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Re: to Taniesha & friends from Gwynne

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Gwynnie ... well I won't go back to ER again for the same thing. No point. Even tho' the pain is a '10' is subsides in about 20 min. and no cause can be found.

I wondered about weaning off the pain patch but it doesn't seem like pain would be that severe or sudden or subside just as quickly. Gee, I don't know.

I've been weaned down very slowly to prevent any withdrawals... had some but

now I'm within 5 DAYS of being OFF pain patch!

Thanks for your note..

MamaSher, age 70. IPF 3-06, OR. NasturtiumsDon't fret about tomorrow, God is already there!

to Taniesha & friends from Gwynne

Hi Taniesha,I had a single-lung transplant on 4-3-08, but I dohave GERD. I rarely ever have any symptoms, so Ididn't know I had it until my transplant evaluation, whichis a curse and a blessing. Apparently, there is a poorcorrelation between GERD and successful transplantation,particularly when there's aspiration. Many of us onthe board have reflux issues, and the fact that mine wasuntreated for perhaps many years has made me wonderif perhaps it caused my IPF in conjunction with otherunknown factors.Interestingly, many pediatric studies have now shownthat many children with asthma also have GERD.They tried to control my reflux with a daily dose of80 mg. of Nexium alone, but tests showed that didn'tdo the trick. So I take a med called Reglan (Metoclopromide)before meals and at bedtime, which seems to work. Ifthey hadn't been able to get things under control, Iprobably would not have been listed for transplant, soit's obviously nothing to fool around with whethertransplant is being considered or not. Reglan isn't amedication that they really want to keep you on longterm, but I don't have a choice at this time.Sher,No more of this going to the hospital, okay? I hate itthat you've had so much pain, and I hope it doesn'thave anything to do with coming off the pain meds.I hope you get some relief immediately if not sooner.Healing wishes and hugs are headed your way.Peggy,I'm glad you're about done with the Levaquin. I'm delightedthat you had such a fun outing with your friend and yourdaughter - another happy memory. Get well hugs to you.,Kick that CMV's butt! You're doing a great job of doingwhat you need to do. Keep up the good work and the goodattitude. I'm rooting for you all the way!Hugs and blessings,Gwynne Single-lung Transplant for IPF on 4-3-08at UTHSC- San Fort Worth, TX

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