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surgery on Oct. 27

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As I expected I am completely anxious & nervous. My surgery is on

Oct. 27 at 1 PM. I am using the same surgeon that Cheryl used, so I

hope to one day be as happy as she is with her results.

I see my surgeon for my last pre-op visit this afternoon at 3:30. My

caretakers (sister & father) are joining me for this last

appointment. As far as I know, I am having upper jaw surgery &

genio. The upper jaw surgery is to correct my open bite and the

genio is just a little gift I am giving myself for a better profile.

I went to Wild Oats last night and bought a bunch of organic soups as

well as some mori-nu soft tofu to blend into them. This weekend I

will go shopping for all of the juice & gatorade. Can anyone

recommend a good flavorless protein powder to mix into my juice the

first week since I will be trying to avoid dairy?

I am officially scared to deatht at this point. Since I am such a

control freak, it is very difficult for me to let go and give up the


Any last words of wisdom to get me through the next few days?


PS - who else is having surgery next week?

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hi wendy, its laurie

ive been living on mashed potato and smashed avacados with added olive oil,

nesquick milk drink and chocolate milk...tuna salad, egg salad chicken salad

all mashed up...the tofu idea is great..y

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I too was a nervous wreck! It's great to hear that you are using the same

surgeon as Cheryl. I was not as fortunate in that I did not know anyone who had

my surgeon and I did not speak to any of his previous patients, as I probably

should have, but so far I have been very happy with the results. Nervousness

and anxiety is normal considering the length of the surgery and what's involved.

As my time got nearer a strange calm overcame me...I think I just trusted that I

was in good hands. As Cammie says...you will be under the care of numerous

professionals who are well trained. Just think of how many people break a jaw

accidentally and don;t get the same kind of precision movements we do. You will

be just fine, I'll bet.

I, too, am a control freak...so the whole thing of being " under " and not in

control of the outcome was very scary for me too. You do have control of how

you take care of yourself afterwards. Let your sister and father cater to you.

As far as protein mixes....all I can say is that the first few days I really had

no appetite for anything think. The medications can do a number on you. I

concentrated on clear liquids and just drank plenty of them for the first week.

After that you're sure to be up and around and can decide what's palatable.

I'll be thinking of you and sending calming thoughts your way.


.. surgery on Oct. 27


As I expected I am completely anxious & nervous. My surgery is on

Oct. 27 at 1 PM. I am using the same surgeon that Cheryl used, so I

hope to one day be as happy as she is with her results.

I see my surgeon for my last pre-op visit this afternoon at 3:30. My

caretakers (sister & father) are joining me for this last

appointment. As far as I know, I am having upper jaw surgery &

genio. The upper jaw surgery is to correct my open bite and the

genio is just a little gift I am giving myself for a better profile.

I went to Wild Oats last night and bought a bunch of organic soups as

well as some mori-nu soft tofu to blend into them. This weekend I

will go shopping for all of the juice & gatorade. Can anyone

recommend a good flavorless protein powder to mix into my juice the

first week since I will be trying to avoid dairy?

I am officially scared to deatht at this point. Since I am such a

control freak, it is very difficult for me to let go and give up the


Any last words of wisdom to get me through the next few days?


PS - who else is having surgery next week?

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I know I haven't posted here for a long time, but I'm still alive...

and waiting... waiting... waiting ;-)

Short story : the surgeon is taking an unusual amount of time to look

at my case. It's been more than a month now, that he had my mouth

imprints and he has not contacted me. Finally, I discovered

yesterday I may have a condition which would make anesthesia

dangerous (I will be asleep, but I could wake up several weeks

later). We need to investigate this prior to surgery. So, this puts

me in the November candidates list, at best. But, my personal

feeling is... December or January.

Patience is a virtue... I have yet to possess... ;-)


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Hi ,

I used to be a big control freak, now I'm just a medium control freak

and getting better about it.

I attempted to control this process by complying with my ortho's

instructions, doing extra therapies, getting myself into better

health, etc.

