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Re: Re: Crohn's Disease

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, how long have you had Crohn's? I always used to have potassium problems due to the constant runs to the bathroom. Have you had surgery? Gatorade is good to drink. I was hospitalized several times for dehydration and flare ups. Thank you for your support. You have made me feel much calmer. Dana Wilkinson wrote: Dana:Well, I don't have to worry about the husband thing

anymore, as I amnow single.In '01, I presented to the ER with what I thought was an ulcer. I havea high pressure job so I really wasn't surprised. It felt as if someonehad a fist around my stomach and chest. When they got my LFT's backthey said that it was my gallbladder and not an ulcer so they didsurgery. There was nothing else done except sending me to a Gastro tofind out why my LFT's were so high and why there were strictures in thebile ducts. There was no rebuilding. I guess each case is different. I have not had any problems with my liver except for one stent aboutthree years ago. The week before Christmas I was in the Hospital for the entire weekwith what I thought was a Crohn's flare up but after a colonoscopy theysaid that was not the problem. My potassium level wouldn't stay up andthe most they could tell me is that I have a couple of disease processesgoing on and these things are going to happen. I

don't know if thatmeans the liver is now acting up or not. I have a doctor's appt nextweek and plan to ask. I do know that bouncing back from this latestillness has been very difficult. I still look sick and I have been outof the Hospital about three weeks now. I am feeling much more likemyself but I still tire out easily. If anybody out there has anyknowledge of potassium level problems and this sort of flare up, pleaselet me know.Don't be a basket case because of this disease. All that does is takeaway time from your husband and sons. Enjoy every second. I spent thefirst couple of years getting my affairs in order because I thought thatdeath was right around the corner. I got tired of that and decided tolive and I really do enjoy life......probably more now than I did when Ithought I was perfectly healthy. Don't get me wrong, everybody shouldhave their affairs in order, just in case. You just don't want to

makeit your entire focus. In my case............I work full time, I go toschool part-time and I am a foster mom to a beautiful 17 year old girl. I do get depressed when I get sick but I make myself move past it. Ittakes a lot of effort at times but I refuse to let my life be overbecause of PSC (which I refer to as "this stupid disease"). :)Good Luck>>> "Dana Rados" <dnrados (AT) yahoo (DOT) com> 1/15/2007 5:03 PM >>>Hi . I am Dana. New to the group. I had to smile at your entry,cause I have had crohns since 7. The scenerio with your husband and hispants has happened here. My poor husband has learned to do everything,including feed me when i cant stomach cooking. I have two teen boys. Ihave never taken entercort. I was diagnosed with PSC three years agoand have been a basket case since. My question to you. is, I wasdiagnosed during an

ercp, due to a gall stone. I was told that thegallbladder could not come out bec. they would have to rebuild the bileducts. I continually have swelling and pain in the gallbladder, unlessit is the PSC. How did you have yours out? did they rebuild yourducts? Any help would be great. I am so new to this and am confrusedby gallblatter vs. bile duct pain. symptoms....thanks Dana===========================================================This message is confidential, intended onlyfor the named recipient(s) and may containinformation that is privileged or exempt fromdisclosure under applicable law. If you arenot the intended recipient(s), you are notifiedthat the dissemination, distribution or copyingof this message is strictly prohibited. If youreceived this message in error, or are not thenamed recipient(s), please notify the senderand delete this e-mail from your

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