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FOr a ! month old!!!!!!???? I think not! Floride doesn't need to be given

to babies especially beofre 6 months! After 6 months if the baby is drinking

a littel water then floride is not at all neccessary! As for iron, your

breastmilk has iron in it and is more easily absorbed that iron in vitamin

drops. If the ped is concerend about your babies iron level he needs to

chekc it before giving vitamins. Most docs won't give vitamins until at

least 6 months. Your babies iron stores from when you carried him last for

the forst 6-8 month sof life. And by that time they are eating solids and

do'nt need the iron drops. I can't believe your doc gave vitamins to a 1

month old!


Mommy to twin girls





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In a message dated 9/11/00 11:16:48 AM Pacific Daylight Time, jackpot@...


<< We just returned from the pediatrician and she prescribed vitamins with

fluoride for my baby. Did anyone else take these? What are your thoughts

on this?


Your Dr. wants a 1 month old on vitamins/flouride??? That just doesn't seem

right. We have well water with NO fluoride added so my Dr. prescribed

fluoride at 4 months, do I give it to her? eh, when I think about it, after

reading some links that Wendi sent awhile back I worry about the fluoride

dangers but I still believe MY children need the little extra they get in

their multivitamin/flouride my doctor prescribes for them, when gets

old enough to take a multivitamin/flouride pill like her sisters then she

will get fluoride but untill then I just don't think it is all that

important, I wipe her teeth with a wet cloth and she is old enough now to get

a toothbrush in there (with no toothpaste) to brush off the yuckies on the

teeth. As for your baby needing vitamins at this young of an age my personal

opinion no your baby doesn't need them and your doctor needs to do some

reading up on the AAP recommendations.


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Hi ,

Sam's doctor prescribed vitamins w/floride at his 2 month visit. I

don't give them to him tho. He will probably be having his iron checked

soon at wic, so we'll see how he is. Iron deficiency in children is not

something to mess around it, but too much iron is no good either. I

personally feel that they could get what they need from the foods they

eat, unless you have a very fussy eater. My almost 3 year old is a

very, very picky eater, she's a little peanut, and I'm thankful that one

of the very few things she will eat is cereal - which is iron and

vitamin fortified.

As far as floride, I was under the impression that the benefits are from

it being topical, rather than ingested - maybe someone on the list

knows? Like in the vitamins, the benefits are from the liquid hitting

the teeth, rather than the ingestion of floride. In either case, I

stopped giving the floride because my daughter Michele has mottled teeth

as a direct result of too much floride.


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We are a flouride free household! Your baby is WAY too young to be getting

anything but mama's milk at this point. The doctor should get current on

the AAP recommendations for breastfeeding.



breastfeeding resources and info


We just returned from the pediatrician and she prescribed vitamins with

fluoride for my baby. Did anyone else take these? What are your thoughts

on this?


Mommy to since 10-5-98 and Cameron since 8-10-00



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I've never given my babies the vitamins while they were nursing, they hated

them and spit them out all over both of us staining whatever we were

wearing. I was told to continue my prenatals while nursing.



>We just returned from the pediatrician and she prescribed vitamins with

>fluoride for my baby. Did anyone else take these? What are your thoughts

>on this?





>Mommy to since 10-5-98 and Cameron since 8-10-00


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Never used them, but I was never prescribed them either. I was told to give my dd vit D drops when she was an infant and I did but my fam dr with Rowan didn't mention them and I haven't bothered with them.


We just returned from the pediatrician and she prescribed vitamins withfluoride for my baby. Did anyone else take these? What are your thoughtson this?Love,

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This is no need for supplements in most BFed babies until at least 6

months. From the AAP's 1997 statement. <


Perhaps you should print out the whole thing and provide a copy to your Ped

so she knows what her peers and her association are recommending??

Breastfeeding and the Use of Human Milk (RE9729)



-----Original Message-----

From: and

We just returned from the pediatrician and she prescribed vitamins with

fluoride for my baby. Did anyone else take these? What are your thoughts

on this?


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No offense to anyone here, but I've come to the conclusion that most doctors are

no more than over-paid drug pushers - and pediatricians are the worst.

Not only are synthetic supplemental vitamins not necessary for infants, in many

cases they are harmful - hindering the absorption of naturally occurring


and minerals (as is the case with iron).

Suggesting *fluoridated* vitamins is ridiculous! I urge anyone who thinks their

baby, child or them self needs fluoride to spend some time researching it. It's

that important. Here's a good place to start;


I have plenty of links and references if anyone needs more. Fluoride is at best

not necessary and is actually VERY toxic (more toxic than lead, only slightly

less than arsenic).

