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> Nitome@a... wrote:


> >

> > My DD has never had a blood test for iron. Does most everyone's

ped do this?

> >

> > <3 B

My doctor claims to be pro breastfeeding but he said that if I don't

add solids he'll want to test for iron levels. He tried to tell me

that it didn't matter what my iron intake was. All I know is that I

will NOT allow an unneeded test unless there are symptoms first.


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Dear Joanna,

IMO, if you plan on exclusively breastfeeding for the first year,

without adding any solids or supplements, your Dr. should check your

babies iron levels sometime during that second half of the first year.

I don't think this has anything to do with whether or not he is

pro-breastfeeding. You really should know if your baby's iron levels

are low. The test is very simple and if the iron levels are low, pretty

simple to up your child's iron intake. If you know that your baby will

be getting iron from whatever source - vitamins with iron, iron

fortified cereal, iron rich foods, cooking in cast iron, etc. then there

may be no need for concern. But I feel that if you know that your baby

is not getting any additional iron in his diet after about six months,

it would probably be a good idea to have his levels checked. I don't

think that babies get the iron they need from breastmilk, I think when

they are infants they have a large store of iron that they draw on and

eventually deplete after the first six months or so. This should also

be kept in mind during the toddler and preschool age - when kids get

very fussy about what they will eat and drink.

Anyway, that's my opinion on the iron thing - simple test, and pretty

easy to remedy if need be.


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In a message dated 9/14/00 3:50:56 PM Central Daylight Time,

HappyBNMomma2MSW@... writes:

<< He tried to tell me

that it didn't matter what my iron intake was. >>

Actually it doesn't matter what the mothers iron intake is. It doesnt affect

what the babys is going to be.


Mommy to twin girls





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> Dear Joanna,

> IMO, if you plan on exclusively breastfeeding for the first year,

> without adding any solids or supplements, your Dr. should check your

> babies iron levels sometime during that second half of the first


I happen to know that he has enough iron just from breastfeeding.

Actually, iron-fortified formula causes babies natural iron to bind

therefore making it less absorbable. And yes, there are studies that

prove that to be true.

I also happen to know that I have more iron than I even need which

means I can easily supply for 's needs.


(a very educated breastfeeder)

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In a message dated 9/14/00 6:25:55 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

rmmhenne@... writes:

> Does anyone give their toddler vitamins? My 21 month old is a pretty picky

> eater and we were wondering if we should give her vitamins.


> melissa


I know everyone here has their own views on vitamins. Mine is... I give a

children's multivitamin to my children when they can chew them...every parent

should know if their child can handle chewing a vitamin or not... for my

children I start them usually around 18 months to two years old.


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This should also be kept in mind during the toddler and preschool age - when

kids get> very fussy about what they will eat and drink.

Does anyone give their toddler vitamins? My 21 month old is a pretty picky

eater and we were wondering if we should give her vitamins.


mom to 12/10/98 and Mikayla 6/22/00

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Call your dentist, ask about the local water supply. Most areas have enough

flouride, and too much flouride for your babe now will cause discoloration

to his teeth!!

IMNSHO, don't give flouride supplements!!!

Amy Lynn



>We just returned from the pediatrician and she prescribed vitamins with

>fluoride for my baby. Did anyone else take these? What are your thoughts

>on this?





>Mommy to since 10-5-98 and Cameron since 8-10-00







>Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!




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I would supplement your diet with iron, especially iron rich foods.

Depending on what your son is eating, give him iron rich foods too. I think

that you are probably on the borderline where the doctors will say ds is

anemic, but it isn't really a big deal. If his iron count has stayed the

same for 2 months without giving the iron more than 4 or 5 times then it

isn't a big deal at all. How old is your son? Spinach is a tough

digester--what about iron-fortified cereal like cheerios?

Amy Lynn

Re: vitamins


>Joan - my little man was tested for anemia again yesterday and he tested at

>11.5 and apparently 12 is ok and 11.5 is not. I have iron vitamins with

>flouride to give him and haven't wanted to - can you tell me more about


>statement " Iron deficiency in children is not something to mess around it " ?


>Does anyone know if I just give him like more spinach if that would do the

>trick instead of the vitamins?


>I mean is 11.5 REALLY low are just KINDA low?


>My little man tested at 11.5 last time two months ago and I have only given

>him those vitamins like 4-5 times over the last two months. Would

>increasing vitamins in my diet help at all?


>TIA Debbie



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>My doctor claims to be pro breastfeeding but he said that if I don't

>add solids he'll want to test for iron levels. He tried to tell me

>that it didn't matter what my iron intake was. All I know is that I

>will NOT allow an unneeded test unless there are symptoms first.




so give your baby a cheerio, or a bit of banana, or something one time and

then tell the doctor you've started solids--it won't be a lie--and you don't

have to do it more than once. Beyond that if they ask how much--say a few

bite every day, and it stays right down.

