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what would you call this?

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Hi all has anyone of you been in the situation where their nada has used the

" grandparent " card by saying that " their love is the most important love and

nothing can replace a graendparents love " etc etc etc, making you question your

actions. i have been no contact with my nada for 3 years and diallowed my

children to see her mainly for the reason if she cant have a civilised and

healthy relationship with me and my spouse there is no way it would be healthy

for anyones well being to see her,,,especailly my kids. i know what she is

capable and i do not trust her...hell i am living proof of her over the top love

antics to sudden withdrawl of it to rejection of me. i truly believe bpds are

living in a different reality. any thoughts are welcome!

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I would call it lying. I had a whole passel of pd grandparents and step

grandparents. I only miss the 2 who were marginally sane.

I haven't been even remotely in this situation (no kids, no contact with bpd

mom), but I think it goes with the idea that the best lie is one said with


There is no replacement for someone who really cares for a child, is

consistently kind, warm, supportive, and loves the child for who they are.

Anyone else is expendable.

Take care,


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I'd call it delusional and an attempt to get what she wants by

any means necessary. Stand strong and don't give in to the FOG.

Loving grandparents are special, but a nada is not a loving

grandparent. Having a grandparent's love is not the most

important thing and grandparents can be replaced by other loving

adults in a child's life.

At 11:13 PM 08/10/2012 m19728 wrote:

>Hi all has anyone of you been in the situation where their nada

>has used the " grandparent " card by saying that " their love is

>the most important love and nothing can replace a graendparents

>love " etc etc etc, making you question your actions. i have

>been no contact with my nada for 3 years and diallowed my

>children to see her mainly for the reason if she cant have a

>civilised and healthy relationship with me and my spouse there

>is no way it would be healthy for anyones well being to see

>her,,,especailly my kids. i know what she is capable and i do

>not trust her...hell i am living proof of her over the top love

>antics to sudden withdrawl of it to rejection of me. i truly

>believe bpds are living in a different reality. any thoughts

>are welcome!




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I agree with your take on just how extreme, dangerous and traumatizing bpd

behaviors can be, and how much shockingly devastating emotional damage a bpd

parent can do to their children.

It genuinely puzzles me why bpd isn't considered a MUCH more serious mental

illness than it is already, because of the bpd tendency to break with reality

under stress.

The term " borderline " was originally chosen because it was thought at the time

that the disorder was on the " border " between neurosis and psychosis, and at

least as far as my own nada's behaviors were concerned, I truly believe that was

an accurate way of describing them. I truly believe that my nada was not firmly

connected with reality about half the time. She really believed a lot of

untrue, really negative things about other people and no real facts could sway

her; that's called " paranoia " and " fixed delusional thinking. " Paranoia and

delusional thinking are *part of* having a psychotic disorder, but it takes

having hallucinations before a formal diagnosis of psychosis can be given.

Me personally, I don't think my mother was mentally healthy enough to have been

left alone to raise babies and small children unsupervised. She tried, but

everything stressed her out and upset her, and she just couldn't handle being a

parent. As a result my little Sister and I were severely traumatized by our

nada's rages and the physical abuse and emotional abuse she doled out, nada's

inconsistency and unpredictability, her perfectionism and other pd traits.

No normal, relatively mentally healthy parent would leave their child alone with

a pedophile as a babysitter because the child would be in great danger of being

sexually abused; In my admittedly extreme view, I don't think children should be

left alone with a moderately to severely-affected, untreated Cluster B pd parent

because the children are in equally great danger of being emotionally or

physically abused. And as we have read, the abuse really can be that bad:

knife-wielding, terrorizing-the-child-to-the-point-of-ptsd level of bad. I

think some individuals with bpd are at " pedophile level " of toxic, and yet

mothers in particular with moderate to severe bpd are routinely left alone with

their kids because " moms love their kids and wouldn't hurt them. "

Well, the hundreds and hundreds of posts at this Group (and other Groups I

belong to) that detail incidents of life-threatening acts of abuse, emotional

and physical neglect and emotional torture aimed at their own children by bpd

parents, would seem to contradict that belief.



