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Re: - Yeast ?'s was ---> finally giving elavil a try

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femifesto wrote:>>>>>>>i have an appt. coming up to get the yeast taken care of. whatcultured out was glabrata from my gut, a result of all the antibioticsi took for the lyme. julie , how long did you take antibiotics for the Lyme (and was it only Doxycycline)? I still haven't decided to do Lyme treatment yet and potentially developing yeast problems is my main reason why. If I do any treatments, I think I'll go with supplements. I just can't handle anymore 'new' problems. How do you treat yeast if it's in the gut? Keep us posted. Hugs, Chelle

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Hi Chelle--

I took other antibiotics besides Doxy...Biaxin and Omnicef. I watched

my sugar intake, too probiotics, and antifungals the whole time too. I

don't think I have a major yeast issue, just am a little out of whack

from the abx. I have decided to pursue the Buhner protocol from here

one out, though I am glad that I took antibiotics at least for a short

time because I think they help to get the " germ load " down.

After I had the yeast issue years ago, I SWORE I would never again

take antibiotics unless it was a life and death situation. Well, when

I was suicidal with vulvar pain, I figured it was life and death so I

took them. Unfortunately they didn't take my pain away, but I hope

maybe they got me a step closer to relief.


> >>>>>>>i have an appt. coming up to get the yeast taken care of. what

> cultured out was glabrata from my gut, a result of all the antibiotics

> i took for the lyme. julie



> , how long did you take antibiotics for the Lyme (and was it

only Doxycycline)? I still haven't decided to do Lyme treatment yet

and potentially developing yeast problems is my main reason why. If I

do any treatments, I think I'll go with supplements. I just can't

handle anymore 'new' problems. How do you treat yeast if it's in the

gut? Keep us posted. Hugs, Chelle


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Hi, Melinda. This is Hollis. Since seems

to be otherwise occupied i thought i'd answer in

her stead.

The Buhner protocol is shorthand for the herbal

protocol developed by master herbalist,

Harrod Buhner, for treatment of Lyme disease.

's book, Healing Lyme: Natural Healing

and Prevention of Lyme Borreliosis and Its Coinfections, is an excellent

resource for those

of us who, for various reasons, have chosen to

forego (or abandon) antibiotic therapy and use

herbs instead or -- in a few cases -- use herbs

in concert with antis.

Many in the group have had excellent results using

his approach, which utilizes a core protocol of

three herbs and many other auxillary ones for

various different manifestations of the disease.

There is a very good Yahoo support group of those

of us using his protocol. If you're interested,

i can give you the link.



Date: 2007/11/13 Tue AM 06:34:28 CST

To: VulvarDisorders

Subject: Re: - Yeast ?'s was ---> finally giving elavil a try


What is the Buhner protocol?


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