Amy Lynn

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I don't

>think that babies get the iron they need from breastmilk, I think when

>they are infants they have a large store of iron that they draw on and

>eventually deplete after the first six months or so.

Infants use the iron they have stored in addition to the iron from

breastmilk (which is roughly 50% absorbable vs about 10% absorbable from

formula.) The biggest difference is that a bf baby ingests lactoferrin in

bm that aids in the digestion of iron in other foods that the baby also


Amy Lynn

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I will not give flouride supplements, since I personally have discolored

teeth from the excessive flouride I was given (from several sources).



> Call your dentist, ask about the local water supply. Most areas have


> flouride, and too much flouride for your babe now will cause discoloration

> to his teeth!!


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> Okay,

> so give your baby a cheerio, or a bit of banana, or something one

time and

> then tell the doctor you've started solids--it won't be a lie--and

you don't

> have to do it more than once. Beyond that if they ask how much--

say a few

> bite every day, and it stays right down.


> Amy Lynn

This is exactly what we've planned. :) The appointment is next month

(Oct 6). We skipped the 9 month because it was nothing more than a

weight check for us. The one year appointment will be much easier

because nurses and bit less and eats solids a bit more. :)

He's also ahead when it comes to reaching many milestones. :)


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Thanks for your advice. My son is just about 7 months old and hasn't quite

mastered the cheerios yet, but working on it. Looking at the jars of baby

food the peas have as much iron as the spinach and grahm crackers have some

iron in them - so I am just going to try and make sure he gets some each day

along with working on my diet.

Thanks again. Debbie


>Reply-To: breastfeeding (AT) e

>To: breastfeeding (AT) e>

>Subject: Re: vitamins

>Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2000 06:18:43 +0100




>I would supplement your diet with iron, especially iron rich foods.

>Depending on what your son is eating, give him iron rich foods too. I


>that you are probably on the borderline where the doctors will say ds is

>anemic, but it isn't really a big deal. If his iron count has stayed the

>same for 2 months without giving the iron more than 4 or 5 times then it

>isn't a big deal at all. How old is your son? Spinach is a tough

>digester--what about iron-fortified cereal like cheerios?


>Amy Lynn

> Re: vitamins



> >

> >Joan - my little man was tested for anemia again yesterday and he tested


> >11.5 and apparently 12 is ok and 11.5 is not. I have iron vitamins with

> >flouride to give him and haven't wanted to - can you tell me more about


> >statement " Iron deficiency in children is not something to mess around

>it " ?

> >

> >Does anyone know if I just give him like more spinach if that would do


> >trick instead of the vitamins?

> >

> >I mean is 11.5 REALLY low are just KINDA low?

> >

> >My little man tested at 11.5 last time two months ago and I have only


> >him those vitamins like 4-5 times over the last two months. Would

> >increasing vitamins in my diet help at all?

> >

> >TIA Debbie

> >

> >_________________________________________________________________________

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> >

> >Share information about yourself, create your own public profile at

> >http://profiles.msn.com.

> >

> >

> >Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!

> >http://www.lactivist.com

> >

> >



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>food the peas have as much iron as the spinach and grahm crackers have some

>iron in them - so I am just going to try and make sure he gets some each day

>along with working on my diet.

You can help tip the scales for iron by cooking with cast iron. It an make

a tremendous difference in your hematocrit (the blood test for iron).

If your 7 month old isn't big on solids yet, but is willing to drink from a

sippy cup, why not offer some chicken broth that was heated in a cast iron

pan? Even the foods you make for yourself in cast iron cookware will offer

more iron in your breastmilk, and more in your baby's body. Do you have

access to a grocery-store deli? There's a liverwurst in most delis that is

high in iron. It's also high in fat, so use it sparingly! If you get a 1 "

chunk, you can make little cubes to feed to your baby, or to yourself,

which will help get iron into your system.

At 7 months though, there shouldn't be any concerns about iron

levels. Most breastfed babies store enough iron for the first 6 months of

life... it's the second 6 months that moms need to be aware of giving foods

that are a good source of iron, or assist the body with absorbing

iron. Seems like I read that cow's milk prevents good absorption of

iron... and VitC helps it along.

Hope this helps!

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Thanks for the info - I don't have any cast iron kitchenware - but perhaps I

will have to look into getting something...sounds like that would really

help...thanks again



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I would check with Salvation Army or resale shops for cast-iron cookware.


can be pricey, but sometimes those places get it when somebody wants to

unload used pieces.

Amy Lynn

Re: vitamins




>Thanks for the info - I don't have any cast iron kitchenware - but perhaps


>will have to look into getting something...sounds like that would really

>help...thanks again




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Good luck Debbie,

did Cheerios for the first time the week before 7 months, but then

she prefers finger food above all else (she also puts EVERYTHING in her

mouth for the last 3 months!)

Amy Lynn

Re: vitamins



>> >

>> >Joan - my little man was tested for anemia again yesterday and he tested


>> >11.5 and apparently 12 is ok and 11.5 is not. I have iron vitamins with

>> >flouride to give him and haven't wanted to - can you tell me more about


>> >statement " Iron deficiency in children is not something to mess around

>>it " ?