Sorry for the rant, I just can't believe people still recommend this crap.




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against the power of others.

- J. Ehrlich

The reason doctors are so dangerous is that they believe

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I don't think these are necessary at all, especially so young! Cameron is

getting everything he needs from your milk and does not need anything else

right now.


Mommy to Blake

born 4-2-00

visit Blake's web site at http://www.growthspurts.com/view.asp?s=20969

> We just returned from the pediatrician and she prescribed vitamins with

> fluoride for my baby. Did anyone else take these? What are your thoughts

> on this?

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> We just returned from the pediatrician and she prescribed vitamins


> fluoride for my baby. Did anyone else take these? What are your


> on this?


> Love,



I don't feel they're necessary if you maintain a proper diet with all

the vitamins and minerals babies need. Fluoride doesn't work in

their stomachs anyway....it's only good for the teeth surfaces.


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Hi Debbie,

My kids usually have their iron tested at the WIC office. One of my

doctors told me that iron deficiency in infants/young children could

cause developmental delays. From my understanding,

babies that are breastfed exclusively for the first 6 - 8 months are

usually not found to have low iron - babies are born with a greater

percentage of iron stores than say you or I have as an adult. At around

6 months of age, those iron stores start to be depleted, and that is

usually when solids are started in general. I think that if your baby

is on solids, you could just try to feed foods that are iron rich.

Maybe a baby that was born premature or low birth weight might be at a

higher risk for iron deficiency, I'm not sure. I do know that, when any

of my kids tested low iron (hemocrit test), all it took was a change in

diet to bring it back up. I think 11.5 is a little low, but not

extremely low, we've been in the 10's before. But if your baby is

already on solids, then just stick with the foods that are high in

iron. That should help. I don't know about increasing your iron

intake, someone else may know more about that.

Although not due to iron deficiency, my one son has developmental delays

in all areas and it is something you would want to do what you can to

decrease the risk.

On the other hand, don't go overboard on the iron. That can be

dangerous also.


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Joan - my little man was tested for anemia again yesterday and he tested at

11.5 and apparently 12 is ok and 11.5 is not. I have iron vitamins with

flouride to give him and haven't wanted to - can you tell me more about your

statement " Iron deficiency in children is not something to mess around it " ?

Does anyone know if I just give him like more spinach if that would do the

trick instead of the vitamins?

I mean is 11.5 REALLY low are just KINDA low?

My little man tested at 11.5 last time two months ago and I have only given

him those vitamins like 4-5 times over the last two months. Would

increasing vitamins in my diet help at all?

TIA Debbie


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How old is your baby and do you know what the hematocrit number is? 11.5 is

not all that low for a very young baby. I can't remember how old your baby

is. But the number that has been taught to me for say a four month old is

to treat a hemoglobin lower than 9.



breastfeeding resources and info

Re: vitamins

Joan - my little man was tested for anemia again yesterday and he tested at

11.5 and apparently 12 is ok and 11.5 is not. I have iron vitamins with

flouride to give him and haven't wanted to - can you tell me more about your

statement " Iron deficiency in children is not something to mess around it " ?

Does anyone know if I just give him like more spinach if that would do the

trick instead of the vitamins?

I mean is 11.5 REALLY low are just KINDA low?

My little man tested at 11.5 last time two months ago and I have only given

him those vitamins like 4-5 times over the last two months. Would

increasing vitamins in my diet help at all?

TIA Debbie


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In a message dated 9/12/00 10:11:15 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

NatureBaby@... writes:

> One of the best ways to increase iron in your diet is to cook with cast iron

> cookware. This has been proven effective to increase the iron level in

> everything that you cook in them. It is also the most absorable because it

> is right in your food. :)


I was going to suggest this also : )


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Wendi - my baby is almost 7 months old. See my doctor is very 'overly

protective' in my mind. If there is the slightest chance of a problem she

tests it or has it removed or whatever. For example - AJ was jaundice when

born and was like 1/2 point under what is considered OK at birth and she had

me put him under billy rubin lights for 5 days. Well 2 months later my girl

friend had a baby and her baby was 2.5 points under what is considered OK

and she never had to put her baby under the lights. We have different

doctors. So that is why I was asking if 11.5 was REALLY considered super

low or what...

Kinda sounds like it isn't too big a deal from what you said.



>is. But the number that has been taught to me for say a four month old is

>to treat a hemoglobin lower than 9.


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If your baby is seven months old I still don't think that 11.5 is that low.