When you get your surgery date, it seems that the reality of it

starts to sink in. Nervousness, panic, all sorts of emotions arise.

From that point, I controlled it by making lists, giving instructions

to my husband, cleaning my house, borrowing books, videos, etc.,

training someone to do my job while I was off, eating all of my

favourite foods, asking a million and one questions, etc.

The last bit of control I was able to achieve was a calm state of

mind, so that when I arrived at the hospital that morning, I was able

to give myself over to the professionals who do all of this for a

living, and who are experts in their fields. Try to think of it that

way. And if you can get to that calm place, you'll do fantastic!

Hang in there,

> Hi,


> As I expected I am completely anxious & nervous. My surgery is on

> Oct. 27 at 1 PM. I am using the same surgeon that Cheryl used, so


> hope to one day be as happy as she is with her results.


> I see my surgeon for my last pre-op visit this afternoon at 3:30.


> caretakers (sister & father) are joining me for this last

> appointment. As far as I know, I am having upper jaw surgery &

> genio. The upper jaw surgery is to correct my open bite and the

> genio is just a little gift I am giving myself for a better profile.


> I went to Wild Oats last night and bought a bunch of organic soups


> well as some mori-nu soft tofu to blend into them. This weekend I

> will go shopping for all of the juice & gatorade. Can anyone

> recommend a good flavorless protein powder to mix into my juice the

> first week since I will be trying to avoid dairy?


> I am officially scared to deatht at this point. Since I am such a

> control freak, it is very difficult for me to let go and give up


> control.


> Any last words of wisdom to get me through the next few days?


> Thanks,



> PS - who else is having surgery next week?

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Hi Ray,

Sorry to hear of your surgery delays. It's hard to be so close and

have to wait, especially when people are going into surgery all the

time here.

I do think you're learning the art of patience, it's not an easy or

quick process.

Best wishes,

> I know I haven't posted here for a long time, but I'm still


> and waiting... waiting... waiting ;-)


> Short story : the surgeon is taking an unusual amount of time to


> at my case. It's been more than a month now, that he had my mouth

> imprints and he has not contacted me. Finally, I discovered

> yesterday I may have a condition which would make anesthesia

> dangerous (I will be asleep, but I could wake up several weeks

> later). We need to investigate this prior to surgery. So, this


> me in the November candidates list, at best. But, my personal

> feeling is... December or January.


> Patience is a virtue... I have yet to possess... ;-)


> Ray

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Hi ,

The waiting really is the hardest part. You are sounding so prepared

though, and you are taking a very healthy approach so your body will

be strong going through all this.

I can relate to the control freak thing (add perfectionist to my

profile.) I consider myself I recovering control freak, lol. This

procedure is a great exercise in learning to let go and trust that

everything will go well for us.

You can do this, you will be fine, and you will be helped through any

difficulties that may (or may not) spring up. Be positive and focus

on the great outcome you expect.

We will be sending healing thoughts your way!



> Hi,


> As I expected I am completely anxious & nervous. My surgery is on

> Oct. 27 at 1 PM. I am using the same surgeon that Cheryl used, so


> hope to one day be as happy as she is with her results.


> I see my surgeon for my last pre-op visit this afternoon at 3:30.


> caretakers (sister & father) are joining me for this last

> appointment. As far as I know, I am having upper jaw surgery &

> genio. The upper jaw surgery is to correct my open bite and the

> genio is just a little gift I am giving myself for a better profile.


> I went to Wild Oats last night and bought a bunch of organic soups


> well as some mori-nu soft tofu to blend into them. This weekend I

> will go shopping for all of the juice & gatorade. Can anyone

> recommend a good flavorless protein powder to mix into my juice the

> first week since I will be trying to avoid dairy?


> I am officially scared to deatht at this point. Since I am such a

> control freak, it is very difficult for me to let go and give up


> control.


> Any last words of wisdom to get me through the next few days?


> Thanks,



> PS - who else is having surgery next week?

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I was just thinking about you today and wondering how you are. I

hate that you are waiting, but I guess better to be safe than sorry.