> Hi all has anyone of you been in the situation where their nada has used the

" grandparent " card by saying that " their love is the most important love and

nothing can replace a graendparents love " etc etc etc, making you question your

actions. i have been no contact with my nada for 3 years and diallowed my

children to see her mainly for the reason if she cant have a civilised and

healthy relationship with me and my spouse there is no way it would be healthy

for anyones well being to see her,,,especailly my kids. i know what she is

capable and i do not trust her...hell i am living proof of her over the top love

antics to sudden withdrawl of it to rejection of me. i truly believe bpds are

living in a different reality. any thoughts are welcome!


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Saying one loves someone else and showing thier love has to go hand in hand for

me. I think too many times I listened to the BPD rubbish and didn't pay

attention to the actions. I think that it actions are the key. I would make a

list of how they show love towards the grands. You might be surprised at what

you find.


> Hi all has anyone of you been in the situation where their nada has used the

" grandparent " card by saying that " their love is the most important love and

nothing can replace a graendparents love " etc etc etc, making you question your

actions. i have been no contact with my nada for 3 years and diallowed my

children to see her mainly for the reason if she cant have a civilised and

healthy relationship with me and my spouse there is no way it would be healthy

for anyones well being to see her,,,especailly my kids. i know what she is

capable and i do not trust her...hell i am living proof of her over the top love

antics to sudden withdrawl of it to rejection of me. i truly believe bpds are

living in a different reality. any thoughts are welcome!


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Annie, I like that you don't sugar coat things!! Keep it up. You hit the nail

on the head.

> >

> > Hi all has anyone of you been in the situation where their nada has used the

" grandparent " card by saying that " their love is the most important love and

nothing can replace a graendparents love " etc etc etc, making you question your

actions. i have been no contact with my nada for 3 years and diallowed my

children to see her mainly for the reason if she cant have a civilised and

healthy relationship with me and my spouse there is no way it would be healthy

for anyones well being to see her,,,especailly my kids. i know what she is

capable and i do not trust her...hell i am living proof of her over the top love

antics to sudden withdrawl of it to rejection of me. i truly believe bpds are

living in a different reality. any thoughts are welcome!

> >


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thankyou all, i agree with all your posts and i am certain nada will not be

coming around my family...even if she tries (which she has) until there is not a

healthy relationship between me and her no way she will see my kids. Being a

grandparent i believe is a privlege and not a right.thanks again

> >

> > Hi all has anyone of you been in the situation where their nada has used the

" grandparent " card by saying that " their love is the most important love and

nothing can replace a graendparents love " etc etc etc, making you question your

actions. i have been no contact with my nada for 3 years and diallowed my

children to see her mainly for the reason if she cant have a civilised and

healthy relationship with me and my spouse there is no way it would be healthy

for anyones well being to see her,,,especailly my kids. i know what she is

capable and i do not trust her...hell i am living proof of her over the top love

antics to sudden withdrawl of it to rejection of me. i truly believe bpds are

living in a different reality. any thoughts are welcome!

> >


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Thank you. It frustrates and bewilders me to no end, to read the opinions and

conclusions of the general psychiatric community AND of authors who write about

bpd, that on the one hand bpd is now considered a serious neurological disorder

(recent research utilizing real-time brain MRI scanning supports this

conclusion) which the person with bpd has little control over due to it being a

biological/organic brain-wiring problem (in the same way that Axis I disorders

or mental retardation are beyond the patient's willpower to control) ... and at

the very same time, just sort of ignore the corollary idea of how profoundly

wrong and *DANGEROUS* it is to leave a vulnerable, helpless, trusting child in

the care of someone WITH A SEVERE NEUROLOGICAL DISORDER who is highly impulsive,

who can't control their roller-coaster emotions, who is easily triggered into

stress or rage which then triggers paranoid and/or delusional ideation, or

suicidal ideation, or self-harming behaviors; someone who cannot relate to her

child as an individual, separate human being, cannot empathize with her child's

needs and feelings and instead relates to her child as an object or an

appendage, using the child like a pacifier to soothe the bpd's feelings of

abandonment, or using the child as a human punching bag or a target to relieve

the bpd's anger and stress!!!???

This is crazy-making to me. The whole issue of a person with moderate to severe

untreated bpd being left alone or virtually alone: unsupervised/unmonitored to

care for a child, just raises all kinds of ethical and moral issues with me.

