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nursing at night

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In a message dated 9/11/00 4:45:07 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

kitty12@... writes:

<< Madison still nurses twice at night and I get such a

stream of no no's from evreybody >>


I won't give you " no no " !! Go right ahead, the early morning (4-5AM) nursing

was the very last nursing session my DD gave up. If you can handle getting

up, then go right ahead. It never bothered me much to nurse during the

night. :)

<3 B

Mommy to


Expecting babies #3 and #4 (EDD 12/14)

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Why do people think that it is a crime When you nurse your baby to sleep.

And why are people in such a hurry for a baby to grow up and learn to fall

asleep on thier own. Most of us do't like sleeping alone so why push it? In

a few years our children won't want to cuddle anymore and we will wish that

we could nurse them to sleep again. My 14 month odl twins still wake up once

each per night to nurse. That's just about the only time I get to nurse them

individually. I love nursing them at night. I can just fall right back to

sleep wile they are nursing! And since when didn docs become the expets in

parenting our children? They are there for medical advice, not to shame our

parenting. Now I will step off my soap box! LOL! Thanks for letting me



Mommy to twin girls





Go to picturetrail.com/twinsmegmac

to see pics of my girls!!

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In a message dated 9/11/00 3:32:22 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

breastfeeding (AT) e writes:

<< Hello!! Just wondering if anyone else nurses there over six month old

at night still. >>

I guess I'm in trouble too Ü

My DD will be 3 in October and night nursed 2 or 3 X's at night.

I don't have any nursing boundaries set. If she wants to nurse more power to

her. If people don't like it OH,Well...It's not like they are the one nursing

her at night. I gets me when people have to chime in with an . 02 on your

night time family life style (I.E.: Night Nursing or The Family Bed.) I get

it so much from playgroup Moms.

If your child enjoys night nursing and you don't mind ... YOU GO GIRL!!!!


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Hello!! Just wondering if anyone else nurses there over six month old

at night still. Madison still nurses twice at night and I get such a

stream of no no's from evreybody including her doctor. Madison is 8

1/2 months old. Should she be sleeping through the night? I think I

would miss those middle of the night feedings!!! Thanks in advance!!!-


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Uh oh! I am in trouble! LOL I still nurse my almost three yo occasionally

at night. I don't really keep track, he generally sleeps through the night

but maybe once a week he will wake in the night and nursing him back to

sleep only takes a couple minutes. :)



breastfeeding resources and info

nursing at night

Hello!! Just wondering if anyone else nurses there over six month old

at night still. Madison still nurses twice at night and I get such a

stream of no no's from evreybody including her doctor. Madison is 8

1/2 months old. Should she be sleeping through the night? I think I

would miss those middle of the night feedings!!! Thanks in advance!!!-


Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!


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I have to LOL here because my dd still woke to nurse 3-4 times a night until she was 22 months old, didn't consistently sleep through until she was about 26 months. I was told at her 9 month check up (by a Dr I NEVER saw again) that she should be sleeping through the night and she wasn't because I was letting her sleep with us and nursed her. Some babies and toddlers don't sleep through for a long time, other sleep through very early, just depends on the child.

Michele, mom of Arran 12-27-93, Keely 12-5-97 & Rowan 3-15-00! ICQ# 13092478Our Family Pages ~ http://www.telusplanet.net/public/jcrocker/index.htmlJoin AllAdvantage.com and get paid to surf the Web! Please use my ID (GJX196) when asked if someone referred you. Thanks! http://www.alladvantage.com/go.asp?refid=GJX196

Do your eyes light up when your child walks into the room? ~ Toni on

Hello!! Just wondering if anyone else nurses there over six month old at night still. Madison still nurses twice at night and I get such a stream of no no's from evreybody including her doctor. Madison is 8 1/2 months old. Should she be sleeping through the night? I think I would miss those middle of the night feedings!!! Thanks in advance!!!- WeltonGive the Gift of Life Breastfeed!http://www.lactivist.com

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LOL Jodi I agree wholeheartedly, I do not do to my Dr for parenting advice, they don't learn about parenting in Medical school, it's just their "opinion" based on their own experiences like any other person.


