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most all the local neuros

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In Jens 10 years we have been to most all the local neuros. Fellman, Patel,

Adler & more. They all specialize in different areas, so it would depend on

what the problem is-This is my opinion only.

I liked Dr. Fellman & stopped going to him because he doesn't take Jens

Medicaid. I found him positive, personable & knowledgeable. The only

complaint I have about him is that even though he is experienced with the

ketogenic diet for epilepsy he would not recommend it & was negative about

it. I would say his specialty is Epilepsy but not exclusively.

Dr. Addler has a cliic once a month & does accept Medicaid so we switched to

him. He was nice to us but knew nothing about the keto diet. I heard he

said sexist things about someone but I had no negative experience with him

myself. He would not diagnose Jen on the spectrum & the reason was in my

opinion ignorant or else he was talking down to me. He also suggested

antipsychotic drugs instead of ritilin for adhd because of the interaction

with seizure meds. We didn't want to go there. I was told his specialty was

autism but not exclusively.

I went to Patel once & for a second opinion. She is the most personable of

all of them -- really nice woman, but I was least impressed with her-found

her " wishy washy " -she would not diagnose anything. I was trying to get Jen

diagnosed with ADHD (finally did at Hackensack ICD) & she would not diagnose

her-said she was too young. She also said she had limited ability to

prescribe drugs for Jen because of her combination of behaviors & Epilepsy

and to go back to Adler for that. (She now has a colleague who is a neuro

specializing in epilepsy-Chen?. No one likes this woman personally but she

is considered good.) I later saw Patel again through the school board &

tried to get Jen diagnosed on the spectrum. She refused but did diagnose

" PDD like " behaviors. I was told her specialty was autism but not


There is a creepy German guy in the area -Schneider? We saw him once through

the school board-he literally made me sick-he asked me (Jen is adopted) " Vich

von ov her parents ver crazzzy? "

There is a new team of neuros at Hackensack hosp. They are epileptologists-

Lambrakis & Lancman & a neurosurgeon. They are starting a parent support

group open to the community with a music therapy group for the kids at the

same time. I liked them but found someone I think is better. They don't

have experience with the Keto diet.

We go to a neuro who is an Epileptologist. She is new to the area & just

opened the Pediatric Epilepsy Center clinic at Colombia pres. She is also

opening an office in NJ-it should have been open already but is not due to

" red tape. " I think she is the nicest & smartest of them all-DR. Zupanc &

she takes Medicaid. If there is any concern about seizures I would recommend

her over the others.

As you can see I am pro the Keto Diet for Epilepsy. Most neuros are not-they

study medicine not nutrition. I think it is the least invasive treatment can

be done gfcf & can improve behavior & cognition. It has a good success rate

when done properly.

Joan jens mom

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Great report on neurologists - made for some interesting and informative reading!

I agree with Fellman's specialty being epilepsy. He has been 's neuro for three years and we have never seen him for the autism, he has only focused on the seizures. He always seemed very comfortable with us seeing a developmental pediatrician (who I believe is also a neurologist) at the same time. In fact, I think Dr. Fellman suspected as being autistic but was hesitant to diagnose and instead sent us to Hackensack ICD where she was misdiagnosed by the staff developmental pediatrician (Jasmine Furman) as having a speech delay. I think he was relieved when we went on to Dr. Holahan and both doctors seemed happy dealing with 's different issues.


I liked Dr. Fellman & stopped going to him because he doesn't take Jens Medicaid. I found him positive, personable & knowledgeable. The only complaint I have about him is that even though he is experienced with the ketogenic diet for epilepsy he would not recommend it & was negative about it. I would say his specialty is Epilepsy but not exclusively.

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Great report on neurologists - made for some interesting and informative reading!

I agree with Fellman's specialty being epilepsy. He has been 's neuro for three years and we have never seen him for the autism, he has only focused on the seizures. He always seemed very comfortable with us seeing a developmental pediatrician (who I believe is also a neurologist) at the same time. In fact, I think Dr. Fellman suspected as being autistic but was hesitant to diagnose and instead sent us to Hackensack ICD where she was misdiagnosed by the staff developmental pediatrician (Jasmine Furman) as having a speech delay. I think he was relieved when we went on to Dr. Holahan and both doctors seemed happy dealing with 's different issues.


I liked Dr. Fellman & stopped going to him because he doesn't take Jens Medicaid. I found him positive, personable & knowledgeable. The only complaint I have about him is that even though he is experienced with the ketogenic diet for epilepsy he would not recommend it & was negative about it. I would say his specialty is Epilepsy but not exclusively.

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