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Using benadryl for itching

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Benadryl helps me. Also avoiding certain foods does, if I eat the foods that bother me, I take a benedryl.Elavil did not work for me. The problem is, the gyns we see do not know anything about the connection to foods and chemicals and itching. I think for some of us this is an all over body issue. When I went on a special diet, my VV went away completely. It only flares if I eat a lot of processed foods, corn syrup and products with yeast. The first gyn I saw said that was hogwash, but I finally tried the diet thanks to this message board and it worked for me. They also say I do not have yeast, but Yeast Arrest Boric Acid Suppositories also have given me relief if I itch and have white discharge.

If a persons body is too acidic, they can have health problems. It can be acidic because of the foods we eat. Too many processed foods, sodas, food dyes, carbs. I totally recommend looking into natural methods and balancing your body. There are several books on this subject.

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I posted recently about this horrible itching I had.

Until now the evavil helped the itching, but just recently

it has not. Someone on this forum posted that they use

benadryl, I looked back and can't find the post.

Yesterday, I used benadryl and the itching stoped.

Now, I am trying to find out why the benadryl worked,

am I allergic to something. I always thought and know

that stress makes vulvodynia worse, but now that the

benadryl worked I am wondering why. Thanks G & G

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Well, thank you for posting, I am so shocked.

where do I go from here. I have never tested positive for yeast, but I have a white discharge that I have

always had. Where do I get these suppositories? Also where do I get a copy of the diet?

Thanks, G & G

Re: Using benadryl for itching

Benadryl helps me. Also avoiding certain foods does, if I eat the foods that bother me, I take a benedryl.Elavil did not work for me. The problem is, the gyns we see do not know anything about the connection to foods and chemicals and itching. I think for some of us this is an all over body issue. When I went on a special diet, my VV went away completely. It only flares if I eat a lot of processed foods, corn syrup and products with yeast. The first gyn I saw said that was hogwash, but I finally tried the diet thanks to this message board and it worked for me. They also say I do not have yeast, but Yeast Arrest Boric Acid Suppositories also have given me relief if I itch and have white discharge.

If a persons body is too acidic, they can have health problems. It can be acidic because of the foods we eat. Too many processed foods, sodas, food dyes, carbs. I totally recommend looking into natural methods and balancing your body. There are several books on this subject.

Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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Hi there G & G, hate to hear you are having this new problem with itching. An antihistamine can truly be beneficial for Vulvar pain. May not help everyone, but it can definitely help 'some' of us. I personally really like Hydroxyzine (generic of Vistaril). It's prescription, but cheap. It makes you tired, so I always take mine at night. Hope you feel better soon. Hugs, Chelle

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Chelle, but what I am puzzled about is why is it helping. I assumed that elavil worked because it worked on the nerve endings.

Do you know why benadryl helps the itching. What is the benadryl doiing. Do we have allergies that we don't know about.

That is what puzzles me. G & G

Re: Using benadryl for itching

Hi there G & G, hate to hear you are having this new problem with itching. An antihistamine can truly be beneficial for Vulvar pain. May not help everyone, but it can definitely help 'some' of us. I personally really like Hydroxyzine (generic of Vistaril). It's prescription, but cheap. It makes you tired, so I always take mine at night. Hope you feel better soon. Hugs, Chelle

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G & G, you could indeed have any infection, have you been checked? I know you said you are under stress and stress can make us more susceptible to infection. Also, with most us we have inflammation in the vulvar area and inflammation leads to mast cell production. Antihistamines are great for inflammation, whether it's induced by infection or other causes. An over the counter antihistamine is the first thing I ever tried that helped for the vulvar pain. You may just have to 'rule' things out (i.e. allergies, infection, etc.). In my case, all I know is that an antihistamine helped me with the 24/7 rawness and irritation, and I don't know exactly why... Hugs, Chelle

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Thanks Chelle, I can except not knowing as long as it helps,

I was just wondering why it worked. Thank you for your time.


Re: Using benadryl for itching

G & G, you could indeed have any infection, have you been checked? I know you said you are under stress and stress can make us more susceptible to infection. Also, with most us we have inflammation in the vulvar area and inflammation leads to mast cell production. Antihistamines are great for inflammation, whether it's induced by infection or other causes. An over the counter antihistamine is the first thing I ever tried that helped for the vulvar pain. You may just have to 'rule' things out (i.e. allergies, infection, etc.). In my case, all I know is that an antihistamine helped me with the 24/7 rawness and irritation, and I don't know exactly why... Hugs, Chelle

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Chelle, I was investigating histamine on the computer

and I came up with this, " Glazer, a psychologist at

Cornell University Medical College, believes that the vaginal

muscles of some women with vestibulitis are in continuous

spasm, which can result in inflammation cuased by the release

of histamine " The artilce then goes on to talk

about doing the modified kegel exercies twice a day.

Have you ever heard of this? Any of you girls can jump

into the conversation. Were can you get information about these

modified exercies. Oh yea, and then you put a sensor in

your vagina to determine the strenght of your muscles, I believe.

This is terrible, I am tired and if I can take a pill

and it helps I don't feel like doing this. Your thoughts.

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G & G,

I've never tested positive for vaginal yeast but have all the symptoms

of systemic candidiasis. Some of the diets which address this are the

Yeast Connection by Dr. Crook, the Body Ecology Diet by Donna

Gates, and the Weston A. Price diet (westonaprice.org) -


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Everyone has given me good advice I am goint to start

with my diet and work through everyone one thing

at a time. Thank you.

Re: Using benadryl for itching

Dr. Glazer's protocol involves biofeedback (the sensor). Most pts involve biofeedback in their treatment, so you might want to look into a pelvic floor physical therapist.


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