Why do people think that it is a crime When you nurse your baby to sleep. And why are people in such a hurry for a baby to grow up and learn to fall asleep on thier own. Most of us do't like sleeping alone so why push it? In a few years our children won't want to cuddle anymore and we will wish that we could nurse them to sleep again. My 14 month odl twins still wake up once each per night to nurse. That's just about the only time I get to nurse them individually. I love nursing them at night. I can just fall right back to sleep wile they are nursing! And since when didn docs become the expets in parenting our children? They are there for medical advice, not to shame our parenting. Now I will step off my soap box! LOL! Thanks for letting me rant!JodiMommy to twin girls

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In a message dated 9/11/00 1:45:07 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

kitty12@... writes:

<< Hello!! Just wondering if anyone else nurses there over six month old

at night still. Madison still nurses twice at night and I get such a

stream of no no's from evreybody including her doctor. Madison is 8

1/2 months old. Should she be sleeping through the night? I think I

would miss those middle of the night feedings!!! Thanks in advance!!!-



is 1 year old and she has never slept through the night, not once, and

she still nurses 3-4-5 maybe more times a night I don't know Im too sleepy to

really wake up to count.( One of the great perks of nursing : ) you get more

sleep ) Now my last nursling she slept 5 hours a night from birth and around

3 months old slept 8 or more a night (I hated waking up soaked) Every baby IS

different and they all have their own patterns, go with that NOT what your

Dr. or some other parent says.


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Which is odd considering the article I just read this morning. There is

Finnish research that has found that pacifier use is related to ear




breastfeeding resources and info

Re: nursing at night

Yeah, they think it is ok to give them a pacifier - or some other " comfort

object " . But woo ho ho ho if baby is " attached " to mom!

Dawn and clan

Ethan Adnan (8-25-00) 5 weeks early, VSD

Elijah Iman (14 months) and Ibrahim Jerry (3)

***********My Angels************

Kiara Nichole - born still at 21 weeks

- 5-16-96, 22 weeks, gained her wings at 15 hours old

2 m/c angels


Re: nursing at night


> Why do people think that it is a crime When you nurse your baby to sleep.

> And why are people in such a hurry for a baby to grow up and learn to fall

> asleep on thier own. Most of us do't like sleeping alone so why push it?


> a few years our children won't want to cuddle anymore and we will wish


> we could nurse them to sleep again. My 14 month odl twins still wake up


> each per night to nurse. That's just about the only time I get to nurse


> individually. I love nursing them at night. I can just fall right back


> sleep wile they are nursing! And since when didn docs become the expets


> parenting our children? They are there for medical advice, not to shame


> parenting. Now I will step off my soap box! LOL! Thanks for letting me

> rant!


> Jodi

> Mommy to twin girls

> and

> Mackenzie

> 7-11-1999

> icq#70190079

> Go to picturetrail.com/twinsmegmac

> to see pics of my girls!!


> Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!

> http://www.lactivist.com



Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!


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Yeah, they think it is ok to give them a pacifier - or some other " comfort

object " . But woo ho ho ho if baby is " attached " to mom!

Dawn and clan

Ethan Adnan (8-25-00) 5 weeks early, VSD

Elijah Iman (14 months) and Ibrahim Jerry (3)

***********My Angels************

Kiara Nichole - born still at 21 weeks

- 5-16-96, 22 weeks, gained her wings at 15 hours old

2 m/c angels


Re: nursing at night


> Why do people think that it is a crime When you nurse your baby to sleep.

> And why are people in such a hurry for a baby to grow up and learn to fall

> asleep on thier own. Most of us do't like sleeping alone so why push it?


