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Hysterectomy anyone?

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I'm just now posting about this because I'm scared...I went Friday to my ob/gyn and his recommendation for me at this point is a hysterectomy. My uterus is prolapsed. I realize that hysterectomy doesn't have to be the first line of action for prolapse, and for me it's not. I've avoided this surgery for many years already! I had suspension surgery on my uterus 9 yrs. ago for severe retroversion. I had my second child 4 yrs ago and the ligaments are stretched out and allowed my uterus to drop. I'm scared. I would like to hear from those of you that have had a hysterectomy. I also have IC, as well as v.pain, so it's important for me to know what kind of effects it might have on my bladder. Hopefully good, because right now, my uterus is sitting on top of my bladder. It's also causing bowels symptoms too, as well as pain with sitting. Oh, and I also have a fibroid...going for another ultrasound soon to see if it's grown anymore. I just don't think I have any other options right now... I'm not going to have my ovaries removed and I'm already on an Estrogen patch, so that is a plus. Please keep in mind that this is a hard decision...and I really don't want any scary stories... Questions: 1). Did it change your sex life? 2). Any bladder or bowel problems? 3). Vaginal infections? More, less, no change? Thanks, Chelle

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Chelle, As far as your sex life goes.... What is REALLY nice is there is never any down time due to your period! I hated feeling undesireable for two weeks. You don't have to contend with cramps or the abdominal bloating ever again. I just smile when I walk by the poor souls who still have to buy feminine products. lol I feel so free. I don't have to worry about pregnancy. I don't have to worry about birth control. All of this has led to a better sex life for me. The top of the uterus was sown shut, but I cannot feel the difference. Though it concerned me, I found that lubrication is the same (lol). Before the surgery: If you can arrange to get someone to clean your house once a week or every other week while you are recovering I would. It freaked me out to have it messy and I

did more than I should have... I changed my Netflix from 3 movies to 5 so I had things to watch that helped pass the time faster than soaps etc. I didn't feel like eating when I got home for the first week but I managed to get some yougert down as well as water and juice. GET GOOD DRUGS and stay ahead of the pain for the first two weeks. If the label says take every six hours...do it. Don't wait until you are hurting. You are nine years older than the last time and it is much harder as you get older. My neighbor came over every day and made me coffee and made sure I ate something. The first week just taking a shower and eating was all I could manage. I felt better when I wore clothes rather than jammies. I wore overall shorts most of the days as there is no waist to contend with so there was no pressure on the incision. I put an ice pack on my abdomen to bring down the swelling. I stayed swollen for

3-4 months, but eventually it went down and now my belly is flatter than before...love it! Best of luck! AnnieChelle wrote: Thanks so much, Arline....I appreciate you responding. I've heard so many 'bad' stories over the years that it's nice when I hear the good ones (more please)! My uterus isn't at the worst stage of prolapse right now...but I know that is where it's headed. Sorry for being nosey here...but I mean, hey, we're

always talking about our vulva's *grin* so how did it affect your sex life? That is one of my biggest concerns. After all these years of pain...the last two years I've been doing really well sexually speaking...some have told me they were fine and it didn't affect their sex life at all...with others...they make statements like, it ruined mine...*yikes*...anyway, thanks and if you think of anything....please let me know... sincerely, ~Chelle BABB <pajaritomountain (AT) yahoo (DOT) com> wrote: Chelle,I had a vaginal hysterectomy ten or fifteen years ago(can't even remember). I was prolapsed and got tiredof my uterus poking out of you know where and theaccompanying crowding, etc. I never did a betterthing in my life. I also had the ovaries removedbecause I figured that they were going to be

worn outpretty soon anyway and I didn't want them there tocause trouble or potentially cause any more excuse tohave to have more and better tests, etc. (I wantedfewer reasons to go to the doc). The surgery wasnothing. It isn't scary at all.I don't think most docs recommend hysterectomy so Iwould take him at his word. I didn't affect my life in any way except to make itbetter and easier and healthier.Good luck with your decisions.Arline____________________________________________________________________________________Ready for the edge of your seat? Check out tonight's top picks on Yahoo! TV. http://tv.yahoo.com/**IF REPLYING TO THIS POST, PLEASE REMOVE ORIGINAL POST, Thanks for your cooperation! *****

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