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Natural Thyroid Hormone ADRENALSHi,

My name is . I think maybe I have a long standing adrenal insuffieciency.

I was on BC pills and it messed with my thyroid so even a western med doc took

me off. This was 20 yrs ago. My mom, her mom, my self, my aunts, my daughter,

all have anxiety/rage issues. I have salivary stones since September of last

year. Seven years ago I had PPD and treated it with armour thyroid, naturally

compounded cortisol, progesterone and estrogen, 5HTP, Inositol, and glycine for

sleep issues. It worked well. I had this wierd allergic reaction to a plant a

couple years ago, recieved predinosone, then went into what I thought was a

thyroid storm and adrenal crisis. The doc thought it was anxiety though, and

gave me antidepressents during the slow wean off prednisone, then I weaned off

the antidepressents.

I can take supplements, sauna, and take milk thistle with no side effects and

sauna gives me a sense of well being.

I am doing the andy cutler method of chelation, and we begin with very low doses

of 7.5 mg DMSA, and the same for my 14 year old daughter, we are chelating

together. We both suffer from extreme fatigue during and after rounds. We cannot

get out of bed or lift our hand w/o extreme effort and in general feel like

complete and total crap. My reading on MDC and the Adult metal chelation group

lead me to this group to explore adrenals. We both have mercury and lead, and

are toxic and needing detox, so we know that plays a role.

I also notice that while I do get rushes of adrenaline, most of the time I am

completely exausted. My daughter also sleeps excessively. I am sure we have the

same problem.

We have gone through previous stressors that could have destroyed our adrenals.

We have virtually no money for testing or dr.s or rx's right now. I am trying

to find all the lesser expensive clues currently...like I tried this trick of

putting iodine on my thigh and it did absorb, so someone I met told me this

means I am iodine deficient. I would like ideas on how to address ways of

delivering iodine if our entire family including small children because if I am,

maybe the entire family is iodine deficient. I would like to know possible Food

sources, best tasting supplements, most effective, of iodine.

Anyway...I don't know where to begin but I am here to begin to try to figure out

our adrenal and thyroid issues and get some ideas of what we can start doing to

get on track.

Thank you in advance!

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with possible adrenal issues oyu cannot afford to NOT test. You

can order your own form www.canaryclub.org for $141.55 for the complete

series of sex hormones, thyroid, cortils and DHEA. You cannto properly

treat adrenals without knowing what oyu are treating as high and low

cortisl symoptoms are the same.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



http://www.seewell4less.com/Valspage.htm Medical Alert Bracelets

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With Andy's protocol, you need to increase your mineral and vitamin

supplements a LOT during chelation because DMSA pulls minerals out of the

body too. How long have you been doing the protocol? Are you following it

every 8 hours or every 4? And how many days on versus days off? I know the

effects of chelation you describe are not uncommon and people get better as

they get further. However, often people have to adjust things in their

protocol and I know they need to supplement to help their bodies during


Regarding iodine, some people use Lugol's oil, some people use Iodoral, and

I have been using seaweeds, i.e. kombu. Selenium and a host of other things

are essential. Most people I know doing the protocol are on 25+ supplements.

I will be doing Andy's protocol too when I get my fillings removed. Do you

have Andy's book? Also, when you go to the Adult Metal Chelation group, do a

search for Cartland. He posted a few years ago a list of things he

was taking that were helping. He also posted this in 2003 while he was

chelating and documenting improvements:


I think that the chelation groups in general are better equipped to answer

your questions about chelation and what to supplement so I will focus on


Andy recommends supporting adrenals and thyroid first AND during the

chelation process. You most definitely sound to me like you need cortisol,

and probably a lot of it. Especially with the adrenaline rushes. However,

please do the $141 test before you start supplementing. I can relate to

money being tight, but it is well worth it to test before you are on

cortisol so you know where your adrenals are. We can't help you much here

without your baseline test results which need to be without having

supplemented with cortisol or glandulars that contain cortisol. Chelation,

as good as it is, is VERY hard on the body too, especially adrenals and

thyroid. The good news is you are pulling out the toxins so in the long run

will feel much, much better. I know a couple who was able to reverse their

infertility by using Andy's protocol for 2 years.

We most frequently use Diagnos Tech salivary tests from Canary Club which

includes cortisol 4 times a day, DHEA, sex hormones, thyroid hormones and

antibodies. Very, very cheap for all you get and the lab even writes up a

brief analysis and suggestions on support.


-----Original Message-----

Anyway...I don't know where to begin but I am here to begin to try to

figure out our adrenal and thyroid issues and get some ideas of what we can

start doing to get on track.

Thank you in advance!


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Yes, my autistic son was on the Cutler protocol for 8 months before his 18th

birthday and was completely transformed. He went from very low verbal and us

having to take care of him the rest of his life to conversational, from not

leaving the house or bathing six months at a time, to going out everyday, no

life skills, to brushing hair, showering, clipping nails, brushing teeth, making

a sandwich, and now he is driving and in college, and last month he got a job.

He went from only wearing pajama pants to real clothes. He got a haircut. Before

it was down past his rear, and now it is above the ears. Lots of changes. One

of the first things to change was that his sleep clock regulated.

Unfortunately, he is now having sleep issues again. He is off all supplements

and he chose to stopped chelating but it wasn't until we said how awful we felt

chelating when he told us it made him feel extremely exausted too. He had mostly

said it was too many pills to swallow. He never had the verbal skills to express

how bad he was really feeling, and when he did mention that he felt worse our

reply was that it wasn't going to feel good to get those toxins out. Also he had

no chores, all he had to do was lay in bed, so we didn't see why he couldn't

still chelate, it wasn't like myself who has to chelate and work three jobs,

homeschool five children and run a household. Maybe he has weak adrenals also.

I am just now figuring the adrenal connection in when I tried to chelate myself.

Now he is saying " I told you so " .

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That is SO great to hear about your son. Early intervention is the key and I

hear so many good reports from parents of autistic kids who use Andy's

protocol on their kids.

Congratulations on being such a conscientious parent willing to look outside

the box.

I think it is worth testing him for adrenal fatigue through Diagnos Tech.

Especially after chelating 8 months. The other thing about supplements,

liquid or sublingually absorb better and are less of a pain for a lot of

people. There was a time I could not swallow any pills because my throat was

too closed up. It sounds that in him though, it was too many pills and the

routine was too much for him with growing fatigue. Sometimes people need a

break from chelation. It might be easier for him to start up again in the

summer with less other stresses like school.

Weak adrenals can cause the level of exhaustion he describes. I have gone

through periods where I have no energy and can't get out of bed to somewhat

normal functioning. Testing when he isn't on HC is really best since you

will get a more accurate picture. You will also get to see what is happening

with his sex hormones and thyroid.


-----Original Message-----

Yes, my autistic son was on the Cutler protocol for 8 months before his

18th birthday and was completely transformed.

Also he had no chores, all he had to do was lay in bed, so we didn't see

why he couldn't still chelate, it wasn't like myself who has to chelate and

work three jobs, homeschool five children and run a household. Maybe he has

weak adrenals also. I am just now figuring the adrenal connection in when I

tried to chelate myself. Now he is saying " I told you so " .


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