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You know, it's a good thing I have small feet because without fail I am

finding myself dealing with foot in mouth syndrome.

As I had mentioned yesterday, I went NC with nada and fada in August. A

couple weeks ago in the throws of hurricane Sandy I swallowed my pride and

sent my mother and father ( they share an account) a very general, short

and to the point e-mail that I hoped they were prepared for the storm. We

were on our way to the grocery store AND my husband works part-time at Home

Depot and there were things people needed (like generators,extention cords,

gas cans, water and D batteries.) and could .not find that we had access to

and was offering them in the event that they needed something. I cc'd the

EXACT same e-mail to our church parish, a few of our elderly neighbors and

a few friends. Everyone got the same e-mail. I just felt it was the right

thing to do as a Christian. A few days later nada was the very last to

contact me. Never asking about our status, just bragging about how golden

they were. In the e-mail she made a vague comment about our cat being sick

but she did not elaborate. I sent her several e-mails trying to get

information but she never responded. Finally, I reached my boiling point

and told her she had until the close of the day to respond or we

would be coming up to get our cat. She sent back am e-mail that said. I did

respond, must not have gone through, new at this. Sorry. But STILL nothing

about our cat! So I responded " thanks for taking the time to respond with

11 whole words,but for the last damned time....WHAT ABOUT MY CAT?? " 3

hours later I got an e-mail from HER e-mail address from my brother that

said, and I quote: " stop sending mom shity messages or I am going to call

the cops and have them arrest you for harrassment how do you like a taste

of your own medicine you shallow vindictave bich " he left out the T. Angry

as hell I responded back on full blast...I called all three of them every

name in the book uneducated, redneck, classless psychopaths who I would

even spit on if they were on fire I believe was how it began. I was typing

for 3 hours. THEN...ugh....ok our local animal control filled out animal

cruelty papers on my mother back in July. Unfortunately they could not do

anything unless I pressed charges since they were my cats....I have until

December 16th to activate the charges (so right now you are asking WHY are

you allowing your cat to be in her care if she is cruel to them...the

answer is this...I didn't leave him in the care of nada I left him in the

care of fada who was very attached to him and spoils him rotten. My cat is

indoor/outdoor and has been living there for 15 years. My vet said the move

may be too much for him, PLUS we are only allowed to have ONE animal where

we live and we have 3... our dog and 2 indoor cats that are 5 or 6 years

old.) She has 4 counts against her...2 for killing my daughters' rabbits

(because she was angry at us for not telling them how much money my husband

earns) and 2 for agreeing to care for my 2 indoor cats but then neglecting

to do so, leaving them without access to food or water and a filthy

litterbox in our house without the air conditioner running. When we got

home they were in really bad shape...I had to sell my car to pay the vet

bills. 4 counts is a mandatory minimum of $25,000 per count and no less

than 72 hours of jail time plus she would have to do community service and

take some classes at her expense (approx. $500). Out of a fit of rage I

called and activated the charges. Today, I went out to get the paper and

noticed the date. November 13th. YESTERDAY WAS NADA AND FADA'S 50th WEDDING

ANNIVERSARY!! CRAP!!!!!!!! Me and my darned temper...so yeah....I guess

vindictive bitch is an appropriate title now.

While I am in no way apologetic for what I said or making her responsible

for her actions, I do regret doing it on their anniversary ....so I guess I

might as well assume the position...on my knees begging for forgiveness.



Kisses and Nibbles,


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