I hope your vacation went well.

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You're right on track... Not at all unusual to be frightened, but try

not to be.

You will probably be under more careful supervision by more skilled

folks who are focussed on taking care of you while you are in the OR

than at most other moments of your life. And it is indeed true that

the most dangerous part of the whole procedure is the drive to and

from the hospital.

Some folks also get a sort of beatific calm that sets in right before

surgery. I don't know why -- whether we've stressed out so much in

getting ready that we're finally ready to turn loose, or what.

i am hoping that everything will go super well for you, and that you

will have an easy recovery.

Good thoughts, as always..


In orthognathicsurgerysupport , " elijahdoll2002 "


> Hi,


> As I expected I am completely anxious & nervous. My surgery is on

> Oct. 27 at 1 PM. I am using the same surgeon that Cheryl used, so


> hope to one day be as happy as she is with her results.


> I see my surgeon for my last pre-op visit this afternoon at 3:30.


> caretakers (sister & father) are joining me for this last

> appointment. As far as I know, I am having upper jaw surgery &

> genio. The upper jaw surgery is to correct my open bite and the

> genio is just a little gift I am giving myself for a better profile.


> I went to Wild Oats last night and bought a bunch of organic soups


> well as some mori-nu soft tofu to blend into them. This weekend I

> will go shopping for all of the juice & gatorade. Can anyone

> recommend a good flavorless protein powder to mix into my juice the

> first week since I will be trying to avoid dairy?


> I am officially scared to deatht at this point. Since I am such a

> control freak, it is very difficult for me to let go and give up


> control.


> Any last words of wisdom to get me through the next few days?


> Thanks,



> PS - who else is having surgery next week?

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Don't we all understand the frustrations of that one! I'm sorry, but,

ever the Pollyanna, she said, " It's better, though, to find out what

your problems may be BEFORE they put you under... "

I will hope they're being overly cautious with you, and that you'll

come up clean and clear for the earliest possible scheduling.


> I know I haven't posted here for a long time, but I'm still


> and waiting... waiting... waiting ;-)


> Short story : the surgeon is taking an unusual amount of time to


> at my case. It's been more than a month now, that he had my mouth

> imprints and he has not contacted me. Finally, I discovered

> yesterday I may have a condition which would make anesthesia

> dangerous (I will be asleep, but I could wake up several weeks

> later). We need to investigate this prior to surgery. So, this


> me in the November candidates list, at best. But, my personal

> feeling is... December or January.


> Patience is a virtue... I have yet to possess... ;-)


> Ray

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I'm glad you're still around, surgeon-mate! ;)

Your anesthesia thing sounds scary... :-/ It's definitely not

helping! I guess that once you're through it all, you *will* have

gained patience, even if by force! ;)

Did you " meet " Johanne? She's getting her surgery at Legardeur too,

early December. She'll tell us everything we need to know about the

hospital staff bedside manner... and which anesthesiologist is the

cutest (for me! ;D)

Good luck, and I'm keeping you posted on my case. :)


> I know I haven't posted here for a long time, but I'm still


> and waiting... waiting... waiting ;-)


> Short story : the surgeon is taking an unusual amount of time to


> at my case. It's been more than a month now, that he had my mouth

> imprints and he has not contacted me. Finally, I discovered

> yesterday I may have a condition which would make anesthesia

> dangerous (I will be asleep, but I could wake up several weeks

> later). We need to investigate this prior to surgery. So, this


> me in the November candidates list, at best. But, my personal

> feeling is... December or January.


> Patience is a virtue... I have yet to possess... ;-)


> Ray

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Hi Marlaine and Ray!

Who's your surgeon? (You'll have to forgive my mental lapse if you've

already told me Marlaine) Is it Dr. Garfield?

I'd love to make sure the cutest anesthesiologist is reserved for you

Marlaine, but after hearing Ray's story - I'm kind of nervous about

the anesthesia. What if I don't wake up for a few weeks... I'll miss

Christmas!!! Seriously, that's the kind of info you're much better

off finding out before rather than later. I know how hard is it to

wait though. So, Ray, you're having your surgery in Repentigny also?