My hemoglobin was 9.7 when I was pg and I only had to bring it up to 10 to

have a homebirth. Call another doctor around your area and ask them what

number of hemoglobin they would start treatment for. :)



breastfeeding resources and info

RE: vitamins

Wendi - my baby is almost 7 months old. See my doctor is very 'overly

protective' in my mind. If there is the slightest chance of a problem she

tests it or has it removed or whatever. For example - AJ was jaundice when

born and was like 1/2 point under what is considered OK at birth and she had

me put him under billy rubin lights for 5 days. Well 2 months later my girl

friend had a baby and her baby was 2.5 points under what is considered OK

and she never had to put her baby under the lights. We have different

doctors. So that is why I was asking if 11.5 was REALLY considered super

low or what...

Kinda sounds like it isn't too big a deal from what you said.



>is. But the number that has been taught to me for say a four month old is

>to treat a hemoglobin lower than 9.


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Joan and Debbie,

One of the best ways to increase iron in your diet is to cook with cast iron

cookware. This has been proven effective to increase the iron level in

everything that you cook in them. It is also the most absorable because it

is right in your food. :)



breastfeeding resources and info

Re: vitamins

Hi Debbie,

My kids usually have their iron tested at the WIC office. One of my

doctors told me that iron deficiency in infants/young children could

cause developmental delays. From my understanding,

babies that are breastfed exclusively for the first 6 - 8 months are

usually not found to have low iron - babies are born with a greater

percentage of iron stores than say you or I have as an adult. At around

6 months of age, those iron stores start to be depleted, and that is

usually when solids are started in general. I think that if your baby

is on solids, you could just try to feed foods that are iron rich.

Maybe a baby that was born premature or low birth weight might be at a

higher risk for iron deficiency, I'm not sure. I do know that, when any

of my kids tested low iron (hemocrit test), all it took was a change in

diet to bring it back up. I think 11.5 is a little low, but not

extremely low, we've been in the 10's before. But if your baby is

already on solids, then just stick with the foods that are high in

iron. That should help. I don't know about increasing your iron

intake, someone else may know more about that.

Although not due to iron deficiency, my one son has developmental delays

in all areas and it is something you would want to do what you can to

decrease the risk.

On the other hand, don't go overboard on the iron. That can be

dangerous also.


Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!


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<<From my understanding,babies that are breastfed exclusively for the first 6 - 8 months areusually not found to have low iron - >>

I would like to stress the word USUALLY here. I have breastfed all 6 of my boys for almost a year...(some a bit more...some a bit less...) One I breastfed only 6 months.

Anyway....my 5th has almost always tested low on iron at wic (I nursed him just over a year.)

HOWEVER....I am very pleased to say he tested HIGH last week:o) So looks like that's over.

But the rest of my kids have always tested well on iron.

,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. Eleanor Roosevelt~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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My dd had a jaundice rating of 12, whatever that means, and she didn't have to go under lights, probably because they are very pro-bf at this hospital and encouraged me to bf alot to help the jaundice go away. Although they did test her frequently.

I thought that with jaundice the higher the rating the worse?

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> My dd had a jaundice rating of 12, whatever that means, and she

didn't have to go under lights, probably because they are very pro-bf

at this hospital and encouraged me to bf alot to help the jaundice go

away. Although they did test her frequently.


> I thought that with jaundice the higher the rating the worse?

You are correct. 's level was 17.5 and they did the lights.

It wasn't until a few months later that I found that jaundice isn't

at an unsafe level til it gets to about 30. For most cases, all

that's needed is quite a bit of sunlight.

Also, just to add for the fun of it....breastfeeding helps rid the

body of jaundice. Many hospitals say that you shouldn't breastfeed

and should give formula and light treatments.


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Thank you Joan. I don't think he is developmentally behind my doc seemed to

think he was about 1 1/2 months ahead of schedule physically and felt he'd

be walking by the next appt in just two months...which I kinda doubt but who

knows. I think I will just increase the foods with more iron in them and

see how that goes. Thanks for all your input.




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Lynn you are probably right - it has been months since it happened and I

forget the numbers - I have it all written down at home because I know I

forget these kind of things...



>I thought that with jaundice the higher the rating the worse?



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I don't remember my 2 older kids being tested - I wasn't getting wic

then. I remember the nurse at the wic office telling me that a sign of

iron deficiency could be a bruisy looking tint around the eyes, almost

like we would have tired circles under our eyes. If your kids are

eating well then there probably isn't a need. I've also heard that if

your young child drinks a lot of milk, excluding a lot of other food,

they may be more likely to have an iron deficiency.


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