> a few years our children won't want to cuddle anymore and we will wish


> we could nurse them to sleep again. My 14 month odl twins still wake up


> each per night to nurse. That's just about the only time I get to nurse


> individually. I love nursing them at night. I can just fall right back


> sleep wile they are nursing! And since when didn docs become the expets


> parenting our children? They are there for medical advice, not to shame


> parenting. Now I will step off my soap box! LOL! Thanks for letting me

> rant!


> Jodi

> Mommy to twin girls

> and

> Mackenzie

> 7-11-1999

> icq#70190079

> Go to picturetrail.com/twinsmegmac

> to see pics of my girls!!


> Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!

> http://www.lactivist.com



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Hi ,

Sam occasionally wakes up during the night to nurse, and when he does he

is actually *food* nursing, not *put me back to sleep* nursing. He is 7

mos. old. I do remember my oldest getting up every night to eat for a

real long time. I don't think it's a problem if it's not a problem for

you guys :).


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I get the opposite , my playgroups moms are like me, nursing toddlers and sharing beds lol That's who I get parenting advice from, not my dr's ;-)


I guess I'm in trouble too ÜMy DD will be 3 in October and night nursed 2 or 3 X's at night.I don't have any nursing boundaries set. If she wants to nurse more power to her. If people don't like it OH,Well...It's not like they are the one nursing her at night. I gets me when people have to chime in with an . 02 on your night time family life style (I.E.: Night Nursing or The Family Bed.) I get it so much from playgroup Moms.If your child enjoys night nursing and you don't mind ... YOU GO GIRL!!!!~

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Emmy just turned one and she still nurses at night every night. Sometimes

only once, sometimes more often. She sleeps with me so it really isn't a

problem. Sometimes I need that nursing as much as she does to fall asleep!


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is 10 months and will nurse 2-3 times a night depending on

when he goes to sleep and wakes up. He usually does it in his sleep.

Don't listen to anyone but your instincts and your baby. Each baby

is an individual. Some will sleep through the night, some nurse

every 3 hours, and others will nurse all night long if they're

allowed. If she's nursing at night she obviously still needs it.


> Hello!! Just wondering if anyone else nurses there over six month


> at night still. Madison still nurses twice at night and I get such


> stream of no no's from evreybody including her doctor. Madison is 8

> 1/2 months old. Should she be sleeping through the night? I think I

> would miss those middle of the night feedings!!! Thanks in


> Welton

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HAHAHAHA I just have to laugh!!! is almost 2 and still nurses at


Don't listen to anyone about what your child should be doing or shouldn't be

doing, what do they know?? Is your child happy? Healthy? Well then I don't

see the problem..as long as it isn't a problem for you, then don't worry!

nursing at night

Hello!! Just wondering if anyone else nurses there over six month old

at night still. Madison still nurses twice at night and I get such a

stream of no no's from evreybody including her doctor. Madison is 8

1/2 months old. Should she be sleeping through the night? I think I

would miss those middle of the night feedings!!! Thanks in advance!!!-


Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!


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I've seen and heard about that as well..all over the news here for a while!



Which is odd considering the article I just read this morning. There is

Finnish research that has found that pacifier use is related to ear



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I think if you *want* to nurse Madison at night and enjoy it - why stop? It

is up to you. I don't think they physically *need* to eat at night unless

perhaps you are gone all day and are " making up " for lost meals during the

day. I personnally don't enjoy middle of the night feedings - too fond of

my sleep - and apparently my little one likes his sleep too and sleeps all

night. I think it is up to you what you do. Do what is natural.



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My ds is 9 months and has never slept through the night either. Some nights

he only nurses about 2 times and some nights every hour. It depends on

whether he is coming down with a cold, teething or learning a major

milestone to mention a few. My dh's x-wife has a 5 month old and has been

sleeping for 13 hours a stretch since he was 3 months old but he is bottle

fed and she lets him cry it out poor bugger. He is highly scheduled too.

He has lost faith in his mom so he doesn't cry anymore for her at night.