Love always,


> > I know I haven't posted here for a long time, but I'm still

> alive...

> > and waiting... waiting... waiting ;-)

> >

> > Short story : the surgeon is taking an unusual amount of time to

> look

> > at my case. It's been more than a month now, that he had my


> > imprints and he has not contacted me. Finally, I discovered

> > yesterday I may have a condition which would make anesthesia

> > dangerous (I will be asleep, but I could wake up several weeks

> > later). We need to investigate this prior to surgery. So, this

> puts

> > me in the November candidates list, at best. But, my personal

> > feeling is... December or January.

> >

> > Patience is a virtue... I have yet to possess... ;-)

> >

> > Ray

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Nice of you :-)

The vacations were the most charming ones in years! Take a look at

the pictures I took :



> Ray,


> I was just thinking about you today and wondering how you are. I

> hate that you are waiting, but I guess better to be safe than


> I hope your vacation went well.



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Thanks Cammie, the only real frustration is that I thought I'd be

ok for my birthday (Jan 13) at least. Last year, my braces were

very painfull, even months after they were put in place, and I

really didn't feel like partying. It appears this year, I'm gonna

be worst ;-)

All of this, of course, is for a better (and greater) cause. So I'm

not complaining. I'm slowly making up my mind about being free of

all this in 2005, instead the oct 2004 date that was initially

scheduled when I got my braces in place.

One thing I learned, never rely on Mother Nature for a precise

date :-)


> Don't we all understand the frustrations of that one! I'm sorry,


> ever the Pollyanna, she said, " It's better, though, to find out


> your problems may be BEFORE they put you under... "


> I will hope they're being overly cautious with you, and that


> come up clean and clear for the earliest possible scheduling.


> Cammie

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Hello there Marlaine!

Dr Garfield is a very, very, very busy man. Make sure your ortho

tells you months in advance when to contact him (it takes roughly 3

weeks to get an appointment with him). You'll have to see him soon

so he can tell you (to relay the message to your ortho) on the

position of your teeth for the surgery. I got delayed, first, by a

month because according to him, my lower teeth weren't quite ok (to

wide ??). Then, he wanted molds and prefered the ortho to do them

(as the ortho can remove the wires, and he can't). So again, one

week delay to contact the ortho, get the molds, and deliver them

(myself) to the surgeon.

Finally, I've given him the molds on sep 19 and I have not yet

heared from Dr Garfield. I called his office a couple of times, but

I was politely explained that he's busy.

I asked my ortho for another surgeon, if this one can't (or won't)

take care of my case. He denied my request. He insisted that I

wait some more weeks. Next week, though, I'll open the Yellow

Pages... ;-)

Waiting... it's the silent killer ;-)

I took a break off this board, I didn't meet Johanne. I'll run a

search here and see if I can locate her posting(s). I did so

because there's such a thing as too much information. In my case,

more was making me freak. So, I decided I knew enough, and that I'd

ask the final questions to the ortho / surgeon.

Take care and we'll keep in touch :-)


> Ray!!!


> :D

> I'm glad you're still around, surgeon-mate! ;)


> Your anesthesia thing sounds scary... :-/ It's definitely not

> helping! I guess that once you're through it all, you *will* have

> gained patience, even if by force! ;)


> Did you " meet " Johanne? She's getting her surgery at Legardeur


> early December. She'll tell us everything we need to know about


> hospital staff bedside manner... and which anesthesiologist is the

> cutest (for me! ;D)


> Good luck, and I'm keeping you posted on my case. :)

> Marlaine

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Johanne (and others), please read this :

My (potential) condition is an extremely rare genetic defect. It's

not at all deadly (from what I have been told so far), but the

anesthesist needs to know of it prior to making me sleep, so he/she

can administer a different set of drugs, and apply a different

waking up procedure. Don't start worrying about it just yet, I'm

sure if you ask anyone here, nobody ever heard of this.