>> >

>> >Does anyone know if I just give him like more spinach if that would do


>> >trick instead of the vitamins?

>> >

>> >I mean is 11.5 REALLY low are just KINDA low?

>> >

>> >My little man tested at 11.5 last time two months ago and I have only


>> >him those vitamins like 4-5 times over the last two months. Would

>> >increasing vitamins in my diet help at all?

>> >

>> >TIA Debbie

>> >



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>> >

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>> >http://profiles.msn.com.

>> >

>> >

>> >Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!

>> >http://www.lactivist.com

>> >

>> >




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I got a nice size skillet for $10 at Long's Drugs. You can also check

camping or outdoors stores. :)



breastfeeding resources and info

Re: vitamins




>Thanks for the info - I don't have any cast iron kitchenware - but perhaps


>will have to look into getting something...sounds like that would really

>help...thanks again




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  • 2 months later...

A friend told me that she knows of a ped in my area who is a young woman who

has 2 kids and bfs herself, I am going to call her for a consultation and if

I like her i'm switching. I even went to the AAP's website today to double

check, and it says right there that iron, flouride, and vitamin D is not

necessary for the first 6 months. My doctor told me he just went to a

conference about this and they were discussing how the risk of rickets is a

big problem with bf babies. As my dh pointed out, the conference was

probably given by a drug company who wanted all of the doctors to recommend

their vitamin supplements.


>Reply-To: breastfeeding (AT) e

>To: breastfeeding (AT) e>

>Subject: Re: some questions

>Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 22:25:51 -0600


> >The ped gave me a prescription for a flouride and iron supplement today.


> >just took it and didn't say anything but I don't plan to give it to him.


> >really hate that I can't be open with my baby's doctor. But it didn't


> >worth a lecture


>I hate this!! We had this, too. We told the dr we weren't going to give

>them to Cam and we got the lecture. Now Cameron has an appt on Monday.

>When the ped asks about the vitamins, 's just going to say that Cam is

>taking vitamins. Technically he is-he's taking them from me!





>Mommy to since 10-5-98 and Cameron since 8-10-00








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If they are worried about rickets they should recommend that you take your

baby out into sunlight. It doesn't take much. Part of the reason there is

an increase of rickets is that everyone is so concerned about skin cancer

that no one goes out into the sun anymore. We need sunlight to metabolize

Vitamin D. Taking your baby out for just a few minutes a day is more than

enough. There is no reason to give supplements.



" When individuals have been born gently, welcomed kindly into the


breastfed for many years, they do not become greedy people. They come

from a place of fullness and balance with all our relations. "

Jeannine Parvati Baker

Re: some questions

>Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 22:25:51 -0600


> >The ped gave me a prescription for a flouride and iron supplement today.


> >just took it and didn't say anything but I don't plan to give it to him.


> >really hate that I can't be open with my baby's doctor. But it didn't


> >worth a lecture


>I hate this!! We had this, too. We told the dr we weren't going to give

>them to Cam and we got the lecture. Now Cameron has an appt on Monday.

>When the ped asks about the vitamins, 's just going to say that Cam is

>taking vitamins. Technically he is-he's taking them from me!





>Mommy to since 10-5-98 and Cameron since 8-10-00








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Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!


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my dh asked the dr about that and he said sunlight wasn't enough!


>Reply-To: breastfeeding (AT) e

>To: breastfeeding (AT) e>

>Subject: RE: vitamins

>Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 10:53:25 -0800




>If they are worried about rickets they should recommend that you take your

>baby out into sunlight. It doesn't take much. Part of the reason there is

>an increase of rickets is that everyone is so concerned about skin cancer

>that no one goes out into the sun anymore. We need sunlight to metabolize

>Vitamin D. Taking your baby out for just a few minutes a day is more than

>enough. There is no reason to give supplements.






> " When individuals have been born gently, welcomed kindly into the


>breastfed for many years, they do not become greedy people. They come

>from a place of fullness and balance with all our relations. "

> Jeannine Parvati Baker




> Re: some questions

> >Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 22:25:51 -0600

> >

> > >The ped gave me a prescription for a flouride and iron supplement


> >I

> > >just took it and didn't say anything but I don't plan to give it to


> >I

> > >really hate that I can't be open with my baby's doctor. But it didn't

> >seem

> > >worth a lecture

> >

> >I hate this!! We had this, too. We told the dr we weren't going to give

> >them to Cam and we got the lecture. Now Cameron has an appt on Monday.

> >When the ped asks about the vitamins, 's just going to say that Cam


> >taking vitamins. Technically he is-he's taking them from me!

> >

> >Love,

> >

> >

> >Mommy to since 10-5-98 and Cameron since 8-10-00

> >jackpot@...

> >http://users.pld.com/jackpot/cameron.html

> >

> >

> >




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>Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!





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