That to me is sad. I know not all moms do this but some think that if the

baby sleeps the night they are doing something " better " then us who choose

to tend to all our babies needs day and night. I love sleeping with ds. I

LOVE feeding him when he needs it and nursing him for comfort for as long as

he needs it. I do not care I don't sleep 12 hours without interuption. He

is happy, I am happy and we all love it.


is 1 year old and she has never slept through the night, not

once, and

she still nurses 3-4-5 maybe more times a night I don't know Im too sleepy


really wake up to count.( One of the great perks of nursing : ) you get


sleep ) Now my last nursling she slept 5 hours a night from birth and around

3 months old slept 8 or more a night (I hated waking up soaked) Every baby


different and they all have their own patterns, go with that NOT what your

Dr. or some other parent says.


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In a message dated 9/11/00 3:45:07 PM Central Daylight Time,

kitty12@... writes:

<< Madison is 8

1/2 months old. Should she be sleeping through the night? >>


My son just turned 2 in Aug and is JUST NOW sleeping all night. Up until

about 3 months ago he was also waking a few times a night for nursing. I

decided that I needed to cut those out for my sanity and rest (I'm preg) so

we worked really hard on learning to get back to sleep without nursing. It's

been a long, very slow process but really it's worked out fine for us. And

that's what I'd tell you to say to those who try to 'poopoo' what/how you do

your parenting, just tell them it works fine for you and if/when it doesn't

anymore then you'll change things. It's hard, I know--no one in my family

subscribes to the whole breastfeeding/attachment parenting thing and always

have their little comments but I just say that if this is the worst thing I'm

doing to my son as his mommy, then let it be so....there are sooooo many

people in this world doing such horrible things to children that my decision

to continue to nurse/sleep with/whatever my son can't possibly compare! They

usually have nothing to say to that!

Best Wishes and keep up the good work!


sahm to Drake 8-18-98 edd 3-05-01

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Ryker sleeps with me and nurses when he wants at night. I have to get up at

5:30 to get ready for work and it works out much better for me to not have

to get up and feed him. He may start out the night in his bed, but he

always wakes up in my bed.

He is 8 months old and still primarily breastfed. I give him a couple of

baby teaspoons of maybe applesauce or green peas in the evening and that is

about it. Have you added any solids yet? I would not worry about what

others say. As long as you and Madison are comfortable with it, then


Amy W.

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I am pretty much a lurker here, have been like forever, just reading threads that interest me here and there but I still nurse my 12 almost 13 month old at nights at least 4 or sometimes even 5 times. She is teething right now so I am sure it is waking her up and she loves to nurse so why not. I just let her and it relaxes her, probably helps her forget about her toofers hurting so she can go back to sleep. I see nothing wrong with not allowing your babies to nurse at night until they are ready to give it up.

hugs, mommy to 6, 5, Austin 4/21/98 and 8/15/99Come check out our homepage athttp://www.geocites.com/melmonette_28and 's personal webpage athttp://www.theparentclub.com/websites/family/melmonette28

Re: nursing at night>> Why do people think that it is a crime When you nurse your baby to sleep.> And why are people in such a hurry for a baby to grow up and learn to fall> asleep on thier own. Most of us do't like sleeping alone so why push it?In> a few years our children won't want to cuddle anymore and we will wishthat> we could nurse them to sleep again. My 14 month odl twins still wake uponce> each per night to nurse. That's just about the only time I get to nursethem> individually. I love nursing them at night. I can just fall right backto> sleep wile they are nursing! And since when didn docs become the expetsin> parenting our children? They are there for medical advice, not to shameour> parenting. Now I will step off my soap box! LOL! Thanks for letting me> rant!>> Jodi> Mommy to twin girls> and> Mackenzie > 7-11-1999> icq#70190079> Go to picturetrail.com/twinsmegmac> to see pics of my girls!!>> Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!> http://www.lactivist.com>>Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!http://www.lactivist.com

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> is 10 months and will nurse 2-3 times a night depending on

> when he goes to sleep and wakes up. He usually does it in his sleep.