A short explanation is that my body would simply not expelled (get

rid of..??) the sleeping products quickly enough. So, I'd sleep for

a long time, that's really all. And it wouldn't be that bad, 'coz I

abused my body a lot when I was younger ;-) (did I hear party?

YESS!!). Ok, just kidding..

On your other questions, my surgeon is supposed to be Dr Garfield,

but I'm affraid he forgot about me... ;-) So I'm " shopping " for a

new one, despite the fact that my ortho doesn't want to hear about

this. If I still end up with him, I'll be getting the surgery done

in Repentigny. My mother was admitted there a few years ago, so I

know this hospital. It has a good reputation. Good care, nice


Take care,


> > > I know I haven't posted here for a long time, but I'm still

> > alive...

> > > and waiting... waiting... waiting ;-)

> > >

> > > Short story : the surgeon is taking an unusual amount of time


> > look

> > > at my case. It's been more than a month now, that he had my

> mouth

> > > imprints and he has not contacted me. Finally, I discovered

> > > yesterday I may have a condition which would make anesthesia

> > > dangerous (I will be asleep, but I could wake up several weeks

> > > later). We need to investigate this prior to surgery. So,


> > puts

> > > me in the November candidates list, at best. But, my personal

> > > feeling is... December or January.

> > >

> > > Patience is a virtue... I have yet to possess... ;-)

> > >

> > > Ray

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Wow Ray, Your pictures are great. I am so jealous. I'll get to go

on a real vacation again one day. Welcome back and good luck with

getting everything resolved and getting a surgery date.

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Loved your pictures Ray! Nice camera, nice scenery, nice time. Good

for you! Fall is such a glorious time of year, my favorite. Nature's

fireworks at it's best.

Take care,


> > Ray,

> >

> > I was just thinking about you today and wondering how you are.


> > hate that you are waiting, but I guess better to be safe than

> sorry.

> > I hope your vacation went well.

> >

> >

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Nor on an orthodontist, for a precise date, it seems! Although mine

was on the money.


> Thanks Cammie, the only real frustration is that I thought I'd be

> ok for my birthday (Jan 13) at least. Last year, my braces were

> very painfull, even months after they were put in place, and I

> really didn't feel like partying. It appears this year, I'm gonna

> be worst ;-)


> All of this, of course, is for a better (and greater) cause. So


> not complaining. I'm slowly making up my mind about being free of

> all this in 2005, instead the oct 2004 date that was initially

> scheduled when I got my braces in place.


> One thing I learned, never rely on Mother Nature for a precise

> date :-)


> Ray

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I hear your frustration with Dr. Garfield, Ray, and I don't blame you

a bit...

But one notion of unsolicited advice: A fine surgeon with whom your

ortho works well is worth putting up with considerable inconvenience,

I think.

Not that I know this man to be a fine surgeon (or not to be, for that

matter). But I do think it is very important for your ortho and

surgeon to have similar lines of thought and excellent communication

regarding your case.


> > > > I know I haven't posted here for a long time, but I'm still

> > > alive...

> > > > and waiting... waiting... waiting ;-)

> > > >

> > > > Short story : the surgeon is taking an unusual amount of time

> to

> > > look

> > > > at my case. It's been more than a month now, that he had my

> > mouth

> > > > imprints and he has not contacted me. Finally, I discovered

> > > > yesterday I may have a condition which would make anesthesia

> > > > dangerous (I will be asleep, but I could wake up several


> > > > later). We need to investigate this prior to surgery. So,

> this

> > > puts

> > > > me in the November candidates list, at best. But, my


> > > > feeling is... December or January.

> > > >

> > > > Patience is a virtue... I have yet to possess... ;-)

> > > >

> > > > Ray

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Hi Ray!

I know your condition is very rare. I did know a woman who had a

similar condition though. She didn't wake up for 48 hours after

surgery. Apparently, it's not dangerous, just scary for family and

friends who don't understand that the anesthetic will eventually wear

off. I'm glad you found out before your surgery though since your

condition might be a little more serious.

