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I don't see our trip to NYC as a waste of energy. Yes, it looks as though

the treatment failed, but we had such a great time there and that is what is

in our memory today. The kids got to go up to the top of the World Trade

Center, take the subway to Yankee stadium to watch a ball game, a carriage

ride in Central Park, my daughter was thrilled to see her first Broadway

show and the guys had a blast in Madison Square Gardens cheering like the

locals at a basketball game. Nothing beats the thrill of being in the

middle of the street in Time Square at midnight and it's crowded chaos. As

for the Lederman dinner, I was just joking. But, if you are ever in San

Diego you are welcomed to our home for dinner.


>2. Craig, I think we were invited for dinner with Lederman because we are

Australian (and Em was the first Australian teenager to be treated at his

clinic)...As far as his claims to fame re success rates, I honestly would

take that with a grain of salt...(again looking back). There have been

moments when I have wanted to kick myself for going to America and Em having

the treatment. Firstly because it didn't work, but also because it was a

huge financial burden. Many of our relatives helped to fund the trip, and I

still owe many thousands of dollars. However, I try not to be too hard on

myself, and also am trying to let go of the anger/frustration because it is

basically a waste of energy. We did what we thought was right, and at the

end of the day, if you're doing the best you can, then what more can be

done? One moment at a time is my philosophy in life now..everything is

constantly being sized up " Is this really a big problem?? " I ask myself that

constantly and re-e!

valuate things into " biggies " and " smallies " and " not worth a second look " .


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I don't see our trip to NYC as a waste of energy. Yes, it looks as though

the treatment failed, but we had such a great time there and that is what is

in our memory today. The kids got to go up to the top of the World Trade

Center, take the subway to Yankee stadium to watch a ball game, a carriage

ride in Central Park, my daughter was thrilled to see her first Broadway

show and the guys had a blast in Madison Square Gardens cheering like the

locals at a basketball game. Nothing beats the thrill of being in the

middle of the street in Time Square at midnight and it's crowded chaos. As

for the Lederman dinner, I was just joking. But, if you are ever in San

Diego you are welcomed to our home for dinner.


>2. Craig, I think we were invited for dinner with Lederman because we are

Australian (and Em was the first Australian teenager to be treated at his

clinic)...As far as his claims to fame re success rates, I honestly would

take that with a grain of salt...(again looking back). There have been

moments when I have wanted to kick myself for going to America and Em having

the treatment. Firstly because it didn't work, but also because it was a

huge financial burden. Many of our relatives helped to fund the trip, and I

still owe many thousands of dollars. However, I try not to be too hard on

myself, and also am trying to let go of the anger/frustration because it is

basically a waste of energy. We did what we thought was right, and at the

end of the day, if you're doing the best you can, then what more can be

done? One moment at a time is my philosophy in life now..everything is

constantly being sized up " Is this really a big problem?? " I ask myself that

constantly and re-e!

valuate things into " biggies " and " smallies " and " not worth a second look " .


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  • 6 years later...

n ... I haven't read all the posts yet but I quickly add mine after reading yours.

If your reading was approx. 81 after a walk the dork of a receptionist should be paper slapped! Do tell your pulmonologist or better yet, run to another one. Usually only qualified people are involved in your testing.

For me, there is always an alternative use of O2. Talk to your Dr about it and also talk to your O2 provider. A lot hangs on what the Dr Rx'd.

One of the first things we learn from the board is to be our own best advocate! Always and with anyone.

Your troubles with reply may depend on what you use for email. I'm on Outlook Express. If you are reading a post you should be able to reply just by clicking on "send" (after you reply, not before) near the top of the post you are reading.

Go after 'em n.

MamaSher, age 70. IPF 3-06, OR. NasturtiumsDon't fret about tomorrow, God is already there!


Hello...I'm one of the resident "lurkers," and while I've posted a fewtimes, I can't seem to post by "reply," only by going to Yahoo Groups, signing in, etc. It's a bit cumbersome. Can anyone tell my how to reply?My Korea to New York City to Rochester, New York back to NYC odyssey has finally, and mercifully, ended. I am at home on Oak Island, North Carolina. I had to wait 7 weeks for a first appointment with a doctor,who, surprise, surprise, thinks I should see a pulmonologist.This doctor had me walk around the parking lot for 5 minutes, then checked my oxygen level...or rather, the receptionist did. She seemed to think it was necessary to wait until the number on the oximeter stopped going up, which of course it continued to do until it hit 90 (it had started out at 81)which took about 5 minutes. I've also started on oxygen, but only using it part time. The portable tanks weigh so much that I find them very difficult to move around.Dale's experience with the doctor thinking 5 liters of oxygen was tops for going home made me want to ask if there is any lighter weight alternative to the 12 lb tanks mentioned above?My best to all, and I hope Dale is speedily home.n

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