> comprehend but it's

> the truth! I have access to a lot of men who have

> told me this about

> their experiences in this exact situation. They have

> no reason to

> tell me anything other than their true feelings on

> the matter.


> Our own vanity can really bog us down girls! I'm not

> saying you

> shouldn't care about how you look, but don't let it

> cloud what's

> really going on. As long as you are getting positive

> reactions from

> others, let THAT be your guide...rather than not

> believing it is

> possible to be desired with a less than perfect

> body. You can be the

> object of desire with hanging skin and

> all....BELIEVE!!!


> A. in Indy

> SRVG April 11 '00

> from 278 to 152






> Homepage:

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Graduate-OSSG


> Unsubscribe:

> mailto:Graduate-OSSG-unsubscribe






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