Dr. Garfield is a great surgeon (or so my orthodontistr says)

My surgeon - Dr. Morin - has worked with Dr. Garfield before and my

ortho thinks they are both great surgeons. He's worked more closely

with Dr. Morin though (he even likes being present during surgery, so

he's seen Dr. Morin's work up close), which is why he sent me to see

him. Most surgeons are busy and I usually have to wait over 3 weeks

for an appointment with Dr. Morin also. I got my surgery scheduled

for December 9th (I was hoping for November, but he's busy all next

month) I hope you won't have to wait much longer.

Good luck!


> > > > I know I haven't posted here for a long time, but I'm still

> > > alive...

> > > > and waiting... waiting... waiting ;-)

> > > >

> > > > Short story : the surgeon is taking an unusual amount of time

> to

> > > look

> > > > at my case. It's been more than a month now, that he had my

> > mouth

> > > > imprints and he has not contacted me. Finally, I discovered

> > > > yesterday I may have a condition which would make anesthesia

> > > > dangerous (I will be asleep, but I could wake up several


> > > > later). We need to investigate this prior to surgery. So,

> this

> > > puts

> > > > me in the November candidates list, at best. But, my


> > > > feeling is... December or January.

> > > >

> > > > Patience is a virtue... I have yet to possess... ;-)

> > > >

> > > > Ray

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Thank you . I had never see the east coast of our country. I

felt very lucky! It's so peacefull, quiet. All I needed to

recharge my batteries :-)


> Wow Ray, Your pictures are great. I am so jealous. I'll get to


> on a real vacation again one day. Welcome back and good luck with

> getting everything resolved and getting a surgery date.



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Thank you! I really like fall colors myself. However, this year,

we had too much to do and we couldn't get to the mountains to shoot

pictures. Next year, probably, I'll make the time!


> > > Ray,

> > >

> > > I was just thinking about you today and wondering how you


> I

> > > hate that you are waiting, but I guess better to be safe than

> > sorry.

> > > I hope your vacation went well.

> > >

> > >

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Normally, I would agree with you. But this time, I feel I need to

take matters into my own hands. Besides, my ortho has not

communicated with my surgeon (and it seems the reverse will be true

as well). They are making me do the messenger... (like if I needed

a new job!! haha!)


> I hear your frustration with Dr. Garfield, Ray, and I don't blame


> a bit...


> But one notion of unsolicited advice: A fine surgeon with whom


> ortho works well is worth putting up with considerable


> I think.


> Not that I know this man to be a fine surgeon (or not to be, for


> matter). But I do think it is very important for your ortho and

> surgeon to have similar lines of thought and excellent


> regarding your case.


> Cammie

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Johanne, I'm so happy for you! Finally, this will behind you soon!

But... reading your letter just made me realized... If you're

already scheduled, and I'm not, that means I'm gonna get my surgery

after Dec 09... That just too much. I'm gonna out of this in June

2005 !!!!!!!!!! I was suppose to be off braces, initially, by

September 2004... Adding the various delays, it's almost a year


Decisions, decisions! Do you (or Marlaine) know of another

surgeon? I'm not waiting for him anymore.


> > > > > I know I haven't posted here for a long time, but I'm


> > > > alive...

> > > > > and waiting... waiting... waiting ;-)

> > > > >

> > > > > Short story : the surgeon is taking an unusual amount of


> > to

> > > > look

> > > > > at my case. It's been more than a month now, that he had


> > > mouth

> > > > > imprints and he has not contacted me. Finally, I


> > > > > yesterday I may have a condition which would make


> > > > > dangerous (I will be asleep, but I could wake up several

> weeks

> > > > > later). We need to investigate this prior to surgery.


> > this

> > > > puts

> > > > > me in the November candidates list, at best. But, my

> personal

> > > > > feeling is... December or January.

> > > > >

> > > > > Patience is a virtue... I have yet to possess... ;-)

> > > > >

> > > > > Ray

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