> Don't listen to anyone but your instincts and your baby. Each baby

> is an individual. Some will sleep through the night, some nurse

> every 3 hours, and others will nurse all night long if they're

> allowed. If she's nursing at night she obviously still needs it.

Hi All!

I am new here, my name is Jodi, I have a 4 month old girl we named

Rose, I am still nursing (on demand) sometimes every 2-3 hours during the

day, usually 3-4 hours and 3-4 times at night (11pm before we go to bed,

2+/-, 4+/-, she comes into our bed around 4, then nibbles the rest of the

morning) I work 3 days per week (I am pumping) and she doesn't eat too much

at DC (hates the bottle), maybe 8oz during 8+ hours. I don't plan to

introduce cereal until at least 5-6 months.

I took her to the doctors today (I suspected an ear infection, dr. said it

was minor but there was a little bit of fluid) Doctor said she should be

going 4-5+ hours between feedings during the day and 10-12 at night!! I am so

glad I have joined this group and have been reading what you all have said

about nursing at night etc...I will continue to feed my daughter when she is

hungry! Only she knows when she is hungry and I am learning!

Glad to be here

take care

Jodi & Sami 5-17-00

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Good for you! My Blake does sleep all night, but that is just him. If he

would get up one, tow, or three times a night I would also nurse him if he

wanted. I think we all have to learn to take some things the doctors say

with a grain of salt.


Mommy to Blake

born 4-2-00

visit Blake's web site at http://www.growthspurts.com/view.asp?s=20969

....I will continue to feed my daughter when she is

> hungry! Only she knows when she is hungry and I am learning!

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Glad to have you here and it is so great that you have been able to have

your intuition validated. That is exactly what this list is all about. :)



breastfeeding resources and info

Re: nursing at night


> is 10 months and will nurse 2-3 times a night depending on

> when he goes to sleep and wakes up. He usually does it in his sleep.

> Don't listen to anyone but your instincts and your baby. Each baby

> is an individual. Some will sleep through the night, some nurse

> every 3 hours, and others will nurse all night long if they're

> allowed. If she's nursing at night she obviously still needs it.

Hi All!

I am new here, my name is Jodi, I have a 4 month old girl we named

Rose, I am still nursing (on demand) sometimes every 2-3 hours during the

day, usually 3-4 hours and 3-4 times at night (11pm before we go to bed,

2+/-, 4+/-, she comes into our bed around 4, then nibbles the rest of the

morning) I work 3 days per week (I am pumping) and she doesn't eat too much

at DC (hates the bottle), maybe 8oz during 8+ hours. I don't plan to

introduce cereal until at least 5-6 months.

I took her to the doctors today (I suspected an ear infection, dr. said it

was minor but there was a little bit of fluid) Doctor said she should be

going 4-5+ hours between feedings during the day and 10-12 at night!! I am


glad I have joined this group and have been reading what you all have said

about nursing at night etc...I will continue to feed my daughter when she is

hungry! Only she knows when she is hungry and I am learning!

Glad to be here

take care

Jodi & Sami 5-17-00

Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!


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> Is tooth decay a reason to stop night nursings? I took my daughter

for her one year checkup today and saw the nurse practitioner, who I

like. She suggested that I begin to wean her off the night nursing

in order to prevent tooth decay. She said the lactose in the milk

can cause teeth to rot if it settles there overnight. I didn't think

there was lactose in breastmilk, only in cow's milk. Can the sugars

in breastmilk do the same thing? Also, it's not like my breast is in

her mouth dripping all night like a bottle would be. She's sucking

and swallowing just like when she nurses during the day. My feeling

is that this is not a legitimate concern but wanted to see what you

all had to say about it. Has anyone else been told this by their



> Blithe

Breastmilk actually has an enzyme that fights cavities. First Teeth

toothpaste also has the same enzyme.

And yes, the lactose in breastmilk is difference than lactose in

cow's milk.


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