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Re: Re: vaginal dermotologist referral Boston or anywhere

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Hi Melinda

I saw Dr today. The hydrocortisone was making my inflammatory vaginitis worse. I am taking a break, she reommended Zinc for inflammation. Have you tried that? I will probably try an anit inflammatory antibiotic next. Am debating about a second opinion with Libby or someone else, but also think this is trial and error now? Or maybe the hydrocortisone was just too strong? (5%) Have you had experience with any of these? Sharon

Re: vaginal dermotologist referral Boston or anywhere


The LS group is on yahoo, just like this one. It's lichen sclerosis and

related vulvar skin disorders (I actually have lichen planus, which is

more severe and very difficult to treat, and and her cronies

just cannot figure out how to get me under control). I am improved

since I was diagnosed but not to the degree I have hoped for, and not

because of . Everything that has helped, I have learned about on

here and begged them to Rx for me.


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Just wondering if either of you have the skin issue on

your clitoris and if so, how did they know? Is it

visible or is it under the hood?


--- sbcmt@... wrote:


> Melinda


> I know what you mean, I will probably be in that

> office quite a bit until this is better.? You are

> lucky you can tolerate the suppositories, I think

> they would work but they cause a lot of pain for

> me.?? I am hyper sensitive.? I think Dr is

> just as knowledgeable as anyone, from the research I

> have done.? She does stick with you too through

> thick and thin.? Hope you have a good follow up

> appointment.? Sharon?



> Re: vaginal dermotologist referral

> Boston or anywhere








> Sharon,

> Haven't tried zinc yet. I currently use clindamycin

> in a hydrocortisone

> base, 1 gram 2x/week, inserted vaginally. This may

> be what she's

> talking about for you, as the clindamycin is an

> antibiotic. I feel like

> I've gotten a bit better with this but at my first

> follow up, still had

> a lot of inflammation, so we increased it from

> 1x/week to 2x/week and I

> go back in December. I've been at that office once a

> month this whole

> year!

> Melinda








> Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check

> out free AOL Mail! - http://mail.aol.com




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