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Hypogastric Plexus Nerve Block

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Has anyone heard of or gotten the hypogastric plexus nerve block? My pudendal

blocks have

not helped me and my doctor wants to try a hypogastric plexus nerve block. From

what I

understand, the plexus nerve is another nerve that supplies the pubic, vagina

and clitoris.

I'm wondering if maybe mine is involved, which might help explain why the other


didn't help, why orgasms don't hurt (sorry if tmi), why neither of my PT's have

found any

trigger points or other issues to work on and why the very thorough

pelvic/rectal exam by

my pudendal specialist didn't produce any pain or symptoms...?

here's a link for a little information about this nerve (ignore the first two

plexus nerves)


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I've heard of the hypogastric nerve block but never actually had

it done.

Also, I have a question for you. Are you noticing some pain

around your groin area or down around your leg? The reason I

ask is because we have some other nerves that go to that area:

the genitofemoral nerve, and the ilioinguinal nerve. These are

the two nerves I have the most problems.

I'm also now trying to find out if I'm having issues with the

sacroiliac joint and am having my rheumatologist help with this

because I'm concerned my arthritis is changing yet again and not

for the better. So trying to see if this gives some clues as to

what is going on with the pubic pain I've had the past year.

Kristy :)



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Hi Kristy,

No, I don't have any pain there, only in the clitoris.

Keep looking into those nerves though, as we all know

how we are generally the ones who push for the things

that help us the most :)

--- Kristy Sokoloski wrote:

> ,


> I've heard of the hypogastric nerve block but never

> actually had

> it done.


> Also, I have a question for you. Are you noticing

> some pain

> around your groin area or down around your leg? The

> reason I

> ask is because we have some other nerves that go to

> that area:

> the genitofemoral nerve, and the ilioinguinal nerve.

> These are

> the two nerves I have the most problems.


> I'm also now trying to find out if I'm having issues

> with the

> sacroiliac joint and am having my rheumatologist

> help with this

> because I'm concerned my arthritis is changing yet

> again and not

> for the better. So trying to see if this gives some

> clues as to

> what is going on with the pubic pain I've had the

> past year.


> Kristy :)












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Hi Kristy,

No, I don't have any pain there, only in the clitoris.

Keep looking into those nerves though, as we all know

how we are generally the ones who push for the things

that help us the most :)

--- Kristy Sokoloski wrote:

> ,


> I've heard of the hypogastric nerve block but never

> actually had

> it done.


> Also, I have a question for you. Are you noticing

> some pain

> around your groin area or down around your leg? The

> reason I

> ask is because we have some other nerves that go to

> that area:

> the genitofemoral nerve, and the ilioinguinal nerve.

> These are

> the two nerves I have the most problems.


> I'm also now trying to find out if I'm having issues

> with the

> sacroiliac joint and am having my rheumatologist

> help with this

> because I'm concerned my arthritis is changing yet

> again and not

> for the better. So trying to see if this gives some

> clues as to

> what is going on with the pubic pain I've had the

> past year.


> Kristy :)












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Please keep an eye on your leg and groin area now as well to see

if that gives some clues to your situation. I was amazed that

with my vulvar issues that the nerves I just mentioned were more

of the trouble area for me when it came to my vulvodynia, and

now to see what's going on with the sacroiliac joint if anything

as I think it is.

Are you doing anything else for your pain right now in addition

to the blocks you did already and the ones you are considering?

Kristy :)



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I'm on neurontin and elavil (very low doses) and am

seeing a PT as often as I can (I am on the

cancellation list so don't get to go on a regular

basis). I think my pain mgmt doc is going to increase

my meds and try the hypogastric block. I may also

talk to him about a dorsal nerve clitoral block. I

only have clitoral pain, nothing at all in the legs or

but (thank god for that) so i'm wondering if i do need

the block on only the dorsal nerve of the

clitoris....? Thanks for your advice though. I will

definitely keep an eye on other areas of my body. I'm

extremely scared that it will spread to other parts,

but I guess there's nothing more I can do than all the

things i'm trying now to prevent it. I'm also going

to start sitting on a pelvic floor cushion at work.

--- Kristy Sokoloski wrote:

> ,


> Please keep an eye on your leg and groin area now as

> well to see

> if that gives some clues to your situation. I was

> amazed that

> with my vulvar issues that the nerves I just

> mentioned were more

> of the trouble area for me when it came to my

> vulvodynia, and

> now to see what's going on with the sacroiliac joint

> if anything

> as I think it is.


> Are you doing anything else for your pain right now

> in addition

> to the blocks you did already and the ones you are

> considering?


> Kristy :)










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How would you describe your clitoral pain? I ask only because the

clitoral area is the only area I haven't been able to get under control

with PT and topicals like the rest of the vulva. I have random sharp

pains, like razor blades under the hood, but can't find any pattern to

them. Trying to figure out if it's LP of the skin there or possibly

nerve related.


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My specialist thinks it is probably active LP under the hood, it's just

so hard to tell - cuz it's under! It's just that the pains I feel are

more like nerve pain, so I often wonder. My PT is working on it, so

hopefully that will help like it has everything else. Thanks for your



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Melinda, What do you mean by inflammatory discharge? I seem to have more yellowish discharge than I used to before this started, but I know that can also be cause by a nerve issue, so I'm not sure what to think.

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