In my opinion, its the very same moral and ethical violation as leaving the

child alone with a pedophile parent.

They can't have it both ways: the psychiatric community and bpd apologists can't

say on the one hand that the condition is neurological/organic and therefor not

under the bpd's control, and then deny or just ignore the very real issue of

child endangerment RE those very same bpd behaviors. That's both illogical and

just... callous and irresponsible, in my opinion.

OK, that's my soapbox rant for this week.



> Annie, I like that you don't sugar coat things!! Keep it up. You hit the nail

on the head.


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I think some of the people who work with mentally ill people

come to feel so much connection with them that they can't see or

don't care about the damage those mentally ill people are doing.

" The poor BPD feels abandoned. She's mistreating her children

because she's hurting inside. We need to help her feel better

about herself and prevent her from feeling abandoned. " They lose

track of the fact that her children are innocent victims who

should be protected.

At 02:28 PM 08/11/2012 anuria67854 wrote:

>Thank you. It frustrates and bewilders me to no end, to read

>the opinions and conclusions of the general psychiatric

>community AND of authors who write about bpd, that on the one

>hand bpd is now considered a serious neurological disorder

>(recent research utilizing real-time brain MRI scanning

>supports this conclusion) which the person with bpd has little

>control over due to it being a biological/organic brain-wiring

>problem (in the same way that Axis I disorders or mental

>retardation are beyond the patient's willpower to control) ...

>and at the very same time, just sort of ignore the corollary

>idea of how profoundly wrong and *DANGEROUS* it is to leave a

>vulnerable, helpless, trusting child in the care of someone


>who can't control their roller-coaster emotions, who is easily

>triggered into stress or rage which then triggers paranoid

>and/or delusional ideation, or suicidal ideation, or

>self-harming behaviors; someone who cannot relate to her child

>as an individual, separate human being, cannot empathize with

>her child's needs and feelings and instead relates to her child

>as an object or an appendage, using the child like a pacifier

>to soothe the bpd's feelings of abandonment, or using the child

>as a human punching bag or a target to relieve the bpd's anger

>and stress!!!???


>This is crazy-making to me. The whole issue of a person with

>moderate to severe untreated bpd being left alone or virtually

>alone: unsupervised/unmonitored to care for a child, just

>raises all kinds of ethical and moral issues with me. In my

>opinion, its the very same moral and ethical violation as

>leaving the child alone with a pedophile parent.


>They can't have it both ways: the psychiatric community and bpd

>apologists can't say on the one hand that the condition is

>neurological/organic and therefor not under the bpd's control,

>and then deny or just ignore the very real issue of child

>endangerment RE those very same bpd behaviors. That's both

>illogical and just... callous and irresponsible, in my opinion.


>OK, that's my soapbox rant for this week.





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It's not the same people. Judges make decisions about placement of children,

not social workers or psychologists. Social workers and psychologists make

recommendations, but it's not their call. It's a legal issue determined by a

judge in family court who would usually prefer to be presiding over a different

kind of case in a different court.

The social worker involved in my case was none too pleased when I was returned

to my parents. She did not make that decision. A judge did.

Take care,


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I'd call it delusional thinking. And I'd never allow it.

My daughter was 5 when my mother said something nasty about me to her- nada

didn't realize I was right there in the hallway listening. Yes, I was lurking

because I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach: I was noticing nada

" winding up " into her nasty self.

We were supposed to stay the night, and it was bedtime, but I packed us up and

we left, without any further discussion. I was NC for 10 full years beginning

that night, and I didn't even know bpd/npd had names in those days. I only knew

I HAD TO Protect my daughter.

I agree with Annie- pd's are dangerous, and very damaging to children.

> >

> > Hi all has anyone of you been in the situation where their nada has used the

" grandparent " card by saying that " their love is the most important love and

nothing can replace a graendparents love " etc etc etc, making you question your

actions. i have been no contact with my nada for 3 years and diallowed my

children to see her mainly for the reason if she cant have a civilised and

healthy relationship with me and my spouse there is no way it would be healthy

for anyones well being to see her,,,especailly my kids. i know what she is

capable and i do not trust her...hell i am living proof of her over the top love

antics to sudden withdrawl of it to rejection of me. i truly believe bpds are

living in a different reality. any thoughts are welcome!

> >


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